
What is your understanding of monopolistic competition and oligopoly? How do firms in each of these market structures determine prices for their products?

Markets, Maximizers, and Efficiency

What is your understanding of monopolistic competition and oligopoly? How do firms in each of these market structures determine prices for their products? Provide at least one example of a firm operating in each of these market structures.

How is it like to encounter discrimination and racism in the school? What messages do you get from your peers concerning your ancestry? Who are the students who say them? What responses do you give whenever your experience discrimination?

Ethnographic Paper

Research Question
How do racism and discrimination affect the school life of one Hispanic college student in the U.S.?
Interview Protocol
1. How is it like to encounter discrimination and racism in the school?
2. What messages do you get from your peers concerning your ancestry? Who are the students who say them?
3. What responses do you give whenever your experience discrimination?
4. How is your stay in the U.S., and have you adjusted to living with social profiling?
5. What does the school say about discrimination?
6. What legal or disciplinary obligations does the school enforce to curb the problem?
7. What evidence does the school seek and examine when conducting investigations or disciplinary obligations?
8. What disciplinary records and policies are students supposed to maintain?
9. How are the social lives of other affected students?
10. How should racism and discrimination be remedied in colleges and universities?

.The Southeastern United States is prone to hurricanes during certain times of the year. How might public-private partnerships assist this region and its citizens to prepare for and deal with a hurricane disaster?


The midterm essay examination consists of five (5) essay questions. You must select and answer two (2) out of the five (5) questions. Your responses must be at least 1 full page (250 words) for each question, double-spaced, one-inch margins all the way around, in Arial 11-point, or Times New Roman 12-point, font. Save and submit your work as an MS Word .doc or .rtf file. Use the American Psychological Association (APA) style (7th edition) for writing your assignment.

You must select TWO following essay questions:

1.Select a critical infrastructure asset and suggest five ways to protect that asset. At least two suggestions should fall under the heading of critical infrastructure protection and two suggestions should fall under the heading of critical infrastructure assurance.

2.The Southeastern United States is prone to hurricanes during certain times of the year. How might public-private partnerships assist this region and its citizens to prepare for and deal with a hurricane disaster?

Summarize the article and show its strengths and weaknesses. How does this article work within your experience, and discipline?

Breaking through the binary

Summarize the article and show its strengths and weaknesses. How does this article work within your experience, and discipline?

In your introduction paragraph, briefly identify the cultural production(s) (your choice of 1-3 song(s) from the 1960s-1980s) that you will analyze, your approach (historical or cultural), and the paper’s central argument or takeaway point.

Analyze the history of two songs

Assignment Prompt: Write an analytical paper responding directly to your chosen prompt.

The two songs that I have chosen

Eagles – Best of My Love March 1, 1975

Michael Jackson – Rock with You January 19, 1980

Add the links to the songs at the top of the paper

In your introduction paragraph, briefly identify the cultural production(s) (your choice of 1-3 song(s) from the 1960s-1980s) that you will analyze, your approach (historical or cultural), and the paper’s central argument or takeaway point. In your conclusion, strong essays will take the essay one step further to address why this topic is significant to U.S. culture, society, and/or history.

Prompt Option #1 – Historical Approach

Examine the origins, development, lyric meaning/ representation, or music. Consider using language that focuses on the songwriter’s intention in writing this song.

1” margins, a readable 10 or 12 pt font, and double-spaced.

Assume you decide to invest in the business. In 100-150 words, briefly explain the due diligence that you would conduct before finalizing the deal.

Alternative investments

1) Show your operating projections over the next five years and the profit projection in year 5 if you acquire the firm using leverage buyout. Consider this as your base case scenario. Briefly explain and discuss your numbers. You want to make sure that the readers know what you are doing. (10 marks) (300-400 words)

2) Conduct scenario testing by altering the choices you made above. You want to create two additional scenarios, ‘best’ and ‘worst’ scenarios. Clearly, ‘best’ scenario would be the scenario where the firm is valued more. ‘Worst’ scenario is where the firm is valued less. Briefly explain your assumptions and repeat (1) above and show your operating projections for the next five years and the profit projection in year 5 in these two additional scenarios. Briefly explain and discuss the sensitivity of your main findings based on your scenario testing. (10 marks) (300-400 words)

3) You generally require investments to triple in value over a 5-year period. Based on your above analysis discuss why you would, or would not, acquire this company (in 100-150 words). (4 marks)

4) Read more

Using O’Brien’s book and your textbook and lectures, discuss the character of the Vietnam War. Describe the conflicts within the army itself, from the common soldiers to the differences between civilian and military leadership.

If I Die in a Combat Zone Essay

In your study of US History you’ve encountered many stories of soldiers in many settings. Vietnam has always been described as different than any of the other American wars that preceded it. Using O’Brien’s book and your textbook and lectures, discuss the character of the Vietnam War. Describe the conflicts within the army itself, from the common soldiers (racial difficulties, officers vs. enlisted men, etc) to the differences between civilian and military leadership. Also discuss the treatment of noncombatants. Make an argument as to whether this war was different from all other American wars. In addition, answer and defend this question. Was this war winnable? Why or why not?

Compare and contrast how the following can impact potential fraud and abuse among your coders.

Potential fraud and abuse

Compare and contrast how the following can impact potential fraud and abuse among your coders: False Claims Act, Office of Inspector General, Recovery Audit Contractors, Unbundling, and upcoding.

Is there evidence that the writer has taken on board the workshop content in terms of both Social Media selling and the diverse nature of the potential audience?

“How I would approach selling a mass market wellness/fitness App direct to consumers only using Social Media.”

Toward learning outcome 3, this assignment is an opportunity to reflect on the of the role of social media in B2C selling and to develop your own critical understanding of what is such a common endeavour for SME’s in the digital landscape. In completing this assignment, the student is expected to gain insight into SME style Business to Consumer (B2C) selling and with that a deeper understanding of the selling approach required across a diversity of seller/buyer interactions.
The Task: In this assignment you are expected to outline in 500 words the B2C approach you would take to selling a mass market wellness/fitness App just using social media, from the position of being a small business. An understanding of best practice in B2C selling over social media is required, along with some evidence of secondary research into the sales approach of fitness/wellness Apps in social media. The writer must also show a sensitivity to the diverse nature of the mass audience. The writing style must be succinct and persuasive yet also show a critical understanding of the sales process.
1. Insight into B2C Selling on Social Media: You must show that you have insight into B2C selling on Social Media. It is expected to be clear you know how selling is conducted over social media.
2. Best Practice Sales Approach: It is expected that the recommended sales approach is realistic, feasible and makes good sense. It needs to conform in some way to the best practice in B2C selling of over social media. If the approach is not accounting for best practice, then a solid justification of divergence from the best practice is required.
3. Evidence of Research into the specific market: It is vital that the selling activity in the specific fitness/wellness market has been researched and that such research is evidential in the reflection.
4. Impact of Workshop learning: Is there evidence that the writer has taken on board the workshop content in terms of both Social Media selling and the diverse nature of the potential audience?
5. Good use of grammar and language: In selling, salespeople are expected to use concise, grammatically accurate and persuasive writing. Therefore, in this assignment these qualities are also being looked for.

Identify a local business partner within China that could help the organization advance the proposed emerging technology.

Global Business Benchmark – Executive Summary

Based on the Effect of Emerging Technology on the Economy of the Country assignment you completed in Topic 3, provide an executive summary (350-500 words) to recommend how the emerging technology could solve a problem in China. Provide research and evidence that supports your summary. Use the following format:


Provide an overview of what you are recommending to an executive at an organization.

Identify the Problem

Describe the problem and its impact within the chosen country.

Propose a Solution

• Describe an emerging technology (global or country-specific) that could be implemented to solve the problem.

• Identify an organization that offers the emerging technology to solve the problem.

What Is Needed to Implement the Solution

• Highlight potential obstacles based on economic, legal, and cultural factors within the country. For example, what the solution costs, return on investment, legal compliance, competition, market entry barriers, cultural customs and values, and available resources.

• Identify a local business partner within China that could help the organization advance the proposed emerging technology.