
Write well develop paragraph 2-3 sentences that summarizes, evaluate and explains relevance of each individual source.

Why Was Shakespeare Hamlet Angry

-Create discussion post with 3 sources

-Use work cited entry for your first chosen research source

-write well develop paragraph 2-3 sentences that summarizes, evaluate and explains relevance of each individual source (make sure each paragraph contain specific information and include statement about author background and credibility)

In other words show you know what source is and can state relevance for your paper (Use parenthetical citation when appropriate)

What variables affect the ratios? Have they been mandated by state legislation or organizational policy? How is your operational budget (unit or department) affected by the staffing ratio assigned to it?

Week 4 Hawes Discussion

Staffing is one of the largest expenditures for healthcare organizations. It stands to reason that for some organizations a mandatory staffing ratio could negatively impact their financial bottom line. Sometimes ratios can be different within an organization based on acuity of patients or type of unit. Explore your own organization staffing ratio policy. What is/are the ratio(s) and how they are determined? What variables affect the ratios? Have they been mandated by state legislation or organizational policy? How is your operational budget (unit or department) affected by the staffing ratio assigned to it?

What is or are the main idea(s) and argument(s) the author is trying to convey to the reader? (Think about why they decided to sit down and write the document and what their aims were, i.e., what’s their agenda?

Read the Thomas Jefferson documents

Thomas Jefferson on Indians and Blacks (1784) Review Sheet
Thomas Jefferson on Black Colonization (1801)
Thomas Jefferson on the Indians’ Future (1803)

Address the sources in the order they are listed above for the primary source review sheet assignment. Then complete the primary source assignment review sheet and submit your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. Remember to utilize quotes to provide specific examples and as evidence to support your contentions. Remember to cite all direct quotes and paraphrasing using footnotes.

Argumentative Essay – A minimum of 750 of your own words plus a minimum of two quotes per primary source properly cited.
An essay has an introduction paragraph that introduces the sources assigned with a thesis statement, body paragraphs that start with topic sentences and end with transition sentences ,and a conclusion paragraph that summarizes main points of essay and ties back to thesis

What is or are the main idea(s) and argument(s) the author is trying to convey to the reader? (Think about why they decided to sit down and write the document and what their aims were, i.e., what’s their agenda? Is it simply to inform, to inspire people to take action of some sort, to influence political leaders, etc.?) Then discuss your argument about the main idea(s) and argument(s) the author presented.

Describe which of the top 10 “dos and don’ts” is most challenging for you. Explain why it would be important for you to improve any areas that you deem challenging, based on importance of effective business communications.

part 1

Describe which of the top 10 “dos and don’ts” is most challenging for you.
Explain why it would be important for you to improve any areas that you deem challenging, based on importance of effective business communications.
Describe the benefits and include a minimum of one scholarly and/or credible source to support your response.

part two

Explain the appropriate times to use first person and when to use third person, according to Types of Writing.
Describe the three elements of “Academic Voice” and how you will incorporate these elements into your academic writing.
Describe the goal of research writing and why it is important to “follow the evidence” and use the evidence to draw conclusions.

Why would this violate the Fourth Amendment and therefore be unconstitutional?

Debate Paper

There is technology now available that gives law enforcement officials the ability to scan pedestrians and persons using mass transit for weapons. The scan detects firearms, weapons, explosives, etc. Why would this violate the Fourth Amendment and therefore be unconstitutional? Must be a minimum of 1000 words and be Times New Roman Font 12, double spaced.

Look at Geology of Wind Cave and learn more about Wind Cave National Park. Add to your study guide and submit to the discussion board. What did you find interesting about Wind Cave, either from the powerpoint or the Park Service website?


1. Take a look at the different parts of the state, watch the vidoes and explore areas that you may not be familiar with, and then explain what Georgia landform you enjoy or would like to visit and tell us a little bit about why you chose that landform fo discuss.

2. Add to your study guide (Pick TWO areas of the state from the site above to compare and write a brief comparison of how these regions are alike and different tectonically. Where do you see erosion and weathering? What impacts have wind and water had? Are the landforms similar or different

3. Look through the Landforms website and use it to fill out your study guide. Which landform do you find most interesting?

4. Look at Geology of Wind Cave and learn more about Wind Cave National Park. Add to your study guide and submit to the discussion board. What did you find interesting about Wind Cave, either from the powerpoint or the Park Service website?

5. Relative age is how scientists reconstruct what has happened and when in relation to other events.
Read about Relative Age..
Try the Relative Age Worksheet and submit answers to the dropbox.
How is relative age used to help determine what happened on earth long before recorded history? Why do we care?
Take a look at Karst Topography and what causes these types of landforms. Then investigate how surface water creates landforms and explore the processes involved in landform creation. explain sorting, sedimentation, watersheds, flood control, Mass Wasting and how it occurs, and the differences between chemical and physical weathering.

6. Take a look at the video landslide detectives, answer the questions below and use the resources in this lesson to complete your study guide. Submit your questions below to the dropbox.
Describe the differences between deep-seated and shallow landslides. • What are some dangers of landslides?
• How do landslides affect people?
• Why is it important that geologists like Professor Bill Dietrich and his team continue to study landslides?
• How should the issue of changing property lines be addressed in landslide-prone areas?

7. submit a comparison of landslides and avalanches using a venn diagram to the drop box. Choose Three points on how they are alike and Three points on how they are different. You may use the venn diagram template below or create your own.

Explain here how you came to the conclusion above, relate back to the case and be sure to cite primary authority. Explain how that primary authority relates to the facts of this case.

Research Memo

Paraphrase the relevant facts. Remember that this is going to the client’s file and be reviewed and used by someone unfamiliar with the case.
Issue: State the most important issue in the form of a question?
Conclusion: Answer to the question above in one to two sentences.
Analysis 1
Explain here how you came to the conclusion above, relate back to the case and be sure to cite primary authority. Explain how that primary authority relates to the facts of this case. For example if you find a court case where the court findings are helpful to your argument explain how the facts in that case are similar to the facts of the client. This should be at least a paragraph or two in length for each source. At least one primary source per issue, all citations included in the memo inline. Inline citation example: “Pursuant to IRC§123 income earned by a taxpayer which is not related to blah blah blah would be taxable.” Repeat the same process for each issue.

How was this media received by critics and/or the public when it was initially released? Have these attitudes shifted since its initial release? What are the possible implications or meanings of these attitudes?

Disney film part 2

This project calls you to expand upon your initial analysis through the incorporation of a second Disney film or television show.

Knowledge: This project may further your learning in relation to the following course learning objectives (CLOs):
CLO 4: Demonstrate a theoretical framework for critical analysis of Disney representations in terms of gender, race, class, sexuality, and nation
CLO 8: Demonstrate writing skills in feminist critical analysis on the politics of representation
CLO 1: Discuss and explain general concepts and themes in feminist film and media studies
CLO 2: Analyze the intersections of gender, race, class, sexuality, and nation
Skills: This project will support you in cultivating the following skills. These skills are applicable in all environments in which social justice approaches and critical thinking skills are needed.
Feminist media analysis, including written analyses
Revision and the incorporation of feedback
Intersectional and other feminist methods
Critical thinking including attention to the broader systemic contexts in which media is created
Informed by instructor feedback and your deepened understanding of course frameworks and approaches, you will expand upon your initial analysis through the incorporation of a second Disney film or television show. Your analysis will place your selected film(s) or television show(s) in conversation with one another. As needed, you may also deepen, shift, expand, or otherwise amend the initial analysis that you offered in Week Four.
While there is no required research for this project beyond your selected film(s) or television show(s), you are welcome to engage (cited) learning materials and elements from your own research as is generative.
While your selected media may or may not be assigned within our course, your analysis should expand upon the content of our learning materials and/or collective learning spaces. Potential films are not confined to Disney’s animated films but must be produced under Disney. For example, The Mandalorian is Disney-produced and would therefore be an appropriate focus for this assignment, while Star Wars films created before Disney purchased Lucasfilms would not.
Please watch (or re-watch) your selected Disney film or television show through intersectional and other feminist frameworks. While there is no required submission for this element of your project, the following guiding questions may be useful in engaging your selected media and/or structuring your eventual analysis.
How does reading your selected film(s) or television show(s) together deepen, shift, or expand your initial analysis and/or understanding of Disney media?
Informed by intersectional and other feminist frameworks, how are gender, race, sexuality, class, disability, and other intersecting social categories depicted within your selected media?
How are masculinity and/or femininity articulated within your selected media?
What flows of power and/or resistance are evident in your selected media?
What implicit and/or explicit narratives are told within your selected media?
When was this media produced? How does it reflect or relate to this moment or other broader social contexts?
How does your selected media affirm and/or trouble systems of oppression and their norms?
How does your selected media deepen, shift, or expand your understanding of interlocking systems of oppression including white supremacy, patriarchy, and ableism?
What creative modes of resistance and/or survival are enacted by characters marginalized within your selected media?
How was this media received by critics and/or the public when it was initially released? Have these attitudes shifted since its initial release? What are the possible implications or meanings of these attitudes?
Following this review of your selected media, you will synthesize your findings via a feminist media analysis essay that places your selected film(s) and/or television show(s) in conversation with one another (1000-1500 words). This project should reflect college-level writing practices and conventions, including proper citational (MLA (Links to an external site.)) practices. You are encouraged to make use of OSU’s Online Writing Support (OWS)Links to an external site. resources ahead of your submission in Week Seven. Detailed evaluation criteria are further discussed in the rubric.

Indicate The Act and what its provisions were, the historical events or circumstance leading up to the passage of the Act, any debate or controversy over the Act, its content or its effects, what particular programs and policies, research or activities resulted from the Act, what monies went with the act and how they were spent, how we might evaluate the success or shortcomings of the Act today.

Domestic Violence Prevention Act of 1998

Indicate The Act and what its provisions were, the historical events or circumstance leading up to the passage of the Act, any debate or controversy over the Act, its content or its effects, what particular programs and policies, research or activities resulted from the Act, what monies went with the act and how they were spent, how we might evaluate the success or shortcomings of the Act today. Finally, comment on the act and its value or weakness particularly in the context of issues impacting women in the criminal justice system.

Write a response answering the following question: What course of action can Jacob take since Hillard has expired.

To Terminate or Not To Terminate

David Hillard and Timothy Jacobs created Advance Marketing Technology, LLC (AMT). The business became successful. They executed an agreement in which they each agreed to purchase term life insurance policies on the other in the amount of $2,000 so that in the event of the death of either, the other would be able to buy out the deceased member’s shares of AMT. Eventually, AMT’s assets were sold to a third party, and AMT was dissolved. Hillard asked Jacobs whether he wanted to trade the life insurance policies that they held on each other’s life. Jacobs declined and continued to pay the premiums on the policies he held on Hillard’s life. Hillard sued to require Jacobs to convey the life insurance policies to him or cancel the policies. The trial court ordered Jacobs to terminate the policies, and while Jacobs’s appeal was pending, Hillard died.

Write a response answering the following question: What course of action can Jacob take since Hillard has expired.