
Did The Highland Restaurant violate Title VII? Discuss.


The Highland Restaurant adopted a no-beard policy, in order to promote its “clean-cut, all American” image. Howard Smith worked successfully as a bartender at The Highland until the restaurant adopted the no-beard policy. Smith has pseudofolliculitis barbae, a skin condition resulting from ingrown hair that is aggravated by shaving and affects 50% of African American men but less than 1% of white men. Smith asked the owner, Will Farraday if the company could make an exception in his case and allow him to wear a beard. Farraday refused and Smith subsequently quit the restaurant.

Did The Highland Restaurant violate Title VII? Discuss.

How did the January 2020 report summarize the gains made by girls and women in sports opportunities and the inequalities that still exist?

Women participate in sports

Using the first source, explain how stereotypes that exist in US culture sometimes make it less likely that girls will participate in and enjoy sports. Explain how this affects the average health levels of women relative to men.

Analyze the regional variations in gender inequality in high school sports revealed in the source from 2015.

How did the January 2020 report summarize the gains made by girls and women in sports opportunities and the inequalities that still exist?

Analyze the characteristics of ethical behavior and respect for diversity and civil discourse. Evaluate challenges posed by issues of ethical behavior, diversity, and civil discourse in a professional educational setting.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course
competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 2: Apply information literacy skills to locate and critically evaluate scholarly data, theories, and

Support arguments with reference to scholarly literature.

Competency 4: Analyze the characteristics of ethical behavior and respect for diversity and civil discourse.
Evaluate challenges posed by issues of ethical behavior, diversity, and civil discourse in a professional

educational setting.

Analyze scholarly literature focused on the connections among issues of ethical behavior, diversity, and

civil discourse and a given educational specialization.

Describe connections among issues of ethical behavior, diversity, and civil discourse and a given

educational specialization.

Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and appropriate to purpose.
Organize content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions

Which of the specific strategies that Mary-Frances Winters offers us in Inclusive Conversations will be the most natural with who you are and how you interact with others?

Forum 8

Key Leadership Take-Aways
The author of Diversity of Work’s chapter 6 communicates the following on p. 179:

• What knowledge/strategies from the materials within the Serving in Leadership Roles topic area can you apply to meet any of the challenges noted in the above quote?
• Although Placida Gallegos (author of Chapter 6: The Work of Inclusive Leadership) indicates we need to “go far beyond merely developing soft skills of caring and compassion” what are the “soft skills” you found important for a leader to master to foster an inclusive workplace culture?

Use any material offered this week.
What Developmental Ideas Situations Would You Consider Adding to Your DEI Leadership
Development Plan? (Considerations for Portfolio 4)
After teams submit course projects next week each student will turn their attention to developing a DEI
leadership development plan. This week’s material will serve as one key source to use when identifying areas for development or leveraging in the workplace.
• What leadership related concepts found in the chapters associated with the book Inclusive Leadership: Transforming Diverse Lives, Workplaces, and Societies (excerpts from Chapters 1, 11 and 13) has intrigued you to engage in the further investigation – or – inspired you to consider adding it to a group of strategies you could further develop?
• Why do you believe this way of thinking, feeling, behaving is an important leadership perspective or skill for you?

Applying Basic Concepts in Everyday Life
Sometimes critical concepts can be reduced to their core. That is what both of the Robbins stories do for us. We see two strikingly important foundation concepts emerge. Bizeer Gummies is always a favorite inclusion-related reading in this course. I Know Everything Already also offers an important message (beyond the fact that there are multiple ways to spell pom-poms.)
• How do the “morals” of these stories create the foundation for interpersonal inclusion work?
• How can you integrate the message from these stories into your leadership toolkit:
use the recommendations from the stories to help to create a more inclusive workplace and/or help others in the workplace to create a more inclusive workplace culture?
Inclusive Workplace

Forum 8: Discussion – Interpersonal Inclusion Leadership Concepts (rev.f2021)
Inclusive Conversations: Considering Your Strengths and Potential Challenges
Which of the specific strategies that Mary-Frances Winters offers us in Inclusive Conversations will be the most natural with who you are and how you interact with others?
What could serve as the most important learning opportunities?

Have you performed better academically during the season or off season? Have you been able to make time for studying/ library hours etc? Are you satisfied with the amount of rest you are receiving daily?

Academic Stress Among Student Athletes

Research Question- How does balancing an intense training schedule with academics affect the daily life of student athletes?

1. Have you performed better academically during the season or off season?
2. Have you been able to make time for studying/ library hours etc?
3. Are you satisfied with the amount of rest you are receiving daily?
4. Do you think that homework deadlines are usually achievable?
5. Do you find having an intense practice schedule detrimental to your studying time?

Which 2 workforce areas did you choose to present? For each idea explain the: 1. Hypothesis/business question. 2. Leading indicator(s). 3. Business impact metrics.

Data Analytics Assignment


Pease, Byerly, Fitz-enz. Human Capital Analytics: How to Harness the Potential of Your Organization’s Greatest Asset, Wiley, 2013.

Waters, Streets, McFarlane, Johnson-Murrary. The Practical Guide to HR Analytics: Using Data to Inform. Transform, and Empower HR Decisions, SHRM, 2018.

You are the HR Director for a firm. The firm currently uses data analytics in its supply chain and now the CEO has tasked you with coming up with two ideas for using analytics from a workforce perspective. You are expected to present your two ideas to the strategic leadership team to review.

Which 2 workforce areas did you choose to present? For each idea explain the:

1. Hypothesis/business question.

2. Leading indicator(s).

3. Business impact metrics.

Make certain you include an introduction and concluding paragraphs.

Cite course materials as well as external resources in developing your answer

Students are expected to use the information gleaned from lectures, readings, videos, and topic assignments when formulating each assignment. Materials referenced from outside sources (those sources you found on your own) are to be used as secondary sources only.

These are to be viewed as term papers. Number of pages will vary depending upon the assignment. A rule of thumb should be about 5-7 pages in length. You may include diagrams, charts, tables, etc. in any of the assignments to further explain your point. The assignments are to be submitted via Turn-It-In.

The assignment should include:

An introductory paragraph of what you are writing about and the importance

The body of the paper should be broken out by paragraphs and/or sections.

Each idea or argument you present needs to be supported by research material.

Research material may include lectures, readings, videos, and outside research.

A concluding paragraph summarizing your research and your personal thoughts

In-text Citation and Bibliography (In-text citation is required even if it is course material.)

Create a report summary of the responses made to your Social Media Posts and your responses. Evaluate your experience.

Mental Health Teaching Plan

You may choose one of the following topics for your Mental Health Promotion Plan :
Mental Health effects with regards  to the Pandemic
Mental Health and men
Mental Health and persons who are disabled
Mental Health and the adolescent

** Then after you choose one of the above topic areas
Obtain an educational pamphlet from the SAMHSA or NAMI Website.
Tailor the educational pamphlet to the VI audience.
Send the educational pamphlet to my email after you have tailored it for the VI audience.
Upload the educational pamphet to your Social Media.
Create a report summary of the responses made to your Social Media Posts and your responses.
Evaluate your experience.

How and why have the dynamics of control and resistance changed in the management of culture and workspaces following the Covid-19 pandemic?

Organisational Behaviour

Assignment (2) Essay (70%)

Choose ONE question from the following two:

1. How and why have the dynamics of control and resistance changed in the
management of culture and workspaces following the Covid19 pandemic?

2. In what ways has the digitalization of work impacted on the relationship between
control and resistance?

Does any of the samples present buffer activity. Which of your samples have the highest buffer capacity and why? What are two sources of error and what effect would they have on the outcomes in this experiment?


Did we do a good job making and titrating the standards why or why not?

Does the titration data meet the requirements of good data? Why or why not?
Discuss your statistics.
Does any of the samples present buffer activity.
Which of your samples have the highest buffer capacity and why?

What are two sources of error and what effect would they have on the outcomes in this experiment?

Analyze the internal, domestic efforts at thwarting cyber crime in your assigned country including information on how cases are built against perpetrators.

International Issues and Cyber Crime

As you have learned, cyber crime is an international issue the implications of which are only beginning to be realized. For this interactive assignment, you will be assigned a country to research and for which to create presentation. Your presentation will provide information about cyber crime in the assigned nation and the threat to the world at large this represents.

Five nations will be examined: Brazil, China, Germany, Russia, and the United Kingdom. See the list below to determine which country you will be assigned for your presentation.

Last names beginning with the letters I through M
Examine the country of Germany.

You will create a five minute maximum screencast presentation of a PowerPoint on your assigned country. For the screencast portion, you may use any screen casting platform you wish. (Quick-start guides for Screencast-O-Matic and Jing are provided for your convenience.)

Create your PowerPoint presentation including the following elements:

Explain the internal and external cyber crime activity for your assigned country.
Evaluate the international threat the actions occurring in the assigned country have on the world at large.
Analyze the internal, domestic efforts at thwarting cyber crime in your assigned country including information on how cases are built against perpetrators.
Be sure to include your list of references on the final slide of your presentation.