
What type of econometric problem might you suspect? Which assumption of the multiple regression model is violated? What test should you use to identify the problem? What will be the effect on OLS parameter estimates?

REVISION PAPER financing model 2021


You need to answer four (4) questions in this section. The mark for each question is indicated. The total mark for this part is 40 marks.

Question 21: (10 marks)

Given a scenario (information regarding the model output)

a. What type of econometric problem might you suspect?

b. Which assumption of the multiple regression model is violated?

c. What test should you use to identify the problem?

d. What will be the effect on OLS parameter estimates?

e. What might you do to solve this problem?

Question 22: (10 marks)

Use the STATA output to answer the following questions.


a. Report the least squares estimates of the coefficients and corresponding pvalues.

b. Are the signs of these estimates consistent with economic theory? Explain your answer.

c. Determine whether the estimated coefficients are statistically significant at the 5% level of significance.

d. Is the overall significance of the model at the 5% level of significance?

e. Based on part d above, will stimulating output growth or controlling for inflation have an impact on the rate of return? Explain your answer.

f. How much of the variation in the real rate of return (on common stocks) does this model explain?

Question 23:

Given the STATA output


a. Explain to your friend the estimated coefficients and how the independent variables affect the dependent variable.

b. List the assumptions that have been violated by this model.

c. For each assumption violated, write a short explanation to your friend on how it will affect the validity of the results.

d. Write the actions that your friend should take to deal with the assumptions violated, and how this would help improve the analysis.

e. Revised Model

Below is the Stata output that their regression estimates have generated, in addition to their additional tests. Examine these results, and discuss them.

Question 24:

Given the STATA output


a. Identify any problems with that you can detect in these results.

b. Present solutions to these problems which may enable an improvement in the estimation of this model.

Explain how you would respond to the scenario as an advanced practice nurse using evidence-based practice guidelines and applying ethical considerations.

Lab Assignment: Ethical Concerns

Write a detailed one-page narrative (not a formal paper) explaining the health assessment information required for a diagnosis of your selected patient (include the scenario number). Explain how you would respond to the scenario as an advanced practice nurse using evidence-based practice guidelines and applying ethical considerations. Justify your response using at least three different references from current evidence-based literature

What incentives do presidents have to act unilaterally or not act at all, and under what circumstances? What are the limits (legal/constitutional/political) to a president’s ability to take unilateral action?

Immigration reform

In the United States presidents not only have informal policy-relevant powers such as agenda-setting and formal policy powers such as the veto, but also powers to make policy unilaterally, such as issuing an executive order. Write a paper in which you analyze the role of the U.S. president in setting public policy with or without the support of Congress. Contemporary debates on immigration reform offer important case studies for examining the limit and power of executive-branch policy action. Choosing immigration reform as your issue focus, assess how presidential leadership and authority have helped or hindered these reforms and how you might advise the president today. In your essay, consider the following questions:

* What incentives do presidents have to act unilaterally or not act at all, and under what circumstances?
* What are the limits (legal/constitutional/political) to a president’s ability to take unilateral action?
* Using clear evidence, can you show which interest groups and what messages are informing the president’s policy action or inaction on your chosen policy issue?

In bullet format, gives some examples of businesses or corporation which would use analytics in there future and some examples how they will use it.

Future in Business Analytics

Write 3 paragraphs on the future in business analytics. Capturing the direction in which analytics is going. In bullet format, gives some examples of businesses or corporation which would use analytics in there future and some examples how they will use it.

Why would one see a Babinski sign rather than a normal sign? Why do you think this is not a first order neuron issue? Hint: What would you see (or not see) if the nerves were damaged?

Case Study

A 25 year-old male involved in a motorcycle accident was brought to your ER. The patient complains of being unable to move his legs voluntarily.

The doctor orders a CT but the CT is currently out of commission so you must do some inductive reasoning. One thing you must determine is the severity and location of the patients lesion. You begin by scraping the bottom of their foot with the dull-pointed end of a reflex hammer starting at the heel moving to the small toe and then following the ball of the foot toward the big toe. The patients foot demonstrates a Babinskis sign.

Answer the following questions and save your responses in a Microsoft Word document. Provide a scholarly resource in APA format to support your answers.

The term used for this condition (inability to move legs voluntarily) is called:
Name the parts of a basic reflex pathway.
Describe Babinsk sign and compare it to what a normal response would look like.
Why would one see a Babinski sign rather than a normal sign?
Why do you think this is not a first order neuron issue? Hint: What would you see (or not see) if the nerves were damaged?
Where along the spinal cord could you see a lesion in the CT for this patient?

How does the author of the visualization address the audience? How is the purpose of the visualization conveyed? How does the visualization use color, ordering, layout, and hierarchy to prioritize information?

3-2 Discussion: The Importance of Data Visualizations

Data visualization methods offer a different landscape for explaining situations using data. Graphical representations of information, if created properly, can make vital information more intuitive, contextualized, and accessible. Visualization plays an essential part in analyzing big data and simplifying complex data-intensive scenarios.

In this discussion, using the Viz of the Day webpage, select a business-focused visualization to debate in your post (you may have to toggle to more than one page to see business-specific visualizations). Consider the audience and purpose of the visualization you selected, and think about the strategy used to present the information and analysis visually. In your initial post, make sure to include the link to the visualization you selected, and address the following:

Why have you selected this one?
How does the author of the visualization address the audience?
How is the purpose of the visualization conveyed?
How does the visualization use color, ordering, layout, and hierarchy to prioritize information?

Should he be sent back to prison to serve the remainder of his 9.5-year sentence? Why or why not? Is your answer to this question based in the preconventional, conventional or postconventional level of moral reasoning?


A young man was sentenced to serve 10 years for selling a small amount of marijuana when he was 15 years old. He escaped from prison six months after his sentencing and moved to a different state. The authorities located him when he went to vote, 30 years later. He is a professional carpenter and a model citizen. Should he be sent back to prison to serve the remainder of his 9.5-year sentence? Why or why not? Is your answer to this question based in the preconventional, conventional or postconventional Should he be sent back to prison to serve the remainder of his 9.5-year sentence? Why or why not? Is your answer to this question based in the preconventional, conventional or postconventional level of moral reasoning? level of moral reasoning? Should the level of moral reasoning be based on the stage of development that the man was in when he escaped from prison, or when he was located by authorities? Explain.

What are the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on early childhood education? What are the necessary measures taken to curb the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on early childhood education?

Week 11 assignment

Research Question
This does not align with your problem or purpose.
What are the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on early childhood education?

What are the necessary measures taken to curb the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on early childhood education?
COVID-19 pandemic is directly correlated with early childhood education among the children as it influences daily activities.
Early childhood education has been crucially affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Early childhood education has not been crucially affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Children in the research perceive the COVID-19 pandemic negatively as it has, directly and indirectly, affected their education.

What is the recent political history of your district and state? How has your state and congressional district voted in recent presidential and congressional elections? Can your district or state be considered to be leaning Republican or Democrat?


TEXAS GOVERNMENT: Becoming an Informed Voter – Researching Your Texas Delegation

The purpose of this paper is to provide practical application of material learned by developing concepts learned in the presentations. The body of the paper must be at least 6 pages (double spaced, 12-point font) and include subheadings as appropriate and necessary. In addition to the body, you must include a separate title page and reference page. Do not submit an abstract with this assignment.

Do not write the paper without carefully studying the related presentations. To achieve more than a passing grade, you must demonstrate a mastery of the presentations and factual information and incorporate those ideas into your paper. Naturally, stylistic points such as grammar and spelling will be considered in grading. Your paper must adhere to current APA format. Doing the minimum amount of work does not guarantee a perfect score.

The research paper has 2 steps. First, you will analyze the background of your legislative district and your State Representative. Second, you will analyze the political background of your state and your State Senator. Note that these are Texas State Representatives and Senators. Do not use members of your U.S. Congressional Delegation.

The first part will deal with your legislative district and representative; the second part will deal with your state and senator. Interest group scores may be found at Vote Smart.

Document to properly format this essay as you will be required to use formal writing with subheadings as necessary to address and elaborate on each of the following questions in paragraph form:

• What is the recent political history of your district and state?

• How has your state and congressional district voted in recent presidential and congressional elections?

• Can your district or state be considered to be leaning Republican or Democrat?

• Are the political parties relatively even, or does one party dominate the elections?

• Does your district have a long tradition of supporting one party, or has it been changing in recent years?

• How did your representative and senator come to power? (Thoroughly describe their backgrounds.)

• How do the interest groups (ADA, ACLU, ACU, CC or FRC) rate your representative and senator? (Note: If the Christian Coalition score is not available, you may substitute the Family Research Council score. Include the exact scores from each of these groups. The rationale for this is explained in the presentation.)

• Based on these ratings, would you classify your representative and senator as conservative or liberal? Justify your answer.

Do not submit your paper in the form of a series of questions and answers. Organize this information into a standard research paper (paragraph form with level headings) utilizing APA format. Consult the grading rubric to make sure that all the necessary information has been included.


Briefly describe the product category that will serve as the context for your brand and explain the environment where consumers most likely access products in this category.


Term Project (TP) Task #1: Developing Your Brand Context

Course concepts and terminology must be evident throughout this content to earn full credit. Provide images and cited research to support your thinking.
1. Product Category & Environment. Briefly describe the product category that will serve as the context for your brand and explain the environment where consumers most likely access products in this category. Then provide some cited evidence about the performance of this category and explain why you think it is a valuable focus point for your term project.

2. Nature of Competition. Identify a brand you intend to compete with and provide evidence to describe a. the brand elements, and whether they meet the criteria outlined in your text b. the target consumer segment(s) for this competitor (include all four categories of characteristics) c. brand associations that are utilized in their positioning strategies (give examples) d. evidence of where the brand falls short of fully resonating with consumers e. potential points of parity and difference for this competitor vs. your brand (in other words, what will be your BRAND’s competitive advantage?)

3. Consumer Profile (target segment). Who is seeking the points of difference you aim to deliver? Describe the “consumer profile” for your brand. This is your targeted consumer segment. Identify any differences compared to your selected competitor(s). Provide cited research to describe the following about your target segment (points should be supported with citations):

a. Demographic. age, education, income

b. Geographic. location (is this a region, country, or international brand? Be specific) c. Psychographic. what are the beliefs, values, attitudes, and preferences of your target consumers? d. Behavioral. where do your consumers shop and how often? What do they purchase? How would you describe their lifestyle?

4. Mission I Mantra. Based on what your learned about your competition and targeted consumer, develop the mission and mantra of your brand. This will serve as your basis for choosing brand elements and strategically developing brand knowledge.

FORMAT: (20 points) Organize this information in the same format as outlined in the content instructions. • Images should be posted within text, not as attachments. • The narrative should be provided in complete sentences • Use bold sub-headings for content organization. • Clarity, spelling, grammar, and professionalism will be graded as part of formatting • Include citations in text and a reference page at the end of your document with MLA or APA format