
According to this Population Growth Rate Map, in what areas of the world has the population been growing most rapidly? Why do you think this is?


Part 1 – Population Explosion
1. Look at the U.S. Census Bureau’s World Population Clock gives an up to the second estimate of the world population. By how much does the population grow in 1 minute? How many people is that per second? Per week?
2. Using the U.S. Census Bureau’s State and County Quick Facts, find the most recent population estimates for Georgia and Forsyth County. How does your county population compare to the number of people the world population grows by each week? Are you surprised by the results?
3. Look at this graph of Historical Estimates of World Population. In what year did the world population start to suddenly increase? What do you think might be the cause for this?
4. How might historical events or the quality of life during different historical periods have influenced population growth? Check the World HyperHistory site to see what may have influenced population growth during different periods in time. Focus on major historical events such as different Disease events and World Wars.
5. According to this Population Growth Rate Map, in what areas of the world has the population been growing most rapidly? Why do you think this is?

Part 2 – Factors in Population Growth
The natural increase of a population depends on the number of births and deaths. If the number of births is greater than the number of deaths at any given point in time there will be natural increase in the number of people. Typically, the growth rate of a population is given in terms of the birth rate (number of births per 1000 people per year) and death rate (number of deaths per 1000 people per year).

1.Write an equation that expresses the growth rate of a population in terms of the birth rate and death rate.

2.What circumstances might result in a high birth rate for a population? A low birth rate?

3.What circumstances might result a high death rate for a population? A low death rate?

4.Look at these charts of Birth and Death Rates. If both birth rates and death rates are declining worldwide, why is the world’s population still increasing? Based on this birth rate and death rate information, what could you say about the world’s growth rate in recent years?

5.There are many factors that contribute to birth rates and death rates. Fertility rates and life expectancy are just two examples. Fertility rate is the average number of children born to women in a given population. Look at the summary demographic data for the U.S. in this chart. From 2006-2017, what was the trend in the fertility rate among the groups of women for all age ranges? What does this mean for the number of births in the US?

6.Look at historical information for U.S. birth rates and fertility rates between 1920 and 1999.
How might fertility rate affect the birth rate? How might it ultimately affect the population growth rate?

Part 3 – Population Histograms
1. Look at the population histograms in the IDB Data Base for the U.S. For the 2000 histogram, compare the number of children, middle aged people and elderly people. Roughly, what shape does this histogram have (pyramid, inverted pyramid, square, hour-glass, other?) Based on this histogram, would you say the U.S. was experiencing a rapid growth, slow growth, no growth or negative growth in population? Why?

2. Now look at the year 2065. How do the number of children, middle aged people, and elderly people compare? What shape does this histogram have? By the year 2060 would you say the U.S. population would be experiencing a rapid growth, slow growth, no growth or negative growth in population? Why?

3. Based on these two histograms, what can you say about our nation’s population growth, currently and in the near future?

4. Go to IDB Summary Demographic Data. Choose “The World”. Select examples of five other countries whose populations are experiencing rapid growth, slow growth, no growth, and negative growth. Draw a sketch of each country’s population histogram (Scroll down to see it) and label each as rapid growth, slow growth, no growth or negative growth. Also be sure to name the country for each sketch.

5. How does a histogram’s shape help to display a country’s population growth? What shape would a population experiencing rapid growth have? Slow growth? No growth? Negative growth?

6. Look at this graph of World Population Growth. Is there any relationship between how industrially developed a country and the population growth of that country? Find examples of more developed countries and less developed countries that support or refute the information on this chart

Which solution was above the other? Why did the solutions seperate and not mix? How does this lab help to represent what happens in estuaries? How does this type of environment impact the organisms that live there (esturaries)?

Estuary Salinity Lab

Place a few drops of red food coloring to a clear glass that contains cold water from your refrigerator (less than half full).
In a separate glass of the same type, make a saltwater solution using the same amount of water as you did in step 1. Heat that water in the microwave for1 1/2 minutes or until warm. Be careful not to burn yourself. Dissolve table salt into that warm water (mix a little at a time until it does not dissolve any further.) Then place a few drops of yellow food coloring to that solution. Mix well.
Now, slowly pour the red water solution (freshwater) into the saltwater solution (yellow solution). The slower you pour the red into the yellow the better your results will be. Hint: If you pour it so that the red solution moves down the side of the yellow container, slowly, you will recieve nice reults.
Do not stir or mix this combined solution. You should see a separation of the two solutions, even though they are in the same container.
In a word or google document, describe what you observed as you mixed these solutions and then continue to monitor the solution recording what you see happening each minute for 10 minutes. Make a data table of these observations.
Take pictures of the mixture immediately after mixing and then after 10 minutes. Place a copy of these pictures in your lab writeup and label the pictures.
Answer the following analysis questions.
Which solution was above the other?
Why did the solutions separate and not mix?
How does this lab help to represent what happens in estuaries?
How does this type of environment impact the organisms that live there (esturaries)?
What types of stress does this place on the organisms?

How does the subject matter in paintings and texts reflect the dynamics of gender and power? Who has privilege? Who has power? How do these creative women sometimes deconstruct dominant male patterns while reconstructing female experience?

Women Creating Culture

Some women may have outwardly conformed to these expectations while their work challenged the roles/images in subversive and creative ways while others openly rebelled. As you delve deeper into these issues, consider the dynamics of gender and power in creative expression. For example, how does the subject matter in paintings and texts (or performance) reflect the dynamics of gender and power? Who has privilege? Who has power? How do these creative women sometimes deconstruct (break down) dominant male patterns while reconstructing female experience?
As you discuss how society has impacted women’s creativity, remember to consider the significance of race, class, and/or ethnicity of the three key figures. How does the artist’s class, for example, impact both the importance of her contributions and the ways society shaped her life and work? Does her ethnicity or race determine what subjects she writes about or paints or how she performs? Again, provide detailed examples from the creative women’s work (compositions, performances, sculpture, paintings, writings, etc.) to support your discussion (three to four pages).
In Summary, be sure that your Women Creating Culture Paper:

• Identifies Three Key Figures from Different Time Periods and Genres, and Discusses Their Artistic Contributions to Culture

• Discusses How the Identified Key Figures’ Made Important Creative Contributions to Culture in Their Own Area, and Provides Detailed Illustrations from Their Work

• Analyzes How Western Society Has Shaped the Lives and Creativity of the Identified Key Creative Women

• Analyzes the Impact of Race, Class, and/or Ethnicity of the Three Identified Key Creative Women’s Lives and Work
The Women Creating Culture paper

• Must be six to eight double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s APA Style rr resource. • Must include a separate title page with the following: o Title of paper o Student’s name o Course name and number o Instructor’s name o Date submitted
For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013

Provide an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of Peter Singer’s arguments in Chapter 1 of Animal Liberation (where he presents his theory of equal consideration).

Animal Liberation

Provide an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of Peter Singer’s arguments in Chapter 1 of Animal Liberation (where he presents his theory of equal consideration). Support your position and anticipate counter-arguments. Try to spend an equal amount of time on the strengths and weaknesses. You may rely on and cite other in-class sources, such as Pollan or Gruen.

Address the six andragogy assumptions using your own experiences to support your assessment. How does the andragogical model fit with your own learning style?

Topic: Compare pedagogy and andragogy

Pedagogy and Andragogy (using figure 3.1 as a reference, compare pedagogical and andragogical practice as applied to youth and adult learners.
Andragogy in Practice (include the foundation of adult learning)

Present and criticize Cyril O. Houle’s categorization of adult learners.
Clearly articulate the steps of the andragogical model in your assessment.
Address the six andragogy assumptions using your own experiences to support your assessment.
How does the andragogical model fit with your own learning style?

Does your paper’s structure follow either a point-by-point or a subject-by-subject pattern? Does each of your topic sentences identify the subject you are discussing and the point you are focusing on in the paragraph?

Sosie compare contrast

Writing a ComparisonContrast (pg. 48 in the textbook)
Have you chosen two subjects that have significant similarities?

Does your statement identify the two subjects you are comparing and tell why they
are alike (and perhaps also briefly acknowledge their differences)?
Does your paper’s structure follow either a point
bypoint or a subjectbysubject pattern?
Does each of your topic sentences identify the subject you are discussing and the point
you are focusing on in the paragraph?
Do transitional words and phrases clearly lead readers from subject to subject and from
point to point?
Have you followed your instructor’s format and documentation guidelines?

See how this is a way that we can connect the experience of being a college student for the first time with what Luke goes through?

Book: We’ll Fly Away by: Bryan Bliss

Second, when it comes to the paper, you will need the book. The goal for the paper is to connect things in the book to the first-year college experience. As an example, Luke and Toby, but specifically Luke are basically left to take care of themselves. Luke’s mom is always out and about or working, but she leaves Luke to care for the kids and of himself too. Similarly, in college, many students are left to care for themselves, regardless of whether you are still at home or moved several hours from your parents. As a college student, you no longer have someone –like teachers or parents–telling you to do your homework or how to manage your time.
See how this is a way that we can connect the experience of being a college student for the first time with what Luke goes through? This is essentially what you’ll want to do, think, and write about, when you work on your paper.

When it coems to your additonal sources, you will need THREE additonal sources. These additional sources will be research that help to support your claims. 3-4 pages is not a lot of writing, so don’t directly quote too many times, but you should pull a quote from reserach when appropriate.

Research Cisco’s VTP (VLAN Trunk Protocol). Explain at least three reasons why VTP is the most popular protocol for exchanging VLAN information over trunks

Week 8

Research Cisco’s VTP (VLAN Trunk Protocol). Explain at least three reasons why VTP is the most popular protocol for exchanging VLAN information over trunks

Identify a professional nursing issue, one that you have seen, been involved in or is a hypothetical issue. Briefly explain what the National Academy of Medicine (old Institute of Medicine) is about, and why they developed the five core competencies.

Issues Paper

The purpose of the assignment is to demonstrate a current professional nursing issue. The students will write up a short paper to discuss the IOM core competency that was utilized and the goal of the scenario.

Structure of assignment/paper:
• Identify a professional nursing issue, one that you have seen, been involved in or is a hypothetical issue.
• Identify a nursing core competency related to your professional issue
• Introduction
o -Patient-centered care including patient rights
o -Teamwork and collaboration
o -Evidence based practice
o -Quality improvement
o -Informatics to include confidentiality
o Briefly explain what the National Academy of Medicine (old Institute of Medicine) is about, and why they developed the five core competencies.
 Explain all the core competency and give a brief description and example of them of them.
o Pick one (1) competencies that related to your scenario, and include a briefly description of the competencies, and:
 Discuss a knowledge, a skill, and attitude example of the competency (Do not use the example from the article, come up with your own)
o Discuss your professional nursing issue- how and why it and issue.
o Briefly discuss the scenario that you are planning to video.
o Conclusion

How is self-concept different from self-esteem? What shapes your personal self-concept? Do you think you have a healthy or correct view of who you are?

The skill of Self confidence


Part I.

Who am I? This is a question that challenges us throughout our lifetimes. Sometimes we may have an ‘ideal self’ that we think we are or want to be, but there are disconnects between that goal and our ‘real self.’ Watch this TED Talk about self-esteem being a skill, and reflect on the following questions:


How is self-concept different from self-esteem? What shapes your personal self-concept? Do you think you have a healthy or correct view of who you are?
Do you agree or disagree with the TED speaker who suggests that self-esteem is a skill that you can develop? What are some ways that you can increase your personal self-esteem?
There are many benefits and risks of self-disclosure. What are some personal benefits or risks that you have experienced regarding self-disclosure? How do you manage levels of self-disclosure in face to face communication? Computer-mediated communication? Are there differences in disclosure levels depending on the medium that you are using to communicate?

Part II.

Compare and contrast reflected appraisal and social comparison as influences on the development of a self-concept. How do your friends and relatives affirm and reinforce your perceptions of yourself?
As people age, their self-concepts tend to change. Looking back over the last few years of your life, think about how you have changed the way you think about yourself. Identify and describe at least two of those changes. Next, describe the process by which your self-concept changed. Make sure to include ideas and concepts from the book and/or class in your answer.