
Why do you think strategic planning is so important and how do can one decide on which strategy to use?

Strategic planning

Each Strategy offers something different to the organization. Why do you think strategic planning is so important and how do can one decide on which strategy to use?

Explains the issue of a divided government. Discuss a couple of issues that make for a divided government. In what areas today do we see this occurring?

Assignment 4

Chapter 9 – Political Parties

1) Section 9.1 and 9.2 talk about how and why parties were formed in the US. Expand on the details that this sections provides and talk about what the role is of parties in US government.


2) Section 9.4 explains the issue of a divided government. Discuss a couple of issues that make for a divided government. In what areas today do we see this occurring?


Ch 10 – Interest groups

3) Section 10.2 talks about the important issue of collective action and free binding. In your own words, focus in on this issue and summarize what the main points are.


4) Section 10.2 What is the disturbance theory and collective action? What events have you seen this year that show this?


Reading link:

What do you feel are the four (4) biggest challenges facing public health/health care services in the United States? What are two (2) recommendations for solving any one of the four biggest challenges you noted in 3.?

Public Health Paper

You will prepare a 5-page paper, 1500 word maximum (5 pages of information. Cover pages, abstracts, and references DO NOT count towards this requirement). There are specific spacing and font requirements (see below). DO NOT change margins, font sizes, and increase spacing to make your paper fit the 10-page requirement.

Answer the following questions in your paper:
1. What area or areas of Public Health Science appeal to you most? Why? **Be specific. DO NOT say “I like it" and leave it at that.
• Community Health because you can make an impact in your local community

2. What area or areas of Public Health Science are least appealing to you? Why? **Be specific. DO NOT say “I don’t like it" and leave it at that.
• All the areas are important to Public Health Science.

3. What do you feel are the four (4) biggest challenges facing public health/health care services in the United States? **Provide specific examples and research. DO NOT say, “Because people need health care and don’t have it.”

4. What are two (2) recommendations for solving any one of the four biggest challenges you noted in 3.? **Provide specific recommendations. DO NOT say, “If people would pay for insurance, they would have it.” That is obvious! But there are reasons that simple solution does not happen…tell me about those reasons.

Respond to two or more of your peers’ posts and recommend additional ways you might build from using single-word encouragers to promote open dialogue and a comfortable setting with clients.

4-1 Discussion: Practicing Your Skills in Other Settings

During conversations with friends, colleagues, or family, deliberately use single-word encouragers and brief restatements. Then, in your discussion post, note your perceptions of how this impacted your friends’ participation and interest. You may find that the flow of conversation changes in response to your brief encouragers.

Then, respond to two or more of your peers’ posts and recommend additional ways you might build from using single-word encouragers to promote open dialogue and a comfortable setting with clients.

What is the Vision and Mission? What is the status of the company now? What type of challenges did the entrepreneur face? What made the company successful? How is the entrepreneur sustaining the business?

Term paper

The paper is a summary of 5 to 10 pages

please identify an entrepreneur that you find interesting.
Please write a short paper about the entrepreneur and the idea for a product or service.
What is the Vision and Mission?
What is the status of the company now?
What type of challenges did the entrepreneur face?
What made the company successful?
How is the entrepreneur sustaining the business?
What differentiates this business?
Were you able to see the business plan?
The paper is a summary from 5 to 10 pages

How was the institution of slavery central to the creation of what is now known as the United States, and why did racialized “unfree” labor continue to exist after the abolition of the institution of slavery ?

4. Slavery, Migrations, and Regulating Labor

This week, we explored the foundations of U.S. society through the institution of slavery, along with how migrations and immigration policy have shaped ideas of belonging. Citing the lectures and readings please answer the following questions in a few paragraphs:

How was the institution of slavery central to the creation of what is now known as the United States, and why did racialized “unfree” labor continue to exist after the abolition of the institution of slavery ?
How did slavery and freedom influence the racial meanings of US citizenship and how immigrant workers are perceived as belonging or not belonging?

Does knowledge apply safety sensitivity or neither? Defend your answer

Safety and sensitivity

Does knowledge apply safety sensitivity or neither? Defend your answer

What similarities and differences exist between settler colonialism and colonization, and how has US history sought to remove and invalidate American Indian and Native Hawaiian claims of sovereignty?

Origins of the United States

In this week, we examined the origins of the United States in terms of colonization, settler colonialism and the erasure of American Indian and Native Hawaiian claims to sovereignty . Citing at least two of the supplementary materials, please answer the following questions in a few paragraphs:

What similarities and differences exist between settler colonialism and colonization, and how has US history sought to remove and invalidate American Indian and Native Hawaiian claims of sovereignty?
How does settler colonialism relate to racial microaggressions? Explain using specific examples.

What does normal development look like?Or what are the developmental challenges? How can we resolve the condition/issue or help someone reintegrate back into some sense of normalcy-or improved health/living condition?

Childhood Development

1. Select one-topic/subject in the field of developmental psychology(i.e lifespan development ranging from prenatal, childhood, adolescence, adult, elderly, etc,.) as it relates the individual.
2. After you have identified your topic of interest, using your textbook and 3-5other sources from the body of literature on the topic research and write a 5-10page paper on the subject (excluding a separate title page and references page) using APA format.
3. Introduce your topic and what you hope to prove (thesis) or what you postulate about the development, changes, challenges, opportunities to health (e.g. emotional, cognitive, physical, social, etc,.)then provide supporting evidence from the literature.Follow the flow of an essay style paper following introduction with a body and conclusion.
4. Address the following in your special topics paper:

a. What does normal development look like?Or what are the developmental challenges?

b. How does it affect one’s life?

c. What are the psychological, social impacts/implications? Stigma?

d. What treatments are available or cure?

e.How can we resolve the condition/issue or help someone reintegrate back into some sense of normalcy-or improved health/living condition? (your reaction and response)

Compare and contrast cognitivism and behaviourism, making reference to 1 or 2 areas of research where these two schools differ with respect to the methods as well as theories.

Cognitivism and Behaviourism

Compare and contrast cognitivism and behaviourism, making reference to 1 or 2 areas of research where these two schools differ with respect to the methods as well as theories: