
Describe / list three positive alternatives ( solutions) in your opinion that can help with the mentally ill in New York York city today.

Mentally ill

Describe / list three positive alternatives ( solutions) in your opinion that can help with the mentally ill in New York city today.

Identify the impact of urbanization in developing countries. Describe factors that determine that carrying capacity of the Earth and demonstrate the effects of overpopulation on fresh water and food supplies.

Assignment 13

1. Define public health’s role in world population growth.
2. Identify the impact of urbanization in developing countries.
3. Describe factors that determine that carrying capacity of the Earth and demonstrate the effects of overpopulation on fresh water and food supplies.

What are the types of conflicts that individuals may have at work? Which type have you experienced the most?

Types of conflicts

What are the types of conflicts that individuals may have at work? Which type have you experienced the most?

When you are just a 14 years old little girl, can you imagine traveling across half of the world to live in a strange country without family and friends? Did you experience the feeling when you can’t even feed yourself because you have no idea how to communicate with others in English?

Master of management in retailing

When you are just a 14 years old little girl, can you imagine traveling across half of the world to live in a strange country without family and friends? Did you experience the feeling when you can’t even feed yourself because you have no idea how to communicate with others in English?

How has Samsung risen from an obscure South Korean company, to a global, dominant force in the electronics industry? In other words, what internal & external factors have led to its growth?

Case study

Must answer the following questions from case study article
– use “related course materials” as guide/reference

1) What factors have led to Japan’s electronics companies to lose their competitiveness against their international counterparts? Explain.

2) How has Samsung risen from an obscure South Korean company, to a global, dominant force in the electronics industry? In other words, what internal & external factors have led to its growth?

3)Why have Japanese smartphones not been able to compete against the likes of Apple’s and Samsung’s? Explain.

4) How can Japanese electronics companies regain their competitiveness in the industry?

5) (samsung) Discuss their current product offerings & strategy(ies), and present a 1-page-minimum proposal (of 3) for future products/strategies in order to remain competitive, or regain competitiveness.

Explain the difference between mean and median. Is mean always larger than median? Explain the difference between µ and x . How do you determine which is appropriate to use in a problem?


Chapter 1
1. Explain the difference between a population and a sample (from a statistical point of view). (4pts)
2. Explain the difference between quantitative variable and qualitative variable. (4pts)
3. Explain the difference between descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. (4pts)

Chapter 2
1. For a dataset, without constructing of the frequency distribution table; how to obtain the class width of frequency distribution table if the number of classes is given? (2pts)

Note: Use the formula in the slides; here frequency distribution table is not provided.

2. Explain the difference between a frequency distribution table and a relative frequency distribution table (4pts)

Chapter 3
1. Explain the difference between mean and median. Is mean always larger than median? (4pts)
2. Explain the difference between µ and x . How do you determine which is appropriate to use in a problem? (4pts)
3. Explain the difference between σ and s. How do you determine which is appropriate to use in a problem? (4pts)
4. What is the relationship between variance and standard deviation? (2pts)
5. Explain the difference between range and interquartile range. (4pts)
6. Explain what the coefficient of variation is. What is the advantage of using it compared to standard deviation? (4pts)

Chapter 4
1. Explain the meaning of “Event with equally likely outcomes”. (4pts)
2. Explain the difference between joint(nonexclusive) events and disjoint(mutually exclusive) events. (4pts)
3. Explain the difference between P(A) and P(A|B). What does it mean if they are equal in value? What does it mean if they are unequal in value? (4pts)
4. Explain the difference between P(A|B) and P(B|A). Must they be equal in value? (4pts)
5. Explain the difference between Permutation and Combination. (4pts)

Chapter 5
1. Explain what a discrete random variable is. List examples.(4pts)
2. What are the requirements for a discrete probability distribution? (4pts)
3. Explain what binomial probability distribution is.
Hint: list requirements in slides.(4pts)

Chapter 6
1. Explain what a continuous random variable is. List examples. (4pts)
2. Explain some basic characteristics of Normal Distribution. (4pts)
3. What is the standard Normal Distribution? (2pts)
4. Explain the difference between a raw score (x value) and a standard score(z value). (4pts)
5. How to convert a raw score to a standard score; and how to convert a standard score to a raw score? (4pts)
6. Explain how to use Table 2 for each of the following intervals:
a) z < a (less than)
b) z > a (more than)
c) a < z < b (between)
Here a and b are constant z units. b is larger than a Describe the strategies we mentioned in class for theses 3 cases (6pts)
7. Explain what the Inverse Normal Distribution is. How would you figure out whether a problem is Normal Distribution type or Inverse Normal type? (4pts)

Draw the iterates f (x), f 2(x), . . . for λ = 0.683 and λ = 0.809 for an arbitrary initial value of x ∈ [0, 1]. Verify that the reached asymptotic states are very different for the two figures.


Math/Physic/Economic/Statistic Problems

Process and energy department
Assignment week 1 CHAOS, 2021/2022

The route to chaos via period doublings
Write a small report about the assignments listed below (could be hand-written, could be typewritten). Add the computer scripts as an appendix. The answer to assignment 1 is always a picture.

1. The logistic map

Write a computer program (in Matlab) to reproduce the following figures from Chapter 2 of the Lecture Notes:
(a) Figure 2.2: Draw the iterates f (x), f 2(x), . . . for λ = 0.683 and λ = 0.809 for an arbitrary initial value of x [0, 1]. Verify that the reached asymptotic states are very different for the two figures. To get you started, the matlab code (LOGISTIC map.m) is provided. In fact, you must now put in code what you have already done on paper during last week’s lecture.

(b) Figure 2.4 and figure 2.6: Show repeated iterations of the function f (x) = 4λx(1 x) where the value of λ is increased step by step. At each λ you can start with an arbitrary value of x, N (many) times to let transients die, and then
iterate N times while drawing them. Already read the next question; it is about the “many” times.

(c) Say “something” about the following: Near a bifurcation value λn it takes forever (long) for iterates to reach the asymptotic state. To be more precise, the time T (that is, number of iterates) diverges as T ∝|λ λn|1/2. Can you argue this dependence ? (Of course, it must be related to the quadratic nonlinearity).

(d) Figure 2.7 and 2.8: Plot f 2n (λn, x) for the given n and λ in the Lecture notes to reproduce the sequence of the limit functions gr(x). The key point is that these figures should be the same (around x = 1/2) up to rescaling. Rescaling means enlarging horizontal and vertical axies of your figure. From this (that is trying…), estimate the universal number α. In fact, this is exactly what threnormalization argument does for you.

(e) Figure 2.12: Show the evolution of the spectrum via period doublings for n = 3, n = 4 and n = 12. For figure (d) set the non-linearity parameter λ just beyond
λ = 0.8924 . . ..
About spectra. You feed a time series of iterates I[i], i = 1, . . . , N to MAT-LAB’s FFT function. The function provides two arrays, the real part Re[i] of the Fourier transform, and the imaginary part Im[i]. Actually, your initial times series is overwritten by the real part. Due to Nyquist, only Re[i], Im[i], i =1, . . . , N/2 makes sense. For this assignment you plot the modulus of the Fourier transfom, (Re[i]2 + Im[i]2)1/2. Of course, most of this you already knew.

2. An experiment

The picture below is the first claim to see the universal route to period doublings in an experiment. This is a heat convection experiment, with the (reduced) Rayleigh number R/Rc as nonlinearity parameter. (Convection first happened at Rc). see: A. Libchaber, C. Laroche and S. Fauve, J. Physique, 43, L-211 (1982).

(a) From the (reduced) Raleigh numbers in pictures (B, C), make a prediction for the Rayleigh number R/Rc of picture D. Discuss why this does not work equally well for predicting the Rayleigh number R/Rc in picture C from those in A, B.

(b) The universal constant α is related to the amplitude of the subharmonics. The scaling of the subharmonics in the spectrum is a mixture of α and α2, as in the following expression
μ = 1
2α2 + 2α4)1/2
Think about the quadratic map, and explain why this is a mixture α and α2 (and ignore the numerical prefactors).

With α = 2.5029 . . ., the value μ = 0.15211 . . .. In power spectra, a decibel is 20 log10 A, where A is the amplitude ratio. Is this consistent with the observed spectra ?

3. Numerics of superstable cycles

Let λn denote the value of λ at which the logistic map, f (x, λ) = λx(1 x) has a superstable cycle of period 2n.
(a) Write an implicit but exact formula for λn in terms of the point x = 1 2 and the function f (x, λ) = λx(1 x). (You will find lots of inspiration in the lecture notes, if not this very equation).

(b) Using a computer and the result of part (a), find λ2, λ3, …, λ7 to three significant digits. Hint: formulate the problem as one where you have to find the zero of a function. Alternatively, you could make pictures, zoom in, and find those zeros by hand.

(c) Evaluate (λ3 λ2)/(λ4 λ3). This will approximate the other universal constant of the period-doubling route to chaos. The problem is that success of this assignment depends a little on success of the previous one. If necessary, you
could revert to (λ2 λ1)/(λ3 λ2). Be practical, this you would typically face in an experiment.

Which solution was above the other? Why did the solutions seperate and not mix? How does this lab help to represent what happens in estuaries? How does this type of environment impact the organisms that live there (esturaries)?

lab analysis procedure

Place a few drops of red food coloring to a clear glass that contains cold water from your refrigerator (less than half full).
In a separate glass of the same type, make a saltwater solution using the same amount of water as you did in step 1. Heat that water in the microwave for1 1/2 minutes or until warm. Be careful not to burn yourself. Dissolve table salt into that warm water (mix a little at a time until it does not dissolve any further.) Then place a few drops of yellow food coloring to that solution. Mix well.
Now, slowly pour the red water solution (freshwater) into the saltwater solution (yellow solution). The slower you pour the red into the yellow the better your results will be. Hint: If you pour it so that the red solution moves down the side of the yellow container, slowly, you will recieve nice reults.
Do not stir or mix this combined solution. You should see a seperation of the two solutions, even though they are in the same container.
In a word or google document, describe what you observed as you mixed these solutions and then continue to monitor the solution recording what you see happening each minute for 10 minutes. Make a data table of these observations.
Take pictures of the mixture immediately after mixing and then after 10 minutes. Place a copy of these pictures in your lab writeup and label the pictures.
Answer the following analysis questions.
Which solution was above the other?
Why did the solutions seperate and not mix?
How does this lab help to represent what happens in estuaries?
How does this type of environment impact the organisms that live there (esturaries)?
What types of stress does this place on the organisms?
Write up this lab as a FULL lab report

What is your real level of commitment? Are you (un)stoppable? How do you react when Life punks you? What reward are you going to get for your pain?

Pushing Through

pick two of the following to discuss:

What is your real level of commitment?
Are you (un)stoppable?
How do you react when Life punks you?
What reward are you going to get for your pain?
How much sweat equity have you invested?

What is the full legal name of your organization? Provide contact information for the organization including the names of majority owners. What confidentiality/non-disclosure language will you include?


BizBuilder Business Plan Worksheet Questions

Cover Page
This should provide the name of your business, your contact information and a nondisclosure statement.

What is the full legal name of your organization?

Provide contact information for the organization including the names of majority owners (use the same format for as many as you have)
Name: ___________________________ Name: __________________________
Address: _________________________ Address: ________________________
City: ___________ State____ Zip _____ City: __________ State____ Zip _____
Phone: ___________________________ Phone: __________________________
Email: ___________________________ Email: __________________________

What confidentiality/non-disclosure language will you include?

Provide the date of the plan. (Month) (Day), (Year)