
Discuss the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic criteria, and treatment for each clinical model selected.

Unit 8 discussion post

Topic: Altered Mood, Attention, and Behavior, Altered Somatic and Special Sensory Function, and Degenerative Changes in Aging

Indicate which clinical models you chose in the subject line of your initial post.

Select one clinical model illustrating altered mood, attention, and behavior or one clinical model illustrating altered somatic and special sensory function, and one model representing degenerative changes in aging. Discuss the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic criteria, and treatment for each clinical model selected.

From the perspective of the constitutional principle of the rule of law, what is the problem with government ministers seeking to impose their interpretation of legal rules on individuals when the law underpinning their actions does not seem to provide for such an interpretation, strictly speaking?


The national effort to tackle the Coronavirus health emergency has resulted in UK ministers being granted some of the broadest legislative powers ever seen in peacetime. The Coronavirus Act 2020 and other Acts of Parliament have been used to greatly restrict the liberty of movement of people. At the same time, Ministers have issued guidance on how its legal rules restricting liberty should be applied. Sometimes this guidance has seemed to increase the level of restrictions beyond those actually set out in law. For example, under the first national lockdown in England and Wales, the law prohibited you leaving your home except for essential purposes. One of these essential purposes was daily exercise (The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020, s6(2)(b)). Government initial guidance suggested that this meant one could only leave their home once a day for such exercise.
Bearing the above in mind, address the following question under the TWO TASKS BELOW:

‘From the perspective of the constitutional principle of the rule of law, what is the problem with government ministers seeking to impose their interpretation of legal rules on individuals when the law underpinning their actions does not seem to provide for such an interpretation, strictly speaking?’

In order to do this, you need to do the following:

Part 1 Unpacking the Question (up to 450 words):
Break down the question into its constituent parts, explaining exactly what you think the question is asking you to do.
Identify the constitutional concepts and key themes the question engages with.
Provide an outline or plan of how you think the question should be addressed if presenting it in an essay.

How did patterns of class and gender roles change in eighteenth-century North America?

Patterns of class and gender roles

How did patterns of class and gender roles change in eighteenth-century North America?

How did your life trajectory lead to applying to graduate school at UC San Diego? What drives your interest and passion for neuroscience?

UCSD Statement of Purpose

From your Statement of Purpose, we hope to get a sense of what drives and motivates your passion for neuroscience research. To that end, writing about how your interest in the field developed can be insightful. In addition, please feel free to take this opportunity to discuss both the ups and downs of your path into scientific research or any perceived shortcomings in your application.

How did your life trajectory lead to applying to graduate school at UC San Diego? What drives your interest and passion for neuroscience?

What have you identified as the ‘key challenges’? What approaches to & methods of employee engagement, employee retention and change management have you identified in the McDonald’s case study? How have you related these to the literature?

McDonald’s UK

1. Critically evaluate the approach McDonald’s has taken to addressing the HR problems it faced across the organisation. (This is worth 60% of your final mark).

2. What future HR challenges can you foresee, and what recommendations wouldyou make for addressing these? What other initiatives might the company consider introducing to further increase levels of employee engagement and retention? (This is worth 40% of your final mark).
Given the emphasis in this module is on the practical application of theory within the HRMarena, it is important that your assignment clearly draws on relevant theories and models in analysing the case study. The lectures and seminars, together with the textbooks and additional reading provided for the module will constitute a good starting point, but you mustalso read more widely around your chosen subject. The marking criteria for the assignment is provided on Moodle. You need to pay attention to:
1. A well-written, well-presented, clearly structured and well-argued piece of work.
2. The demonstration that you have understood and applied relevant theories in your answer.
3. Evidence that you have read and understood the case study.
4. Critical analysis and insight; in other words, it is important not to just describe your views, but rather you need to weigh up one argument against another, using academic sources, and then come to a considered view based on the available evidence.
5. Evidence that you have read and understood a range of academic journal articles. It is not enough to rely solely on textbooks for your assignment. We are expecting you to conduct independent research to find relevant articles. You will find some on the CB9046 Moodle site that will be a useful start, but you are expected to go beyond the resources already
provided to you.

Hints and Tips:
When researching and planning this assignment ask yourself the following questions:
◦ What is your interpretation of the question?
◦ Which theoretical frameworks are you drawing on?
◦ What have you identified as the ‘key challenges’?
◦ What approaches to & methods of employee engagement, employee retention and change management have you identified in the McDonald’s case study? How have you related these to the literature?
◦ What is your proposed structure of your argument? Is it clear & logical?
◦ What are your recommendations?
◦ What supporting evidence – theoretical & practical i.e. supporting sources/references
◦ How does this map to the marking criteria for this assignment?

How does an examiner know whether encrypted data is present? What are the examiner’s options for dealing with encrypted data?


Explain Cryptography Basics
It is important to lay a foundation for the work that the temp IT workers in the scenario are expected to do. The building blocks of the foundation should be a familiarity with the processes of encryption and decryption, and the meaning of keys.
You will need to explain the differences between asymmetric- and symmetric-key cryptography and the significance of public key infrastructure. It is also important to include a description of encrypted data in terms of randomness and entropy.
“Basic Cryptography” will be the first section of your job aid. It should include two parts:
A description of the basic elements of cryptography including the following:
the roles of encryption and decryption in public and private keys
the differences between asymmetric and symmetric key cryptography
public-key infrastructure
the nature of encrypted data regarding randomness and entropy
An explanation of the possible significance of this information for the agency; that is, how does an examiner know whether encrypted data is present? What are the examiner’s options for dealing with encrypted data?
Prepare a two-page document organized in bulleted form (APA format). Refer to in-class resources and outside resources for your content. Remember that the audience is composed of temp workers or new hires

Evaluate the reasons for the introduction of this business vehicle and evaluate the benefits of the Limited Liability Partnership, including whether or not we could adopt any practices from other jurisdictions that utilise this concept.

The Limited Liability Partnership Act 2000

The Limited Liability Partnership Act 2000 created an alternative business vehicle, the use of which has increased substantially throughout the UK. It is not however a business vehicle that is exclusive to the UK.

Evaluate the reasons for the introduction of this business vehicle and evaluate the benefits of the Limited Liability Partnership, including whether or not we could adopt any practices from other jurisdictions that utilise this concept.

You require to submit an essay of 3000 words, plus or minus 10% on the above topic. Note that the font size to be used for your submission should be Arial 12 and the line spacing should be a minimum of 1.5. Footnotes are not included in the word count. Note however that excessive wording in the footnotes will be penalised.

Credit will be given for research skills and you should include, in your essay, a paragraph explaining how you found the sources which you used. With regard to referencing, full citations should be given of any case or any statutory provision to which reference is made. Any quotation from, or summary of any aspect of the content of, a textbook or an article should also be attributed. Students should include a bibliography at the end in which they give the reference for any book or article used.

Evaluate the corporate governance failures and weaknesses that have led to problems of the chosen company (HSBC) and the consequences of weak corporate governance experienced.

Corporate governance


Corporate Governance: the examination of relationship within the organisation, those involved in the management of the organisation and external stakeholders: The section should include such things as:

Internal Corporate Governance Mechanisms: structure, substance, and purpose (e.g., board effectiveness, the role of non-executive directors, and remuneration structures)
External mechanisms, especially the role of institutional investors.
Shareholder and stakeholder perspectives in an ethical context
Employees and Ethics
(approx. 500 words- 15 Marks)

Evaluate the corporate governance failures and weaknesses that have led to problems of the chosen company (HSBC) and the consequences of weak corporate governance experienced.
(approx. 750 words 25 Marks)

Explain the advantages of using data extraction (DXE) files in AutoCAD. Describe the advantages of using block libraries and how they can enhance templates. Assess how electronic transfer of information can aid productivity and provide example applications.


The report should highlight the advantages of using autocad blocks and the advantage of creating block libraries within templates, as well as the process of extracting attribute data to create a data spreadsheet and a validation of how the use of attribute data and it’s electronic transfer ( with examples) improves productivity. The report should include some print screens and include citation, references, etc.

Important points to include in the report:

– explain the advantages of using data extraction (DXE) files in AutoCAD;

– contrast the advantages and disadvantages of using CAD over manual drafting;

– identify the advantages of using blocks in a drawing;

– describe the advantages of using block libraries and how they can enhance templates;

– appraise the process for extracting drawing data to create a table;

– evaluate the advantages of using template files in AutoCAD;

– validate how using attributes can improve productivity;

– assess how electronic transfer of information can aid productivity and provide example applications.

critically analyze why change management as a discipline is important.

Change Management

Critically analyze why change management as a discipline is important. To do this you could choose to focus on contemporary themes such as covid-19 and Brexit and/or you could choose to focus on a broader discussion of change, rate of change, macro-environmental factors, strategic drift and organizational competitiveness etc.