
What does the Justified True Belief theory of knowledge say about what is necessary and sufficient for knowledge? Provide your own example of knowledge that meets these conditions.


On Gettier, “Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?” What does the Justified True Belief theory of knowledge say about what is necessary and sufficient for knowledge? Provide your own example of knowledge that meets these conditions. Does Gettier argue that these conditions are unnecessary, insufficient, or both? Why so? Provide your own Gettier-style counter-example that demonstrates Gettier’s argument.

Demonstrate understanding of the molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in metabolic pathways through the relationship between biochemical and biotechnological systems


⦁ Demonstrate understanding of the molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in metabolic pathways through the relationship between biochemical and biotechnological systems

Write an essay indicating how the academic study of problem solving and thinking relates to everyday life

Problem Solving

Write an essay indicating how the academic study of problem solving and thinking relates to everyday life


Where the organism is normally found and how is it spread? What are the virulence factors of the organism? What are the symptoms and incubation period of the infection caused by the organism? How would you diagnose an infection caused by the organism?

Bacterial agent

Step 1
Select one of the following bacterial agents for your assignment.

Salmonella enteritidis, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus pyogenes, Chlamydia trachomatis, Clostridium difficile, Neisseria meningitidis
Step 2
Research the chosen bacterial agent to examine the anatomical structures and diseases associated with it. Some suggested resources:

Microbiology Online (Links to an external site.)
Microbiology Society Resources (Links to an external site.)
National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine (Links to an external site.)
Step 3
Use the template below and answer the following questions:

Where the organism is normally found and how is it spread?
What are the virulence factors of the organism?
What are the symptoms and incubation period of the infection caused by the organism?
How would you diagnose an infection caused by the organism?
Describe how the organism infects different organs and how the immune system responds to infection.
What is the current treatment plan for the infections caused by the organism and the treatment success rate?
What populations are most at risk for infection?
What environments and sources are associated with the organism?
What are some public health implications of the infection caused by this agent?
What precautions can the public take to prevent infections?
Estimated time to complete: 3 hours

Identify the primary problems that each man believes face African-Americans. Then explain how each man proposes that white and/or black Americans should address these problems. Finally, carefully consider the positive and negative aspects of each approach.

MLK vs. Malcolm X

Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X both addressed the position of African-Americans in America. Despite the similarity of their concerns, significant differences exist in their approaches to advancing the interests of African-Americans. Identify the primary problems that each man believes face African-Americans. Then explain how each man proposes that white and/or black Americans should address these problems. Finally, carefully consider the positive and negative aspects of each approach. Drawing from this consideration, identify which approach that you favor and explain why. (Make sure that you acknowledge both the advantages and drawbacks inherent in your favored approach.)

To what extent are modern concepts of counter-insurgency derived from practices of imperial and colonial rule?

Practices of imperial and colonial rule

To what extent are modern concepts of counter-insurgency derived from practices of imperial and colonial rule?

Describe briefly the sector of the construction industry that you have selected. Produce a representative average sector performance from the ratios calculated in (a) for the three selected companies.

Risk and financial Management/ Construction

Using internet searches, obtain the financial reports from THREE quoted companies that are competitors in the same sector of the construction industry. Examples of sectors include: domestic housing, commercial offices, transport infrastructure such as bridges etc. The reports should all refer to the same or overlapping periods of time and should be the overall (that is, consolidated) group accounts. The accounts should not be older than a year ending in 2019. Include the summary financial data obtained in an appendix, and present the assignment as a report. Ensure that the
following questions are answered in your report:

a) Choose FIVE appropriate Financial Analysis ratios that describe profitability, return on capital and gearing (i.e. you may choose more than one ratio for some of these categories) and perform an analysis on the selected company accounts. Present your answers clearly in table form, and explain briefly how each company has performed based on the ratios. 50%

b) Describe briefly the sector of the construction industry that you have selected. Produce a representative average sector performance from the ratios calculated in (a) for the three selected companies. Comment on how representative this average might be for the sector and whether your ratios reflect the reported performance of this sector. Use internet research to provide supporting comments for your assessment. 30%

c) Choose one more quoted company from another sector of the construction industry and calculate the same ratios as in (i) for this company. Comment on any differences between your average in (ii) and this additional company.

Calculate the expected return and volatility of portfolios containing assets A and B for each weight. Store your answers in two vectors – one for expected returns, and one for volatilities.

Finish the Hw

1. In your Investments class, you studied or are studying the Capital Asset Pricing Model. You learned that given a set of assets, for a given return there is a portfolio that attains that return with minimum risk. The set of all such portfolios is called an efficient frontier. You also learned that an investor can maximize her return per unit of risk by holding a portfolio on the Capital Market line (CML) – the  steepest line that starts at the risk-free portfolio and makes contact with the efficient frontier. The slope of this line is called the Sharpe Ratio and the point at which it touches (is tangent to) the efficient frontier is known as the tangency portfolio.

In this exercise, you will calculate the risk and return of two assets, construct the efficient frontier, find the tangency portfolio, and plot the CML.

Consider two assets A and B. You have observed their prices at the ends of 6 consecutive months. You also know that rate of return on a risk-free investment is 2.2%.

Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6
22.00 22.97 23.01 23.46 24.88 24.65
116.10 123.26 131.68 126.62 131.30 132.25

a. Store these asset prices in a 2 x 6 matrix. Calculate returns for each asset and store your result in a 2 x 5 matrix.
Recall, the return on asset over a given period is its price at the end of the period, minus its price at the beginning of the period, divided by its price at the beginning of the period.

Stuart Urban Computational Finance 2021 Fall II

Compute the mean and standard deviation (volatility) of each asset’s return and store your results in two 2×1 vectors, one for means and one for volatilities. Compute the correlation between the asset returns using MATLAB’s corr() function. Use the documentation to figure out how to use it.

b. We will now construct long-only portfolios of assets A and B. Define a vector of portfolio weights of Asset A starting at 0 and going to 1 in increments of 0.0001. A’s portfolio weight is the fraction of your money that you allocate to Asset A, with the remainder going to Asset B. Calculate the expected return and volatility of portfolios containing assets A and B for each weight. Store your answers in two vectors – one for expected returns, and one for volatilities.

Hint: recall from statistics that for any two constants a and b and random variables X and Y:

𝐸𝐸[𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎+ 𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏] = 𝑎𝑎𝐸𝐸[𝑎𝑎] + 𝑏𝑏𝐸𝐸[𝑦𝑦]
𝑉𝑉[𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎+ 𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏] = 𝑎𝑎2𝑉𝑉[𝑎𝑎] + 𝑏𝑏2𝑉𝑉[𝑏𝑏] + 2𝑎𝑎𝑏𝑏𝑎𝑎[𝑎𝑎, 𝑏𝑏]𝜎𝜎[𝑎𝑎]𝜎𝜎[𝑏𝑏]

Where E[] denotes expected value, V[] denotes variance, 𝜎𝜎[] denotes standard deviation, and 𝑎𝑎[] denotes correlation.

c. Find the tangency portfolio and report its portfolio weights on Assets A and B, its expected return, and its volatility. Use MATLAB to do this. Don’t just look at the graph.

Hint: recall from calculus that a line is tangent to a curve at the point where the curve has the same slope as the line. For each point on the efficient frontier, approximate its slope using the change in E[R] over the change in sd[R], and compare it to the slope of the line connecting the risk-free portfolio to that point on the efficient frontier. The point at which the slopes are closest to each other is (approximately) the tangency portfolio.

d. Plot the efficient frontier, the capital market line, and a dot for the tangency portfolio on the same plot. Label your axes, include a legend, and give your plot a title.

Hint: If you were not able to calculate the tangency portfolio, you can plot the efficient frontier, eyeball what you think the tangency portfolio is, and use your eyeballed values to plot the CML for partial credit.

e. If an investor wanted to attain an expected return of 2.55%, would she need to buy the risk-free asset or borrow at the risk-free rate? Explain your answer using the graph from Part (d).

Describe what learned about yourself, your world, and others and their worlds? How does what you learn help you develop your own cultural awareness and competency. Explain

Understanding Others Essay

Students should use the bold items below as headings for the paper:


Give a brief introduction of the person(s) you chose to interview and why you chose that person. You should also describe in what way the person(s) you chose are from a different demographic group as you, using the course material to describe the different demographic identity groups. Be sure to also explain why you chose someone from that particular group and what you hoped to learn from interviewing that particular person.

Analysis of Answers:

Analyze the results of your own answers and the answers of the person(s) you interviewed to in order to describe the differences and similarities of your experiences and viewpoints to another from a different demographic
Differences and Similarities: Describe your thoughts and analysis of the difference and similarities between your answers to the questions and the answers of the person(s) you interviewed. Explain why, in your opinion, the answers are different or similar. Explain, in your opinion, how your and the other person’s dimension of diversity affect the answers and explain the similarities and differences.
Relation to Course Concepts Ties your explanations to the concepts in the class. How did the information from the questions relate to the course concepts or help you understand the course concepts better?

Learning Experience:

Describe what learned about yourself, your world, and others and their worlds? How does what you learn help you develop your own cultural awareness and competency. Explain
Conclusion: You should conclude by explaining how what you have learned through this assignment will help you to understand cultural competency and the importance of diversity in the workplace. You should also identify strategies for increasing awareness of multiculturalism and personal and organizational cultural competence.

Length and format:

Your paper should be typed, double-space spaced, between paragraphs. The assignment will be graded on both the student’s reflections and the student’s writing in terms of grammar: sentence structure, punctuation, coherence, and spelling. The paper should be at least 4-7 pages in length, although you will not be penalized for a longer paper. Grammar and spelling do count as part of the grade.

What are some functions that are essential to an EOC in your area based on specific threats or challenges your community might face?


What are some functions that are essential to an EOC in your area based on specific threats or challenges your community might face? For example, if you live in a coastal area, your EOC may need to be prepared for hurricanes and mandatory evacuations or if you live in areas prone to wildfires, you might have different essential functions. My challenge for my community is nuclear plants like SRS. Savannah River Site.