
What did you learn about anatomy of the digestive system from the first video?? Explain the functions of the enteric nervous system. Why do you think the enteric nervous system is called the “second brain”

Do you have a Second Brain?




What did you learn about anatomy of the digestive system from the first video??
Explain the functions of the enteric nervous system.
Why do you think the enteric nervous system is called the “second brain”

Would you call this an epidemic? Would you call it an outbreak? Describe the steps you would take if you were leading this outbreak investigation. What is the value of an epidemic curve?

CDC Outbreak

For this assignment, you will use your knowledge of the field of epidemiology to outline how you would respond to a real disease outbreak. This case study is based on an investigation conducted by the New York State Department of Public Health Division and is used to train the CDC’s Epidemic Intelligence Service Officers (CDC “disease hunters”). Refer to Chapter 4, page 80 in your textbook for more information on this case.

On April 19, 1940, the local health officer in the village of Lycoming, Oswego County, New York, reported the occurrence of an outbreak of acute gastrointestinal illness to the District Health Officer in Syracuse. Dr. A. M. Rubin, epidemiologist-in-training, was assigned to conduct an investigation. When Dr. Rubin arrived in the field, he learned from the health officer that all persons known to be ill had attended a church supper held on the previous evening, April 18. Family members who did not attend the church supper did not become ill. Accordingly, Dr. Rubin focused the investigation on the supper. He completed interviews with 75 of the 80 persons known to have attended, collecting information about the occurrence and time of onset of symptoms, and foods consumed. Of the 75 persons interviewed, 46 persons reported gastrointestinal illness.

The supper was held in the basement of the village church. Foods were contributed by numerous members of the congregation. The supper began at 6:00 p.m. and continued until 11:00 p.m. Food was spread out on a table and consumed over a period of several hours. Data regarding onset of illness and food eaten or water drunk by each of the 75 persons interviewed are provided in the attached line listing. The approximate time of eating supper was collected for only about half the persons who had gastrointestinal illness.

Reference: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Epidemiology Program Office Case Studies in Applied Epidemiology No. 401–303 Oswego—An Outbreak of Gastrointestinal Illness Following a Church Supper

For this assignment, use the information in the case to answer the following questions. Click on each number for details about the assignment question.

Question 1: Would you call this an epidemic? Would you call it an outbreak?
Question 2: Describe the steps you would take if you were leading this outbreak investigation.
Question 3: The investigators suspected that this was a vehicle-borne outbreak, with food as the vehicle. What is a vehicle? What is a vector?
Question 4: What is the value of an epidemic curve?
Question 5: Using the data in the line listing below, download and complete the attack ratio table (Attached).

You will complete this only for the 40 patients listed in the line listing below instead of the 75 that were interviewed. (Be sure to paste the table into your submission document.)

Which food is the most likely vehicle of infection? Explain your reasoning.

Discuss how moral agency and organizational ethical principles serve as the foundation for ethical decision making.


Discuss how moral agency and organizational ethical principles serve as the foundation for ethical decision making.

Explain what a mission statement is and how a firm should define its business mission. Give examples to illustrate the components of a good mission statement.

Mission statement

Explain what a mission statement is and how a firm should define its business mission. Give examples to illustrate the COMPONENTS of a good mission statement. Refer to the uploaded text book pages 23-24 to reference assignment.

Book: Principles of Marketing 13th Edition
Authors: Charles Lamb, Joe Hair, Carl McDaniel
Publisher: Cengage 2020, Boston

Using the outline provided, prepare a report on your approved topic from Week 2 with a minimum of 2200 words, no less, but more is acceptable.

Wireless Security Vulnerabilities Unveiled

1. Using the outline provided, prepare a report on your approved topic from Week 2 with a minimum of 2200 words, no less, but more is acceptable.
2. References (10 minimum). You may use resources from any library, government library, or any peer-reviewed reference (Wikipedia and any other publicly-reviewed source are not accepted).
3. The paper must have a title page, reference list and be in APA format. The information within your title page and reference list will not count towards the minimum word count.
4. The paper will be subjected to checking against plagiarism. The paper must follow acceptable originality criteria (no more than 15% max total, and 2% per individual source match are allowed).
5. Correct spelling and grammar.
6. APA formatting: Title page, in paragraph citations, and the Reference list.
7. At a minimum include the following:
* Detailed description of the area researched
* Technology involved
* Future trends
* Global implications

Does the author discuss any limitation to this study or procedure (if so, explain)? To what population can the results of this research be generalized and applied?

Article Summary Guide for URPN 360.500

Include the Following
1. A proper heading (Name, Date, Etc.);
2. Full citation for the article (APA Format);
3. The problem, question, or central focus of the article;
4. The main source of the data for the article – the sampling procedure (i.e., interviews, survey, existing literature, laboratory, or field research, etc.;
5. The key findings of the research;
6. The geographic location of the study and why this location is significant to this study/topic (City, State, Country, etc.);
7. Does the author discuss any limitation to this study or procedure (if so, explain)?;
8. Significance of this study;
9. To what population can the results of this research be generalized and applied?
10. List additional information or findings that you found interesting or surprising.

Identify goals/objectives to address the needs/problems stated above. Also include key benefits of reaching goals/objectives. The goals should be specific and measurable.


Identify goals/objectives to address the needs/problems stated above. Also include key benefits of reaching goals/objectives. The goals should be specific and measurable.

Procedures/Scope of Work:

Provide detailed information about proposed procedures, if available, and the scope of work. Include information on activities such as recruiting, training, testing and actual work required.

Timetable and Budget:

Provide detailed information on the expected timetable for the project, broken down into phases. Provide a schedule for each phase and state the proposed costs and budget of the project. Include information on how you intend to manage the budget.

Key Personnel:

List key personnel who will be responsible for completing the project, as well as other stakeholders involved in the project. Do not use real people’s names. Use pseudonyms or position titles.


State how progress will be evaluated throughout the project and once it is completed.

Endorsements and Next Steps:

Provide names of individuals/companies who support and endorse the project and specify the actions required of the readers of this document.

What are the two things the Fed is doing that you think are going to be most helpful? Why? Do you think the Fed is doing enough? Explain. Are you concerned that the Fed is doing too much? Explain.

Federal Reserve

Over the past year the Federal Reserve has taken a series of actions to ameliorate some of the economic consequences of the pandemic. These are discussed in an updated report from the Brookings Institute that can be found at this link

Read the report and then respond to these questions:

What are the two things the Fed is doing that you think are going to be most helpful? Why?

Do you think the Fed is doing enough? Explain.

Are you concerned that the Fed is doing too much? Explain.

Determine the threat, vulnerability, and consequences to the various critical infrastructure/key resources (CI/KR) at risk from the prospective national disaster.

Develop a Risk Assessment Plan


In this assignment, develop a 10–15 page risk assessment plan for the potential threat identified in the following scenario.

Scenario: Chemical Attack – Nerve Agent in New York City

Your plan should:

Determine the threat, vulnerability, and consequences to the various critical infrastructure/key resources (CI/KR) at risk from the prospective national disaster.

Recommend applicable risk assessment methodologies.

Recognize and account for interdependencies between CI/KR sectors.

Recognize and account for challenges each CI/KR sector may encounter.

In your plan, address six of the nine CI/KR sectors that were discussed. You can utilize one of the formats and/or risk assessment methods applied in the sector-specific plans as an outline for your paper.

Note: This assignment will require outside research. Use at least four credible sources in addition to the assigned textbook/reading material and discuss how you evaluated the credibility of the resources used.

You may consult the Library, the internet, the textbook, other course material, and any other outside resources in supporting your task, using proper citations in APA style.

Does Divorce lead to behavioral problems in children? How does divorce affect their lives?

Outline for final paper on 4 articles

Research Question:

Does Divorce lead to behavioral problems in children? How does divorce affect their lives?