
What are the educational concerns, issues or implications from what you have read? What is your personal reaction to the issue or topic presented?

Why gender matters

Briefly summarize the most important points of the book. Organize your thoughts carefully since you need to express yourself concisely. This section should be NO more than one-third of the total length of the reaction.
Implications: What are the educational concerns, issues or implications from what you have read?
Personal Reaction/Reflections: What is your personal reaction to the issue or topic presented? Tell what you thought about what you read. Be specific about what you liked or didn’t like, and why. This section should be no more than one-third of the total paper.

Write an initial post in which you explain the relationship between TIPS and the consumer price index. What are the benefits and drawbacks of buying TIPS?

Discussion 6-1 Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities

Inflation-linked bonds, also known as treasury inflation-protected securities (TIPS), are used to protect against inflation. A good understanding of TIPS is necessary for capitalizing on market opportunities.

Once you have read the chapters assigned for this module, write an initial post in which you explain the relationship between TIPS and the consumer price index. What are the benefits and drawbacks of buying TIPS?

First, find the case involving McDonalds and a woman who sued when she was burned when she spilled coffee on herself. What were the arguments that McDonalds should pay damages and what were her damages?

Business Law

There is a lot of discussion regarding frivolous lawsuits but is this always true? This is a two part discussion. First, find the case involving McDonalds and a woman who sued when she was burned when she spilled coffee on herself. What were the arguments that McDonalds should pay damages and what were her damages? Part 2 is to find another case where you feel the lawsuit could result in positive changes.

What aspect of New Zealand culture or society is represented? What factors surround/influence the representation? What links the representation to New Zealand society?

“That men are pressured to be ‘manly’ cause of the flawed masculinity culture within New Zealand.”

For the introduction here are questions to answer:
– What aspect of New Zealand culture or society is represented?
– What factors surround/influence the representation?
– What links the representation to New Zealand society?
– What is the impact of the representation and on whom – i.e. what angle are you using?

ECO372-Assignment 3

1. Political Parties and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from US States [15 pts]

(a) Present the summary statistics (mean, standard deviation) for all of the variables in states and time periods in which a Democrat won the gubernatorial election relative to those in which the Republican gubernatorial candidate won the
election, for black and white individuals separately. Briefly characterize this population and interpret the results [2 pt].

[Hint: use regress command using these predetermined and outcome characteristics as dependent variables, using option if black2==1; cluster standard errors at the state level using cluster(state2) option]

(b) Generate a set of Regression Discontinuity plots for Black and White
individuals separately to show (a) the mean employment rate by win margin cell
(using the margin of victory grouping cells (marginggg) as the running variable, as well as (b) the fit of the relationship between groupspecific employment rates and the running variable and potential discontinuity in states and time periods in which a Democract gubernatorial candidate won the election, using polynomial models. Interpret the results. [3 pts] [Hints: use collapse command, with option by(marginggg black2) cw. After running regressions on collapsed data and using the predict command to generate fits of the regression models, use the following graph command to generate each figure: twoway (scatter y x if z==1, xline(c_o)) (line y_hat x if z==1)]

(c) Using the larger dataset made available for the assignment, generate estimates of the discontinuity in employment rates of Black individuals using linear, quadratic, and cubic polynomial models on the running variable (margin of victory, or marginvvv), including state and year fixed effects. Assess the robustness of the estimates with and without predetermined individual controls (e.g., gender, age, education, marital status). Replicate the empirical exercise for White individuals. Interpret the results. [5 pts] [Hint: Estimate OLS regression models with i.state2 and i.year2 fixed effects, cluster standard errors at the state2 level]

(d) Generate analogous RD estimates using the local polynomial RD estimation using the Calonico, Cattaneo and Titiunik (2016) optimal bandwidth and robust (biascorrected) confidence intervals procedure, for Black and White individuals separately. Interpret the results. [2 pts] [Hint: use rdrobust command using vce(cluster state2) option]

(e) Estimate the balance of predetermined covariates around the discontinuity as tests of the RDD continuity assumption using the available data, for Black and White individuals separately. For simplicity, you can use the Calonico, Cattaneo, and Titiunik (2016) rdrobust procedure. Interpret the results. What other tests could be conducted if you had access to the raw individuallevel data? [3 pts]

(f) Bonus question: using the regression models in part (1c), test whether the election outcome at the discontinuity has statistically significantly different effects for Black and White individuals in these states. [No hints] [Bonus: 3 pts]


2. Vulnerability in the Brazil SemiArid and Political Clientelism

(a) Estimate the OLS relationship between cistern ownership and clientelist private
goods requests of citizens to politicians, with and without the inclusion of municipality fixed effects (ImunID2ImunID40). Interpret the results. [1 pt]. [Hint: use regress command; cluster standard errors at the neighborhood cluster level using cluster(clusters) option]

(b) Estimate the effect of random assignment to the treatment group on (a) the probability of receiving a cistern (firststage) , as well as on (b) the probability of making private requests to political representatives during the electoral period
(reduced form), including municipality fixed effects (ImunID2ImunID40) Interpret the results. [2 pts]

[Hint: use regress command; cluster standard errors at the neighborhood cluster level using cluster(clusters) option]

(c) Estimate the effect of receiving a cistern on private requests exploiting the random assignment to the treatment group as an instrumental variable for cistern ownership, , including municipality fixed effects (ImunID2ImunID40) Interpret the results. How does this IV estimate relate to the estimates from question b above? [4 pts] [Hint: use ivregress command; cluster standard errors at the neighborhood cluster level using vce(cluster clusters) option]

Have anthropologists written about this? Can they give you any insight into what you’ve seen? How can you relate this practice/belief to the larger culture? What does it tell you about your culture in general terms?

Familiar strange

One of the ways to describe anthropology is a discipline that, “makes the strange familiar and makes the familiar strange”. That is, it encourages you to look at practices you don’t know about and might think are a little odd in such a way that you begin to understand, and sometimes relate to, them (“make the strange familiar”). It also encourages you to look at things you or people in your culture do and believe as if they are alien to you, so you can work out why you do and believe those things; you are encouraged to use anthropological thinking and tools to understand your own culture (“make the familiar strange”). This second aspect of anthropology is what this assignment will focus on.

You are going to find an aspect of your culture to focus on. Just as Horace Miner did in his Nacirema article, you are going to describe a ritual/belief/practice/all of these common in your culture, describe it, explain why it is done/believed in the minds of the people who believe/do it, what conclusions you as an anthropologist can draw about the practice based on what you have found out, and what anthropological work you have read relating to the belief/practice.
Here are some guidelines to help you:
1. Think carefully about the practices you see around you every day, and/or about beliefs that people express regularly.
2. Can you focus on a belief/practice/ritual etc that you have identified?
3. How would you describe it? Depending on what you have chosen, you might need to observe it. You might need to simply talk to people about it if it’s a belief.
4. What do people say about it: how do they describe it, why do they do/believe it?
5. Can you sum up what you’ve found with about 4 or 5 statements?
6. Can you take photographs that will help understand the phenomenon and/or illustrate those 4 or 5 statements you’ve made?
7. Have anthropologists written about this? Can they give you any insight into what you’ve seen?
8. How can you relate this practice/belief to the larger culture? What does it tell you about your culture in general terms?

What are the strengths of the current laws? What are the weakness of the current laws? Should a country know who is immigrating, why or why not? Do the current laws need to change to meet the current state of the world?

“Today’s Legal Immigrant’s”

Paper Requirements:
1) Introduction: A brief introduction (not more than two paragraphs):
2) Background Information: What laws are in place to encourage legal immigration? What laws are in place to discourage or make legal immigration difficult? What are the different types of visas available for legal immigrants? What is the process for legal immigration? Are there differences in the immigration process for immigrants from different countries or for different circumstances (for example work vs. asylum)? What are some of today’s legal immigrants’ experiences like?
3) Analysis: Be objective. Your analysis is not about your feelings or sympathy, but legal facts and lawful procedures. What are the strengths of the current laws? What are the weakness of the current laws? Should a country know who is immigrating, why or why not? Do the current laws need to change to meet the current state of the world? Give examples to support your analysis.
4) Your conclusions and opinion: Do you think the laws are sufficient as they are now, or should they be changed? Explain your reasons. What is your opinion on the immigration system? Express your opinion and give meaningful examples to support your opinion and articulate your conclusions.
5) Is the Research Paper 850 – 1000 words, plus a works cited page and the cover sheet? REMEMBER: The text on the cover paged and the text in the works cited page DO NOT COUNT TOWARD THE 850 -1000 words.
6) Is the research paper in CMS style?
7) There will be a minimum of three sources cited in the research paper. The sources can be a combination of Internet (NOT INCLUDING WIKIPEDIA); books (not including provided course materials), magazines (not including provided course materials), or journals (not including provided course materials).
1st Source: ___ 2nd Source: ___ 3rd Source: ___ 4th Source and more: ___

Develop recommendations for Mr. Sigurdsson and Tora Equity Partners on which strategic initiatives to investigate further in order to turn financial performance around.

Special Packaging A/S

Each of the groups ALPHA, BETA and CHARLIE must hand in the slides they expect to present on Wednesday (one set of slides per group). The presentation should last approximately 15 minutes and should address the following:

• Perform a Customer Profitability Analysis (CPA) of Special Packaging A/S based on the TDABC-based customer profitability model. Below is some inspiration for potentially relevant analyses:

• Net customer profit per strategic segment (absolute and in percent of total)

• Net customer profit margin (% of sales) per strategic segment

• Cost break-down per strategic segment for each of the main functions (i.e., “COGS & freight”; “supply chain”; “sales & marketing”)

• Whale curve analysis per product group (i.e., food; coffee/fastfood; consumer electronics)

• Develop recommendations for Mr. Sigurdsson and Tora Equity Partners on which strategic initiatives to investigate further in order to turn financial performance around. Your recommended initiatives should be backed by your customer profitability analysis and/or other information from the case and the curriculum.

How did women’s roles in the West (and on the journey westward for migrants) compared to men?

Assignment instructions HIS326j discussion (Casey):

The definitions of gender and family were sharply contested in the nineteenth century. In the West, newly arrived Anglo-Americans encountered very different understandings of gender among the Mexicans and Native Americans already inhabiting the area. For this activity, you will examine the competing views of gender in the opening West. Provide response to classmates reply.

Question: How did women’s roles in the West (and on the journey westward for migrants) compared to men?

How did De Graffenried and Felton’s perspectives on mill workers in the New South reveal the influence of class, race, and region in postbellum gender politics? 

Assignment instructions HIS326k discussion (Tracy):

The definitions of gender and family were sharply contested in nineteenth century postbellum America. The lives of women varied greatly, as the gap widened between the factory girls of the working class and the college-educated New Woman of the middle and upper classes, in both the North and South.
In this activity, you will discuss some of the differences between women divided by class and region, and the ways reformers and politicians used sex and gender as tools to shape their visions of social order in the wake of the Civil War. Provide response to classmates reply.

Question: How did De Graffenried and Felton’s perspectives on mill workers in the New South reveal the influence of class, race, and region in postbellum gender politics?