
What is the likelihood that the policy will become law? What is the political and social support for the policy? What is the policy expected to do to the national debt or spending? 

Social Justice Policy Brief Assignment Instructions

The purpose of this assignment is to apply the May, Can, Should model through analysis of a specific social justice policy. An effective tool for finding this legislation is through and the cost of the legislation through the Congressional Budget Office at

For the analysis paper, this is best done in the following manner:

Application of the Biblical principles – when discussing the topic of the week, make sure to apply the Biblical principles discussed in question 1 of the Synthesis paper to the specific policy that you’re discussing. How does it meet natural law, inalienable rights, federalism, etc.?
Constitutional authority – what is the Constitutional authority for the federal government to get involved? Avoid the use of the General Welfare clause as it becomes a catch-all for anything that a politician wants to get passed.
Political feasibility – what is the likelihood that the policy will become law? What is the political and social support for the policy?
Financial feasibility – what is the policy expected to do to the national debt or spending? For example, the new COVID stimulus just put us another $2 trillion in debt but was widely supported by both politicians and the public.
Practical feasibility – what are the logistical resources needed for implementation (buildings, personnel, new programs, etc.) and what are the steps for implementation (ex; the Affordable Care Act needed functional websites in order to be implemented, the lack of these created severe problems with implementation).
Relate this back to specific Biblical and Constitutional authorities and discuss whether or not the policy should be supported based on this and the feasibility of implementation.
The goal of this is to critically analyze a social justice policy to objectively determine if the federal government should be legitimately involved in the policy being discussed and if the policy is right for the country.

You are expected to submit a 1 1/2–2-page paper (not including the title page, abstract, and reference page) in current APA format in which the May-Can-Should model is applied in the context of the policy focus. Be certain to emphasize a focused analysis of a particular federal policy (either already implemented or proposed) chosen from the policy concentration area for the assigned module. You must include citations from:

all of the required reading and presentations from the assigned module/week
all relevant sources from Modules/Weeks 1–2 (you MUST use the “Biblical Principles of Government” article), and
3–5 outside sources. NOTE: These sources should be focused on the problem and the piece of legislation, and you may find that you need more than just 3-5 sources to adequately research and discuss these items.
Please feel free to use the link provided in the assignment resources for the purposes of additional research.

Discuss at least 5 services provided by biodiversity. Discuss human influences on such services you answered above and the consequences of losing ecosystem services.

Ecosystem Services

Discussion 5 will research ecosystem services.  Read the article provided for this week.  In your discussion,  answer the following questions:
1.  Discuss at least 5 services provided by biodiversity.
2.  Discuss human influences on such services you answered above and the consequences of losing ecosystem services.
Support facts with appropriate documentation or references.  Cite these references at the bottom of your post in APA format.

Systematically review and critically evaluate research from a variety of sources to explain why you have identified this as a risk, and whether you would consider hedging.

Financial Risk Management

Question 1 (20 marks)
Assume you are a US company and expect to receive £ 24,540,000 in 3 months from now. Given the current economic environment in the US and globally, you fear that your company will be adversely affected and wishes to hedge to reduce its risk related to exchange rate changes. Based on this scenario, Answer the following questions:

Identify ONE financial risk faced by the US company given the above scenario. Systematically review and critically evaluate research from a variety of sources to explain why you have identified this as a risk, and whether you would consider hedging. Discuss in your answer the outlook for the underlying variable and cite evidence of an adverse and/or favourable direction. NB: reference list will not be part of the word count. (250-300 words)

For the risk, you have mentioned in part (a) Recommend a hedging strategy that is consistent with the outlook provided in part (a) and explain why you have chosen this strategy above all others (250-300 words)

Irrespective of your answer above, assume you are using an exchange-traded option ‘combination’ strategy to hedge your risk. Use real data from the CME group and provide the cost of the hedge (the net premium), the strike prices used, and the number of contracts required. Show all calculations and provide screenshots of the data obtained from the CME group.


Question 4 (20 marks)
Watch the video “Banking Royal Commission Recommendations Flounder” (see link and details below) and answer the question.

Video title – “It’s two years since the final report of the Hayne Royal Commission into finance misconduct How much protection do customers have now?”

Briefly describe the relevant accounting and tax rules, how the company’s situation fits into those accounting and tax rules.

Accounting for income taxes

Do not list bullet points, or jump to conclusion. Instead, write in a memo format. Talk about the accounting issue, briefly describe the relevant accounting and tax rules, how the company’s situation fits into those accounting and tax rules. Most importantly, how you reach conclusions based on your judgements and evidences.

The attached file (case) is the case you need to read and write one page. The attached file (rules) are the rules to help you write one page.Don’t use outside sources. No need for sources. Write 3 to 4 sentences about the VALUATION ALLOWANCES then the rest of the page write about what is asking in the requirement.

Discuss the various biological steps that will take place in your body to extract the necessary nutrients like amino acids, glucose, and fatty acids from the food and make them available to the body cells.

Identification of the Major Processes of the Digestive System

You decide to eat a given food. Discuss the various biological steps that will take place in your body to extract the necessary nutrients like amino acids, glucose, and fatty acids from the food and make them available to the body cells. Respond to 2 other students that have focused on how the body processes one of these nutrients.

Identify the problem, explain why there is a need for the problem to be solved, and explain how the federal government should act.

Policy Paper: How To Save the World

Affordability of Healthcare (Healthcare pricing, the struggle for families)

In this paper, you will put forth an argument, using evidence, for a problem that you believe should be fixed in the US today. You must have at least three (3) academic and/or government sources, for a total of five (5) sources. The paper should be 3-4 pages long, and written in essay style using a clear and consistent citation style. You must identify the problem, explain why there is a need for the problem to be solved, and explain how the federal government should act.


ID policy you want to enact
ID policy

Explain why the policy needs to be enacted
Using 5 sources (at least 3 academic and/or government) argue for the need for the policy.

Explain at least one obstacle it will face

Explain How the Policy would be enacted (at once/over time, with monetary incentives, etc.)

Compose an essay tracing the path of protein nutrients throughout each part of the gastrointestinal tract and explain what would happen in each one of them.

Gastrointestinal tract

Nutrients undergo several actions before they are taken in the blood then delivered to the body cells.

Compose an essay tracing the path of protein nutrients throughout each part of the gastrointestinal tract and explain what would happen in each one of them. Provide as many details as possible to develop a thorough picture of proteins’ destiny in the human body.

Critique all three in one nine-page paper that you will submit to Attend a museum and concert from the list provided or check with your professor for exceptions.

Final Critique Project/Paper

This is the instructions for my course paper (Final Critique Project/Paper: You are to “visit” an art museum, “attend” a
classical music concert, and “see” a stage production (ballet, opera, theater).

You are to critique all three in one nine-page paper that you will submit to Failure to submit this paper will result in a lowered grade or even course failure. You must attend a museum and concert from the list provided or
check with your professor for exceptions.

Note that a list of acceptable museums and concerts will be provided for you. Consult CANVAS Resources for addition information. Late papers and emailed papers are not be accepted, but may be sent to instructor for consideration.

The Final Critique Project/Paper will be submitted to The maximum number of points is 165. There is a lengthy window to upload so you should be able to get the paper uploaded on time. Late papers will not be accepted.)

Using appropriate strategic analysis tools such as ‘PESTE’ and ‘SWOT’ perform a strategic analysis of the airline « easyJet ».

EasyJet Strategy ; Operational Performance

Using appropriate strategic analysis tools such as ‘PESTE’ and ‘SWOT’ perform a strategic analysis of the airline « easyJet ». The analysis should take appropriate consideration of factors both internal and external to the organisation. Identify and expand on 4 or 5 of your airline’s key issues.

4 part:
> Identification and adoption of suitable management tools
> Appraisal of easyJet airline external operating environment
> Appraisal of easyJet airline internal capabilities
> Identification and analysis of easyJet airline (4 – 5)

Describe how MLT will build trust within the team based on your reading? How will MLT team get support for the design? How will your team get support from the production team if the MLT design is chosen?

The Product Development Team

You will prepare the PowerPoint presentation that includes notes below each slide will prepare the audio portion (See Course Resources) with a transcript.
A new medical products company that specializes in products that benefit the disabled, began about a year ago. They realized that product development is further enhanced when their creative product developers and engineers work in teams. The company vision is: Provide enabling products to enhance lives. Their mission is to provide products that make daily living easier for the disabled. Their values are embodied in the company saying: Integrity and customer-driven design in all that we do. Several teams of two (an engineer and a product designer) are tasked with developing the newest energy efficient motorized wheel chairs. These teams will compete on their designs for the new products and the best product will be produced. The executive leadership has given the teams a deadline of 4 months. You and your teammate represent one of the teams in this competition. Your team name is the Motion Launch Team or MLT. You will demonstrate your ability to communicate as team members to executive management in this Assignment.
Based on the scenario and the company vision, mission, and values address the following items concerning your MLT process to be used in developing your eventual team product submission.
Describe how MLT will build trust within the team based on your reading?
How will MLT team get support for the design? How will your team get support from the production team if the MLT design is chosen?
How will MLT anticipate and overcome objections?
Provide the team’s timeline to realize deliverables.
Name the company departments that would be responsible for the various steps in the process. (See Learning Activities practice.)