
Assume, nevertheless, that the check clears in the normal course of business and Walter is able to access the funds on January 4; in which year should Walter include the check and income? How would your answer be different if the check was dishonored when Walter presented the check for payment?

Tax Accounting


1-The results approved by the Supreme Court in Sanford and Brooks seems unfair. What are your thoughts? What exceptions to the annual accounting system have been implemented since?

2-From 2015-2018, Paul Mann was employed by DJT, Inc. as a as a purchasing agent. DJT, Inc. sued Mann for fraud. The court ordered that Mann was to pay to DJT, Inc. damages in “the sum of $5,000,000, representing $4,500,000 in `kickbacks’ illegally received by Mann from DJT, Inc.’s suppliers, and $500,000 in salary paid to Mann by DJT, Inc. while Mann was acting in a manner disloyal to his employer.Mann paid to DJT, Inc. $4,000,000 in 2019 and $1,000,000 in 2020. Is Mann entitled to IRC §1341 relief?

3-Ruby Corporation, Diamond Corporation, and Emerald Corporation are equal partners in the RDE Partnership. The partners’ tax year-ends are as follows:

Ruby December 31

Diamond April 30

Emerald September 30

What year end must the partnership use?


4-When a taxpayer fail to regularly keep book and records to determine its year end can it nevertheless choose fiscal year end?


5-Is a C corporation limited in selecting a year end?

6-Can a taxpayer be prevented from using a particular method of accounting simply because the size of the business? For example, can a national law firm with three hundred attorneys and four hundred fifty office staff with gross receipts of $150,000,000 use the cash method?

7-On December 30, 2018 Walter receives a check for $500 drawn on an Owner’s account at the Last National Bank for payment for services rendered. Walter immediately deposits the check in his account at the First National Bank. The First National Bank places a hold on the account for several days which results in Walter being unable to access the funds until January 4, 2019.

  • Assume, nevertheless, that the check clears in the normal course of business and Walter is able to access the funds on January 4; in which year should Walter include the check and income?
  • How would your answer be different if the check was dishonored when Walter presented the check for payment?

8-a.Under the accrual method when must income be recognized?

b.Under the accrual method when may an expense be deducted?

9-When is a taxpayer required to recognize income under the all events test?

10-Which one of the following will result in an accruable expense for an accrual-basis taxpayer?

  1. An invoice dated prior to year end but the repair completed after year end.
  2. A repair completed prior to year end but not invoiced.
  3. A repair completed prior to year end and paid upon completion.
  4. A signed contract for repair work to be done and the work is to be completed at a later date.

Explain your answer.

In Chapter 3, you’ll learn about groupthink. Define this concept and summarize its symptoms. After watching the cross-cultural communication video, identify some common cultural differences.

MGT-421 – week 3

Watch the short videos at the following links:

3.3 Test your knowledge (Question):

In Chapter 3, you’ll learn about groupthink. Define this concept and summarize its symptoms.

After watching the cross-cultural communication video, identify some common cultural differences.

Are virtual teams considered one of the tools used to achieve a competitive advantage for organizations? Are virtual teams considered a modern administrative practice that cannot be overlooked with technological development and modern means of communication?

Economics Question

Question 1: Are virtual teams considered one of the tools used to achieve a competitive advantage for organizations?
Question 2: Are virtual teams considered a modern administrative practice that cannot be overlooked with technological development and modern means of communication?

Question 3: Does apply this practice within business organizations lead to an increase in innovations?

Question 4: Does cultural difference and multiple skills and knowledge within virtual teams positively affect the increase in innovation?

Question 5: What are the difficulties that face business organizations to rely on virtual teams?

Question 6: How can one address these difficulties and reach the best solutions?

Explain the tax treatment for bad debt and net operating losses. Explain which assets are zakat able and which are non-zakat able and steps for calculating zakat on cash wealth.

ACCT-422 Week 3

2. Action Required:

Watch The Short Video In The Following Link:…

Explain the tax treatment for bad debt and net operating losses.

Explain which assets are zakat able and which are non-zakat able and steps for calculating zakat on cash wealth.

Explain how to manage digital evidence throughout the lifecycle of a case so that it is admissible in court or for use in legal action. List two reasons why digital evidence might be inadmissible. Identify the requirements for acquiring and authenticating evidence.

CYS 663 Digital forensics and investigating

During this module, you explored the topics of forensic methods and labs. Different kinds of cases go through different processes. It is important that the investigator manages digital evidence throughout this process and follows guidelines. Consider the do’s and don’ts of managing digital evidence and respond to the following:

  • Explain how to manage digital evidence throughout the lifecycle of a case so that it is admissible in court or for use in legal action. List two reasons why digital evidence might be inadmissible.
  • Identify the requirements for acquiring and authenticating evidence.
  • Support your viewpoint using sources from the Internet, your textbook, or the Saudi Digital Library.

In preparing your response, include at least one source from professional or academic literature—such as articles from peer-reviewed journals and relevant textbooks. For this course, Wikipedia is not considered an academic or professional reference. Also, proofread and spell check your responses. All sources should be formatted using APA guidelines.

You are required to reply to at least two peer discussion question post answers to this weekly discussion question and/or your instructor’s response to your posting. These post replies need to be substantial and constructive in nature. They should add to the content of the post and evaluate/analyze that post’s answer. Normal course dialogue doesn’t fulfill these two peer replies but is expected throughout the course. Answering all course questions is also required.

Discuss your research on the specific goals or objectives of the organization over the next 5 years, along with the main principles of a performance management system.

Performance Management (12 points)

In this discussion question, choose any Saudi Arabian company in which you are familiar.

  • Discuss your research on the specific goals or objectives of the organization over the next 5 years, along with the main principles of a performance management system.
  • Using the first three elements of the performance management system/process (as mentioned in Module 1), discuss how each of these elements are utilized in your organization.
  • Recommend how these three elements can be better utilized to increase organizational performance.

Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook. Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources if appropriate.

Identify potential health and safety issues for both employees and animals. Identify potential supply chain issues and specific threats to the dairy industry in Saudi Arabia.

Critical Thinking: Acceptable Use Policy

Case Study:

ManyFarms is a primary dairy provider offering numerous dairy products including, cheese, milk, and butter products, in Saudi Arabia. In addition, a new district of farms is opening in the Jeddah area. As cybersecurity manager, you have been tasked with developing the Jeddah business continuity planning (BCP).

Answer the following questions:

  1. Identify potential health and safety issues for both employees and animals.
  2. Identify potential supply chain issues and specific threats to the dairy industry in Saudi Arabia.
  3. Identify the potential business impact of supply chain shortages and market changes on the dairy industry in Saudi Arabia.A
  4. What technology strategies can help reduce business shortfalls and increase productivity.


  • Your responses should be 2 – 3 pages long, not including the title or reference pages.
  • Be sure to provide citations from your readings and additional research to support your statements.
  • Your paper must follow APA academic writing standards and style guidelines, as appropriate.

When does a corporation need a board of directors? Who should and should not serve on a board of directors? What about environmentalists or union leaders?

Week 3: Interactive Activity

Content Introduction

­­­­­­­­­­­­Learning Outcomes

1. Demonstrate how executive leadership is an important part of strategic management.



Chapter 1. Corporate Governance Context: Constraints and Challenges

  • Textbook: Wheelen, T. L., Hunger, D., Hoffman, A. N., & Bamford, C. E. (2014). Concepts in strategic management and business policy (14th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. ISBN-13: 9780133126129 (print), 9780133126433 (e-text)



Business Roundtable (2016). Principles of Corporate Governance. Harvard Law Schoool Forum on Corporate Governance. Retrieved from

Colin. W (2004). Strategic Management. Palgrave MACMILLAN. Retrieved from


Test your knowledge (Max 100 words for every question)

Question 1

  • When does a corporation need a board of directors?

Question 2

  • Who should and should not serve on a board of directors? What about environmentalists or union leaders?

3.4. Instructions

  • Answer both questions in the test your knowledge section.
  • Post your answer in the discussion board using the discussion link below (week 3: interactive learning activity).

Explain the structural features of that industry that generate either high or low profitability. How are structural changes likely to impact competition and profitability in these industries? Is this industry attractive for investment? Why or why not?

Critical thinking

To prepare for this assignment, review Figures 3.3, p.65 from your textbook (attached). Complete an Industry Analysis for two different industries then compare these industries by answering the following questions.

  1. Detail a Porter’s Five Forces framework with a graphic representation, like Figure 3.3, (p.65), and a written explanation in relation to the Five Forces for both industries.
  2. Use the results from the Porter’s Five Forces framework to explain the reasons why profitability is what it is in the two different industries expressed as high, intermediate, or low.
  3. Explain the structural features of that industry that generate either high or low profitability.
  4. How are structural changes likely to impact competition and profitability in these industries? Is this industry attractive for investment? Why or why not?

Picture being an employee of Delta during the period where the company transitioned into—and out of—bankruptcy. What motivational implications would that experience have, and how long would they last?

Assignment 1

Read the case
“DELTA” from Chapter 6 “Motivation Page: – 186 given in your textbook – Organizational behaviour: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace (7th ed). by Colquitt, J. A., LePine, J. A., & Wesson, M. J. (2021) and Answer the following Questions:

Assignment Question(s):
Which motivational theories does Delta appear to be leveraging in its approach to motivation? (03 Marks) (Min words 150-200)

2. Picture being an employee of Delta during the period where the company transitioned into—and out of—bankruptcy. What motivational implications would that experience have, and how long would they last? (03 Marks) (Min words 200-300)

3. Which do you think is most motivational for Delta’s employees? Their high base pay their generous profit sharing, or a CEO who is so accessible and communicative? (03 Marks) (Min words 200)


Discussion questions: – Read Chapter 4 & 5 Job Satisfaction & Stress” carefully and then give your answers on the basis of your understanding.

4. Consider the five core job characteristics (variety, identity, significance, autonomy, and feedback). Do you think that any one of those characteristics is more important than the other four? Is it possible to have too much of some job characteristics? (03 Marks ) (Min words 150-200)

5. If you managed people in an organization in which there were lots of hindrance stressors, what actions would you take to help ensure that your employees coped with the stressors using a problem-focused (as opposed to emotion-focused) strategy? (03 Marks ) (Min words 200-300)


Important Notes: –
1. Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from
the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.
2. References required in the assignment. Use APA style for writing references