
What is most central in Calvin’s theology of justification and how does his approach to justification influence his interaction with others?

Calvin’s Theology of Justifiation

What is most central in Calvin’s theology of justification and how does his approach to justification influence his interaction with others? Include how the Reformation doctrine of justification influences issues today. Include 1 additional source along with the sources two sources below:

Chapter 11- McKim, D. K. (2001). Calvin’s Institutes. (abridged ed). Louisville, KY: Westminster John
Knox Press.

Books I, II, & III- Ozment, S. (1981). The Age of Reform 1250-1500: An Intellectual and Religious History of Late Medieval and Reformation Europe. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

Debate Statement: Any lack of relationship between intelligence and decision-making ability indicates a flaw with the definition of intelligence, not that intelligence is independent from decision making.

Reflection Paper: Judgement and Decision Making

Debate Statement: Any lack of relationship between intelligence and decision-making ability indicates a flaw with the definition of intelligence, not that intelligence is independent from decision making.

Identify your target population and their need. Discuss the community or population and write a statement of the problem. Include any statistics or article information to validate the need. Include how you might collaborate with other agencies or professionals.

Nutrition in Pregnant and Breastfeeding Mothers

Write a proposal for a nutrition education program for the group you identified within your application exercises that you would like to work with (i.e., pregnant mothers, employees at a corporation, etc.). The information presented should actually be a compilation of information from your application exercises. The proposal should be put in a Microsoft Word document and should be at least 6 pages long. MAKE SURE TO INCLUDE A REFERENCES PAGE AT THE END OF YOUR PAPER. Points will be deducted if a reference page is not included. Email me if you have any questions.

Use the 6 steps described below for the format of your paper. Address each of the 6 steps in your proposal and be realistic with your ideas and interventions.


Step 1: Identify your target population and their need. Discuss the community or population and write a statement of the problem. Include any statistics or article information to validate the need. Include how you might collaborate with other agencies or professionals. (20 pts)

Step 2: Define your proposed program goals and objectives. (10 pts) (Goals are what you intend to do. Objectives are how you are going to get to the goal.)

Step 3: Describe your proposed program plan in conjunction with theory. Describe the proposed intervention and how you plan to market it. (20 pts)

Step 4: Briefly describe the personnel and materials needed and an itemized budget. (10 pts)

Step 5: Use a timeline to describe how the program would be implemented. Remember to consider all areas of the proposed plan. This portion of your report can be in any format you choose. For example, you could use a timeline. (20 pts)

Step 6: Describe how the effectiveness of the program would be evaluated. (20 pts) Will you use surveys? How will you use them? Will you have a pre and post test? How will it be administered?

Discuss the different sets of values that come from the opposing sides. Conclusion.

Persuasive Essay /Opposing Viewpoints paper

Persuasive Essay OR Opposing Viewpoints paper Topic (Environment realted for instance, Green New Deal, global Warming, Fossil Fuel COnsumption, plastic, clean drinking water, ect.) 4-5 pages plus a reference page. 12-point font. Double-spaced.


Students should go to the Ritz Library online. Click on “A-Z List of All Guides”. scroll down and click on “social Issues”. Click on “Opposing Viewpoints”. Scroll down and click on “Energy and Environmentalism” Scroll down and click on Choose a topic from within the category of energy and environmentalism


Opposing viewpoints paper- present the issue in your introduction. Develop a thesis. Body of the paper should inform the rader of the opposing sides to this issue. Discuss the different sets of values that come from the opposing sides. Conclusion.


OR a Persasive Paper: Students can use this as a guide on how to write a persuasive paper. OVIC_PersuasivePaper.pdf

Using the Coin class defined in Chapter 5, write a program called FourHeads whose main method flips a coin until it gets four heads in a row. Print the total number of flips needed to get four heads in a row.

How to do java

Using the Coin class defined in Chapter 5, write a program called FourHeads whose main method flips a coin until it gets four heads in a row. Print the total number of flips needed to get four heads in a row.

What was the Roman achievement in architecture? Use specific examples that best illustrate Roman innovation.

Roman achievement in architecture

What was the Roman achievement in architecture? Use specific examples that best illustrate Roman innovation.

What is STEM and why is it important in the early years?  What effective teaching strategies and curricula help children learn mathematics, science, and engineering? Break down each separately and be specific.  

Ch. #13 – Teaching Children to Investigate and Solve Problems (STEM) (10)

1. What is STEM and why is it important in the early years?

2. What effective teaching strategies and curricula help children learn mathematics, science, and engineering? Break down each separately and be specific.

3. Read, “Becoming an Intentional Teacher: Early Childhood Engineering” and respond to the “Reflection” prompt. Pg 478

1. There are often strong feelings about “preparing children for kindergarten” and teaching academics in preschool, yet we know that social-emotional learning and strong democratic skills really lay the foundation for later success. It is not that pre-academic learning (language, literacy, social studies, math, science, democracy, etc.) isn’t important, but it must be presented in developmentally appropriate ways, which includes a substantial amount of play. Find an outside source and share 2 activities that you could use in your classroom to promote children’s understanding of 2 of the domains noted above. You might use the Ca. Preschool Learning Foundations or Frameworks (Vol 1, 2, or 3), Pinterest, a curriculum website, or your text.

Get creative and have fun!

2. Most of you know how I love mindfulness!! Research the benefits of mindfulness or relaxation using your text or an outside source and share your findings! Be sure to include your source.

Describe the conflict that may come up in heteronormative families when a member comes out (or is outted) as sexually diverse or transgender.

Critical Reflection #4

The critical reflections are opportunities to deeply engage with the social theories and concepts you learn in class, and apply these concepts to real world data. You must submit three of the four critical reflections.

This reflection will focus on themes from the textbook with the option of including the film you screened, Abu.
Describe the conflict that may come up in heteronormative families when a member comes out (or is outted) as sexually diverse or transgender. You may use Arshad and his family as an example.
Discuss how creating a fictive family, or family of choice/family of choice, can help individuals who are LGBTQ gain the kinds of support and care that families of origin are socially expected to provide. Focus on three specific functions that fictive families provide for members.

Opponents of social promotion believe that without the necessary skills, students will continue to be unsuccessful. Write an persuasive essay stating your opinion on this issue. Support your opinion with convincing reasons.

Social Promotion is the act of promoting a child to the next grade level despite the lack of skill mastery.

Social Promotion is the act of promoting a child to the next grade level despite the lack of skill mastery. Proponents of social promotion believe that it is beneficial and promotes self-esteem. Opponents of social promotion believe that without the necessary skills, students will continue to be unsuccessful. Write an persuasive essay stating your opinion on this issue. Support your opinion with convincing reasons.

What would be some of the key factors to outline in a job posting to recruit staff in a competitive market? On what basis are you making your assertions?

Add 2 prof references to this discussion

What would be some of the key factors to outline in a job posting to recruit staff in a competitive market? On what basis are you making your assertions?