
How would you respond to a suicidal person who asks you, “If I kill myself will I go to hell?” What are some risks involved for you as a counselor?

Week 4 Assignment

ChapteF “Zanthling„ Spending, and Credit Abuse

a. What, in your judgment, are the common elements of a spending/credit addiction? Define the issue and make several comments on treatment options.

Chapter 15, “EattIng D5.s
a. Name and describe three causative factors in the development of eating disorders. Address the question of why young girls are disproportionately affected by these illnesses, as compared to the general population and young boys.

Chapter 2.6, “S .stick Enterverttion”
— a. The authors state on page 335 that “We are all vulnerable.” Do you agree? Are we all potentially at risk for suicide? Give your answer in two or three paragraphs.
. How would you respond to a suicidal person who asks you, “If I kill myself will I go to hell?” What are some risks involved for you as a counselor?
. Respond to the authors’ comments in the sections, “Suicide Assessment” and “Suicide Intervention” (pp. 346ff). What do you find helpful in each section?

Chapter 17, “Loss ffoci Griaff CtiVoeff” ad

a. Describe an approach to helping a grieving person. Include ways to assess v and then to treat grieving people.

Create visualizations appropriate to convey information about a variable from a geographic perspective. Create a visualization that provides a geographic overview of which regions experience the most bird strikes.

Visualization of Geographic and Time Series Data

Utilize the complete Strike Reports dataset as well as the list of Airports in United States of America dataset. Join the two datasets, the complete Strike Reports and the list of Airports in United States of America, to get each airport’s latitude and longitude. Create a new table that aggregates the data at the airport level.

Apply a custom metric in a visualization.
Create a custom metric by writing code to give each airport a score for bird strikes by aircraft at that airport.
Use this custom metric in a geographic visualization of bird strikes by airport.
Create visualizations appropriate to convey information about a variable from a geographic perspective.
Create a visualization that provides a geographic overview of which regions experience the most bird strikes.
Create visualizations appropriate to convey information about a variable from a time series perspective.
Create time series graphs showing the trends over time of bird strikes. Seasonal trends should be shown through yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily levels of detail.
Add a filter to the visualization that allows the user to select a subset of the data to display within the visualization.
Interpret the meaning conveyed by visualizations.
Write a user guide for your visualizations explaining the purpose of each visualization and demonstrating how to use the custom metric and filter you included in the visualizations you created.
Your assignment will be graded according to the following criteria:

Create visualizations appropriate to convey information about a variable from a geographic perspective.
Create visualizations appropriate to convey information about a variable from a time series perspective.
Interpret the meaning conveyed by visualizations.
Apply a custom metric in a visualization.

Does the essay have an introduction, body (that includes the three parts) and conclusion? Is the essay well organized so that it is easy to read and understand? Are specific examples from the reading/research given for support in the introduction, body section and conclusion?


Evaluation Criteria

1. Does the writer answer the essay topic fully?

2. Does the essay have an introduction, body (that includes the three parts) and conclusion?

3. Is the essay well organized so that it is easy to read and understand?

4. Are specific examples from the reading/research given for support in the introduction, body section and conclusion?

5. Has the writer carefully revised and proofread the essay so that there are little or no errors that hinder the reader’s understanding?

6. Is the writing style and are mechanics up to the expectations of a college writing class?


1. Define organic and functional voice disorders. Explain the difference and list/describe four examples of each of these.

Voice disorders.

1. Define organic and functional voice disorders. Explain the difference and list/describe four examples of each of these. (4 points)


2. Watch the video The Four Underlying Causes of A Hoarse Voice1. Give a brief description of each cause. (4 point

3. List and briefly describe the three approaches listed in your text that are applicable to any voice disorder. (3 points)

chapter 10 attached.



4. Briefly describe (1-2 paragraphs) each of the following categories of voice disorders. Include an example of a treatment for each category. (5 points)


chapter 10 attached

Vocal Hyperfunction

Vocal Hypofunction

Paradoxical Vocal Fold Dysfunction

Psychogenic Disorders

Spasmodic Dysphonia


5. Select TWO of the profiles from the back of the chapter (there are 3 total). Provide a summary of each profile and explain how the sample activities relate to the selected targets. (4 points)



How did the book agree with and disagree with the conversations we had in PHI-101? What philosophers did the arguments in the book remind you of? How do your experiences align/contrast to the author’s? What were the strongest/weakest arguments in the book? What did you agree and disagree with?

The Subtle Art

Write a 1,800 – 2,200 word philosophical reaction to “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck” by Mark Manson.

In other words, there will be a lot more “I” sentences that “The Author” sentences. Get it?!
I want to know things like:
How did the book agree with and disagree with the conversations we had in PHI-101?
What philosophers did the arguments in the book remind you of?
How do your experiences align/contrast to the author’s?
What were the strongest/weakest arguments in the book?
What did you agree and disagree with?
What stories/advice impacted you the most?
What questions do you have for the author?
What is your overall reaction to the book? The assignment?
And anything else you want to bring in to your reaction.

With this in mind, do you find that the approach of virtue ethics to be a helpful philosophical structure for thinking about the formation of good health care professionals? Why or why not?

Case Study: “Ethical Systems, Education, and Building a Better Health Care Provider”

Subject: In his famous reflection on ethics and the formation of good character Aristotle writes, “The virtues we acquire by having put them into action, and the same is true of the arts. For the things which we have to learn before we can do them we learn by doing: men [sic] become builders by building houses, and harpists by playing the harp.” With this philosophy in mind, medical education has been engaged in embedding ethics in the practice of health care via education in the “core competency” of professionalism. This has been viewed as a compromise between incorporating blatantly religious practice into health care and also providing a moral framework for health care providers in the context of practice in a global, industrialized, business-oriented world.

With this in mind, do you find that the approach of virtue ethics to be a helpful philosophical structure for thinking about the formation of good health care professionals? Why or why not? And, on a related note, of the many religious and philosophical frameworks we’ve examined in this class (“care”, professionalism, a calling, reverence for life, virtue ethics), which do you think is the most important for creating change? And finally: what do you think is the most important and useful for you?

Focus your answer on evidence from our readings and/or class lectures. Thus, your paper needs to include at least TWO of this unit’s readings. In order to answer this you may include your own research, which must also be legitimate sources—not sources that are speculation or opinion. With this in mind, I do not want an editorial: I want a substantiated examination of these concepts. The content of your paper will form the substance of our class discussion on Thursday, December 2nd.

Your paper must be submitted as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf. Please note that Blackboard does not accept .pages or other formats.
o Please do not type your response directly into Blackboard, as that makes it more difficult for me to download and grade.
o Papers that are not properly submitted will be considered not turned in.

Your response paper must be approximately +/- 500 words (no more than two double-spaced pages).

Your paper is due on Blackboard by 11:59 pm on Wednesday, December 1st—please plan accordingly

Explain how the entire talk or your selected idea brings a new insight into your own personal understanding of man’s relation to God, including how it might impact your own experience.

Theology through the Arts


Watch the video called “Jeremy Begbie: Theology through the Arts”

a.) Summarize the entire talk (c. 14 minutes) OR b). Select some particular idea/example/illustration/principle from the lecture.

Explain how the entire talk or your selected idea brings a new insight into your own personal understanding of man’s relation to God, including how it might impact your own experience.

Between the years 1830-1861 how did American northerners and southerners discuss and debate the issue of slavery? How did they justify the potential of war over slavery’s defense or abolition?

US History Essay

Between the years 1830-1861 how did American northerners and southerners discuss and debate the issue of slavery? How did they justify the potential of war over slavery’s defense or abolition?

Choose a topic to which you can apply concepts from this unit of the course: gravity, energy, temperature, thermodynamics, etc.

PHS100 Portfolio Item #3


For this portfolio item, please select ONE of the options below, and follow the instructions associated with that option.

Option 1: Physical Sciences in our everyday lives

Option 2: Physical Sciences and society

Option 3: Physical Sciences and the movies



This option is very similar to portfolio 2—you need to pick a topic from life outside of class and apply the concepts of the physical sciences to it. It’s sort of like a mini paper on the way something works. Choose a topic to which you can apply concepts from this unit of the course: gravity, energy, temperature, thermodynamics, etc. Some ideas of appropriate topics include amusement parks, satellites, the orbits of planets and moons, weathering of rocks, climate change, ocean ice, geothermal energy generation, anything related to the weather…..the list goes on and on. Feel free to choose a topic that you know something about, but also feel free to choose something that you don’t know much about but interests you!

Can Brand Name and Innovation Keep it Ahead of the Competition?

Case 13: Yeti in 2020:

Can Brand Name and Innovation Keep it Ahead of the Competition?