
Would you volunteer for the program; why or why not? What would your angle be; if you don’t want to volunteer, what would you want to see addressed?

60 Days in

1. Would you volunteer for the program; why or why not?
2. What would your angle be; if you don’t want to volunteer, what would you want to see addressed?
-Jail Reform
-Law Enforcement Reform
-Gang Violence
-Mental Health
-Spiritual Leadership
-Youth Guidance
3. What would be your approach to addressing your angle; would you take a leadership role, would you sit and watch, etc.?
4. And lastly, what would be your cover story? As soon as you walk into the pod, others will ask why you’re there. Your story must make sense, remain consistent, and most importantly, not place you in danger.

Simply, deceptively simple, what can we learn from the history presented by LePore? Given the arc of that history, and where we are now (Wylie and O’Neil), where do you see the use of Big Data and algorithms leading us in business management?

Quantitative Methods

Begin reading If Then: How the Simulmatics Corporation Invented the Future (Lepore, 2020).
Read the letters to The New Yorker editor Download letters to The New Yorker editor: Lepore’s book. (attached)
Prepare for our book club next week, pondering these questions.
1.) Simply, deceptively simple, what can we learn from the history presented by LePore?

2.) Given the arc of that history, and where we are now (Wylie and O’Neil), where do you see the use of Big Data and algorithms leading us in business management?

3.) As a society? See PDF attachments for resources

Describe how this experience demonstrates the costs and benefits of social categorization. Describe the ways in which stereotypical assumptions about a person’s race, ethnicity, or culture, even if not blatantly prejudiced, influences our worldview.

3-2 Activity: Journal

PSY 355 Module Three Activity Template

Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information.

Respond to the following rubric criteria in 3 to 5 sentences each.

Describe this experience and the ways in which it relates to in-group favoritism.

Describe how acceptance as a group member impacted your sense of self and identity.

Describe the ways in which this experience influenced you to conform to group norms.

Describe how this experience may have inadvertently promoted prejudice toward others.

Describe how this experience demonstrates the costs and benefits of social categorization.

Describe the ways in which stereotypical assumptions about a person’s race, ethnicity, or culture, even if not blatantly prejudiced, influences our worldview.

Describe the strengths and limitations of social identity theory as it applies to the promotion of diversity, equity, and inclusivity.

How are models used in business and what statistics are used as a model? Think about college rankings and getting credit: what factors would you include in an algorithm to avoid it being a WMD?

Weapons of Math Destruction – Book Club Seminar

Begin reading Weapons of Math Destruction (O’Neil, 2016) and prepare for our book club next week, pondering these questions. (These questions are guides for in-depth thinking.)
1.) How are models used in business and what statistics are used as a model?
2.)Think about college rankings and getting credit: what factors would you include in an algorithm to avoid it being a WMD?
3.) Why does the author state that more data is not always better data or that it does not make the algorithm better?
4.) Chapter 6 introduces the idea of using WMD for good instead of being them to discriminate against certain populations by using them to identify areas of need and offer help to those populations. Think about the various WMDs discussed in the book so far. How would you transform them into an effort for good?
5.) What is Simpson’s Paradox? In what other areas of life might we see Simpson’s Paradox? (Hint: p. 136)
6.) Can mathematical models be objective? How would we know?

How accurate do you believe this statement to be? Respond with references to key reading and include an example from your own experience of being managed and/or as manager.

critical essay

“A good manager is about doing things right whilst a good leader is about doing the right things. Both roles are crucial, and they differ profoundly” Bennis W & Nanus B (1985) Leaders: The Strategies for Taking Charge. Harper and Row. p. 21

How accurate do you believe this statement to be? Respond with references to key reading and include an example from your own experience of being managed and/or as manager.

Learning Outcomes

• Critically appraise leadership and communication styles and skills in light of relevant theoretical frameworks.

• Reflect on and critically evaluate their management skills in order to identify strengths and areas for development.

You should satisfy the learning outcomes

How might a bricks and mortar retailer use this information: An online retailer? What survey methods could have been used to gather this data? The survey had 1,000 respondents. Which survey method would have been the most economical? The fastest?

Advance marketing

Case 8.1 Shoppers spending more in-store than online on page 183-184 of your textbook and answer the following questions that appear at the end of the case.

1. How might a bricks and mortar retailer use this information: An online retailer?

2. What survey methods could have been used to gather this data? The survey had 1,000 respondents. Which survey method would have been the most economical? The fastest?

3. Take three findings from the survey and design questions for a smartphone survey that could have produced these findings.


Textbook: McDaniel, C., Jr., & Gates, R. (2021). Marketing research (12th ed.). Wiley Publishing.

What is the Answer to Your Research Question, What are the Limitations to this Study, What did You Learn about Your Topic, and about Research Methods.

Principles of Sociology


2r’irt. Value: 20%

Step #8: Write Your Report. Your report must be: 6-8 pages, double spaced, 12pt font, Times New Roman, 2″ margins, APA format, and should include a title page and a reference page. You must use a minimum of 3 academic references outside of course material. You can follow this guideline for your written report: • Page #1: Title Page [1 mark] • Page #2: Abstract and Introduction to Topic [2 marks] • Page #3: Method (Description of Methods Used (i.e., Survey and Interview, Information about your Participants (e.g., demographics such as sex, age, city of residence, education, employment, race/ethnicity, etc.) [2 marks] • Page #4: Results (Summarize Results – Use Graph for Survey Results, Qualitative Results) [2 marks] • Page #5 & 6: Discussion (Discuss the Results — Use Statistics Results from Surveys and Quotes from Interviews, What Do the Results Mean, Include Other Scholars’ Work on this Topic and How Their Results Differ or Are Similar to Your Results, Compare Your Results to Theoretical Findings on Your Topic Area of Interest, Compare Qualitative and Quantitative Data Methods and What are the Drawbacks and Benefits to Using Mixed Methods to Research Various Topics) [10 marks] • Page #7: Conclusions (What is the Answer to Your Research Question, What are the Limitations to this Study, What did You Learn about Your Topic, and about Research Methods) [2 marks] • Page #8: References [1 mark] • Page #9-?: Appendix (Hand in all 10 Completed Surveys and Interview Notes)
Start Date
Sep 17, 2021 12:01 AM

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of online survey research. Do you see any new survey software/technologies dominating the research marketplace? If so, provide their websites for your peers

Advance Marketing

Why do you think the popularity of online survey research has exploded over the last 3-5 years? Be sure to answer the following questions:

• Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of online survey research

• Do you see any new survey software/technologies dominating the research marketplace? If so, provide their websites for your peers

• Textbook: McDaniel, C., Jr., & Gates, R. (2021). Marketing research (12th ed.). Wiley Publishing.

o Chapter 6: Traditional survey research

o Chapter 8: Online marketing research: The growth of mobile and social media research

. As the CMO of a consumer technology company, discuss appropriate segmentation dimensions to use as a well as your recommended market selection strategy. How would your response differ if you managed a business technology company?

Marketing Persona and Strategy

Answer the following 2 questions

(One page per question)

1. As the CMO of a consumer technology company, discuss appropriate segmentation dimensions to use as a well as your recommended market selection strategy. How would your response differ if you managed a business technology company?

2. Develop an important new buyer persona for your company. What are the consumer values and marketing implications of this persona?

Define and explain the three ways to view the world “sociologically.” Describe the factors that have caused you to view the world through that perspective, such as personal experience in our society, popular culture, media, etc.

Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology

The text discusses “Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology” in Chapter 2. As a student, you sociologically view the world in a particular way. Do you see society as a system where all the various parts work together to keep the system functioning smoothly (structural functionalism), or do you see society as a place where various groups are struggling for power and influence in competition with other groups (conflict theory)? Perhaps you see the world primarily as a place that is about relationships between people and how people understand each other and understand what is expected of them in different situations (symbolic interactionism).

Write an essay (750-1,000 words) that addresses the following:

Define and explain the three ways to view the world “sociologically.”

Identify which sociological perspective (structural functionalism, conflict theory, or symbolic interactionism) most closely represents your view of the world.

Describe the factors that have caused you to view the world through that perspective, such as personal experience in our society, popular culture, media, etc.

Use an example from world events that demonstrates evidence of your theory.

Briefly explain why you did not choose each of the other two perspectives being careful to demonstrate that you understand the other perspectives.

You must use a minimum of three scholarly sources.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.