
Discuss areas in which you might agree and/or disagree with this theory and how you might find it useful in your role as a social worker.


In a brief paper, i.e., no more than three double-spaced pages using a 12-point font, apply critical race theory to a current social situation of your choice, e.g., homelessness, unemployment, teenage pregnancy, domestic violence, elder abuse.

-Discuss areas in which you might agree and/or disagree with this theory and how you might find it useful in your role as a social worker.

Discuss similarities and differences between the history of the agency you chose and the history of the human services field.

4-2 Human Service Timelines

4-2 Final Project Milestone Discussion Two: Human Services Timeline Wiki

For your final project, you are required to discuss similarities and differences between the history of the agency you chose and the history of the human services field. For this assignment, consider what you have learned in Chapter 2 of your text. Review the historical timeline website provided for you in the resources for this module. These timelines provide you with an example of what our class timeline will look like when it is completed.
Then, access the Human Services Timeline Wiki below and add an entry that notes the founding year for the organization you chose for the final project, including a few sentences explaining who established it, why is was established, and the mission of the organization. Be sure to include your name with each posting. Your first entry should follow this format:

What is the United Nations doing to combat climate change?

Climate change

What is the United Nations doing to combat climate change?

To what extent could individuals in Colonial Latin America challenge power structures without losing their lives?

Colonial Latin America

To what extent could individuals in Colonial Latin America challenge power structures without losing their lives?

Choose just one of the themes from the list below. Note developments of that theme in the Old Testament to the New Testament (N.T.), and show how N.T. writers reinterpreted it

Mercy and Compassion

Choose just one of the themes from the list below. Note developments of that theme in the Old Testament to the New Testament (N.T.), and show how N.T. writers reinterpreted it. Discuss similarities, differences, and changes to the meaning. You must provide a separate outline to your paper. Use only the following resource that’s available as an e-Book: The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Theology. Be sure to distinguish between paraphrase and direct quotes. Type a 350-750 word paper using MLA formatting.

Why is it important to conduct or perform a quality literature review? Characterize or distinguish between the 4 major types of reviews discussed in our textbook? What are the essential components of a quality literature review?

Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses

Why is it important to conduct or perform a quality literature review? Characterize or distinguish between the 4 major types of reviews discussed in our textbook? What are the essential components of a quality literature review?

The textbook that was mentioned in the question is chapters 4 and 5 of Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses: Appraisal and Application of Research – With Access 4TH 19
Author: Schmidt, Nola A.
ISBN-13: 978-1-284-12290-9
ISBN-10: 1-284-12290-5
Edition/Copyright: 4TH 19
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Publishers

Describe three types of pricing analysis methods (Comparison of proposed prices, comparison of market prices, etc.) that your company will consider when forecasting prices.



Week 3 Assignment – Introduction of Solar Technology Company


You just created a new start-up company called Superstar Solar, Inc., because you want to compete in the growing industry of solar power grids. SolarCal (as described in the case analysis) is currently the only major company in the field. Your views on SolarCal are that the company charges a lot for their products and take a long time to manufacture them. You feel that your company can be a more efficient version of SolarCal.
Keep in mind: When you are completing this assignment, you should be creating all the necessary assumptions to support your claim of being more efficient.
Refer to the rubric for this assignment to become familiar with how your paper will be graded.
Refer to scenarios and readings from previous weeks to complete this assignment.
Note: It is essential that you review your case analyses when completing this assignment.
Week 1 Case Analysis: Basic Pricing Policy and Concepts [DOCX].
Week 2 Case Analysis: Contracting Methods and Contract Types: Pricing Implications [DOCX].
Week 3 Case Analysis: Price Analysis [DOCX].


Write a 2–3 page paper in which you:
Describe your new company called Superstar Solar, Inc.
Include specific details about the following in your description:
The reason why your company was formed.
Your company’s mission statement (what is the “why” for the work that you do).
Your company’s vision statement (where you see the company’s growth over the next three to five years).
Your company’s solar power product.
An overview of your key personnel. Note: Refer to your Week 3 Case Analysis on SolarCal for help on this overview.
Your targeted client base. Note: Be specific. For example, instead of listing the government in general, you would focus on the Department of Agriculture.
Describe SolarCal.
Include specific details about the following in your description:
The reason why SolarCal was formed.
SolarCal’s mission statement (what is the “why” for the work that you do).
SolarCal’s vision statement (where you see the company’s growth over the next three to five years).
SolarCal’s solar power product.
An overview of SolarCal key personnel. Note: Refer to your Week 3 Case Analysis on SolarCal for help on this overview.
SolarCal’s targeted client base. Note: Be specific. For example, instead of listing the government in general, you would focus on the Department of Agriculture.
Pricing analysis methods when forecasting government expenses.
Describe three types of pricing analysis methods that might be appropriate for SolarCal to use to forecast the prices of its products and services when contracting with the government.
Select one of those three methods and provide rationale to support your choice. Be sure to include at least two reasons why you think that method is the best option.

Describe three types of pricing analysis methods (Comparison of proposed prices, comparison of market prices, etc.) that your company will consider when forecasting prices.

Select one of those three methods and provide rationale to support your choice. Be sure to include at least two reasons why you think that method is the best option.
Use at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.
The Strayer University Library is a good source for quality resources. To get started, please refer to the library page for this course.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
Outline details for a new start-up company including a forecasting approach and cost considerations.

In what ways do restrictive sexual norms contribute beneficially to society? In what ways could restrictive sexual norms be detrimental to society? If you could design and implement your ideal sexual norms within a society, what would these be?


In what ways do restrictive sexual norms contribute beneficially to society? In what ways could restrictive sexual norms be detrimental to society? If you could design and implement your ideal sexual norms within a society, what would these be?

Summarize the changes the COVID-19 Pandemic and Post-COVID had on the U.S.-Mexico border and the impact of COVID-19 on the relationship between the U.S. and Mexico.

The U.S.-Mexico Border in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Post-COVID

Summarize the changes the COVID-19 Pandemic and Post-COVID had on the U.S.-Mexico border and the impact of COVID-19 on the relationship between the U.S. and Mexico.

The paper should be 2 pages single-spaced.

Where the ideas of surrealism came from? Where Dali drew inspiration from? What are the effect Dali had on art and popular culture.


The assignment is to write a roughly 2 page essay on what you learned from the video watched in class about Salvador Dali.
Make sure you discuss the definition of surrealism, and how Dali affected art and culture.
Pay attention to the following topics, and try to touch upon them in your essay:
-Where the ideas of surrealism came from?
-Where Dali drew inspiration from?
-The effect Dali had on art and popular culture.
-Some of the common themes that chnw lin in Dali’ art Submit Assignment