
Who are the parties, the plaintiff, defendant and witnesses? What is the jurisdiction for this matter to be heard (what court would you select)? How do you get jurisdiction, what factors are considered for the jurisdiction? Why did you choose the jurisdiction?

Mid term exam

Questions to be addressed.

What type of case is this?
Who are the parties, the plaintiff, defendant and witnesses?
What is the jurisdiction for this matter to be heard (what court would you select)? How do you get jurisdiction, what factors are considered for the jurisdiction? Why did you choose the jurisdiction?
What ethical decisions are in play in your case by the parties, if any?
What is the burden of proof for your case? Who carries the burden to prove the case?
What type of law governs this case?
What are the professional responsibilities for each member of the case?
Is this a case for ADR?
How do you initiate the law suit?
What pleadings must be filed for this matter?
What discovery must be conducted for this matter?

Do any of these statistics surprise you?  Which two, if any?  Why?  If you are not surprised, then indicate why.  Since this was taken from a 2009 poll, we might wonder if a 2019 study would be any different.  What do you think?  Why?

Sexual Morality

As our Chapter 15 introduction indicates, “Sex has probably always been controversial, a volatile subject that triggers intense emotions, social angst, and legal and religious sanctions” (380).  First of all, go to the Vital Stats on page 537, and read the “Sexual Behavior” statistics reports.  Do any of these statistics surprise you?  Which two, if any?  Why?  If you are not surprised, then indicate why.  Since this was taken from a 2009 poll, we might wonder if a 2019 study would be any different.  What do you think?  Why?
Now read the background on “Sexual Morality” on pages 536 through the first top column of page 541.   Pay close attention to the perspectives pertaining to pornography as well as campus sexual assault.   Which of the views do you think carry perhaps the strongest argument, with all points considered?  Why?  (Note: Think from a philosophical point-of-view.)


Now, watch this film clip which purports to explain more about the addiction to pornography:
How does this film clip’s perspective complement and/or contradict what the textbook presents?  Be specific in your response.

Then, read the “Moral Theories” section closely on pages 541-542, moving into the “Moral Arguments” section which completes this chapter.  How strong is the utilitarian argument compared/contrasted to the Kantian view?  Analyze What are five (5) of the most interesting insights you gained from this section? Elaborate on each of them.   

Now select ONE of the readings at the end of the chapter, giving preference to one which may advance a position with which you take issue.  Now, write a brief paragraph of around 6-7 sentences in which you critique that view.  Be sure to identify the reading you selected.

Discuss a cultural characteristic that influences the communication process.

Influences of cultural characteristic on communication process.

Discuss a cultural characteristic that influences the communication process. Examples are: (a)
a specific rite of passage, arranged marriage, girl brides, honour killing, abandonment to die, gender preferred education, hospitality, charity, silence, whistling, use of the left hand,
concepts of modesty, machismo, status symbols, secrecy, ritual cleansing, saving face etc. Explore through research the problem and proposed solution, or the culture trait under study. Seek to understand it in light of course concepts and reference all course materials (lectures and texts).

find out the benefits of opening a finance lab in a University and how students, faculties and communities can benefit from it. Find out what exactly a finance lab is.

Benefits of Finance Lab

The purpose of this paper to find out the benefits of opening a finance lab in a University and how students, faculties and communities can benefit from it. Find out what exactly a finance lab is. In the Finance lab we want to open we are also trying to provide investment coaching, budgeting and other basic finance needs which would be helpful for students and others.
This paper is for us to show these are the reasons why we are opening a finance lab.

Could the MNE prevent the crisis? If yes, explain to the Board of Directors how to prevent a repeat occurrence. Did the MNE take correct action? If yes, what could it improve upon? If not, what do you recommend?


Strategic Recommendation to the Board of Directors
Could the MNE prevent the crisis? If yes, explain to the Board of Directors how to prevent a repeat occurrence.
Did the MNE take correct action? If yes, what could it improve upon? If not, what do you recommend?


When you compare means of three groups’ scores, what statistical test do you use? What are the differences between parametric and non-parametric tests? A researcher wants to examine whether health-related knowledge predicts the vaccination intention in the US population. Which statistical test should the researcher use?

Assignment 10 Statistical Analysis

When you compare means of two groups’ scores, what statistical test do you use?

When you compare means of three groups’ scores, what statistical test do you use?

What are the differences between parametric and non-parametric tests?

A researcher wants to examine whether health-related knowledge predicts the vaccination intention in the US population. Which statistical test should the researcher use?

What does “2x4x3 factorial design” mean?

Does Pearson’s r = -0.8 mean a strong or weak correlation between two variables?


How Do Our Food Choices Affect Society? How Do Food Policies Affect Us?


Research Theme: How Do Our Food Choices Affect Society? How Do Food Policies Affect Us?

Clearly developed thesis statement that takes a position in response to the class’s closed research theme question
An introductory paragraph that presents the thesis statement, frames the thesis within the context of a “conversation” related to the class’s closed research theme, and attempts to engage readers, making a case for the importance of the issue or problem being addressed
Arguments in support of the thesis that include evidence from closed research theme readings, background readings, and/or independent library research, and effective reasoning that explains how the evidence proves the argument, clarifies ideas and perspectives, and/or elaborates on what the writer means

Apply leadership and management strategies to develop a rich curriculum culture in their schools. Evaluate the extent to which different curricula are aligned to the articulated goals of the school.

Planning for Curriculum Management

Design a Curriculum Management Plan (CMP) for a High School. The leader and or manager develops a CMP with the main intended purpose to serve as a plan that will provide the framework for the design and management of the curriculum.
Related Course Objectives:

1. Develop a curriculum management plan to establish procedures for effective design, delivery and evaluation of learner-centred curricula.
2. Apply leadership and management strategies to develop a rich curriculum culture in their schools.
3. Evaluate the extent to which different curricula are aligned to the articulated goals of the school.
This CMP must be based on challenges associated with Covid-19 pandemic. You must include issues around internet connectivity, access, monitoring and evaluation, resources, timeline, roles and responsibilities, budget, indicators.
Your plan must show evidence of strategies which can lead to effective leadership and management and a clear alignment among the various elements of the plan and the school context.

What was the relationship between Martin Luther King, the Black Panther Party Program, urban riots and Brown v. the Board of Education? What are some of the similarities and differences between the four? What does an examination of the them reveal to us about the Civil Rights movement in the US?

Essay Rules and Procedures

The following is a list of essay topics/sets of questions. Remember to base your essay on only one topic. Do not integrate questions from other topics into your essay.

1.) Andrew Carnegie is one of the most well-known “robber barons” in US history. What does an examination of his life, principles and personal philosophies reveal to us about US society, culture and ethics during the Gilded Age (roughly 1865-1900)? How did Carnegie feel about so-called “aristocratic privilege?” What were some of the similarities and differences between Carnegie/US steel, and Rockefeller/Standard Oil and J.P. Morgan? Were these men ultimately successful in life? Were they and their business enterprises and tactics good for America? Please explain.

2.) What was the judgment of the US Supreme Court in Buck v. Bell? Do you agree with the Court’s decision? What relation does the case have to the eugenics movement occurring in the US in the early 1900s? What do you believe sparked the eugenics movement in the US?

3.) How and why did the United States get involved in Cuba and Hawaii? Be sure to explore the following in terms of their ability to explain American interest in “imperialism” at the end of the nineteenth century: racial theories, international rivalry, trading interests, religious humanitarianism, and political ideology. Discuss three major results of the Spanish American War.

4.) Theodore Roosevelt is sometimes considered America’s first modern president. Interpret this phrase and consider if it fits Roosevelt’s conduct in office. Explain the key characteristics of his personality and his style of leadership and his philosophy of the presidency. Identify the “three Cs” of his Square Deal. What did he do to bring reform action in each of the three areas? How did the role of the federal government and the office of the presidency change as a result of Roosevelt’s activities in office?

5.) What was the goal of the Susan B. Anthony Amendment to the Constitution? Why do you think it fomented so much opposition? What was President Wilson’s position on the woman’s suffrage issue at the start of his administration? How did Alice Paul pressure him to recognize the importance of her cause? What were the conditions endured by suffragists in the Washington D.C. jail and the workhouse in Virginia? How did the suffragists protest such harsh treatment? In your opinion, why did Wilson ultimately decide to support the passage of the 19th Amendment?

6.) The United States of America remained a neutral power for much of the “Great War” of 1914-1918. Yet, in April 1917, Woodrow Wilson called for a declaration of war. Explain the factors that undermined US neutrality during WWI, and discuss how Wilson justified going to war. What role did the United States play in ending the war?

7.) Evaluate the following statement: The 1920s represented the first modern decade. Then consider: In what ways did the decade of the 1920s see a reaction to the emergence of modern values? Do you think the 1920s should be most noted as a decade of anxiety and intolerance, hedonism ad liberation, or both?
8.) What did Herbert Hoover do to combat the Great Depression? What more do you think he should have done? Why didn’t he? Account for Franklin Roosevelt’s election victory in 1932 and his landslide triumph in 1936. How “revolutionary” was the New Deal? Evaluate the significant changes that it wrought and determine how different the nation became because of it.

9.) Assess President Roosevelt’s conduct of American foreign policy from 1935 through 1941. When and why did he move from isolationism to interventionism in Europe and Asia? Why wasn’t he more candid with the American people about what he was doing? Do you think he purposely led the United States into war? Why or why not?

10.) What was the relationship between Martin Luther King, the Black Panther Party Program, urban riots and Brown v. the Board of Education? What are some of the similarities and differences between the four? What does an examination of the them reveal to us about the Civil Rights movement in the US? What were some of the similarities and differences between the Civil Rights, counterculture and women’s rights movements?

11.)Why were the years between 1970 and 1988 so important? What were some of the major events during this period? Why has Ronald Reagan historically been considered one of period’s most influential figures? Why was he so important and what did he symbolize? How did the events of the 1970s and 80s (Oil Embargo, Iran Hostage Crisis, immigration patterns, etc.) fundamentally change the nation?