
How does this story reflect the idea that there are some illnesses or diseases that are socially constructed? How does yellow journalism create myths such as this one? What role does social media take on when spreading information/misinformation about health?

The social construction of illness and disease

Listen to Act One of the following episode of This American Life:

Write at least 250 words that address the questions, keeping your discussion academic.

How does this story reflect the idea that there are some illnesses or diseases that are socially constructed? How does yellow journalism create myths such as this one? What role does social media take on when spreading information/misinformation about health?

Write a few sentences about the social construction of illness or disease from the perspective of a critical constructionist. (Hint: define critical constructionism first).

Discuss how wearable technology could change the way the company you work for or a company you are familiar with conducts business, and provide an example. Discuss at least one advantage and one disadvantage to wearable technology.


Discuss at least three examples of wearable technology.
Discuss how wearable technology could change the way the company you work for or a company you are familiar with conducts business, and provide an example.
Discuss at least one advantage and one disadvantage to wearable technology.
Discuss how business intelligence (BI) systems are used for reporting and data analytics.

Explain the term “big data” in your own words.
Discuss how the music service Spotify used big data to better serve its customers.
Discuss how New York City used big data to reduce crime rates.
Discuss at least one ethical or security issue that big data can pose to individuals.

Explain what is meant by mobile technology.
Discuss how telecommunications and mobile technology networks are vital to companies and how they are fundamentally changing organizational strategies.
Discuss the mobile strategy used by Google, Apple, and Facebook.
Discuss at least two challenges posed by the Internet and networking.

Discuss at least two security threats to cloud data.
What should companies do to protect cloud data?
Discuss why both the company and the cloud vendor are responsible for security.
Discuss at least one security control that companies can use to increase security.
Explain why data management has a tremendous impact on an organization’s survival.

How your proposal supports the organization’s mission. What strategy you will use to communicate the proposal to external stakeholders in your selected city, including members of the community?

Criminal Justice

Component 2: Presentation to Internal Stakeholders

The second of three capstone components, this professional presentation uses the information from your problem analysis to demonstrate your communication skills and your ability to disseminate information about your proposal. This visual presentation should be clear and concise and should present the logical reasoning behind your proposal. Envision yourself giving this presentation to internal stakeholders in your organization as you seek their support. Since you will not actually deliver this presentation in person, you must create a presentation with speaker notes or audio included.

In addition to a compilation of key aspects from your research into the criminal justice issue you identified, your presentation should also include:

A. How your proposal supports the organization’s mission

B. What strategy you will use to communicate the proposal to external stakeholders in your selected city, including members of the community

C. Where you estimate the organization and surrounding community will be 5 to 10 years after proposal has been implemented

There is no minimum or maximum number of slides required. You should use your best judgment to create a presentation of appropriate length that will convey the relevant details of your proposal while keeping the attention of your audience.

Where did you find it? Was it an article? If so, what publication? Who is the author? How do you know that they are reliable and valid? What work did you do to check that out? If it is a video or blog then again, what is the source? Who published/produced it?

Module 4 Reflection and Evidence of Critical Thinking

Link to WHO IS IN CONTROL (file:///C:/Users/latanya.clark/AppData/Local/Temp/

Reflection: Includes your thoughts! What did you think? What was surprising? What was confusing? What questions do you have? What did you learn?

Critical Thinking Evidence: Tell me a question or problem you have with the video. Then find some more evidence to help answer your question or support your problem, or solve your problem. Make sure you provide information to me about your evidence. Where did you find it? Was it an article? If so, what publication? Who is the author? How do you know that they are reliable and valid? What work did you do to check that out? If it is a video or blog then again, what is the source? Who published/produced it? Who is the speaker? Are all of these valid and reliable sources?

Provide a general review or summary of a human genetic condition Down Syndrome. The overview should be clear and concise but provide sufficient information to facilitate an objective reader’s basic understanding of the genetic issue.

Human genetic condition Down Syndrome.

For this assignment, provide a general review or summary of a human genetic condition Down Syndrome. The overview should be clear and concise but provide sufficient information to facilitate an objective reader’s basic understanding of the genetic issue.

Ensure you indicate references and cite where necessary. (To assist you in citing, you may want to review scientific styles and formats used in literature. You may want to use library resources for this.
The presentation should not exceed 2 pages (double spaced, Times New Roman 12 Font).

Propose a culturally and socially appropriate program for diversifying the microbiomes of children who attend preschools in Tempe or in a city of your choice.

Diversifying the microbiomes

Propose a culturally and socially appropriate program for diversifying the microbiomes of children who attend preschools in Tempe or in a city of your choice (500 words).

How was the institution of slavery central to the creation of what is now known as the United States, and why did racialized “unfree” labor continue to exist after the abolition of the institution of slavery ?

4. Slavery, Migrations, and Regulating Labor

This week, we explored the foundations of U.S. society through the institution of slavery, along with how migrations and immigration policy have shaped ideas of belonging. Citing the lectures and readings answer the following questions in a few paragraphs:

How was the institution of slavery central to the creation of what is now known as the United States, and why did racialized “unfree” labor continue to exist after the abolition of the institution of slavery ?
How did slavery and freedom influence the racial meanings of US citizenship and how immigrant workers are perceived as belonging or not belonging?

What similarities and differences exist between settler colonialism and colonization, and how has US history sought to remove and invalidate American Indian and Native Hawaiian claims of sovereignty?

3. Settler Colonialism and Colonization

In this week, we examined the origins of the United States in terms of colonization, settler colonialism and the erasure of American Indian and Native Hawaiian claims to sovereignty . Citing at least two of the supplementary materials, please answer the following questions in a few paragraphs:

What similarities and differences exist between settler colonialism and colonization, and how has US history sought to remove and invalidate American Indian and Native Hawaiian claims of sovereignty?
How does settler colonialism relate to racial microaggressions? Explain using specific examples.

Explain how the theory of intersectionality can help us deepen our understanding of this social problem/topic relative to social stratification and social structure. What are your thoughts on this theory?

Gender and Intersectionality

To be successful in this CR you must do the following:
I. Explain the theory of intersectionality (4O points)
• This requires that you write about (1) its history and origins and most importantly, its (2) principles
• If done well, this will take a minimum of two paragraphs

II. Apply the theory of intersectionality to a social problem of your choice (25 points)
• Briefly describe the social problem
• Explain how the theory of intersectionality can help us deepen our understanding of this social problem/topic relative to social stratification and social structure
• Again, it is important to bring examples from the scholarship we are reading

III. What are your thoughts on this theory? (15 points)
• Critique/Affirm the theory
• Explain your stance/opinion

Must be single space and APA in text citation

Did you know that “White Racism” was, according to the report commissioned by President Lyndon B. Johnson, one of the main reasons for the riots during the 1960s, 1970, and it is probably still one of the main reasons behind the last big protests of 2020 and 2021?

The Long Hot Summer JRN211

Write your reaction about your own experience listening to the podcast: “The Long Hot Summer”. Did you know that “White Racism” was, according to the report commissioned by President Lyndon B. Johnson, one of the main reasons for the riots during the 1960s, 1970, and it is probably still one of the main reasons behind the last big protests of 2020 and 2021? Conclude your essay by telling us if you consider that journalists and the Media could help to improve the issue of racism in the US.