
What is the author’s main research findings? Did you find it to be interesting/timely/accurate/etc.? What are the strengths of this study, and are there any weaknesses? How relevant is this research to the study of the topic?

Annotated bibliography summary of at least 5 research articles.

For this assignment, you must construct a 4-5 page annotated bibliography that provides a summary of at least 5 research articles. You are free to choose any articles, as long as they are (1) research reports from peer-reviewed academic journals, and (2) cover a topic related to sex and gender. Articles can be found using a search engine available through the university library, such as Ebsco or ProQuest.

Each review should begin with the full citation of the article, and should follow ASA formatting guidelines (we will discuss this in class). Below the citation should be a brief (approximately 150 words long) summary of the article. The summary should be both descriptive and evaluative in nature, meaning that you are telling the reader what is there as well as making a judgment about its quality. What is the author’s main research findings? Did you find it to be interesting/timely/accurate/etc.? What are the strengths of this study, and are there any weaknesses? How relevant is this research to the study of the topic? We will go over some examples of annotated bibliography entries in class.

How does societal hierarchy determine an individuals life perspective and social development and what is the relationship between Martins social class and his writing.

Martin Eden by Jack London.

Paper is to be a research paper based on the book Martin Eden by Jack London. The research question should be something similar to: How does societal hierarchy determine an individuals life perspective and social development and what is the relationship between Martins social class and his writing. Must evaluate Martin Eden and the research topic using Joan Didion’s perspective “Why I Write” on writing. Quotes form both “Why I Write” and Martin Eden must be used. 10 pages plus work cited, MLA format

Can molecular biological research of rare genetic disorders help provide keys to understanding cancer and other illnesses?

Rare genetic disorders

Can molecular biological research of rare genetic disorders help provide keys to understanding cancer and other illnesses?

What are the similarities and what are the major differences and what does that tell us about the unique trauma enslaved women had to endure? What are two things about this narrative that shocked you emotionally and why?

Life of Frederick Douglass An American Slave


Essay Directions
After reading the essay, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass An American Slave, respond to all five of the following questions and be sure to keep your answers in essay format flowing like a normal essay, which means numbering is not necessary. You can answer the questions in any order just be sure to include your analysis in each answer to receive credit. The questions for your essay are as follows.

1. Historians, when analyzing black history, often focus on the psychological effects of slavery and racism on black people, but what does the narrative of Frederick Douglass reveal about the negative psychological effects of absolute power on the white slave master, give analysis with examples on his shocking observations of the transformation of his masters?

2. Frederick Douglass notes his mental evolution of going from a boy to a slave and then from a slave to a man. By using examples give analysis to his process of becoming enslaved and then finding freedom, noting specifically when he became free?

3. As a house slave Douglass and his aunt were treated very differently. Describe the gendered difference in the master-slave relationship Frederick Douglass’ aunt had with the master as an attractive female house slave, and that of Frederick Douglass and his mistress when he moved to the city. What are the similarities and what are the major differences and what does that tell us about the unique trauma enslaved women had to endure?

4. What are two things about this narrative that shocked you emotionally and why?

5. Why does Frederick Douglass withhold the names of the slave masters and the white people that abused him despite writing this narrative as a free man and what does that say about the emotional power of fear is it perhaps reminiscent of post-traumatic stress syndrome?

Identify which word you focused on from the list you created to define conflict: relationship, data, interest, structural, value, and/or pseudo. Be specific and detailed in your response.

OLB-7001 Week 3

Identify which word you focused on from the list you created to define conflict: relationship, data, interest, structural, value, and/or pseudo. Be specific and detailed in your response.

Determine if your words tend to be directly related to only one or two types of conflict, and then explain why you think this occurred. Be sure to use specific examples and concepts from the readings and research as well.

Indicate your thoughts when you think of conflict. Do you tend to view it as a negative interaction, or do you view conflict as more of an opportunity to solve problems? Analyze how you believe you gained this viewpoint regarding conflict.

Analyze whether your perception of conflict, based on what you have listed and what you have read, is an accurate perception and whether it can positively contribute to your success in conflict resolution.

Write a page and a half Literary Exploration following this structure: Introduce what is significant/interesting about your chosen focus/prompt concept:

Literary exploration

II Poetry Assignment Review: 111 1.

Choose a poem you like from the six (10 listed in the assignment (7 if you choose the video) is Introduction to PoetryI.

■ Five Ways to Kill a Man” (Poem and/or Vide.

_40 ■ Dickenson – Part Three Love

■ “Still I Rise”

■ Ballad of Birmingham

■ Funeral Blues M You can choose any poem provide in the NEWS (Nov. 1-4). 2. Then, connect your poem to the chosen writing focus (prompt) that you feel works best for your poem

■ Thesis ideas for your poem choice and related writing question 3. Write a page and a half Literary Exploration following this structure: Introduce what is significant/interesting about your chosen focus/prompt concept:

▪ Life experiences shape an individual’s attitude.
• Learnin7 from the experiences of others can benefit us.

• An individual’s response to Adversity reveals their character. A Individual actions affect the lives of others.

Briefly describe the social problem within the United States that you have chosen to analyze and provide your personal reasons for choosing this particular topic.

Social Problem Paper


Section One: (10 points)

Briefly describe the social problem within the United States that you have chosen to analyze and provide your personal reasons for choosing this particular topic. Be specific about what interested you about the topic and any background you may have with the subject. Why do you want to know more about the topic? This section should NOT be more than a 1/2 page.

Section Two: (70 points)

The first paragraph of section two needs to include a statement of your social problem, documentation of the significance of your social problem, and a preview of which sociological factor you intend to examine.

You are to identify no more than 2 social factors to analyze in your paper. You will be examining the problem and analyzing a factor(s) that contribute to the problem in a sociological manner. You will not be examining the outcomes/consequences of the problem. The focus of the paper is to be on how society contributes to the problem. You should not be presenting questions; you should be providing explanations. You need to clearly identify the sociological factor and use class terminology in your paper. You are not to be using the theoretical perspectives in this paper. You are not to be using any first person references in this section. You should be paraphrasing and not quoting. Make sure that you properly cite all sources of your information.

You will need to use at least 1 peer-reviewed resource and 1 other resource (other than those provided in class) to substantiate your paper. Your sources may not date prior to 2011 and all sources must have an author and/or be from a credible organization. You will complete a reference section at the end of your paper.

Section Three: (10 points)

Briefly summarize the main points of the paper. Provide any thoughts you have about solutions to the problem. Discuss your personal reaction to writing this paper. What did you learn about research, statistics, society, etc? How can you use what you learned in a practical way? This section should NOT be more than 1/2 a page. Execution: (10 points)


How successful is Miller in adapting material from the Odyssey? If Miller changes materials regarding the original myth, why and how does she do so? What purpose does it serve?

Circe – Madeline Miller

Give a review of the novel Circe, by Madeline Miller. Use two sources, one being the book itself and the second the poem, The Odyssey, translated by Emily Wilson.
Touch on the below points:
1. How successful is Miller in adapting material from the Odyssey?
2. If Miller changes materials regarding the original myth, why and how does she do so? What purpose does it serve?
3. Focus primarily on the characterization of Circe
4. To a lesser degree, some other examples of topics to discuss in the paper: Circe’s relationship with the gods and/or humans; the changing characterization of Odysseus; the characterization of ‘minor’ characters like Hermes, Pasiphae, or Jason; the nature of the gods in general as portrayed in the novel; the novel’s sense of time. You might also consider whether Miller’s understanding of Circe, Odysseus, and the Odyssey impacts how you understand those characters and the ancient text.

What is the feasibility of using hydrogen energy instead of fossil fuel to meet the rising global demands? What is the potential of biohydrogen as a source of energy?


What is the feasibility of using hydrogen energy instead of fossil fuel to meet the rising global demands?
• What is the potential of biohydrogen as a source of energy?
• What is the near future perspective of hydrogen energy?
• Is hydrogen fuel cell technology viable economically?

What is the theme of your selected piece of literature? Interpret the theme utilizing various literary areas to prove that your interpretation is not only possible, but also probable.


What is the theme of your selected piece of literature? Interpret the theme utilizing various literary areas to prove that your interpretation is not only possible, but also probable. Be definitive and confident. Avoid summarizing or paraphrasing the story. Do not retell the plot sequence. That is the BIGGEST mistake.