
What barriers, if any, did you encounter when presenting the problem to the patient, family, or group? Did the patient, family, or group agree with you about the presence of the problem and its significance and relevance?

Capella Academic Portal

In a 5-7 page written assessment, assess the effect of the patient, family, or population problem you’ve previously defined on the quality of care, patient safety, and costs to the system and individual. Plan to spend approximately 2 direct practicum hours exploring these aspects of the problem with the patient, family, or group you’ve chosen to work with and, if desired, consulting with subject matter and industry experts. Document the time spent (your practicum hours) with these individuals or group in the Capella Academic Portal Volunteer Experience Form. Report on your experiences during your first two practicum hours.


Organizational data, such as readmission rates, hospital-acquired infections, falls, medication errors, staff satisfaction, serious safety events, and patient experience can be used to prioritize time, resources, and finances. Health care organizations and government agencies use benchmark data to compare the quality of organizational services and report the status of patient safety. Professional nurses are key to comprehensive data collection, reporting, and monitoring of metrics to improve quality and patient safety.


In this assessment, you’ll assess the effect of the health problem you’ve defined on the quality of care, patient safety, and costs to the system and individual. Plan to spend at least 2 direct practicum hours working with the same patient, family, or group. During this time, you may also choose to consult with subject matter and industry experts.

To prepare for the assessment:

Review the assessment instructions and scoring guide to ensure that you understand the work you will be asked to complete and how it will be assessed.
Conduct research of the scholarly and professional literature to inform your assessment and meet scholarly expectations for supporting evidence.
Review the Practicum Focus Sheet: Assessment 2 [PDF], which provides guidance for conducting this portion of your practicum.
Note: As you revise your writing, check out the resources listed on the Writing Center’s Writing Support page.


Complete this assessment in two parts.

Part 1
Assess the effect of the patient, family, or population problem you defined in the previous assessment on the quality of care, patient safety, and costs to the system and individual. Plan to spend at least 2 practicum hours exploring these aspects of the problem with the patient, family, or group. During this time, you may also consult with subject matter and industry experts of your choice. Document the time spent (your practicum hours) with these individuals or group in the Capella Academic Portal Volunteer Experience Form. Use the Practicum Focus Sheet: Assessment 2 [PDF] provided for this assessment to guide your work and interpersonal interactions.

Part 2
Report on your experiences during your first 2 practicum hours, including how you presented your ideas about the health problem to the patient, family, or group.

Whom did you meet with?
What did you learn from them?
Comment on the evidence-based practice (EBP) documents or websites you reviewed.
What did you learn from that review?
Share the process and experience of exploring the influence of leadership, collaboration, communication, change management, and policy on the problem.
What barriers, if any, did you encounter when presenting the problem to the patient, family, or group?
Did the patient, family, or group agree with you about the presence of the problem and its significance and relevance?
What leadership, communication, collaboration, or change management skills did you employ during your interactions to overcome these barriers or change the patient’s, family’s, or group’s thinking about the problem (for example, creating a sense of urgency based on data or policy requirements)?
What changes, if any, did you make to your definition of the problem, based on your discussions?
What might you have done differently?

Are there any ways circulation differs in this ocean compared to other oceans? What are the unique chemical and physical properties of this ocean? Are there any unique processes that occur in this ocean? Explain

Subtropical Gyres

Background Information

While the basic principles that lead to the formation of subtropical gyres applies to the circulation seen in each of the 5 Subtropical Gyres, there are differences that can still be seen in each of the major oceans.


Create a document that addresses the following prompt. For this assignment, you will be doing some writing and some drawing. Complete the two questions below:

  1. Using the image provided below, complete the following:
    • Label the Northern, Western, Eastern and Southern Boundary current for each major subtropical gyre. You do not need to label the subpolar gyres.
    • Color (or label) whether each of the currents are warm currents or cold currents.
      • If you color them, red=warm and blue=cold
    • If you would prefer to print this image and handwrite on it, you can use this document here: surface current map.pdfActions

surface currents of the world

  1. For this next question, choose one subtropical gyre from the question above to focus on. (North Pacific, South Pacific, North Atlantic, South Atlantic, or the Indian Ocean). In a paragraph, written in your own words, describe the circulation patterns witnessed in that ocean. Use these questions to help guide your writing:
    • Are there any ways circulation differs in this ocean compared to other oceans?
    • What are the unique chemical and physical properties of this ocean? Are there any unique processes that occur in this ocean? Explain

For what positive values of b do. y°(t) + by'(t) + 4y(t) = 0 have solutions that are overdamped oscillators? Explain.

DE questions

Instructions: Write up neat, organized solutions to ALL problems ON YOUR OWN. Be sure to include acknowledgment of anyone who you worked with or received help from.

Problem 1 For what positive values of b do. y°(t) + by'(t) + 4y(t) = 0 have solutions that are overdamped oscillators? Explain.

Problem 2 An inductor (L =1 II) and resistor (R = 0.1 Ohms) are joined in series with a voltage source with E(t) = 10 — 2t volts. If there is no current at time t = 0, find an expression for the current in the circuit at time t. Hint: Go back to the handout on circuits. Which variable is used to denote the current? What is the relevant differential equation for the cumnt?

Problem 3 Find the inverse Laplace Transforms, by manipulating the functions to match a form in our table.
(a) Y(,) = — rft (b) Y(s) (,t1) ‘2F4 (c) Y(s) =

Explain your chosen text on a literal level and provide a brief discussion of your analysis.

English Question

This week, you will submit a PowerPoint presentation based on your Analytical Paper.

Your 5- to 10-slide presentation should explain your chosen text on a literal level and provide a brief discussion of your analysis. The last slide in your presentation should be a learning activity or tool for those viewing your presentation. The goal of the last slide is to guide others in the right direction so that they can develop greater insights about your text and its implications.

Be creative! How can you teach others what you have learned?

Ideas for engaging learning activities include:

  • Design a scavenger hunt; audience members must find examples in the text to confirm or challenge your conclusions
  • Create a checklist that others can use as they read the assigned text
  • Create an infographic or poster that presents your analysis at a glance
  • Provide instructions for a debate

Discuss your style of leadership based on the completed self-assessment. Describe what leadership and management theories align with your leadership style.

Nursing Question


The Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid Leadership Self Assessment Questionnaire assessment retrieved from…

  • Complete the leadership style self-assessment under learning activities.
  • Use information from your assigned readings and the literature related to leadership styles, and leadership and management theories to complete the paper.
  • Discuss your style of leadership based on the completed self-assessment.
  • Describe what leadership and management theories align with your leadership style.
  • Based on your leadership style, discuss the type of work environment, and three key actions or behaviors that you must demonstrate to be a successful leader.


  • Students will compare and contrast leadership and management principles. Identify one’s own leadership style.
  • Students will identify one’s own leadership style.

In the Accumulation column calculate the balance of the investment each month assuming it grew at an interest rate of 12% per year (Cell- G6) over 40 years for both sheets.

Mortgage Analysis

Part I

  1. (10 points) Type your name in the title and fill in the terms for each scenario in sheet 1 and 2. Cells- A6:D6
  2.  (10 points)Calculate the monthly payment using the equation for both terms. Cell- E6
  3.  (10 points)Use the built in PMT function in Excel to verify the payment is correct. Cell- F6
  4.  (40 points)Create Amortization tables for both sheets. Cells- A11:E11 (and down for the length of the mortgage)


Part II                    

  1.  (10 points)In the Investment column calculate the amount of money that will be invested each month for both sheets. Remember once the house is paid off the full $2000 will be invested. Cells- G11:down for 40 years
  2. 6.  (40 points)In the Accumulation column calculate the balance of the investment each month assuming it grew at an interest rate of 12% per year (Cell- G6) over 40 years for both sheets. Cells- H11:down for 40 years
  3. (20 points)Use the built in FV function of Excel to verify the total amount accumulated in both sheets. Remember at some point the investment amount changes; therefore, you will need to use the FV function more than once. Final Answer: Cell- H6



Part III

  1. (10 points) Calculate the property taxes for the first ten years assuming they are $2000 for year 1 and rise by 3% each year. Cells- L6:L15
  2. (10 points) Calculate the total interest paid each year for the first ten years of the loan. Remember the Amortization Schedule is in months and we are constructing this table in years. Cells- M6:M15
  3. (10 points) The Tax Deduction is the sum of the interest paid for the year and the property tax. Calculate the tax deduction for the first ten years. Cells- N6:N15
  4. (10 points) We will call the last column Tax Benefit. To simplify calculations let’s assume the couple are in the 25% tax bracket, so the tax deduction will lower their taxes due by approximately 25% of the deduction. However, a person who doesn’t own a house doesn’t pay the property taxes. So, this column will be the difference between the tax savings (25% of the deduction) and the property tax. Cells- O6:O15


Part IV

  1. (20 points) Write a reflection. Share some of your findings. What did you find interesting? Anything shocking? Are you left with any “what if” questions?

Note: If each calculation is built upon functions calling on cells you should be able to adjust any of the terms to see what happens if you change anything. Cell- K18

Provide an overview of UST’s business operations. In your presentation, feel free to provide visual detail of the type of products UST sells to its customers.

Answer Questions

The CEO of UST would like you to prepare a three to four page case report discussing UST’s current financial situation and the implications of increasing leverage in UST’s capital structure. The firm is considering a $1 billion increase in long-term debt. Assume that the debt would be taken on immediately and held in perpetuity. The $1 billion would be used immediately to repurchase shares. Also assume that the top marginal tax rate is 38 percent. The following questions should be addressed when preparing the report for the CEO:

  1. 1) Provide an overview of UST’s business operations. In your presentation, feel free to provide visual detail of the type of products UST sells to its customers.
  2. 2) Compile a list of factors that a credit analyst or potential bondholder would take into account when evaluating UST’s proposed recapitalization. Discuss the important factors.
  3. 3) Why is UST considering a leveraged recapitalization after such a long history of conservative debt policy?
  4. 4) Comment on the past and future financial performance of UST. What is the stock market’s assessment of UST’s long-term growth rate?

a. Hint: use the growing perpetuity formula, 𝑃0 = 𝐷1⁄(𝐸𝑟𝐸 − 𝑔), and solve for 𝑔 to infer UST’s long-term growth rate. You will need to use the CAPM to find 𝐸𝑟𝐸. (You may want to do some online research of comparable tobacco companies to figure out the approximate beta you should use for the CAPM.) Assume that 𝐷1 = 𝐷0 × (1 + 𝑔).

  1. 5) Comment on the financial performance of UST relative to other tobacco companies.
  2. 6) Create three pro-forma income statements for fiscal year 1999 under each of the following assumptions: (1) the $1B in debt was not issued; (2) the $1B in debt was issued and is investment grade; (3) the $1B in debt was issued and is below investment grade. For the latter two cases, can UST afford to make the interest payments based on the respective pro-forma income statement?In answering this question, the CEO only wants a simplified pro-forma income statement that takes the following form:SALES
  1. 7) Calculate the change in UST’s value due to the tax shield benefits of the additional debt. For this question, it would be useful to create a table containing the following information: value of the tax shield, value of the firm, value of the debt, value of the equity, number of shares repurchased, number of shares outstanding, and stock price. The table should cover the same three cases as Question 6. Assume that the $1B in debt is used to repurchase $1B in shares.
  2. 8) Comment on possible changes in value from the recapitalization due to other market frictions such as bankruptcy costs, information signaling, or other market frictions that you feel are applicable.
  3. 9) UST has paid uninterrupted dividends since 1912. Will the recapitalization hamper future dividend payments? Consider, in particular, the dividend paid per share in 1999, with the assumption that UST will try to maintain a constant dividend payout ratio.

The case report should be three to four pages in length (use the default spacing in Microsoft Word) with any useful tables or graphs attached. A one-paragraph executive summary should be included at the beginning of the report. The report should be presented in a professional manner and read as a cohesive document so that the CEO can easily understand your main points. If you need to make any assumptions, make them clear. Calculations should be relegated to an appendix. A report that consists of a mess of calculations and numbers or a series of random paragraphs pasted together would not be acceptable.

The case presentation should be about 20-30 minutes in length. Similar to the report, it should also be presented cohesively and in a professional manner so that the CEO can easily understand your main points. The presentation should be informative, concise, and should keep the listener engaged. The presenter should also be prepared to answer questions from the audience. A maximum of two people from your group should present your findings.

Describe the following in your response:What was the outcome you were working towards?Why was this outcome important to you, others, and/or the organization you were a part of?What were the steps you took to accomplish this and what was the outcome?

Teach for America interview

Your response to the following short-answer questions should be about 300 words each

Question 1 Teach For America works toward the day when every child will receive an excellent and equitable education. The circumstances children are born into predict the opportunities they will have in life. But Teach For America has learned that dramatic progress is possible. It takes bold, grounded leaders working together, inside and outside of schools, fighting for the aspirations of children and their families. Why are you motivated to join Teach For America?

Question 2 Our corps members achieve extraordinary results in their classrooms. We’d like to learn more about one of your greatest accomplishments in the last 3 years. It can be in academics or in a role you have held as part of an organization, company, team or club. Describe the following in your response:What was the outcome you were working towards?Why was this outcome important to you, others, and/or the organization you were a part of?What were the steps you took to accomplish this and what was the outcome?

Find a business model you would like to use in your virtual company in order to expand your business into mobile commerce, B2B marketplace, and collaborative commerce. Why did you select this model? In which ways do you think this model will be of benefit to your company?

Business Question

The term project is about a virtual Business-to-Consumer e-commerce company you will establish. Analyze this business thoroughly and build a fictional company in this business with the goal of determining how the Internet can be used for: Based on the analysis, your company will develop a new Internet-based system and also develop a user interface for your Web site.

  • Implementing a B2B marketplace,
  • Implementing m-commerce,
  • Implementing collaborative commerce
  • Analysis Phase
    • Industry Analysis: What is the current business model of this industry you chose? What are the technological challenges in this current model? What are the emerging models? Who are the leaders in your business, and what made them leaders? What are the social, organizational, behavioral and legal issues surrounding your industry?
    • Infrastructure Analysis: What is the information technology infrastructure required for your business? What would be needed additionally in the B2B, mobile and collaborative commerce environments? What kind of infrastructure is being used by different companies in your business (if possible)?
    • Model Analysis: What are the common business models used in your e-business? What additional models could be necessary for your pending goals? What constraints do you have concerning competition? How would different firms collaborate in a model?
    • Product or Service & Customer Analysis: What are you selling? Whom are you selling it to? How do the products differ among competitors in the same business? Who are your primary customers? What do your customers think about your business’ strengths and weaknesses?

    E-Business Strategy

    • Select a Model: Find a business model you would like to use in your virtual company in order to expand your business into mobile commerce, B2B marketplace, and collaborative commerce. Why did you select this model? In which ways do you think this model will be of benefit to your company?
    • IT Strategy: Develop an IT strategy for your company, taking the expansion into mobile commerce, B2B marketplace and collaborative commerce into consideration. Develop a cost estimate for it. How much budget do you need for it? Is it affordable? What is the security you can show your creditors to pay it off? What is the time required to implement that infrastructure?
    • Implementation Strategy & Comparison: How are you going to implement your new business plan in these three new areas? What are the main differences between the old and new plans? What are the newly introduced challenges and risks in your new model? What does your new user interface look like (include screenshots and other illustrations if necessary)?

Do you see world-systems theory and modernization theory as complementary or at odds with one another? Choose a specific topic in marriage and family and try to apply both theories to it.

Discussion question

Do you see world-systems theory and modernization theory as complementary or at odds with one another? Choose a specific topic in marriage and family and try to apply both theories to it.