
Which statement below explains why the mussels in Mukkaw Bay were able to quickly cover the rockface in Paine’s experiment?

Trophic Cascades

1. True/False. All members of a food web are equal in abundance and in their relative effects on one another.

2. Explain the reasoning or evidence you used to answer Question 1.

3. True/False. Every member of a food web is the prey of another member of the food web. _________

4. Explain the reasoning or evidence you used to answer Question 3.

5. Which statement below explains why the mussels in Mukkaw Bay were able to quickly cover the rockface in
Paine’s experiment?

a. The starfish took up most of the room on the rocks, and when the starfish were removed, the mussels occupied the empty spaces.
Paine added more mussels to the rocks, causing the starfish to move to other habitats.
The starfish were competing directly with the mussels for food, and removing the starfish allowed the mussels more access to the food.
Starfish feed on mussels, so when the starfish were removed the mussels no longer had a predator and their populations grew unchecked.

6. In the film, Paine recalls that a year after the starfish had been removed, the number of species decreased from 15 to eight, after three years the number went down to seven, and after another seven years it was almost all only mussels. In the control plots the number and diversity of species was basically unchanged.

Which statement(s) best explain(s) these results?
Keystone species are critical to the diversity and stability of an ecosystem.
When a predator is removed, the prey of that predator always increases and species not eaten by the predator always decrease.
The disappearance of producers from an ecosystem can cause the number of predators to increase.
I only
I and II only
II and III only
I, II, and II

7. Before the 1960s, most ecologists thought that the number of producers in an ecosystem was the only variable that limits the number of herbivores. The idea was that every level was regulated by the amount of food from the trophic level below it.

a. How did the green world hypothesis differ from this “bottomup” view?
Imagine a simple food chain: Grass > Grasshoppers > Mice. If snakes that eat mice are added to the ecosystem, how would you redraw the food chain to represent this change?
After the snakes are added, would you expect the amount of grass to increase or decrease? Explain your reasoning.

What are the key strengths of the company? (Explain at least 2 strengths that enable the company to survive in a fast-changing environment)

UNIT 1: Introduction to Operations Management and Strategy

Strategic Management Insight is an online platform dedicated to providing comprehensive information about Strategic Management related topics. As part of its resources, a set of SWOT examples for top-performing companies is offered.

Based on the company analysis found here: consider the following questions:

What are the key strengths of the company? (Explain at least 2 strengths that enable the company to survive in a fast-changing environment)

What do you consider to be the most significant weaknesses of the company? (Explain at least one and refer to the information source used)

What opportunities do you believe have the potential to evolve soon? (Explain at least one potential opportunity and refer to the information source used)

What do you consider to be the threats to the company in the provided analysis? (Explain at least one and refer to the information source used)

Describe some leadership styles and traits that would make you the ideal candidate for an executive position in a health care organization.

Leadership Styles Career Activity

Describe some leadership styles and traits that would make you the ideal candidate for an executive position in a health care organization.

Write a one-page paper (not to exceed 250 words). You will be graded on the following:

– Quality of your response.

– Coherence and organization.


Distinguish between “good” and “poor” work ethics when given a variety of workplace situations. Discuss the ethical dynamics of your organization and discuss how an ethical leader should handle each situation.

Dynamics of change

Recognize and manage the dynamics of change as they relate to self and the supervision of others. Distinguish between “good” and “poor” work ethics when given a variety of workplace situations. Discuss the ethical dynamics of your organization and discuss how an ethical leader should handle each situation. (10 points)

Write a literature review on Class-Based Structural Phenomenon? Or Biological Cultural Trait and Value Among Chicanx/Mexicans?

The Ideology of Machismo

The main project for this course will be a literature review. The topic chosen to conduct my literature review is “The Ideology of Machismo
A Class-Based Structural Phenomenon? Or Biological Cultural Trait and Value Among Chicanx/Mexicans?
the purpose of this assignment is so that you can venture into conducting research. The first step of all research is surveying what has already been written on the topic. A literature review is both descriptive of what has already been written on the topic, and it also evaluates what has previously been written.

In your own words, briefly describe the major signs of inflammation and explain the mechanism that causes each one. Explain a process in which inflammation is beneficial in.

Inflammation: Good or Bad?

Inflammation is one of the body’s non-specific defense mechanisms that protects itself from foreign invaders. It is also a crucial step in the healing process. However, more recently inflammation has been linked to a number of chronic disease processes.

Complete the following steps for your discussion post and response.

Read the article: Hobson, K. (2017, July 21). Is Inflammation Bad for You or Good for You (Links to an external site.)? NPR. [Weblog post]
In your own words, briefly describe the major signs of inflammation and explain the mechanism that causes each one.
Explain a process in which inflammation is beneficial in.
Research and discuss a condition that chronic inflammation has been linked to.
In your opinion, for your selected condition which should be treated first: the inflammatory response or the cause of the inflammatory response? Support your opinion.
Be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

In a well-organized essay, explain the controversy and the differing viewpoints in the introductory paragraph. In the body paragraphs, explain your reasoning with textual evidence from two to three of the texts.

Argumentative Essay: Flag-Burning

The question of whether or not flag-burning as a form of protest should or should not be prohibited continues to be a controversial issue. Some people think this is an acceptable practice; others profoundly disagree. The articles that you are reading address these two views.
Read the articles. You may annotate, highlight, and take notes on the articles. After you have read and annotated the articles, then you will write an essay individually.
In a well-organized essay, explain the controversy and the differing viewpoints in the introductory paragraph. After examining both sides of the issue, you need to take a stand on the issue in your thesis statement. Then, in the body paragraphs, explain your reasoning with textual evidence from two to three of the texts. Argue which side contains stronger evidence and factual support, and more persuasive appeals. Include counterclaims and rebuttals.
• Excerpts from Texas V. Johnson Supreme Court Decision • “Impassioned Arguments Mark High Court Flag-Burning Decision” • “Burning the Flag” Pro/Con articles: • “Burning the American Flag: First Amendment Right or a Crime?” • “Burning the American Flag is a Threat to Our Country”
Argumentative Essay Components To ensure you have constructed a successful essay and will receive a high grade, your final must include the following components: Claim/Focus The claim is clear, precise, and thoroughly addresses the prompt. The response maintains focus on the main idea throughout. A low grade in this category may result if- The claim is absent. The response may lack focus, or be too brief. Data/Evidence The response contains thorough and convincing evidence that is smoothly integrated to support the claim. A low grade in this category may result if- The response contains no evidence to support the claim. Analysis The response contains specific, relevant analysis of the evidence. A low grade in this category may result if-The response contains no analysis to support the claim. Counterclaim/Rebuttal The response presents and addresses alternate or opposing claims clearly. A low grade in this category may result if-The response does not present or address alternate or opposing claims. Organization The response has a clear progression of ideas from beginning to end. Strong transitions are used between ideas. A low grade in this category may result if-There is no clear progression of ideas; irrelevant and off topic information distracts from the focus. Few or no transitions are used. Language and Vocabulary The response clearly expresses ideas using strong academic language appropriate for the audience and purpose. A low grade in this category may result if-The response is confusing and/or shows no awareness of audience or purpose. Conventions Few, if any, errors are present in usage and sentence formation. Effective and consistent use of punctuation, capitalization, and spelling. A low grade in this category may result if-Errors are frequent, severe and distract from the meaning Source Material:

What are the microbes responsible for the fermentation products and describe the fermentation products found in your foods that impacts flavor, shelf life and health benefits? What are the starting substrates for the fermentation products in your food samples?


Fermentation is one of the oldest food preservative methods in history.

Find three foods in your house that are produced by fermentation and yield positive health benefits to the human body.
What is the shelf life of these products?
What are the microbes responsible for the fermentation products and describe the fermentation products found in your foods that impacts flavor, shelf life and health benefits?
What are the starting substrates for the fermentation products in your food samples?
What are the health benefits of the fermentation products?
Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Where the organism is normally found and how is it spread? What are the virulence factors of the organism? What are the symptoms and incubation period of the infection caused by the organism? How would you diagnose an infection caused by the organism?

Infectious Disease Profile – Virus

Step 1
Select ONE of the following viral agents for your assignment.

Human papillomavirus, Influenza A, Hepatitis B, Rotavirus, Norovirus, Varicella-zoster, Ebola, Zika virus, West Nile virus

Step 2
Research the chosen viral agent to examine the anatomical structures and diseases associated with it.

Step 3
Using the template below, answer the following:

Where the organism is normally found and how is it spread?
What are the virulence factors of the organism?
What are the symptoms and incubation period of the infection caused by the organism?
How would you diagnose an infection caused by the organism?
Describe how the organism infects different organs and how the immune system responds to infection.
What is the current treatment plan for the infections caused by the organism and the treatment success rate?
What populations are most at risk for infection?
What environments and sources are associated with the organism?
What are some public health implications of the infection caused by the agent?
What precautions can the public take to prevent infections?
Assignment File(s)
Unit 3 Virus Template Download Unit 3 Virus Template[Word document]

Write a paper based on the following information.  Discussion of a minimum of five aesthetic values that you derive from biodiversity. Research the cultural, health and social benefits they provide to you and society at large (support your facts with appropriate documentation). 

Aesthetic Values and Biodiversity

Lesson Five Graded Assignment
Total possible points = 100
Your graded assignment this week is on Ecosystem services.  Ecosystem services provided by biodiversity include nutrient cycling, soil formation, primary productivity, food, fresh water, clean air, aesthetic values, etcetera. Aesthetic values are nonmaterial benefits obtained from ecosystems. Examples of aesthetic values that we derive from biodiversity are hiking, bird watching, beauty of the landscape, etcetera.  Write a paper based on the following information.

Aesthetic Values and Communication Assignment:
Grading summary/Structure of paper
1. Cover page. 5 points
2. Introduction of aesthetic values: 10 points
3.  Discussion of a minimum of five aesthetic values that you derive from biodiversity. Research the cultural, health and social benefits they provide to you and society at large (support your facts with appropriate documentation). 25 points
4. Discussion of how those values will be lost with increasing biodiversity loss.10 points
5. Devise a plan on how to convince people of the importance of preserving biodiversity.10 points
6. Style, Structure, ability to use appropriate documentation within the text. 20 points
7. Use at least 5 references and include these in the reference section in APA style.  20 points.  You can add the Reference section at the end of your paper.