
Why is Ophelia so upset when she enters at II.i? What has happened to her? Does Hamlet’s appearance (in her telling) as a madman (a distracted lover) come as a surprise after what we last heard him say? Why would he appear in this sort of madness to her?

Journal Respose #11

1. What is Polonius telling Reynaldo to do in II.i? What does this tell us about Polonius and his way of thinking and acting?
2. Why is Ophelia so upset when she enters at II.i? What has happened to her? Does Hamlet’s appearance (in her telling) as a madman (a distracted lover) come as a surprise after what we last heard him say? Why would he appear in this sort of madness to her? Is there any possibility he really is a distracted lover responding to Ophelia’s apparent rejection of him? How well has she obeyed her father’s orders in I.iii?
2. Read Hamlet’s third soliloquy carefully (II.ii). How does he use the player’s response to show how different his own position is? Is the comparison justified by what we have seen happen in the play? He complains that he hasn’t acted on his vengeance. Why hasn’t he? Why does he need the play? What will he learn from it?

Analysis of the future of the airline: Possible expansions, possible fleet changes, possible merger, layoffs/hiring. Where is airline expected to be in five years?

Spirit Airlines

Research Paper:
At a minimum the paper must include the following information:
A. The history of the airline (mergers, acquisitions).
B. The size, scope, and operational figures: fleet size, personnel size, and various operational measures (RPMs, ASMs, ATMs, etc).
C. Operational metrics (Revenue Passenger Miles (RPMs), Available Seat Miles (ASMs), Actual Ton Miles (ATMs), Overall on-time performance.
D. Hubs/Route Structure (what cities do they serve, what cities are the hubs, code share agreements).
E. Fiscal Data: Long-term debt, recent profit/loss (P and L) statements from last fiscal reporting period, current stock price.
F. Management structure Company Info: Key people in the company, recent personnel changes, key departments, companies mission statement, vision statement, goals and objectives.
G. Analysis of marking and/or operations strategy employed by the airline. Who is their competition?

H. Analysis of the future of the airline: Possible expansions, possible fleet changes, possible merger, layoffs/hiring. Where is airline expected to be in five years?

With reference to your chosen employer scenario, produce a 3000-3500 word report which will be assessed on the following areas:1.] An analysis of the company’s strategic position 30 2.] A set of recommendations to address the issues identified 15 3.] An evidence-informed implementation strategy 25 4. ]A reflection on key learning from the module 10

Global professional development


You are a new consultant working for International Management Consultancy organisation (IMC is a fictional consultancy firm). You are required to complete ONE consultancy project out of the choice of the employer scenarios [See Aula & FutureLearn] which must be completed by the assignment deadline.
You must use an employer video case study from the choice available on Aula and FutureLearn. If you do not use one of the mandatory case studies for this cohort your paper will be an automatic fail and graded accordingly.

With reference to your chosen employer scenario, produce a 3000-3500 word report which will be assessed on the following areas:1.] An analysis of the company’s strategic position 30

2.] A set of recommendations to address the issues identified 15

3.] An evidence-informed implementation strategy 25

4. ]A reflection on key learning from the module 10

Organisation/academic writing 10

Referencing 10

Discuss strengths and weaknesses of the research article. In this comparison and analysis phase of the critique, consider how the research elements relate to one another, particularly in reference to the stated research design.

Qualitative Research critique

Discuss strengths and weaknesses of the research article. In this comparison and analysis phase of the critique, consider how the research elements relate to one another, particularly in reference to the stated research design. Here is a suggestion list of elements to consider. Reference your Research text also, as this is not an exhaustive list.
Is the research objective format at a comparable level to the stated design
Do the operational tools measure the concept
Do the data reflect the level of measurement necessary for the stated statistics used
Is the sampling method and plan style appropriate for the chosen research design
Has the author related the theoretical framework to concept variables, and outcomes
Is the problem heuristic to nursing, does the theoretical basis related to nursing concerns
Are limitations (both types) and biases addressed – can you identify possible concerns to generalizability
Validity and reliability of instruments / data : of outcomes due to uncontrolled threats
Does the author support the study rigor expected for the stated design
Are study variables – demographics, setting – controlled sufficiently for chosen research design
Specify examples
Justify your criticisms of these examples
Suggest research method alternatives

Write and format the paper using APA, 7th edition, with a maximum length of 7 pages (excluding title page and appendices). Analyze the information obtained based on clinical practice standards, the laws, and the literature.

Nurse’s role in  practice setting(s)


The purposes of this assignment are to familiarize the student with one advanced practice registered nurse’s role in one or more practice setting(s), and to demonstrate the student’s ability to analyze the ways in which the APRN complies, or fails to comply with, current laws and practice standards and evidence in the literature.

Each student will arrange to interview, virtually, an advanced practice nurse (CNS, NP, CRNA, or CNM). Note: You have the option of doing this final paper with one other student, in which case you will need to add a paragraph after the references section that outlines/justifies your participation in the completion of the paper as part of your grading rubric. Use the interview questions listed below as a guide for paper content. Note that the interview questions address objectives listed throughout the four modules of the course. Finally, analyze the information obtained based on clinical practice standards, the laws, and the literature. For each question refer to the BON, certifying boards or peer-reviewed journals to identify and document the appropriate and necessary actions the APRN should take. For instance, analyzing the accuracy and adequacy or the APRN’s job description and explaining the purpose of a job description. Please note that this paper is not supposed to be a transcript of your interview, but that you should use the literature and readings from the course to supplement and analyze components of your interview. For example, the question related to APRNs and policy involvement, if your APRN states she does not have time for being involved in policy involvement, finding some literature out there related to prevalence or challenges of APRN involvement in policy. Please review the rubric for the paper when writing the paper as the analysis piece of it is worth 35 points. The analysis should be brief but thorough. References should be cited in the analysis and included on the reference list according to APA style.

Write and format the paper using APA, 7th edition, with a maximum length of 7 pages (excluding title page and appendices). Any sample documents (e.g., APRN’s job description, performance evaluation) may be placed in the Appendix and are NOT included in the page limit.

WHO uses the spaces? WHAT problem is the housing solving? WHERE has it been tried? WHEN? WHY is this useful for Toronto?

Densifying the yellow belt:

Multifamily houses within existing buildings

350 words
WHO uses the spaces?
WHAT problem is the housing solving?
WHERE has it been tried?
WHY is this useful for Toronto?

Intro (150 words):
Densifying the city with affordable housing for lower middle class family dwellings consider the natural environment as well as urban environment, contributing to them both

Describe a challenge you face in your life and the strategies taken to overcome the challenge.

Challenge faced in life

Submit a concise essay (200-word limit for each essay prompt). Prompt : Describe a challenge you face in your life and the strategies taken to overcome the challenge.

During the pandemic, many people worked from home and decreased activities in the economy. Do you believe this caused an increase in GDP or a decrease? Explain how you reached this conclusion.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

“GDP measures the market value of the goods and services a nation produces. Unpaid work that people do for themselves and their families isn’t traded in the marketplace, so there are no transactions to track. Surveys asking people how they spend their time can be used to estimate household production. But the United States only began collecting these data annually in 2003, and many countries have never done a nationally representative survey. The lack of reliable data influenced the decision to leave household production out of GDP in the internationally accepted guidelines for national accounting.“

In this threaded discussion, complete the following:

Begin your discussion with a definition of Gross Domestic Product. Be sure to include a definition of GDP and a statement of the size of GDP in the most recent year for the United States.
Locate and incorporate outside research that gives evidence and explanation of the value of home production that is not included in GDP. Some areas to research could include watching your own children compared to hiring someone, doing your own lawn care, fixing your own car, doing your own housework, etc.
During the pandemic, many people worked from home and decreased activities in the economy. Do you believe this caused an increase in GDP or a decrease? Explain how you reached this conclusion.
Integrate biblical insights into your discussion thread. In what way does scripture influence our decision to work, either in the marketplace or in home production?

Tell us how you became interested in genetic counseling, any inter-personal and/or extracurricular experiences that led to your interest, how you determined that this career aligns with your professional goals, and highlight any personal characteristics that will contribute to your success as a genetic counselor, in whatever path you pursue post-graduation.

Personal Statement

Your Personal Statement is a critical part of your application. It should should not exceed three double-spaced typewritten pages in length. Be as clear, precise and authentic as possible.

In your Personal Statement, provide any personal or background information that you think may aid the selection committee in evaluating your potential for admission. Tell us how you became interested in genetic counseling, any inter-personal and/or extracurricular experiences that led to your interest, how you determined that this career aligns with your professional goals, and highlight any personal characteristics that will contribute to your success as a genetic counselor, in whatever path you pursue post-graduation.

Your Personal Statement may also discuss how your personal background and/or history informed your decision to pursue a graduate degree. Include any educational, cultural, economic, family, or social experiences, challenges, or opportunities relevant to your academic journey.

What is the main argument or point of the article, chapter or reading selection? What did the author(s) want to get across in the reading? Discuss at least one main point or part of the article, chapter or reading selection that supports their argument.

The courts

1. What is the general topic of the article, chapter or reading selection?


2.Summarize the article, chapter or reading selection:


3.What is the main argument or point of the article, chapter or reading selection? What did the author(s) want to get
across in the reading?

4.Discuss at least one main point or part of the article, chapter or reading selection that supports their argument.


5.Identify two words and their definition that you were unfamiliar with prior to reading the article, chapter or reading