
Briefly explain how Lt. Coughlin demonstrated one of the ethical agent role(s) as described on pages 19-20 in chapter 1 of the Newell book.

Leadership and Ethics

This reflection activity involves practicing assessing role(s) of ethics agents and spotting the ethics issue(s). First, watch the PBS video linked below titled She Rocked the Pentagon. It is about 12 minutes and involves the ethical decision making of former Navy Lt. Paula Coughlin following the sexual assault scandal at the Tailhook convention in 1991. Note that this content is disturbing as it describes instances of rape and sexual assault, so prepare yourself emotionally beforehand. If you believe that you will find it to be personally traumatizing, please contact me. By midnight on Sunday, Week 5, please record a reflection in the Flipgrid online platform using the video or audio only option for recording. Within the reflection, address the following points:

(Capstone) In the context of a job interview question, provide a response to the following question: Explain three professional skills that you developed or reinforced as part of your degree program at EKU. Degree program is HOMELAND SECURITY.

(PBS Video) Briefly explain how Lt. Coughlin demonstrated one of the ethical agent role(s) as described on pages 19-20 in chapter 1 of the Newell book.

(PBS Video) Briefly explain one ethics issue that confronted Lt. Coughlin. What two values are in conflict from Lt. Coughlin’s perspective (Value A [Value Set A] vs. Value B [Value Set B])? Mention both the conflicting values and the associated value sets as described in chapters 2 and 3 of the Newell book; see pp. 26, 27, and 40.

Must cite the video:

Identify and give the significance of the following terms. 25 points each. 100 points total.

Fourth exam

Identify and give the significance of the following terms. 25 points each. 100 points total.

Nat Turner
California Gold Rush
Manifest Destiny

Where in the newspaper does it appear? What does its placement tell you about the article? Are there aspects of the physical layout, placement, or presentation of the article that shape how you view it? Are there other qualities of this source (i.e., language, etc… ) that mark it as a newspaper article?

Primary Source Analysis

This assignment asks you to analyze an issue from one path breaking publications: The Native Voice. These publications give voice to the political prerogatives and interests of First Nations and Prairie Metis, respectively. On Bright space, you will find digitized copies (or links to the digital copies) of select issues of these publications from the 1950s, and 1970s. The article to analyze is: “Do Not Want to be Second-Class Citizens,” The Native Voice Vol. 4, no. 9 (September 1950), pp. 3. Native Voice

Answer the questions below. Although those questions will ask you to focus on a particular article, you will also be prompted to read through the issue as a whole in order to get a more complete sense of the publication, its aims, and the broader context for the article in question.


Part 1. begin by identifying the article you have selected, then answer the following questions. Unless otherwise noted, your responses to the questions in this section should be about 1-2 sentences in length.

a) Who wrote the article?

b) When was it created?

c) Where in the newspaper does it appear? What does its placement tell you about the article? Are there aspects of the physical layout, placement, or presentation of the article that shape how you view it? Are there other qualities of this source (i.e., language, etc… ) that mark it as a newspaper article?

d) What is the article about? Please summarize the article’s contents (in about a paragraph).

Part 2. answer the following questions. Your responses should be about 1-2 paragraphs in length.

a) What do you know about the newspaper in which it appeared?

b) Who is the intended audience (and how do you know)? How might the audience shape the message in the article?

c) Does the author take a position on the central issue discussed in the article? What clues in the text provide evidence of the author’s position?

d) Identify and explain two (2) moments in the article that you think reveal something important about the time period in which it was produced.

e) In what ways do the two moments noted in question 2(d) correspond with what you know about the time and place described in the article? In what ways do they differ?

f) For historians, primary sources such as this can inspire further research and generate answers to historical questions. Identify a research question that is raised by this source. (Put another way, based on your reading of this source, are there issues that you would like to know more about?) Could this source (and others like it) help you to answer that question?

ensure that your responses pay attention to the basic rules of grammar and style and ensure that your final product is free of any typos or other mistakes. If you quote directly from the sources or other parts of the course, please include parenthetical (i.e., in-text) citations. You need not create a separate bibliography for this assignment.

Provide a brief overview of the article, its intended audience, and its purpose and analyze the article’s strengths and weaknesses, providing evidence to support your opinions. Explain various ways you could incorporate the material expressed in the article into you leadership/management style.

Article Critiques Instructions

You are required to submit 1 page critiques of articles related to leadership or management. Each Article Critique must be written in current APA format, including a title, abstract, reference page, and 3 headings (Summary Analysis, Key Elements, and Reflection), and incorporate a minimum of 2 citations.
Include the following elements in your critique:
1. Summary Analysis – Provide a brief overview of the article, its intended audience, and its purpose and analyze the article’s strengths and weaknesses, providing evidence to support your opinions.
2. Key Elements – Select 1-2 key ideas from the article and consider how you can effectively connect them with a future leadership/management position.
3. Refection – Explain various ways you could incorporate the material expressed in the article into you leadership/management style.
Use one-inch margins.
Use a 12-point Times New Roman font.
Use Single Space

Did the area you picked experience variety, diversity of beliefs, and practices? Give examples, explaining why or why not there was diversity. Was there a geographic pattern to these differences – explain. What role did cities play – or not play – in your area?

HIST 2310 “Early World History .”

One will compose a 6-8 page paper focusing on one area of the world that your textbook, The Human Journey, Vol. I A Concise Introduction to World History, by Kevin Reilly, discussed. The seven areas are: The Middle East; Africa; Europe; China; India; the Americas; and Pacific (Polynesia)

Having picked your area, thoroughly read about the coverage of your area throughout the book; then, use that as your base for discussing your area’s development, and importantly, how it interacted with OTHER areas. YOU MUST ANSWER ALL OF THE PROMPT QUESTIONS BELOW:

1.) Did the area you picked experience variety, diversity of beliefs, and practices? Give examples, explaining why or why not there was diversity. Was there a geographic pattern to these differences – explain. What role did cities play – or not play – in your area?

2.) Did your area “butt heads” with other areas, or rather , was there a mutually beneficial relationship…or even a combination of these two phenomena? Discuss. I am especially interested in how your area connected to other areas.

3.) Discuss in your essay the spread of religion(s) within your area…and even beyond your area. Who carried the religion outwards? priests? trader – businessmen? or who?

4.) Discuss the social and political trends of your area, being sure to tell how power and prestige were structured in your area. For example, what power or prestige did soldiers, priests, scholars, and business people have in your area.

5.) Discuss the language (s) spoken in your area, and how language, written or unwritten, had a major impact upon your area’s development.

Use double spacing, twelve-point font, one-inch margins, and other proper structuring when doing this assignment.

Briefly describe the scenario. Identify whether positive or negative punishment was used. Describe the potential drawbacks to the use of punishment in this situation.


Punishment is used to decrease the chances of a behavior continuing. It can be used by adding something undesirable or taking away something desirable. It is important to be careful when using punishment to modify behavior; there may be drawbacks to certain types of punishment. In this assignment, you will explore those drawbacks and determine ways to overcome them.

NOTE: Create a scenario that illustrates how punishment may be used to decrease the chances that an undesirable behavior would continue.


NOTE: Write a 700- to 1,050-word analysis outlining the potential drawbacks of using punishment in this situation. Ensure you:

Briefly describe the scenario.
Identify whether positive or negative punishment was used.
Describe the potential drawbacks to the use of punishment in this situation.
Determine ways to attempt to lessen the drawbacks of the use of punishment.

Construct strategies that impact effectiveness and efficiency. Discuss change strategies and identify which actions should be focused on first. Analyze and explain the relationship between structure and culture in decision-making.

Efficiency and Effectiveness

Are you a Systems Thinker? How would you explain systems thinking and its impact on an organization? Let us say that you have just taken on the role of District Manager for a new video conferencing company, UMG Learning Systems Organizations, Inc. (UMGLSO) that has a mission of providing meeting and conferencing services that promote system thinking in learning organizations. You have been asked by your boss to present to the board of a potentially large customer, the way in which the company services can help to support Systems Thinking within a Learning Organization of the future.

Taking into consideration what you have learned this term (Organizational Structure, Culture, Behavior, etc.) provide at least three strategies that would help the organization move toward the future. o Construct strategies that impact effectiveness and efficiency. o Discuss change strategies and identify which actions should be focused on first. o Analyze and explain the relationship between structure and culture in decision-making.

• Include visuals from your final presentation to share with others in your post or include a short video.

• Use resources from this session and/or others and research-based articles from the online library to support your strategies and analysis.

hat is the ethical dilemma presented by this case? What is the relationship of privacy to Facebook’s business model? Will Facebook be able to have a successful business model without invading privacy?


Information management essay Unit 2

1-2 pages in length

Essay question to answer: Read “Business Problem-Solving Case: Facebook Privacy: Your Life for Sale” on pages 149-151 of your text and answer the following: Perform an ethical analysis of Facebook. What is the ethical dilemma presented by this case? What is the relationship of privacy to Facebook’s business model? Will Facebook be able to have a successful business model without invading privacy? Explain your answer. Are there any measures Facebook could take to make this possible?

MLA format

use textbook for reference: Essentials of MIS

Kenneth C. Laudon and Jane P. Laudon, 2019


What population issues did the documentary discuss? How did it broaden your understanding of these issues? What moments of the documentary stood out to you? Why? Were there any surprises? Anything that challenged what you know — or thought you knew?

Immigration video response

What population issues did the documentary discuss?

How did it broaden your understanding of these issues?

What moments of the documentary stood out to you? Why?

Were there any surprises? Anything that challenged what you know — or thought you knew?

Who are the “experts” in this population issue? Are they those experiencing the issues themselves (“insiders”) or are they formal experts (who may be “outsiders”)?

What connections do you see between the documentary & other course material?

What do you think the overarching message of the documentary is?

Analyze how cultural diversity and specifically inclusion impact effective management communication. In the context of managing different cultures, ages, and genders what modes of communication seem most effective in managing people?

Diversity, Inclusion, and Communication

Diversity, Inclusion and Communication WK 9-10 Must post first. Sometimes when we are in school learning advanced concepts, things can seem a bit abstract until we are able to see or experience concrete examples. The link below is a short talk by Ricardo Fernandez, a Spaniard, who leads a team of up to 30 people from several different countries, and the communication challenges associated with this international remote working team. He is not an expert, nor an academic, but he has the kind of practical experience that is useful for a discussion…and for your potential similar encounters.
Ricardo Fernandez on remote international teams (13:14)
After reviewing the video consider the following:

• Evaluate the video for the communication skills needed for success in managing a global environment.

• Evaluate video for the relationship-building skills needed for success in managing a remote team.

• Analyze how cultural diversity and specifically inclusion impact effective management communication. In the context of managing different cultures, ages, and genders what modes of communication seem most effective in managing people? Provide examples; for instance, would texting the terms of a new contract be the best way to communicate with a 60-year-old Japanese customer?