
This cardiac disorder can require an intra-aortic balloon pump. Identify this disorder, explain the physiological alterations that result in these signs, and discuss the treatment for this disorder.

Discussion Questions

1. Mrs. G Case Study
Read Mrs. G’s scenario to prepare for this discussion.
Brief Patient History: Mrs. G is a 54-year-old African American woman who has been having intermittent indigestion and chest discomfort for the past six weeks. She has a history of hypertension, high cholesterol, and Type II diabetes. While you are examining her, Mrs. G suddenly becomes diaphoretic and complains of nausea and epigastric pain.
Clinical Assessment: She continues to complain of pain in her chest, which now radiates to her neck, arms, and back. She has no shortness of breath.
Diagnostic Procedures
The admission electrocardiogram (ECG) shows ST-segment elevation in II, III, and AVF.Baseline vital signs include the following: blood pressure of 160/90 mm Hg, heart rate of 98 beats/min (sinus rhythm), respiratory rate of 18 breaths/min, temperature of 99° F, and O2 saturation of 94%.
Medical Diagnosis: Inferior myocardial infarction is diagnosed.

Initial Post
In your initial post, respond to the following prompts:
According to latest JNC guidelines, into what category does the patient’s BP fall? Indicate the clinical management of this patient. Include additional diagnostics and medical and surgical options.
According to latest JNC guidelines, what are some complications to expect?
Using latest JNC guidelines, how would you prepare the family and the patient if discharged?
What lifestyle changes might be needed?

2.Select two of the following items (a–e) for your initial post. Please limit your initial post to 3 or 4 paragraphs.
-This disorder can be related to dental work done, which can possibly lead to an infection damaging the endocardial layer of the heart. Identify the disorder and discuss key pathophysiological concepts.
-Individuals with this condition can exhibit brittle toenails, hair loss, subcutaneous atrophy , and pallor. Identify this disorder, explain the physiological alterations that result in these signs, and describe the treatment for the disorder.
-This cardiac disorder leads to pulmonary edema. Identify this disorder and discuss the key pathophysiological concepts.
-This cardiac disorder can require an intra-aortic balloon pump. Identify this disorder, explain the physiological alterations that result in these signs, and discuss the treatment for this disorder.
-This cardiac disorder causes blood to back up from the right ventricles to the atrium. Identify this disorder, explain the physiological alterations that result in these signs, and discuss the treatment of this disorder

Compare and contrast essay between one theme between two authors for example the theme of Freedom in the authors Sartre and Camus.

Compare and contrast essay between one theme between two authors

5-6 pages in length, double-spaced. This is an open-ended paper. Professor said it can be a compare and contrast essay between one theme between two authors for example the theme of Freedom in the authors Sartre and Camus. Comparing the different ideas they bring.

Summarize the purpose of market segmentation. Examine the various types of segmentation including geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral segmentation.

BAM 511 unit 2

Summarize the purpose of market segmentation. Examine the various types of segmentation including geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral segmentation.

What are some of the things that you think contribute to this inequality. Draw on at least two of class readings as well as the text in your answer.


The United States has one of the highest levels of income inequality among all advanced economies in the world. What are some of the things that you think contribute to this inequality. Draw on at least two of class readings as well as the text in your answer.

How does the local planning process impact economic development in your chosen community? What are the most useful strategic approaches to use in economic development? How do businesses impact the economic development of your chosen community?

Public Administrator Generated Information on Economic Development

You are to select the option of your choice for data collection from the three options available. And, as with each of the three options designed to capture information concerning the economic status of your jurisdiction. In doing so you will explore the insights of individuals who have expertise in economic development. From this collection of information, you will assess values and conflicts of interest that emerge during the economic development process. Additionally, you will gain insight concerning the contexts and variables of economic development and community initiatives.
Option 2
For Option 2, you will conduct an exhaustive review of pertinent public sector generated data to scrutinize indicators of economic development status for the chosen jurisdiction. Present the data in an audio embedded PowerPoint presentation.
Use the following questions as a guide in writing and developing the presentation for your chosen jurisdiction:
• How does the local planning process impact economic development in your chosen community?
• What are the most useful strategic approaches to use in economic development?
• How do businesses impact the economic development of your chosen community?
• How do the human resources in your chosen community impact economic development?
• What steps should be used to implement a strategic plan in your chosen community?
• What are the challenges facing leaders of economic development in your chosen community?
• What are the economic strengths of your chosen community?
• What are some of the weaknesses of your economic development plan in your chosen community?
• What are the opportunities for economic development within your chosen community?
• What threatens the potential for economic development within your chosen community?
• What leadership traits are important for someone wanting to go into public administration/economic development in your chosen community?

It is helpful to pick either Canada or the United States? Judging from the research problem you outlined, your question may be rephrased to: what are the economic factors that influence youth to engage in Crime..?

Economic factors that influence youth to engage in Crime in Canada

Your question is an interesting one, here are some things to review to improve on this: The topic and question are rather broad. It is helpful to pick either Canada or the United States? Judging from the research problem you outlined, your question may be rephrased to: what are the economic factors that influence youth to engage in Crime..? What particular age bracket of youth are you looking at? What time period are you looking for this study or have some previous research been done within a certain bracket of time? Also provide more information on certain places you are looking at, as well as what crime (like homicide as mentioned) you would like to look

What is the history of this nursing specialty? When/why did it come about What are the rewards and challenges of this nursing specialty? Is this nursing specialty recognized by the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA)? What does the future look like for this specialty? Trends?

Health Benefits of Breastfeeding

Recommended approach:

Step 1: Clarify & research your nursing specialty
Nursing Specialty topics include:
􀁸Maternal Health
Health benefits of breastfeeding

The topics listed above identify large areas of nursing that may include more specific areas of nursing. For example: Public Health/Community nursing may include: outreach/street; occupational health; home care; forensic; correctional; parish/faith nursing.

Students are permitted to choose the nursing specialty. Students are encouraged to clarify their choice of topic with the professor if they are unsure regarding appropriateness.

Your scholarly literature review of the specialty area should include the following information:
􀁸What is the role of the nurse?
􀁸Who are his/her/their clients?

Remember: the more specific your nursing specialty, the more difficulty you will have in finding scholarly resources.
Questions to consider are: MUST ANSWER THESE
􀁸What is the history of this nursing specialty? When/why did it come about?
􀁸What are the rewards and challenges of this nursing specialty?
􀁸Is this nursing specialty recognized by the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA)?
􀁸What does the future look like for this specialty? Trends?

Step 2: Research health promotion or advocacy
Define health promotion. Consider the role of health promotion or advocacy within the Canadian healthcare system.
What is nursing’s role in health promotion or advocacy?

Step 3: Link health promotion or advocacy to your specialty
Explain how the specialty and health promotion or advocacy are linked. Consider how health promotion or advocacy might be applied to your nursing specialty. Are there any evidenced-based resources to help you deepen your understanding of health promotion or advocacy within your nursing specialty? Select one health promotion/prevention this specialty does and expand on the concept.

Step 4: Review the expectations of the paper. Review APA 6th ed format. Review the marking rubric.
Remember the purpose of your paper. Refer to the OWL Purdue website for APA formatting.

Step 5: Begin to write your first draft.

Introduction: Should clearly identify the purpose and direction of your paper (i.e. should clearly state for the reader what can be expected from your paper). Ex/explaining health promotion with citation, introducing the nursing specialty and health promotion to be discussed…

Body: Present your findings and ideas in a succinct manner (on the specialty, on health promotion or advocacy and the application of health promotion). Support your ideas by evidence in the body of the paper. It needs to flow, easy to follow, logical sequence.

Conclusion (Summary): Includes a very brief repeat of what the opening paragraph identified in your paper. It should state the importance of the stated health promotion.

Step 6: Review, re-work, review, re-work.
Submit your paper to the writing center for APA formation and proof reading of the paper. This will provide you with constructive feedback (everyone needs an editor). Ask your volunteer reader what they understood about the message of the paper (Example: Did your editor learn anything from your paper? Is your editor able to clearly summarize the content of your paper? Such as what is health promotion, what is the nursing specialty, and background of this specialty, and a specific health promotion they do, and the importance of such application. Utilize the feedback provided to revise
your paper.

Step 7: Finalize your paper.
Grade your paper using the rubric provided. Have you done what you were asked to do? Check the
original content of your paper. Is there research to back up the data? Do you have enough original content or is the paper heavily-weighted with other people’s ideas? I still want to hear your thoughts through this paper. Are all borrowed ideas properly cited? If not, make the appropriate changes.

Step 8: Submit your paper. Ensure that your paper is professionally prepared and submitted electronically via BrigthSpace prior to the deadline identified in the course schedule

Submit a 4 page paper describing your personal source(s) of wisdom and how you bring that wisdom to your business.

Personal source of wisdom

Submit a 4 page paper describing your personal source(s) of wisdom and how you bring that wisdom to your business.

What were some examples that you saw? Describe what this activity was like for you? How did the participants choose which identities to share? Did anyone in the group surprise you? Why? How did it feel to be able to stand up and challenge stereotypes?

I am but I’m not

The activity engages participants in a process of identifying what they consider to be the most salient dimensions of their own identity. It is also a helpful introduction to stereotypes and ways in which people identify salient stereotypes in their lives.

Common stereotypes can be very hurtful and difficult for individuals to celebrate their own identities. In this activity we will claim some of our own identities and dispel stereotypes we may believe exist about the group.

How to Play

1. As 5 participants to fold their paper in half and re-open it to create 2 columns. On one side, the heading will be “I am.” On the other side, the heading will be “I am not.” Instruct participants to write the word “but” in the middle of the two columns.

2. Students will be asked to write at least five “I am, but, I am not” statements on their paper. Demonstrate one example to the group, such as, “I am Asian, but I am not good at math.” Participants should use this opportunity to introduce their identity and dispel any stereotypes about them.

3. Make sure there are no questions, and allow time for everyone to write at least five statements.

4. Allow participants to share their own after emphasizing listening skills and respect.

You will write about the following:

1. What were some examples that you saw?

2. Describe what this activity was like for you?

3. How did the participants choose which identities to share?

4. Did anyone in the group surprise you? Why?

5. How did it feel (for you and for the participants) to be able to stand up and challenge stereotypes?

6. (if there was any laughter during the exercise) What was that about? Why were people laughing?

7. Where did we learn these stereotypes?

8. How can we reduce them? What role do we play in doing so?

Things to Consider

Addressing stereotypes is always a trigger. The debrief is very important. People may articulate stereotypes in their “but I am not” that might trigger other participants. A helpful way to debrief is to ask the group (or individual) “Where did you learn that stereotype? What was your first message about that stereotype? How is it reinforced for you?” It might also be helpful to ask other participants if they had heard that stereotype before and what their first messages about it were, too. The key to this activity is the process of examining one’s own identity and the stereotypes associated with that identity, then having one’s own stereotypes challenged through others’ stories and stereotype challenges. It is crucial, especially for the final part of the activity when participants are sharing their stereotypes, to allow for silences. People will be hesitant to share initially, but once the ball starts rolling, the activity carries a lot of energy. Allow time at the end for participants to talk more about whatever stereotype they shared.