
Analyze the movie from Fromm’s perspective. Choose at least two characters who represent true disobedience and false disobedience and two characters who represent different types of obedience in the movie.

Assignment for Oliver Stones movie Natural Born Killers

Nietzsche offers two models for understanding morality: Good versus Bad; and Evil versus Good. Choose two characters from the movie whose actions and the explanation of their actions could be interpreted according to the first model (Good versus Bad), and two characters whose actions and the explanation of their actions could be interpreted according to the second model (Evil versus Good). In each case, explain your choice. Support your choice with episodes from the movie.

Reading Fromm, we learned to distinguish authentic, true disobedience from false disobedience and to distinguish heteronomous obedience from autonomous obedience. Analyze the movie from Fromm’s perspective. Choose at least two characters who represent true disobedience and false disobedience and two characters who represent different types of obedience in the movie. Explain and justify your choice by using Fromm’s arguments and episodes from the movie.

Create a scenario about a real-life engineering case faced at work and talk about the following: talk about the issue you face and about the facts, Analyze and discuss the related ethical concepts, Refer to NSPE codes of ethics, Final recommendation and decisions as well as obligation.

Engineering ethics

Create a scenario about a real-life engineering case faced at work and talk about the following: talk about the issue you face and about the facts, Analyze and discuss the related ethical concepts, Refer to NSPE codes of ethics, Final recommendation and decisions as well as obligation.
The case should be real life case you faced not from internet.

Explain the benefits of implementing your recommendations and justify why you are making these specific recommendations.

Zero Based Budgeting

Read the Hospital transformation through zero based budgeting Download Hospital transformation through zero based budgetingPowerPoint presentation. The Board of Directors of Windsor Memorial Hospital has hired you to be their zero-based budget consultant. Specify how Windsor Memorial Hospital can implement a zero-based budget and provide your recommendations to the Board of Directors of the Hospital. Explain the benefits of implementing your recommendations and justify why you are making these specific recommendations.

How would you measure the extent to which public policy in a particular country is redistributive? How would you determine whether there is too much, too little or just about the right amount of redistribution in a particular country?

Public policy

How would you measure the extent to which public policy in a particular country is redistribute? How would you determine whether there is too much, too little or just about the right amount of redistribution in a particular country?

Which state appears to have more comprehensive services? What factors may impact the services the states are able to provide?

School health

Access the school health website of Ohio and Florida ( (Links to an external site.) and (Links to an external site.)). Compare the services and educational component as described on the website. Compare this to the service described in community/public health nursing: promoting the health of populations chapter 30, school health. Which state appears to have more comprehensive services? What factors may impact the services the states are able to provide? Submit your analysis in an essay.

What do you know about our company? Why would you be an asset to our organization? Why are you the right person for the job? What approach do you take when working with people from different backgrounds? Where do you want to be five years from now, career-wise?


Speech 130—Interpersonal Communication Resume & Mock Interview Assignment
1. Tell me about yourself.

2. Why are you interested in this position?

3. What strengths would you bring to the job? a. Tell me about a success that you’ve had on the job. 2

4. Tell me about something that you can improve on the job. a. Tell me about a time when you could have done a better job. 2

5. What do you know about our company?

6. Why would you be an asset to our organization? a. Why are you the right person for the job?

7. What approach do you take when working with people from different backgrounds?

8. Where do you want to be five years from now, career-wise?

9. Why are you looking for work? a. Why did you leave your last position?

10. What is the most difficult person/situation that you’ve had to deal with? How did you handle that? 2

11. What salary are you looking for?

12. Do you have any questions for us? a. Is there anything else that you’d like to add?

1. Question Variations – Do not wait to hear the exact wording of a question. Interviewers may ask variations of the above questions or other general ice-breaker questions, typically based on the resume or job application, at the start of an interview.

2. Behavioral Questions – Be careful when answering “behavioral” or “situational” questions. Employers assume that you are a creature of habit, and that you will do again what you’ve done in the past—but this time as an employee of their company. Always accent the positive.

Collect, analyze and synthesize commercial and economic data relevant to the evaluation of ideas for entrepreneurship and innovation in in the tourism, hospitality and events industries.

Analysis of entrepreneur’s challenges in the future of hotel industry

1. Critically interpret theories of entrepreneurship and innovation and their relationship to the experience economy. (COI)

2. Demonstrate knowledge and critical understanding of entrepreneurship and innovation across a range of economic and business contexts in the tourism, hospitality and events industries. (COI) (IC)

3. Collect, analyze and synthesize commercial and economic data relevant to the evaluation of ideas for entrepreneurship and innovation in in the tourism, hospitality and events industries. (COI) (IC)

Subject-based practical skills

4. Analyze and evaluate strategies for entrepreneurship and innovation in the experience economy and/or destinations that contribute to inclusive and ethical business models (COI) (CI)

Skills for life and work (general skills)
5. To present a coherent analysis and critique of different theoretical viewpoints in a written format (COI) (DP)

What is your technique? Why are you including this in your analysis? What do you hope to learn/gain from working through this technique?

Federal vaccine mandate result

Will the Federal vaccine mandate result in a major inside security threat after the January 4th deadline?

Sentence 1: Why is your methodology, and selection of techniques the best approach?
Sentence 2: What would the alternative be?
Sentences 3-5: Supporting data and/or logic, and/or assumptions. Provide citations as necessary and relevant.

Key Assumptions Check technique
Sentence 1: What is your technique? Pretend I’m not the professor and define it.
Sentence 2: Why are you including this in your analysis?
Sentences 3-5: What do you hope to learn/gain from working through this technique?

Describe how this takes place the moment the client is referred or comes into the office

Term Paper Kaufman Intelligence Test

History and Development of the Test (include dates)Purpose and Nature of the Test (In-depth description for each of three main areas –administration, scoring and interpretation)

Practical Evaluation (How is it used? For what gps.?) .

The Process of Assessment (Describe how this takes place the moment the client is referred or comes into the office

a)Intake Forms

b)Ethical and Legal Issues

c)Clinical Interview d)Use of Psychological Tests (Why tests are important and how do they help in assessment)

d)The Use of the ________ (name instrument) Review of Major Assessment Area Norms, Validity and Reliability (include correlation coefficients and statistical findings of effectiveness) Cultural Issues and Validation Across Cultures Strengths and Weaknesses of Test References

Create a timeline identifying the major figures from the History of Ideas. The timelines may be hand written/drawn or created electronically.

Timeline on History of Ideas from the book history of knowledge by Charles Van Doren

History of Ideas Timeline – create a timeline identifying the major figures from the History of Ideas. The timelines may be hand written/drawn or created electronically. The timeline should include at least 50 entries and each entry should be correctly dated and supply a short but substantive summary of the idea.