
Summarize the main point of the article in approximately two paragraphs. Do you agree or disagree with the main idea of this article. Explain why.

Article assessment

This assessment deals with Microeconomics, so make sure that you know the concepts described before answering the questions.

Questions: (Use Word to type your answers in no more than a page with 1.5 spacing)

1) Summarize the main point of the article in approximately two paragraphs.

2) Do you agree or disagree with the main idea of this article. Explain why.

3) With fixed capital and variable labor, as long as there are diminishing marginal returns the marginal cost of production will be increasing. Now, from the point of view of a firm in a perfectly competitive market (say a farmer), what criterion do you think they will use to decide whether or not to replace workers with robots or machines in general? Be brief and concise using marginal analysis concepts.

Calculate the concentrations of cytokines secreted in the unknown samples (A-D) and complete data tables D & E. Present the results of your analysis of ALL the experimental samples in separate graphs showing the degree of biological variation.

ELISA experiment rheumatoid arthritis

Data analysis: analyse the data you are provided with to determine the amount of IL-17 and IL-10 produced by each of the four experimental samples (A-D).
1. Plot and present annotated standard curves of the two ELISA experiments on graphs using an appropriate analysis package (e.g. Excel, Prism) – ensure graphs are presented and labelled appropriately. (8 marks)

2. Calculate the concentrations of cytokines secreted in the unknown samples (A-D) and complete data tables D & E. Present the results of your analysis of ALL the experimental samples (including those generated above) in separate graphs showing the degree of biological variation. (6 marks)

Results description (500 words maximum).
1. Draw a schematic of the experiment (4 marks)
2. Describe the results (12 marks)
Remember to include a description of what the CIA samples did in comparison to respective baseline samples and the differences between the samples pre-treated and untreated with the immunomodulatory agent. Comment on what the sensitivity of the two ELISA experiments was and how reliable and reproducible the results are.

Results discussion (500 words maximum). (20 marks)
Give a brief discussion and conclusion for your findings. Why were these two cytokines measured? What can they tell us about the autoimmune response in RA? Why might pre-treatment with the immunomodulatory agent BiP prevent joint damage and what effect might this have on the T cells. Finally, can you find any research literature that supports these conclusions in human RA?

Critically discuss how the use of creative accounting practices can affect asset-based, multiple earnings and discounted cash flow valuation techniques?


International Financial Analysis Coursework

Coursework requirement
Read the following statement and answer the question:

“Valuing a potential target company is a key stage in the takeover process.”
(Watson and Head, 2016*)
Critically discuss how the use of creative accounting practices can
affect asset-based, multiple earnings and discounted cash flow valuation techniques?
* Watson, D. and Head, A. (2016),
Corporate Finance Principles and Practice, Pearson, 7th edition.

General instructions to students

Present your coursework in an essay format.

Statements, assertions and ideas made in coursework should be supported by citing relevant sources. Sources cited in the text should be listed at the end of the assignment in a reference list. Any material that you read but do not cite in the report should go into a separate bibliography. All referencing should be in Westminster Harvard format.

Word limit is 2,000, excluding appendices and tables (if any).

Minimum number of References: 5

Submit your work electronicall

Identify a portion of the project you propose to do more background work on to present in a Background Technical Report.

Proposal Draft 2

Condition: Identify a portion of the project you propose to do more background work on to present in a Background Technical Report. Some information that would be interesting could be a report about the existing programs. You could describe and categorize parenting programs into a chart and use some of the information you have gathered for your proposal in other sections of the report.

Discuss the impact of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) in 2008/09 on the chosen country’s economy (for example, students can explore the bond market and plot yield curves in their discussions).


Firm and Country Level Analysis- Bloomberg

1. Firm-Level Analysis – TESLA
Students are required to choose the accounts of a Public Listed Company (plc) for a period of at least three years and for whom firm level information is available within the Bloomberg Database. Generate a report on the chosen company by self-study using academic resources and Bloomberg Database. The analysis should cover the following:
Use Bloomberg Functions to find out the capital structure of the chosen company and discuss the cost of capital and its implications on the value of the firm; – 10%
Trace the change of share price and illustrate the risk and return of the company in the market; – 10%
Identify a piece of related news and (e.g., using economic and financial theory) explain its impact on the share price; – 10%
Analyze the relationship between the performance of the chosen company and a relevant market benchmark index (e.g., FTSE100 Index) over the sample period (The use of quantitative techniques will merit more marks). – 10%

2. Country-Level Analysis- USA

Students need to choose the country where the above company’s headquarters is located and for whom country level information is available within the Bloomberg Database. Generate a report on the chosen country by self-study using academic resources and Bloomberg Database. The analysis should cover the following:
Discuss the international monetary environment of the chosen country (such as history, exchange rate regime, the role of the central bank in the foreign exchange market, exchange rate crises) and the effects of international trade flows; – 10%
Discuss the impact of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) in 2008/09 on the chosen country’s economy (for example, students can explore the bond market and plot yield curves in their discussions); – 10%
Comment on the impact of Covid-19 on the chosen country’s economy; – 10%
Provide an overview of the chosen country’s currency on the foreign exchange market; – 10%
Provide country-level insights on the chosen company and its future. – 10%
Structure and presentation of the report – 10%

In 200-250 words, provide an analysis of the image using some of the visual rhetoric tools learned. You must post first and an edited post will not receive credit.

Principles of media design

Find and upload an image of a billboard, an advertisement, a web page, or a political ad. (Provide source citation!) Having read chapters 57 and 58 in NFG, take the principles of media design and utilize them in your analysis. Your focus is not just the words but the entire design of the media: shape, font, color, archetypes, spatial arrangement, size, juxtaposition, etc. Examine all the components and then focus on those that are integral to the message. Review the example analysis in Content/Essay Directions folder.
In 200-250 words, provide an analysis of the image using some of the visual rhetoric tools learned. You must post first and an edited post will not receive credit. Then comment in 4-5 sentences on the posts of 2 of your classmates.

The sky and mountains presented in white and blue occupy the top one third of the image with the word DASANI boldly centered in the sky holding equal attention with the bottle of DASANI that appears to rise out of the hot sand of the desert. The purpose of the advertisement is immediately clear: drink Dasani to quench your thirst. The word Dasani appears twice, immediately catching the attention of the audience along with the phrase “Find your Oasis.” Just above those words is the image of an inviting oasis with pale blue water and a towering palm at its edge. The palm sits parallel with the bottle; just like the palm that is nurtured by the desert oasis, the refreshing bottle of Dasani becomes a portable oasis for the consumer. Presented in the same colors as the sky and mountains, the bottle evokes refreshing sensations as its slight opaqueness suggests the cool refreshment ready in this chilled bottle. Behind the bottle, past the desert, lie snow capped mountains clearly pointing to the fresh, cool, and pure source of the water while the white coloring of the letters also emphasizes the pure, clean, untouched quality of the water. Noteworthy, the bottle is the tallest of the images with its blue cap joining the peaks of the distant snowy mountains. The overall simplicity of color choice (white, blue, light brown, and green) pairs with the simplicity of the message to “Find Your Oasis.” Finally, the message becomes personal with its use of “Your” and the font that resembles personal handwriting creating a subtle connection between the product and the consumer. As a side note, Dasani is produced by the Coca Cola Company which uses filtered tap water for this product.

Experiment with the reliable ways the horse wants to be transported. Some like to be silent while others have different variables; thus, experiment with all the variables on the horse to find your horse preference.

Instructions Assignment

Trailering brings about a lot of responsibilities that come in hand with respective procedures that should be followed. The following instructions can be implemented while trailering a horse.
Trailers should have enough space to let the horse fall to the channel. Allow them to take a free room to ensure their head is free from any refrains that can affect their mucus-draining posture.
Before you begin
Before trailering the horse, ensure not to give them grain. Hay is the most comforting food that is ingestible during horse transportation. Keep much of the hay in the trailer to keep it calm and busy; wet hay is best recommended to avoid any inconveniences.
If wet hay cannot be easily accessible, a fly mask around the face.
It is recommended to load the horse occasionally to take a ride around the neighborhood to avoid introducing something he has barely experienced.

Horses should be transported only when they are in good health; if not, the transportation should be postponed. To ensure that the horse is fit and healthy for the ride, check the respiration pulse and the temperature.

Ask for help
It is crucial to have an assistant who can help at any given time in case of an emergency. Some unforeseen circumstances and a detour might occur on the road.

Don’t forget the water
Carry enough water to help with dehydration problems.

Double check everything
For enhanced preparation before hauling the horse into the truck, double- check everything; the handbrakes, parking lights, and everything is in place to avoid jeopardizing the horse safety.
Check the side mirror and the pressure of both the vehicle and the trailer and ensure the latches are safe for the horse entrance.
The trailer should have a spare tire in case of a breakdown when transporting the horse.
Refer to the vehicle door jab to confirm the vehicle’s pressure and the trailers are of the needed quality.

Make sure your horse has the correct accessories
Ensure that the horse wears a breakaway halter; they are essential if it gets entangled in the trailer or falls.
The halter is made of leather, thus ensuring that there is sheepskin around then to protect the horse’s skin from hurting and bruises.

Experiment with the reliable ways the horse wants to be transported. Some like to be silent while others have different variables; thus, experiment with all the variables on the horse to find your horse preference.

Describe the “scene” in a way that makes it possible for others to get to know something about you. Focus on whatever you think is important.

An Indelible Childhood Memory

Choose one incident from your childhood where you learn something about yourself, about life or about others. Choose an incident that might be a first experience for you or one that taught you to grow up or something about yourself.
Describe the “scene” in a way that makes it possible for others to get to know something about you. You may focus on whatever you think is important. You may include physical description but do not limit yourself to that.
Remember the purpose of this story telling is to reveal something about yourself, maybe something that you did not previously recognize about yourself.

Why are there so few African Americans in executive business positions in America? and why should there be more African Americans in positions of power in businesses?

African Americans in positions of power

Why are there so few African Americans in executive business positions in America? and why should there be more African Americans in positions of power in businesses?

Choose a social problem or phenomenon and narrow your title in a period of time and a society. Then, center your title.

Social problem /phenomenon

Choose a social problem or phenomenon and narrow your title in a period of time and a society. Then, center your title.