
Find a resource of data you can download and an idea for simple project attraction places in Manchester and surrounded city and you may find Shapefile from any organization such as city council.

Web-GIS software

1.Find a theme and datasets for a small project of Web-GIS software and create your webGIS on the there web software listed down.

2. Use the web-GIS

a. Mango Map

b. ArcGIS online

c. An additional one of YOUR own choice!

3. Find a resource of data you can download and an idea for simple project attraction places in Manchester and surrounded city and you may find Shapefile from any organization such as city council.

4. Create your dataset and find the theme.

5. A plane of flow chart to define the steps such ….

6. Create your GIS this project on the 3 different above 3 applications.

7. Print power point slides including example of how your steps apply in each web application.

8. Attach the links of each application.

9. Some sort of assessment for using the the three applications in away where you put criteria from 1 to 10 for example. (, more attractive, how easy to use, limitation , missing , things you would like to there, functionality(like some web application is simple where the other one like esri’s ArcGIS online is a little bite more interactive functionality where that date is put in it)

What key aspects associated with the budget environment are highlighting in this budget message that helps to illustrate the fiscal health of the state of Massachusetts at that time?


Discussion Board RESPONSES (to other students) Regarding Chapters 8,9, and 10 & Lecture for the week

1-What key aspects associated with the budget environment are highlighting in this budget message that helps to illustrate the fiscal health of the state of Massachusetts at that time?

2-Identify at least four areas of public policy that are highlighted in the budget message delivered by Governor Baker. Discuss how comments regarding the Governor’s preferences for spending are reflective of the political nature of public budgeting.

3-Can you identify examples in which the Governor’s budget message includes arguments that highlights the importance that government funded activities focus on achieving specific values (i.e. efficiency, effectiveness, equity, etc.). Briefly explain your selections. How does this relate to ensuring transparent and accountable government?

4- Click on the following link and review the Massachusetts governmental budget information in the table entitled “Statewide Summary” (Enacted budget for Statewide Summary | Summary FY20 Budget ( (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)).  Upon review, do the areas of public policy identified in the budget message by Governor Baker seem to match up with the actual budget expenditures enumerated for the fiscal year 2020? Briefly explain.

Describe the major equipment and technology needed to provide the recommended service. Include a projected cost for that equipment. Discuss the type of corporation you think the center should consider and why.

Health Administration Capstone

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you identify and recommend technology needs, hours of operation, and services offered for the health care organization. Your paper should:

Recommend which services should be provided at the center and describe why they are appropriate at this site.

Describe the hours of operation and why you recommend those hours.

Describe the major equipment and technology needed to provide the recommended service. Include a projected cost for that equipment.

Discuss the type of corporation you think the center should consider (e.g., a department of the hospital or an LLC) and why.

Cite at least 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Find a secondary source (magazine, newspaper, etc.) which cites a primary source for its evidence and review both the primary and secondary source for how well they relate the information to their prospective audiences.

Journal Critique Assignment

While this is being assigned in module 6 – it is not due until the end of the land use change unit! You do not need to have this submitted by the end of unit 2.
The presentation of a scientific result can mean nearly everything in terms of how it is responded to in terms of public acceptance and policy. Often, the ability to communicate science in secondary sources and relay key findings in primary sources can either enhance or limit the way non-scientists act on scientific findings.
In this assignment, you will: 1) Find a secondary source (magazine, newspaper, etc.) which cites a primary source for its evidence and 2) review both the primary and secondary source for how well they relate the information to their prospective audiences. The primary goal of this assignment is to assess the quality of the presentation of the scientific findings to different populations.
1) Choose a broad area of global change from one of our three units (Climate, land use, and biodiversity) and search the secondary literature for a topic you find particularly interesting.
2) Find a secondary article that either focuses on OR cites a primary literature source.
3) Review both of these sources in terms of:
– Citations for both articles in APA format
– A summary of the topic, research presented, and key findings of the two articles. Include the key findings from the primary article and what the focus of the findings of the secondary article was
– The quality of the presentation of each article separately – summarize their effectiveness in term of how well they present their key message in your opinion
– How well the articles relate to one another (e.g. does the secondary source sensationalize the issue?) and is there any problem in presentation for either?

How did you feel about it when you looked at it this week? • Has this week’s material changed the way you think about inpirational narratives about disability? Why or why not?

Ll Journal Entry – Reflect on Inspiration

After you have read and viewed everything in the folder and finished the quiz, write a 400-word reflection answering all of the items below. • Reflect on and briefly define the concept of Inspiration Pom. Draw on Stella Young’s video and/or the lecture for your definition. • Can you think of a time when you encountered inspiration pom in your daily life? How did you feel about it? This could be something small – you may not even have recognized it at the time! If you can’t think of a specific time, reflect on one of the examples provided this week. How did you feel about it when you looked at it this week? • Has this week’s material changed the way you think about inspirational narratives about disability? Why or why not?

Write a page and a half Literary Exploration following this structure: Introduce what is significant/interesting about your chosen focus/prompt concept.

Literary exploration

■ (Note th6 higiiitghtedins) II Poetry Assignment Review: 111 1. Choose a poem you like from the six (10 listed in the assignment (7 if you choose the video) is Introduction to PoetryI.

■ Five Ways to Kill a Man” (Poem and/or Vide._40

■ Dickenson – Part Three Love ■ “Still I Rise”

■ Ballad of Birmingham

■ Funeral Blues M You can choose any poem provide in the NEWS (Nov. 1-4). 2. Then, connect your poem to the chosen writing focus (prompt) that you feel works best for your poem

■ Thesis ideas for your poem choice and related writing question 3. Write a page and a half Literary Exploration following this structure: Introduce what is significant/interesting about your chosen focus/prompt concept: ▪ Life experiences shape an individual’s attitude.

• Learnin7 from the experiences of others can benefit us. • An individual’s response to Adversity reveals their character.
a Individual actions affect the lives of others.
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Still 1 Rise,
;Li Dickenson – Part T.

Although Global Warming is important and urgent. Do people think Global Warming is an important issue. Why do they think it is not a problem?

How does Global Warming affect the Earth.

A research paper (around 10 pages long ) with primary and secondary sources
and one virtual “outside” class activity, this could be for example a virtual live or pre-recorded seminar/conference lecture that you attend.
Talking about causes and effects of Global Warming. (Earth’s climate, greenhouse effect)
Process and consequence of greenhouse effect.
Mainly talks about climate and the greenhouse effect.
Add a counterargument (Although Global Warming is important and urgent. Do people think Global Warming is an important issue. Why do they think it is not a problem?)
Use the United Nations Climate Change Conference ( COP26 ) as the “outside” class activity.
the Youtube link:

Why do you intend to pursue the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)degree? Describe your understanding of the degree, your strengths for success as a DNP student and areas for growth.

Written Interview Questions for Doctor of Nursing Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner

Instruction: 500 words for each question

1. Describe a situation and reflect on how it changed your understanding of the social determinants of health and influenced your practice. Include a minimum of 2 scholarly Citations in APA format to support your response.

2. How have your prior professional nursing experiences prepared you to become a (insert: primary care family nurse practitioner, psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner; population health nurse with advanced education; DNP prepared nurse) and achieve your career goals?

3. What attributes do you possess that will contribute to organizational and systems leadership to improve healthcare outcomes?

4. Why do you intend to pursue the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)degree? Describe your understanding of the degree, your strengths for success as a DNP student and areas for growth.

Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?

The lessons we take from obstacles

This essay is for my application to university. Please write something very good. In your own words, please don’t copy anything from the internet. Thank you.

The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?

I need 500 words minimum.

Identify 10 attributes that form your professional identity based on professional standards. Reflect on why each of the attributes were selected for your professional identity. Identify how diversity and teamwork plays a role in developing your professional identity.

Valuable Member Infographic


Demonstrate principles of professional identity and professionalism for the nurse within the context of regulatory and practice standards.


You are assigned to discuss your professional identity with your peers on the unit during a meeting and have decided to present the attributes using an infographic. The goal is to encourage all nurses to examine attributes and identify their professional identity to improve professionalism in the healthcare setting. As a nurse leader, you want your infographic to include the attributes that have guided your growth within the profession. As a leader of the unit, you work to grow the nurses on the unit and want to encourage them to identify their professional identity as the leaders to focus on succession planning. Your goal is to develop your infographic and share with other nurses to encourage them to examine the attributes to grow within the profession.


Create an infographic that includes the attributes you believe support your professional identity. Include the following:

Identify 10 attributes that form your professional identity based on professional standards.

Reflect on why each of the attributes were selected for your professional identity.

Determine the attributes that are important for nurse leaders.

Identify how diversity and teamwork plays a role in developing your professional identity.

Provide stated ideas with professional language and attribution for credible sources with correct APA citation, spelling, and grammar.