
Choose a cultural text/artefact which contains images of modern lovers that you hate or love most. Discuss in what ways the representation deviates from or align with your expectation or imagination of modern love.

Cultural text/artefact

Choose a cultural text/artefact which contains images of modern lovers that you hate or love most. Discuss in what ways the representation deviates from or align with your expectation or imagination of modern love. Evaluate whether the chosen text depicts the love relationship in the liquid modern world accurately.

What are the main arguments? What is the point of this book or article?

Nursing & Physician Shortage

Topic for assignment: Nursing & Physician Shortage. 3 sources that can easily found on the internet, however they need to be scholarly. See below for more details.

This assignment calls for you to prepare an annotated bibliography based on the subject of your research paper. An annotated bibliography is a bibliography that has been supplemented to include a brief summary and evaluation of each individual source. The summary should address certain key questions regarding the contents of each source. What are the main arguments? What is the point of this book or article?

Prepare an annotated bibliography that assesses at least three sources likely to prove helpful in the writing of your research paper. For each source you must provide a full APA style citation, a brief summary of that source’s content, and a brief assessment of the source’s potential contributions to your research paper.

. Assume the state has a criminal statute that prohibits the advocating of violent means during a protest. What circumstances must present before a speaker can be arrested for unlawful advocacy? Explain.

Week 13 – The Challenge of Protests

Initial post: minimum 500 words

After successfully completing your studies at CALU you are consulted by a police agency (for a large fee, of course). The agency is trying to plan for a large protest within its jurisdiction that will occur on a scheduled date. Based upon the two required cases only, how would you advise the agency:

1. How should the agency handle protestors who start burning flags during the protest? Explain.

2. Assume the state has a criminal statute that prohibits the advocating of violent means during a protest. What circumstances must present before a speaker can be arrested for unlawful advocacy? Explain.

What was the research question asked? What kind of sample was used and why? What kind of methods were used to collect the data? What were the research findings?


Role of eHealth application On cokompas in supporting self-management of symptoms and health-related quality of life in cancer survivors: a randomized, controlled trial

For this question you must use the library’s academic databases to find a very recent (2020 – 2021) study published in a peer reviewed academic journal.

There are two parts to the discussion question.

First, provide a full summary of the article. What was the research question asked? What kind of sample was used and why? What kind of methods were used to collect the data? What were the research findings? Do not cut/paste the information from the article – provide the summary in your own words.

Second, imagine this article was going to be a featured news story. Write a 350 (or so) word summary geared for the general public. Explain the study, findings, why the study’s findings should be taken seriously, and overall importance of the study.

What are the Proposed Options? Discuss possible policy options to respond to the problem including a description of what others are doing in response to the problem, what is known about the policy options from peer review literature.

Heart Disease in Los Angeles County – Policy Brief


The purpose of this assignment is to prepare a policy brief on a current local public health problem, issue or concern for Heart Disease. You will be required to write a brief that addresses the questions listed below. The questions listed will guide the organization of your paper, including your APA headings. You can use tables, pictures, figures, graphs, etc in addition to text. The policy brief is not to exceed 4 pages (excluding your cover page and references). You must include at least 5 recent references (within the last 5 years). Be sure to use titles/subtitles to organize your paper. This policy brief should be focused on a local health issue. Local in this case, refers to your individual state, county, or city. The following link can be used to research California legislative initiatives; however, each state has their own version that are easily found via google search. California Legislation-

What is the Issue? State the health issue/problem that the policy change is designed to address.
What is the Background? Present the data describing the issue/problem to be addressed by the local policy change. Can include graphs, tables, figures, pictures, etc.
What are the Proposed Options? Discuss possible policy options to respond to the problem including a description of what others are doing in response to the problem, what is known about the policy options from peer review literature. As well as a brief discussion of the health, fiscal, administrative, legal, social and political implications of each policy option.
What is Your Recommendation? Recommendation focused on how to enact the policy option you are advocating.

Why does coca production concern the U.S. government? What are the key forces of economics behind the growing of coca?   What conflicting goals exist within U.S. society which influence the problem?

Bolivia’s Coca

Questions to Consider:
What is Bolivia’s official policy for growing coca? Why are there rules
governing the growth of this agricultural product?
2.)  Why does coca production concern the U.S. government?
3.)  What are the key forces of economics behind the growing of coca?
4.)  What conflicting goals exist within U.S. society which influence the problem?
5.)  What incentives and disincentives exist for coca growers?

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of each of the seven major factors that affect location decisions and how they will affect your chosen firm.

Location Decisions

Identify a company that currently has no international locations. Assume that the company wishes to expand into a foreign market and you are the chairperson on the location selection committee. It is your job to recommend the best region or country in which to locate. Provide a brief overview of your selected company (~1 paragraph). Explain the advantages and disadvantages of each of the seven major factors that affect location decisions and how they will affect your chosen firm.
Provide a recommendation on the best region (country) for your selected company to locate and justify.

Outline and evaluate the two perspectives preferably Marxism structural theory and functionalism structural theory.

Give an outline and evaluation of the importance of two sociological theories in today’ society

Outline and evaluate the two perspectives preferably Marxism structural theory and functionalism structural theory.

Outline and evaluate key studies for each perspective.

Nurses incorporate questions about driving to identify the need for a more comprehensive assessment. What questions would you ask? What are some common risk factors that can affect driving?

In preparation for your Community Assessment, answer the following questions and consider these when completing your paper.

1. Nurses incorporate questions about driving to identify the need for a more comprehensive assessment. What questions would you ask?

2. What are some common risk factors that can affect driving?

3. What are some common referrals related to driving safety?

4. How will this fit with the older adult community assessment paper?

5. Cite your reference using APA format

Is the family considered a formal organization or a social institution? What is the definition of kinship? What is the term given to the family you’ve grown up in? How is the ‘nuclear’ family defined? College educated Americans are more likely to marry those of similar education. Yes or no?

Ch 12 ~ Families and Relationships: Theories & Stages Start Assignment

2.) Is the family considered a formal organization or a social institution?

3.) What is the definition of kinship?

4.) What is the term given to the family you’ve grown up in?

5.) How is the ‘nuclear’ family defined?

6. ) College educated Americans are more likely to marry those of similar education. Yes or no?

7.) What is the difference between monogamy and polygamy?

8.) What are stereotypes that are often given to a mother and father?

9.) What is the first stage of family life?

10.) What is ‘propinquity’?

11.) How percent of marriages ended in divorce for couples married during the 1970s and 1980s?

12.) Divorce rates are higher for which population?

13.) What percent of children are born outside of marriage to college education women?

14.) For a child born in 2015, what will a middle class family likely spend on that child?

15.) What does it mean when the term ’empty nest’ is used?

16.) Has the U.S. divorce rate increased or declined since the 1990s?

17.) What is mean by the ‘sandwich generation’?

18.) What is a ‘blended’ family?

From chapter 12 in your textbook, answer the following questions and include the question with your answer:

19.) List the stages of abuse (cycle of violence) and state what typically occurs during each stage.

20.) Approximately what percent of older adults have been subjected to elder abuse?

21.) List six forms of elder abuse.

22.) Who does the ‘baby-boom’ generation refer to?

23.) Which theoretical approach views marriage as constructed through rituals and everyday interactions?

24.) Do contemporary sociologists define “family” the same as the U.S. census bureau?

25.) Describe a typical mealtime in your home.