
Create a list of four BROAD topics that classify as current and relevant trends in digital marketing.

Eng 302 questions

ASSIGNMENT 1: Create a list of four BROAD topics that classify as current and relevant trends in digital marketing. Then, using the formula on p. 39 of The Craft of Research as a model, narrow your broad topics to NARROW topics. Be sure to use action words, such as “conflict,” “describe,” “contribute” and “develop,” in narrowing your topics as exemplified in the formula on p. 39 of the text.

ASSIGNMENT 2: After narrowing your four topics, create one meaningful question for each of the four narrowed topics.

What is your definition of AI? Explain. What is your opinion of AI, is the technology currently available? Why or why not?

Week – 12: Assignment

This week’s journal article focus on the how positive team culture can correct the impact of lagging leadership creativity. Additionally, we discussed how digital transformation leaders in regard to artificial intelligence (AI). After reviewing the reading, please answer the following questions:

  1. What is your definition of AI? Explain.
  2. What is your opinion of AI, is the technology currently available? Why or why not?
  3. Note at least four AI technologies, explain if they are truly AI or something else. Thoroughly explain your answer.
  4. How is AI perceived as different in various industries and locations? Explain.

Be sure to use the UC Library for scholarly research. Google Scholar is also a great source for research. Be sure that journal articles are peer-reviewed and are published within the last five years.

The paper should meet the following requirements:

  • 3-5 pages in length (not including title page or references)
  • APA guidelines must be followed. The paper must include a cover page, an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • A minimum of five peer-reviewed journal articles.

The writing should be clear and concise. Headings should be used to transition thoughts. Don’t forget that the grade also includes the quality of writing.

Provide a critical review of the questions, topics and issues posed and substantively reply to the contributions of at least three peers.

Discussion Guidelines

Questions and topics posed in the Discussions are designed to promote thought and
insight. Students must provide a critical review of the questions, topics and issues posed and substantively reply to the contributions of at least three peers. Individual postings should include a full discussion of the content of the question posed and explain how it
relates to the concepts in the weekly text readings and other resources. The postings
should be analytic in nature and include comparisons/contrasts, and examples that can bolster your point. The Discussion is for your benefit and it is important to respond to the discussion topic and to engage others in a running dialogue.
Your initial post should be made by Wednesday each week. You should then respond to 3
or more posts. Note that at least one response to your classmates must be made before Sunday. If you make all of your responsive posts on Sunday, you will not earn full points for timeliness.

This can be accomplished by:
• Validating with additional evidence from the literature.

• Posing a thoughtful question with a commentary which generates further discussion.

• Providing an alternative point-of-view, with evidence and examples.

• Offering additional insight into how the concept might be understood, with evidence
provided with real world examples.

You should be active in the classroom throughout the week and actively engaged in the back-and-forth discussion between your colleagues and the professor.

How would you define “ethics” and how have you integrated or failed to integrate an ethical mindset in previous conflicts you have experienced?

Discussion Question

Give an example of an unethical decision made by an organization. You can use a recent or historic event. How could this have been avoided?

How would you define “ethics” and how have you integrated or failed to integrate an ethical mindset in previous conflicts you have experienced?

How does the environment (physical environment but also social environment suchas policies, societal norms, and thoughts) affect obtaining education? Provide at least three examples from the article.


Students will read the following article correlating to the week’s topic and write areaction paper following the prompts given by the Instructor.
Reaction paper should be 1-2 pages and follow American Psychological Association (APA) formatting with proper grammar and syntax.

1. The article discusses that even in countries where there is a high number of academia achievement, the number of women matched to a job and economic returns is low. Why?
2. How do cultural norms (think globally) affect women in higher education and the workforce? Compare that to the United States.
3. How does the environment (physical environment but also social environment sucha s policies, societal norms, and thoughts) affect obtaining education? Provide at least three examples from the article.
4. Give at least three examples from the article of how family affects education.Final Exam- Due

Create a treatment protocol for a 2-week long intervention based off the information from your previous assignments.

Assignment #3 – Intervention Development Assignment Information & Instructions

(Course Objectives 1, 2, 3, 7, 10; Module Objectives 1, 2, 3)

Assignment Overview

Before starting, please make sure to read the Guide to Module 3. You may find the Stages of Change Intervention Mapping Guide (p. 9) particularly helpful.

For this assignment, you are creating a treatment protocol for a 2-week long intervention based off the information from your previous assignments. This intervention should contain two (2) sessions.

You may base your intervention off an already existing intervention (see Guide to Module 3). However, please do not use an existing intervention in its entirety and make sure to describe the intervention in your own words (rather than simply copying a description from an article, book, or manual). Please make sure to provide a reference for any intervention techniques you adopt that are based on published interventions.

Choose an intervention designed to meet the change area selected and specific treatment goals from the Case Conceptualization Assignment. Please include the rationale(reasons) for why you are including the information or activity. Everything must tie back to your problem statement, goal, and objective(s). Document the thought process that went into selecting the intervention. Provide a reference list for all resources used in the creation of your intervention.

Here is a list of ideas; please note that this list is far from exhaustive:

  •  Mindfulness meditation
  •  Mindfulness stress reduction
  •  Sandtray (sandplay) therapy
  •  Brief Cognitive Behavior Therapy
  •  Music-based intervention
  •  Arts-based intervention
  •  Mindful self-compassion

Note about timing/structure: As noted above, the interventionshould have two sessions. As you explain the intervention, please make sure to explain the timing and structure of implementation.

Research and draft a position paper focusing on legal and/or ethical issues pertaining to the area of Media Censorship, particularly with online censorship.

Law Question

Students will research and draft a position paper focusing on legal and/or ethical issues pertaining to the area of Media Censorship, particularly with online censorship. You will search for recent cases/matters related to the topic and analyze the case(s) from existing practice. Each paper will be typed, double-spaced, and a minimum of 5 pages. You may take a position on your topic, but you must also address any conflicting views and/or opinions.

Under what conditions would you choose to use simple exponential smoothing, Holt’s exponential smoothing, or Winters’ exponential smoothing?

Business Question

Under what conditions would you choose to use simple exponential smoothing, Holt’s exponential smoothing, or Winters’ exponential smoothing?

Describe a formative assessment and discuss its importance and the function it will serve. How does summative assessment differ from formative assessment in design and purpose?

ED 400 Chapter 5 & 6 Questions

  1. a. Describe a formative assessment and discuss its importance and the function it will serve.
    b. How does summative assessment differ from formative assessment in design and purpose?
  2. In Chapter 5, the author stated that different data collection techniques are not aligned to one specific form of assessment function and that the user, usually the teacher, decides how the assessment is to be implemented based on its intended purpose. Explain what that means and what the implications are concerning classroom assessment.
  3. a. Discuss how performance assessment differ from other types of assessment?
    b. What are the benefits of using performance assessment? What are the disadvantages?
  4. a. Discuss why performance criteria are so crucial to performance assessment?
    b. How do they help the assessor not only with judging students’ performance and products but also with planning and conducting instruction?
  5. a. Describe portfolio assessment. What types of student work can be included in a portfolio?.
    b. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using portfolios as a means of assessment.
  6. Describe the characteristics and purpose of a rubric.
  7. Differentiate a holistic rubric compared to an analytical rubric.
  8. a. What are the differences between checklists, rating scales, and rubrics?
    b. How is each used to assess performance and products?

Explain in your own words how scientists have determined that a large surplus of carbon in the air is from the human activities of burning fossil fuels. Describe 5 ways that we could supply the world with energy without using fossil fuels.

Investigate Your Fossil Fuels Consumption

To aid us in our estimation, we will use the online Fossil Fuels Calculator that will convert the measurable items that we use into amounts of fossil fuel that have been consumed. This calculator is able to do this based upon some assumptions about the mix of fuel in this country. To use the calculator, you will need to find out or estimate the following quantities about your lifestyle:

  • The average number of miles that you drive each year, and the mileage of your car(s).
  • The number of miles that you drive/fly each year on airlines, buses, trains, taxis, and motorcycles.
  • The amount of electricity that you use in your home each year.
  • The amount of natural gas, propane, kerosene, or heating oil that you use in your home each year.
  • The amount of gasoline that you use in your lawnmower/weed eater each year.

Plugging these numbers into the calculator will allow you to estimate how much of each fossil fuel you are responsible for consuming each year. After doing this, answer the questions on the Fossil Fuels – Capstone activity sheet ( attached below)

online fossil fuel calculator:…


1. Refer back to the Earth – the Operator’s Manual video assignment ATTACHED and any notes that you took from it to review your learning.

2. Post a new thread in which you respond to the following prompts questions:

  • Explain in your own words how scientists have determined that a large surplus of carbon in the air is from the human activities of burning fossil fuels.
  • Describe 5 ways that we could supply the world with energy without using fossil fuels.