
Identify leadership traits and/or styles and analysing their impact on organisational change programmes. Explaining and comparing leadership theories and relating these to the context of organisational change.

Management and organisational change

Part One Particular consideration may be given to:
⦁ Assessing the relationship between attitude, job satisfaction and commitment
⦁ Identifying the key issues influencing motivation
⦁ Explaining and comparing theoretical approaches to motivation (content and process) and
⦁ relating these to the context of employee dissatisfaction/disillusionment
⦁ Analysing the practical applicability and usefulness of motivation theories for managers/leaders
⦁ Evaluating team-working and its impact on addressing individual and to organisational needs

Part Two Particular consideration may be given to:
⦁ Defining and exemplifying organisational change
⦁ Establishing the role leadership plays in directing organisational change
⦁ Identifying leadership traits and/or styles and analysing their impact on organisational change programmes
⦁ Explaining and comparing leadership theories and relating these to the context of organisational change
⦁ Evaluating the practical limitations of leadership theories


Complete a qualitative reflective paper in which you talk about your topic, what you learned, and how it affected you.

African Americans in a marginalized society

Complete a qualitative reflective paper in which you talk about your topic, what you learned, and how it affected you. You should address factors related to disadvantages, prejudices/discrimination against, stereotypes, special challenges, segregation, cultural concepts, assimilation, economics, etc.

What are some of the stressors you experience at work? How do these stressors relate to the job stressors discussed in the text and lecture? For example, are the stressors you experience related to role ambiguity or conflict, quantitative or qualitative work overload, etc.?

Stressors you experience at work

In your journal this week you will be discussing your own experiences with job stress. You may also discuss the stress you have experienced from school-related work. Address the following in your entry:

What are some of the stressors you experience at work?
How do these stressors relate to the job stressors discussed in the text and lecture? For example, are the stressors you experience related to role ambiguity or conflict, quantitative or qualitative work overload, etc.?
How did you resolve these stressors? Do you think these stressors caused short-term or long-term strain (tip: look at the five-step model of the job stress process on p. 285)?
What steps could organizations take to prevent the stress process from occurring?
How can employees better deal with strains (e.g., stress management techniques)?

How can the multimedia course discussion questions be used to demonstrate your understanding of the interactional framework for analyzing leadership addressed in this course?

OLead100 – Columbia Final Mission Paper

Add 5 more pages to the previous essay but add the following subjects to it to summarize the entire essay with it.
With this paper, you get the chance to review the multimedia case again from the perspective of the entire course and all the material read in the course. Use evidence from the material that you have read in Lessons 1-11 to address the above questions. So, the task here is to use the paper to relate the questions from the multimedia case to the topics that were covered in the course, such as leadership traits, leadership styles, strength-based leadership, leadership skills, power and influence, followership, teams and leadership, listening to out-group members, organizational culture and more. When you examine the multimedia case, can you see how some of these topics relate? What have you learned from these topics that are relevant to the multimedia case? Additional questions to address in the paper are:

⦁ How can the multimedia course discussion questions be used to demonstrate your understanding of the interactional framework for analyzing leadership addressed in this course?

⦁ Since in the case of large-scale failures in complex organizations multiple factors can contribute to the causes of failure, can you provide a comprehensive view of possible factors and solutions to the Columbia Space Shuttle disaster from what you have learned in Lesson 1-11?

You will need to provide strong logic and facts to support your ideas. The paper should be complete, reasonably free from errors, clearly organized, and well thought out. These questions should be addressed in a double-spaced paper of 5-8 pages in length.

Discuss the ideas developed by the text creator in your chosen text about “The ways other people influence our identity” from the book Simple Recipes by Madeleine Thien.

Simple Recipes by Madeleine Thien

Discuss the ideas developed by the text creator in your chosen text about “The ways other people influence our identity” from the book Simple Recipes by Madeleine Thien.

Describe the form that each of these takes in Homo sapiens and what that says about our behavior, biology, or evolution.

The traits used to distinguish between primate taxa are dental characteristics, behavioral adaptations, and locomotor adaptations. Describe the form that each of these takes in Homo sapiens and what that says about our behavior, biology, or evolution. In other words, if an alien scientist were studying a human skeleton, what would they be able to tell about our diet, behavior, and locomotion?

Discuss why the long house is such an important concept. What does it symbolize? In addition, discuss what was so significant about the way they planted their main crops and what does that represent metaphorically?

Reflection 3

Watch the following YouTube Video

Iroquois Confederacy: First Democracy of the Americas (22:20) at


Write a 3-to-4-page reflective paper on the question, “Is democracy the best to govern?” Include supporting information from the video.

Use these questions and statements below as some guidelines for the reflective paper:

Give a brief history of the Iroquois confederacy. Explain what you think made it work.


Demonstrate how important it is to use holism when trying to set up a society and the way that society will be governed.


Discuss why the long house is such an important concept. What does it symbolize?


In addition, discuss what was so significant about the way they planted their main crops and what does that represent metaphorically?


Explain how the Iroquois passed down history and learning about their culture? Include why it is so important to hear this emic view and why language is important to this way of transmitting history.


Retell when the way of life for the Iroquois began to change and what type of changes this brought. Explore if you think language also changed as these changes occurred. Why would that be important?


Illustrate ways in which more gender equality might influence the decisions about conflict resolution. Discuss how gender roles were divided.


Examine how the Iroquois were treated during the negotiation process. Were they treated fairly? Explain how this goes against the concept of democracy. When was it recognized that the Iroquois contributed to the founding of democracy? Discuss problems that still exist.


In the video a point about conflict resolution comes about when they mention Lacrosse. Explain what significance that would have?


Describe the concept of “everyone has a gift” mentioned in the video.


Explore situations you see today that might benefit from these concepts being applied today.

Do you feel that the U.S. is appropriately structured and resourced to adequately provide timely, accurate and actionable domestic intelligence to support the entire spectrum of intelligence users from the Federal government down to state and local agencies?

Homeland security enterprise

What are the capabilities and limitations of domestic intelligence efforts in supporting the homeland security enterprise? State the topic.
Do you feel that the U.S. is appropriately structured and resourced to adequately provide timely, accurate and actionable domestic intelligence to support the entire spectrum of intelligence users (customers) from the Federal government down to state and local agencies (both now and into the future)? State the topic.

Select one of the Five-Factors and discuss how this factor relates to an open attitude toward diversity as related to Costa and McCrae’s Five-Factor Model of Personality?

Maslow’s Basic Assumptions


Adler Examine Adler’s 3 safeguarding tendencies in the text. Select 1 of the tendencies and compare that tendency with instances of safeguarding that you find in Scripture. Demonstrate how that situation would have been improved if safeguarding tendencies were not used.


Maslow Identify Maslow’s 5 basic assumptions regarding motivation as well as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Discuss each assumption and hierarchy level. Include specific examples from Scripture regarding motivation.


Costa and McCrae: Review the section in Chapter 13 titled “In Search of the Big Five” and the article “Big Five Personality Factors and Facets as Predictors of Openness to Diversity” (Han & Pistole, 2017). Select one of the Five-Factors and discuss how this factor relates to an open attitude toward diversity as related to Costa and McCrae’s Five-Factor Model of Personality? Make sure to incorporate Han and Pistole (2017)’s discussion of openness to diversity in your essay.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Could you versify such a paragraph, Whitmanstyle? With regard to democratic values, what justification can be offered for Whitman’s long lines, his lack of rhyme, his abundant catalogs and enumerations?

Whitman’s “Democratic Vistas”

Whitman’s “Democratic Vistas” can be read for guidance on Whitman’s voice as well as his aspirations as a bard. Read aloud one of the emotionally charged and prophetic paragraphs—for example, the one beginning “Then still the thought returns,” and then choose a passage from Song of Myself that picks up on similar sounds
and rhetorical devices. Could you versify such a paragraph, Whitman’s style? With regard to democratic values, what justification can be offered for Whitman’s long lines, his lack of rhyme, his abundant catalogs and enumerations? How have other modern American arts, besides poetry, expressed these values?