
From your readings and knowledge which opportunities do you think can be change in the health care system to improve care for older adults with chronic illness and disability.

Realistic case

Develop a realistic case and Identify a chronic illness and its relationship to rehabilitation. Could be from a previous experience on your career.

Identify chronic illness and its relationship to rehabilitation.
Choose from one:
COPD, CHF, Stroke, Hip fracture
Create interventions that support an older adult’s adaptation to the chronic illness or disability.
Describe the nurse’s role in assisting older adults in managing chronic conditions.
From your readings and knowledge which opportunities do you think can be change in the health care system to improve care for older adults with chronic illness and disability.

Write an essay (2.5 pages; Times New Roman; 12-point; double-spaced) where you analyze one of their paintings or sculptures, as if you are a time traveler temporarily living in the artist’s contemporary period.

Renaissance or Baroque artist

Step 1: Select a Renaissance or Baroque artist we have studied this semester


Step 2: Write an essay (2.5 pages; Times New Roman; 12-point; double-spaced) where you analyze one of their paintings or sculptures, as if you are a time traveler temporarily living in the artist’s contemporary period. For example, you can be Leonardo da Vinci’s model or neighbor (who is actually a time traveler from 2021). In other words, use your imagination! Whomever you choose to be, your character has to know the artist and be familiar with their work. The character should also be someone who has studied art history. Although this is a creative assignment, you still have to integrate two credible secondary sources into your essay. Don’t forget to include in-text citations and a works cited page (MLA format).

Creative aspect: Feel free to create an intriguing narrator. However, your essay must focus on the analysis of the artist’s painting or sculpture. Do not spend too much time creating/describing your character’s world; you will be graded more on the quality of your analysis and less on your creativity.
Your analysis: You have to explain/discuss why the individual is considered a Renaissance or Baroque artist. In addition, you have to show how the artist’s painting or sculpture exemplifies the period. For example, if you’re analyzing Leonardo da Vinci’s The Mona Lisa, you have to explain why this particular painting is a good example of Renaissance art, what is Leonardo trying to communicate through the painting, and what is the Mona Lisa’s significance.You should also discuss the techniques that Leonardo da Vinci used to paint this famous portrait. In other words, make sure you’re super specific in your discussion/analysis.

What are the job duties? Are the job duties what you expected them to be? Does your school/company/office provide you with up-to-date and sufficient equipment or tools necessary for adequately carrying out your job duties?

Evaluation of Health or Physical Education Professional Interview – Instructions

Below are generic questions that should be asked. Additional questions that are specific to the field/profession of the person interviewed should be included.

Why did you decide to enter this profession?
What are the job duties?
Are the job duties what you expected them to be?
Does your school/company/office provide you with up-to-date and sufficient equipment or tools necessary for adequately carrying out your job duties?
What do you enjoy most about this profession?
What do you dislike about this profession?
Do you envision yourself remaining in this career until you retire? If so, why? If not, why not?
Evaluation of job duties and environment: 500 words minimum

What role did and does the 14th amendment play in advancing rights?

14th amendment

Answer this question “What role did and does the 14th amendment play in advancing rights? (This is a great amendment to use to trace the expansion of rights from Brown vs. the Board of Education, to Roe v. Wade, to marriage equality, etc. Consider including a paragraph or two about additional ways this amendment could be used to protect or expand liberties, etc. For example, do California’s firearms laws violate the 14th amendment’s emphasis on equal protection, due process, etc.)”
Answer must relate from the time frame of 1865-2021, also can you add a source page, please do not use sources from “”, or “Wikepedia”

When do you think a person becomes elderly? What do you think of older people? Are they active, senile, debilitated, etc.?

Philosophy of aging

Discuss your own philosophy of aging.

When do you think a person becomes elderly?
What do you think of older people?
Are they active, senile, debilitated, etc.?
Provide a description of an elderly person that you know.

Accurately identify the risks. For example, how might your firm be negatively impacted by fluctuations in the money supply? Provide specific examples to illustrate each identified risk.

Risk Analysis of Final Project Company

Specifically, address the following critical elements:
Accurately identify the risks. For example, how might your firm be negatively impacted by fluctuations in the money supply? Provide specific examples to illustrate each identified risk.

Use appropriate financial tools to measure (i.e., quantify) the risks. For example, consider calculating your firm’s debt-to-capital ratio, debt/equity ratio, interest coverage ratio, and degree of combined leverage.

Discuss the impact of Gordirnees intensive use of juxtaposition of scenes and characters on the reading experience of this novel. lips and Extras.

A world of strangers

OR World of Stranzers (Dm datc, 18-20 Nov. volt lat., Context: As suggested by its title, Gordimees novel depicts a tragically divided society, in which people are strangers to one another, as well as to themselves. The motif of alienation is intertwined with that of self-alienation, and as represented via starkly contrasted social spaces. In this novel, Gordimer has made use of juidaposition as dominant literary device, thus emphasising the protagonists’ sense of inner isolation and emptiness.
YOUR TASK: By referring to your own selections of relevant passages from the novel, or to the given selections from Chapter 12 (upload. on Learn2021), discuss the impact of Gordirnees intensive use of juxtaposition of scenes and characters on the reading experience of this novel. lips and Extras: If you choose to focus on Chapter 12, comment on the symbolic relevance of Cecil Rowe’s reaction to the unexpected sight of anguish in the street.

First, explain the interest or concern that the stakeholder has in the development of the EA. Then, identify their “class” or role in the EA as one of the four shown above (Key Player, Keep Satisfied, Keep Informed, or Minimal Effort). Finally, explain your reasoning for selecting the class/role that you did.

Stakeholder Analysis Assignment

Using the DMV Case Study and the Stakeholder Analysis Exercise spreadsheet provided, you are to complete the columns of the spreadsheet for each of the ten stakeholder groups listed on the spreadsheet.

Refer to the reading link in your Course 5 content area called: TOGAF Standard: Stakeholder Management. This link provides some excellent insights into the different roles and influences of the stakeholders to assist in your assignment. Again, this is just a reference for your benefit. First, explain the interest or concern that the stakeholder has in the development of the EA. Then, identify their “class” or role in the EA as one of the four shown above (Key Player, Keep Satisfied, Keep Informed, or Minimal Effort). Finally, explain your reasoning for selecting the class/role that you did.

Important: You are not being graded on whether you picked the “correct” stakeholder involvement (i.e. key player, keep satisfied, keep informed or minimal effort). You might see your Security Officer as a key player or as a stakeholder needing to be kept informed. This is fine. What is important is that you provide a solid reason for why you chose this
classification as it relates to the interest/concern area. Please only pick one “class” or role per stakeholder.

Complete the spreadsheet and submit it via your Assignments Folder by the due date shown in the class schedule. Note: The filename of your submission should include your last name. An example would be: Smith_Stakeholder_Analysis.xls.

What stock markets are the MNC listed on? Give the stock price at the MNC’s year end and explain any fluctuations in price over the past year. Does it appear that the MNC issues stock in foreign countries?

Analysing a Multinational Corporation

1.What stock markets are the MNC listed on? Give the stock price at the MNC’s year end and explain any fluctuations in price over the past year. Does it appear that the MNC issues stock in foreign countries? (5 marks)

2.What are the main currencies that the MNC uses to conduct its international business? Prepare a chart or table showing the direct and indirect quotation of each foreign currency in relation to the home currency of the MNC at the last year-end and the previous one. Also prepare a cross-exchange rate chart for these currencies for the same dates. (8 marks)

3.Illustrate, using diagrams or tables and calculations, how the values of these currencies have changed (appreciated or depreciated) over the past year relative to the MNC’s home currency, and comment on the main reasons for these changes.To answer this question, review a foreign exchange table provided online for the company’s year-end and another table containing quotations from the previous year-end date. The answers to this question will be used in later sections to determine how the firm was affected by changes in the values of these currencies. (10 marks)

4. For each of the main foreign currencies used by the MNC, describe the level of volatility of the currency and the level of government intervention, if any. How have these factors influenced the MNC’s business, especially over the past financial year? 6 marks

5. Using actual rates for the main currencies where the MNC conducts international business illustrate and determine if any type of arbitrage is possible (locational, triangular and covered interest). 9 marks

Create working solutions to a variety of computational and real world problems using multiple pro gramming languages chosen as appropriate for the task.

4007CEM Computer Science Activity Led Learning Project 2

Course Learning Outcomes Assessed:
Develop and understand algorithms to solve problems; measure and optimize algorithm complexity; appreciate the limits of what may be done algorithmically in reasonable time or at all.

Create working solutions to a variety of computational and real world problems using multiple programing languages chosen as appropriate for the task.

Understand the underlying architecture that supports the modern computer, including traditional compilers and operating systems, but also the modern infrastructure of the internet and mobile applications.

Work with (potentially large) datasets; using appropriate storage technology; applying statistical analysis to draw meaningful conclusions; and using modern machine learning tools to discover hidden patterns.

Take a product from the initial stage of requirement / analysis all the way through development to its final stages of testing /evaluation.

Understand professional practices of the modern IT industry which include those technical (e.g. version control / automated testing) but also social, ethical & legal responsibilities.

Apply a wide variety of degree level transferable skills including time management, team working, written and verbal
presentation to both experts and nonexperts, and critical reflection on own and others work.

Apply the above to advanced topics selected according to the interests of individual students.