
Is the median occupancy rate approximately the same throughout the week? If not, which days have lower median occupancy rates? Which days have higher median occupancy rates? Is this what you expected?

Week 6

Instructions: Work with the provided Excel database. This database has the following columns:

Lot Code: A unique code that identifies the parking lot
Lot Capacity: A number with the respective parking lot capacity
Lot Occupancy: A number with the current number of cars in the parking lot
Time Stamp: A day/time combination indicating the moment when occupancy was measured
Day: The day of the week corresponding to the Time Stamp
Insert a new column, Occupancy Rate, recording occupancy rate as a percentage with one decimal. For instance, if the current Lot Occupancy is 61 and Lot Capacity is 577, then the Occupancy Rate would be reported as 10.6 (or 10.6%).
Using the Occupancy Rate and Day columns, construct box plots for each day of the week. You can use Insert > Insert Statistic Chart >Box and Whisker for this purpose. Is the median occupancy rate approximately the same throughout the week? If not, which days have lower median occupancy rates? Which days have higher median occupancy rates? Is this what you expected?
Using the Occupancy Rate and Lot Code columns, construct box plots for each parking lot. You can use Insert > Insert Statistic Chart >Box and Whisker for this purpose. Do all parking lots experience approximately equal occupancy rates? Are some parking lots more frequented than others? Is this what you expected?
Select any 2 parking lots. For each one, prepare a scatter plot showing the occupancy rate against Time Stamp for the week 11/20/2016 –11/26/2016. Are occupancy rates time-dependent? If so, which times seem to experience the highest occupancy rates? Is this what you expected?

What is the overall fit r^2? What is the adjusted r^2? Which predictors are considered significant if we work with α=0.05? Which predictors can be eliminated? What is the final model if we only use FloorArea and Offices as predictors?

Regression Modeling


The Excel file for this assignment contains a database with information about the tax assessment value assigned to medical office buildings in a city. The following is a list of the variables in the database:

Floor Area: square feet of floor space
Offices: number of offices in the building
Entrances: number of customer entrances
Age: age of the building (years)
Assessed Value: tax assessment value (thousands of dollars)

Use the data to construct a model that predicts the tax assessment value assigned to medical office buildings with specific characteristics.

Construct a scatter plot in Excel with Floor Area as the independent variable and Assessment Value as the dependent variable. Insert the bivariate linear regression equation and r^2 in your graph. Do you observe a linear relationship between the 2 variables?
Use Excel’s Analysis ToolPak to conduct a regression analysis of Floor Area and Assessment Value. Is Floor Area a significant predictor of Assessment Value?
Construct a scatter plot in Excel with Age as the independent variable and Assessment Value as the dependent variable. Insert the bivariate linear regression equation and r^2 in your graph. Do you observe a linear relationship between the 2 variables?
Use Excel’s Analysis ToolPak to conduct a regression analysis of Age and Assessment Value. Is Age a significant predictor of Assessment Value?

Construct a multiple regression model.

Use Excel’s Analysis ToolPak to conduct a regression analysis with Assessment Value as the dependent variable and Floor Area, Offices, Entrances, and Age as independent variables. What is the overall fit r^2? What is the adjusted r^2?
Which predictors are considered significant if we work with α=0.05? Which predictors can be eliminated?
What is the final model if we only use Floor Area and Offices as predictors?
Suppose our final model is:
Assessed Value = 115.9 + 0.26 x Floor Area + 78.34 x Offices
What would be the assessed value of a medical office building with a floor area of 3500 sq. ft., 2 offices, that was built 15 years ago? Is this assessed value consistent with what appears in the database?

Describe the project. You do not need to be too specific at this point, but the more specific you are the easier it is to do research. Discuss possible research questions or a possible thesis. Discuss possible primary sources

Aztec gods, culture and religion

Instructions for proposals – 1 page with a 1 page bibliography

1.Describe the project. You do not need to be too specific at this point, but the more specific you are the easier it is to do research

2.Discuss possible research questions or a possible thesis

3.Discuss possible primary sources

4.Bibliography should include at least five sources and one of them should be a primary source.

Follow-up responses to classmates’ initial answers or responses that integrate course theories with a practical application of the subject, offering a personal observation or experience, or referencing real-world examples, current events, or presenting current research on the topic.

Reply to post

Participating in classroom discussion is paramount to the learning experience. Participating in the weekly discussions allows students and instructors to share experiences, investigate complicated subject matter, share expertise, and examine the content from new perspectives. The qualitative participation requirements are:

• Follow-up responses to classmates’ initial answers or responses that integrate course theories with a practical application of the subject, offering a personal observation or experience, or referencing real-world examples, current events, or presenting current research on the topic.

• Classroom interaction demonstrating deeper or broader thoughts beyond rephrasing what the textbook has presented on the topic.

• Responses encouraging further discussion and ongoing dialogue with other students and the instructor in the class.

• Asking additional, relevant questions about the week’s topic.

• Communications that are presented in a professional and supportive manner, and with respectful tone.

Substantive posts are when you add to the discussion, relate an experience or literature that adds to or illustrates the topic under discussion. References are expected and all references must be formatted following APA 7th edition guidelines.

According to the article listed above, what were the most important strategic moves that propelled Netflix’s successful international expansion?

Netflix’s successful international expansion

-“How Netflix Expanded to 190 Countries in 7 Years” from Harvard Business Review

Write a 525-word summary covering the following items:

According to the article listed above, what were the most important strategic moves that propelled Netflix’s successful international expansion?
The article mentions investments in big data and analytics as one of the elements accompanying the second phase of overseas expansion. Why was this investment important? What type of information did Netflix derive from the data collected?
According to the article, what is exponential globalization?
Not all international expansion strategies are a resounding success, however. Research an article or video that discusses an instance in which an American company’s expansion efforts in another country failed. According to the article/video you selected, what were the main reasons for this failure? Do you agree with this assessment?
Explain some of the reasons why certain companies’ expansion plans have failed in the past.

Use the provided scenario and discuss how you as a teacher would respond to the student and the issues being encountered by the student in that scenario.

Supporting the Mental and emotional Well-Being of Your Students (Anthony)

Use the provided scenario and discuss how you as a teacher would respond to the student and the issues being encountered by the student in that scenario.

Write one paragraph response to each of the reaction papers: you must also submit responses to at least two of your classmates’ reaction papers.

Response to reaction paper

Write one paragraph response to each of the reaction papers: you must also submit responses to at least two of your classmates’ reaction papers. responses to classmates’ responses also count. good responses are not merely opinions. Like reaction papers, they are ideas based firmly on research findings or other observations. Good responses to reaction papers propel a line of thinking further or move it in new directions.

You can just start typing the response from the top of the page. no need for leaving space for names, date and more.

How will you use figurative language such as metaphor and alliteration? What type of characters will you include?

Creative Archetype Assignment

Prompt 1: Short Story

Create a short story using all you have learned so far in the unit. Include archetypes, literary elements, figurative language, and academic vocabulary words you learned in the course to shape your story. What is the setting, plot, characters, etc. How will you use figurative language such as metaphor and alliteration? What type of characters will you include? Ensure that you also demonstrate a clear point-of-view such as omniscient, limited omniscient, third-person, narrative, or first person, within your story.

Your short story should include a title, and be a minimum of 1 page and a maximum of 5 pages in length. Submit a typed paper, using Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, and double-spaced lines (Space your lines). Be sure to also use paragraph formatting, with the first line of each paragraph being indented.

Prompt 2: Literary Service Announcement (LSA) Assignment

You have had a relationship with archetypes since a young age—Carl Jung might argue this is true since your conception. In fact, many movies and sitcoms use archetypes as part of their humor (think of the hero in “Spiderman,” or the villainous Joker in “Batman”). Throughout this unit, you have identified common archetypes across ancient and modern texts and visuals.

Choose the ONE archetype you most relate to, recognize, and/or like.

Create a public service announcement that educates your audience on the role of the archetype as well as persuades them that your archetype is one of the greatest—most common, most powerful, most dynamic (changes the most), most unique, etc.

Read each source carefully, noting its main arguments and relevant support. Evaluate each source for credibility, argument, support, and relevance.

Annotated Bibliography

For your annotated bibliography, include only sources you think you might actually use for your Module 5 Assignment: Researched Argument Essay. You will need at least eight relevant, quality sources for this assignment.
Pre-Write: Read each source carefully, noting its main arguments and relevant support. Evaluate each source for credibility, argument, support, and relevance.
Write: Construct your annotated bibliography. Each source should have its own annotated entry. For each source’s entry, you should write:
An MLA Style Works Cited entry
3-4 sentences of summary
3-4 sentences of evaluation
2-3 sentences of reflection on the usefulness/relevance of the source to your research project/working thesis

-Your annotated bibliography should have 8-10 sources (no more, no less). Of those eight sources, at least four of them should be academic journal articles. The other sources should be a mix of magazine, news, internet, podcast, TED Talk, documentary, or other less traditional source types. No more than two sources should be general websites.

Explain what you learned from each source you consulted and how the information connects to your research question.

Does the length of a hug matter

This is for an exploratory essay/research proposal
List your initial research question(s).
Write out your process – exactly, and step-by-step. (Yes, you’ll say: “The first thing I did to find information was to…)
Explain what you learned from each source you consulted and how the information connects to your research question.
Your initial research should lead you to more questions. Start following those and duplicate the process: ask the question, do more research, write about it. Ask good questions and pursue them until you run out of questions.
Rather than writing a conclusion, end the essay with an argumentative thesis developed from the information you found on your exploratory journey. This thesis will become your working thesis for your Module 5 researched argument.