
What might society look like in your opinion if the rights that you value most were taken away? If relevant, how could society do a better job of promoting, protecting, or advancing the rights that you cherish?

legal rights and universal rights

We all have legal rights and universal rights (make sure to know the differences between these two rights – this is an important distinction). In addition to legal rights and universal rights you learn a few other new categories of rights this week: negative rights and positive rights. First, provide a definition in your own words along with an example of all four of these rights in your discussion this week. This section is worth 2 marks. Expect to write a paragraph for this section.

Second, after you have completed the first section, then do some research on your rights and share which rights you cherish most and explain why. What might society look like in your opinion if the rights that you value most were taken away? If relevant, how could society do a better job of promoting, protecting, or advancing the rights that you cherish? As you work on this task do pay attention to how we integrate legal rights into society over time, and how legal rights and positive rights vary from country to country. This section is worth 2 marks. Expect to write at least a paragraph for this section as well.

You are welcome to chose another topic, but discuss your ideas with me first for approval. If you chose an alternative topic make sure it falls within the scope of this course—Prehistoric art through Early Judaism and Christianity.

What was the Roman achievement in architecture? Use specific examples that best illustrate Roman innovation.


You are welcome to chose another topic, but discuss your ideas with me first for approval. If you chose an alternative topic make sure it falls within the scope of this course—Prehistoric art through Early Judaism and Christianity.


Describe the parts of your personal philosophy where you agree or disagree with this theorist. Is there anything that surprised you in the video? If so, what surprised you? Would you recommend this video to another student? If so, why would you recommend it? What value did you receive from watching it?

Virginia Henderson’s: Definition of Nursing

After watching one of the theorist videos, reflect on what you have learned.
(No Video, but use Virginia Henderson’s: Definition of Nursing for topic)

Compose a paper that addresses the following:

Explain why you chose to watch this particular theorist’s video.

Describe the parts of your personal philosophy where you agree or disagree with this theorist.

Is there anything that surprised you in the video? If so, what surprised you?

Would you recommend this video to another student? If so, why would you recommend it?

What value did you receive from watching it?

Your paper should be 2–3 pages in length, in APA style, typed in Times New Roman with 12-point font, and double-spaced with 1″ margins. If outside sources are used, they must be cited appropriately.

iew the entire video, then write a short 200 word essay explaining how this video illustrates at least 3 key marketing concepts from Chapter 13.

Marketing concepts

View the entire video, then write a short 200 word essay explaining how this video illustrates at least 3 key marketing concepts marketing concepts from Chapter 13. from Chapter 13. Bold type the two or three words that describe each of the three key marketing concepts that you are explaining.

As a part of this assignment you are required to support your paper with at least one CREDIBLE outside source which you can find by searching the college data bases, online resources, or business publications. Be sure to cite and reference these sources in proper APA format.

Identify the implications for the parties involved in the case. Provide a brief description of the questions/challenges you have regarding the readings and explain why they are important.

OLB-7001 Week 4

This week, you will begin part one of a two-part assignment. For part one, you will map the conflict in the resources section and perform a preliminary analysis on the escalation of the conflict.

In your evaluation, avoid summarizing the case. Instead, analyze the case critically and assess how it pertains to this week’s readings. Remember, excellent analyses are a combination of critical and analytical thoughts connected to greater themes presented in the readings – and this is not an easy task.

Be sure to include the following required elements in your assignment:

Briefly describe what you consider two or three major issues contained in the case.
Explain how these points or issues integrate with the material covered this week and then explain their relevance to the case.
Identify the implications for the parties involved in the case.
Provide a brief description of the questions/challenges you have regarding the readings and explain why they are important.

Do not include the following in your analysis:

A summary of the readings
A detailed description of the case
Any editorials

As you are preparing your response, consider the following questions:

What were the roots of the conflict?
How do the parties to the conflict view the behavior of the other and pursue their own interests in the conflict situation?
At what point did the conflict become detrimental to the parties involved?
How might this conflict extend to the larger workplace?

Did he/she begin music lessons at a young age? What is their primary instrument? With whom did they study? Did they attend a music conservatory or other university?


Each student will successfully complete a brief, 5-PARAGRAPH research paper on a Western classical
composer. The student should follow the following outline:

In this paragraph, you should introduce the composer to their audience by giving basic background information
(DOB, where they are from, and their overall reputation as a composer). This paragraph should end with a
THESIS STATEMENT, outlining the rest of your research paper.


This paragraph should illustrate the musical education and early career of your composer.

Focus on their formal training.

Did he/she begin music lessons at a young age?

What is their primary instrument?

With whom did they study?

Did they attend a music conservatory or other university?

You should also discuss the early composition career of your composer.

When did he/she begin composing?

Where did they study composition and with whom?

What are a few of their early pieces?


In this paragraph, you need to examine at least THREE major composition so f your composer. These can be
long or short in duration and written for any medium/instrument(s); but each piece should be IMPORTANT in
the composer’s overall output. Make sure to describe your composer’s STYLE, and explain why the pieces you
chose are famous/influential.


In order to successfully write this paragraph, you will be expected to LISTEN to the major works you discussed
in paragraph 3. This can be done in a variety of ways (YouTube, iTunes, etc.). After listening (more than
once!), please describe your personal opinions/reflections of each composition, making sure to use proper
musical terminology when appropriate (and as best you can).


This paragraph will server as your conclusion for this research paper, allowing you to collect your final thoughts
on your composer. Make sure to restate your THESIS at the beginning of this paragraph


You will be expected to use no less than 3 scholarly sources (no unsubstantiated sources such as Wikipedia or will be accepted). Your textbook may be used as a starting point but will not count toward one of
your number of required sources. All sources must be cited using MLA format (in-text citations).


We’ve all heard the line “vaccines save lives and they are safe and effective,” but how safe are they? Do parents research the childhood vaccination schedule prior to making the decision to vaccinate?


Denying or questioning a vaccine is probably one of the most controversial stances you can take in 2020. You’ll be called a science denier and, of course, an anti-vaxxer. However, it’s time to have an honest and balanced conversation around the vaccine topic and understand why some people choose to skip vaccinations and question “the science.” After all, vaccines, like any other pharmaceutical product, have side effects and risks that we have to consider. We’ve all heard the line “vaccines save lives and they are safe and effective,” but how safe are they? Do parents research the childhood vaccination schedule prior to making the decision to vaccinate? Years of research on this topic has led me to
understand that most of us have been blindly vaccinating ourselves and our children with very little knowledge. In fact, barely anyone knows that vaccine manufacturers are exempted from liability, and if your child suffers an adverse reaction to a vaccine, you will be suing the U.S. govern

Explain what the importance of a father figure is within the movie , Boyz n The Hood and how it impacts the characters in the setting there in.

The impact of a Father Figure

Explain what the importance of a father figure is within the movie , Boyz n The Hood and how it impacts the characters in the setting there in.

Why should people care about climate change?

Climate change

Why should people care about climate change?

Choose one major problem in your country. It might be a social, economic, or environmental problem. Research what the problem is and why it exists.

Styrofoam affecting trinidad and tobago negatively

Choose one major problem in your country. It might be a social, economic, or environmental problem. Research what the problem is and why it exists. Type the essay, according to MLA format, using in-text citations and work(s) cited. Three sources minimum are required for this paper. 1,000-word minimum, 3 full pages (even if over the 1000 word minimum) to 5 full pages.