
What are the main business challenges of PepsiAmericas in the evolving bottling market between the years 1999 and 2009?

Management of Information Technology

Q1. What are the main business challenges of Pepsi Americas in the evolving bottling market between the years 1999 and 2009?

Q2. Divide the years between 1999 and 2009 into main stages (in terms of the maturity of business processes and the IT solutions) – explain your choice.

Q3. Identify one quotation from the text you find significant and explain your choice.

What population is affected? Why? How will you measure the success of your goals? In response to your peers, review their initial posts. Are their goals measurable? Explain.

Peer Review Discussion: Setting Goal

Review Using Evaluation to Improve Programs Strategic Planning.

The goals will inform your SWOT Analysis and Assessment section of your strategic plan. Remember that your project goals should be specific and measureable.


Weak goal: Increase number of patients who use urgent care.

Strong goal: Increase daily volume of urgent care use by 5% each month or 50% over one year.

It can be helpful to review the needs of each stakeholder to ensure your project goals are addressing their needs.

In the discussion topic, complete the following:

Provide at least three goals of your strategic plan.

What population is affected? Why?

How will you measure the success of your goals?

In response to your peers, review their initial posts. Are their goals measurable? Explain.

To complete this assignment, review the Capstone Discussion Rubric document.


Write 2000 words for the title Your portfolio should provide reflection on of your contribution to your chosen club / society and your personal learning journey. Your submission should clearly and critically address the required learning outcomes.


Write 2000 words for the title Your portfolio should provide reflection on of your contribution to your chosen club / society and your personal learning journey. Your submission should clearly and critically address the required learning outcomes.

Discuss and evaluate the impact of their (Your) role in developing and leading effective practice. Critically evaluate provision and practice and how it impacts on the development and wellbeing of babies and young children.


Leading practice with families children and professionals


Discuss and evaluate the impact of their (Your) role in developing and leading effective practice.


Critically evaluate provision and practice and how it impacts on the development and well being of babies and young children.


Your podcast will draw on relevant writing and research to address the debates about the impact of provision on young children’s development and learning. You will discuss ideas about the well-being of babies and young children and how that is best supported in early years settings, highlighting ideas and examples of leading practice that contributes to good quality practice and provision

Are the major sources of protein in your diet plant based or animal based?  Would plant based proteins have less environmental impact?  Why or why not? 

M2 protein intake

Answer the following questions.  Remember to show all your calculations and indicate units after every number.

Based on your three-day average, how many grams of protein do you consume daily?
How many calories does this represent?
What percent of your average calorie intake was contributed by proteins?
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends between 10 to 15 percent of our total calories be supplied by protein. How does your protein intake compare with this recommendation?   Explain, using examples, how you currently meet this recommendation or how you could alter your diet to meet this recommendation. What specific foods could you reduce (or increase), and what foods would you use to replace those foods, to bring your total protein intake within the recommended range?
How does your average protein intake compare with the RDA for your age and gender? (The RDA for protein can be found on page A at the end of the text, following the index.)   Discuss the risks associated with overconsumption and underconsumption of protein.
Explain the advantages and limitations of consuming legumes as protein sources. Identify the vitamins and minerals found in legumes but not in meat. What other characteristics do legumes have that meats do not?  Are the major sources of protein in your diet plant based or animal based?  Would plant based proteins have less environmental impact?  Why or why not?
Are high protein/low carbohydrate diets safe?  Why or why not?  What did you decide?  Support your claims/position with scientifically supported research using proper citations.
Considering what you have learned about protein, what is your opinion of protein supplements?  Defend your answer.
As your text points out, there are health benefits to vegetarian diets. However, certain types of vegetarian diets can pose health risks. What are those risks, and how can they be avoided?
What are complementary proteins? Give three examples of how several foods can be combined to yield complementary proteins.

What is the feasibility of using hydrogen energy instead of fossil fuel to meet the rising global demands? What is the potential of biohydrogen as a source of energy?


What is the feasibility of using hydrogen energy instead of fossil fuel to meet the rising global demands?
• What is the potential of biohydrogen as a source of energy?
• What is the near future perspective of hydrogen energy?
• Is hydrogen fuel cell technology viable economically?

Analyze of how individual concerns can influence a person’s understanding of larger scale issues Perspectives that emphasize the need to feel right or safe as we engage in social cognition.

“This American Life” Essay

Listen to this immigration-themed episode of the radio program, This American Life:
#621: Fear and Loathing in Homer and Rockville
(Links to an external site.)
(Links to an external site.)
(This American Life is produced for the ear and designed to be heard, not read. We strongly encourage you to listen to the audio, which includes emotion and emphasis that’s not on the page.)
Episode Home Page
(Links to an external site.)
(in case you have a problem with the audio player)
[Content Note: The second story in this episode is about a conflict over immigration raised after a high school girl reported being raped by two Hispanic classmates living in the U.S. without documentation. Subsequent slurs, threats, foul language, and hatred toward undocumented immigrants and Muslims are reported in the story, including playing voice mail messages. Ann Coulter is interviewed. Details of the rape are not described other than to say the girl reported being forced into the bathroom at the high school. The reasons why the rape charges could not be pursued are reported, including that the girl was “sexting” with the boys and sent them a naked picture of herself. One person in the story uses the term “gang rape.” In the first story, a Muslim man briefly describes being harassed and mistreated by passing motorists.]

For both stories, the journalists do a good job providing a clean narrative that is easy to follow without overlooking the enormous amount of complexity associated with the issues. A big element throughout the stories is the fear that everyone, on all sides, is feeling. The stories are less about what people are thinking, but how and why they are thinking and feeling the way they are. That makes the stories appropriate objects of analysis for social psychology – especially what we’ve learned in this unit about how and why people think the way they do. Your job in this paper is to provide the missing social psychological analysis that can help explain the thoughts and feelings of the people in one of the two stories.

First, listen to simply hear what each story is about and create a “schema” for the story and the style of storytelling. After this first listen, choose which story you will focus on for the paper. (See Content Note above about the second story.)
Second, listen to the story you have chosen for the details: Throughout the story, there are examples of judgments and decisions influenced by the kinds of cognition (including biases and heuristics) you have been learning about in this unit. There are plenty of small examples – a single person’s attitude reflecting a specific heuristic. As you listen, make notes about the concepts from our class discussions and your readings that you hear coming up. I encourage you to pause the recording to take notes about the example and/or simply note the timestamp and the concept, then return to listen later for the details. The examples may be related to things that did happen or were said, or examples may extend to things you think might happen or might be said as a result of the circumstances described.
Third, listen to the story one more time in order to get an idea of how you are going to integrate the concepts you noticed, how you might synthesize all those concepts into a coherent analysis. It is unlikely you will be including every example you identified in #2 in your final paper. (More below.)
Finding the examples of the concepts is challenging and it is the first step you must take before you proceed with the paper. However, the larger challenge for this paper is choosing which examples to highlight and how to synthesize those examples. You need to produce a coherent, overarching analysis. Creating a mere list of examples is not sufficient (and it isn’t an analysis). Instead, aim to provide a coherent paper that talks about “what happened” from the perspective of a social psychologist. The examples you find are evidence for your overall thesis. Your overall thesis should be the most helpful or important way social psychology can explain this story.
Examples of the “bigger picture” kind of perspective your paper should have (feel free to use one):
Analysis of how individual concerns can influence a person’s understanding of larger scale issues Perspectives that emphasize the need to feel right or safe as we engage in social cognition.
Focus on how we make judgments about the credibility of sources when we are invested in an issue
Possible consequences of understanding a person’s situation (e.g., immigration status) as a disposition (e.g., tendency toward crime)

Explain the usage of model-based climate curriculum by Secondary science teacher’s for student conceptual and epistemic knowledge gain. 

Model-based climate curriculum

Explain the usage of model-based climate curriculum by Secondary science teacher’s for student conceptual and epistemic knowledge gain.

If you increase production to an infinitely large level, the average variable cost and the average total cost will merge. Why?

Economics 2030 LSU discussion Forum

If you increase production to an infinitely large level, the average variable cost and the average total cost will merge. Why?


Choose either the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) or the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) and describe the certification process for at least two certifications within the organization that you choose.


Part 1: For this writing assignment, explain why the following course objectives are important for medical billers and coder to understand:

Recognize different types of facilities that would employ allied health personnel and discuss options available for certification.
Explain the history and impact of health insurance on health care reimbursement process and recognize various types of health insurance coverage.
Identify the key elements of a managed care contract and identify the role HIPAA plays in the health care industry.

Part 2: Choose either the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) or the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) and describe the certification process for at least two certifications within the organization that you choose. Provide information on the following.