
Your investigation has led you to believe that Charlie just needs more physical exercise. But his mother continues to insist that Charlie needs medication. How would you explain to his mother what you plan to do?

Hyperactive condition

Charlie is an 8-year-old boy who is having difficulty making friends and sitting still in class. When he goes to school, his teacher complains that he can’t sit still. He will sit for 3 minutes but soon after he starts bouncing his leg, and then he begins tapping his pencil. Shortly thereafter, he starts rapping lyrics under his breath. He is performing well in school, but his behavior is distracting others.

Charlie isn’t hyperactive like this at home, but his mother is concerned. His mother wants you to prescribe him Xanax for anxiety and Adderall for ADHD. After you do an extensive interview with Charlie, you realize that he is just bored in his U.S History class and would rather be playing basketball in P.E.

However, Charlie’s mother insists that you write a few prescriptions. Research suggests that medical professionals (Doctors, Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistant’s, etc.) are often pressured to write prescriptions even when they don’t believe that it is the best thing to do for the patient.

Your investigation has led you to believe that Charlie just needs more physical exercise. But his mother continues to insist that Charlie needs medication. How would you explain to his mother what you plan to do?

Discuss how social structure(made up of social patterns, norms,and institutions)can produce inequality in Canadian society



QUESTION: Discuss how social structure(made up of social patterns, norms,and institutions)can produce inequality in Canadian society

Write a comparative analysis between healthcare in the United Kingdom and India, comparing their strengths and weaknesses in both countries.

Healthcare in the United Kingdom and India

Write a comparative analysis between healthcare in the United Kingdom and India, comparing their strengths and weaknesses in both countries.

Why is it so important to formulate strategies in this specific order? Based on your perspective, is one type of strategy formulation more effective than another for an acute care hospital? Why or why not?

Categories of strategy formulation

There are 5 categories of strategy formulation available to utilize: directional strategies, adaptive, market entry, competitive, and implementation strategies. To be effective, the strategies must be formulated in a specific order.

Why is it so important to formulate strategies in this specific order?

Provide an example of each category of strategy formulation for discussion.

Based on your perspective, is one type of strategy formulation more effective than another for an acute care hospital? Why or why not?

How relevant was the information to your practice and setting? Describe your work with a client in which you used or witnessed at least two of the categories that were found to be instrumental in establishing good mental health care.

Practioner Relationships and Quality of Care with Low Income People with Mental Illness

Read the article Practioner Relationships and Quality of Care with Low Income People with Mental Illness by Norma C. Ware et al. which you can find on blackboard.

In a one to two page paper respond to the following questions/statements:

How relevant was the information to your practice and setting?
Describe your work with a client in which you used or witnessed at least two of the categories that were found to be instrumental in establishing good mental health care.

Demonstrate your understanding of the topic, demonstrating analysis of critical issues and reflection on what you have learned and the implications for your own practice.

Punishment and Penal Policy


Your task is to produce two 500 word blog entries (overall word count 1000 words +/- 10%). One of these relates to the knowledge of the topic and one relates to reflection. Both blogs must be completed for this task. The blogs are designed for you to demonstrate your understanding of the topic, demonstrating analysis of critical issues and reflection on what you have learned and the implications for your own practice. This artifact is designed to achieve and assess learning outcomes 1, 3 and 4.

Blog 1

You should produce a 500 word blog entry, choosing one topic from the list below:

Issues in prison (such as overcrowding, drug use, culture etc.)

Effectiveness of community sentences

Use of the third (voluntary) sector in prison and/or probation services

Blog 2

You should produce a 500 word reflective blog based upon your learning from blog 1. You should consider what you have learned and how this might impact your practice. If you are not currently working with cases you might consider how this might inform future practice. You might consider the extent that exploration of the topic has challenged your own understanding and values. You may refer to a case in this reflection if you feel this illustrates your point (please use a pseudonym or initials) but this should be as concise as possible.

Additional Guidance:

Your blogs do not require an overall introduction and conclusion. Your blogs must be underpinned by the academic literature. Your blogs should include a single reference list at the end to cover both blogs. The references for this artifact must be in APA 7th edition. Include an overall title for the piece and clearly identify your blogs with sub-headings. You are encouraged to use a model of reflection to aid your reflective blog (for example, Kolb, Gibbs, Driscoll etc.).

How does the problem manifest in this situation. What are the events/facts in the case that stem from the problem. In other words: what are the symptoms of the problem?

Leadership Case

Clearly articulate the problem (one key problem). For example, if you go to a doctor and say: I have a runny nose, I have a sore throat, and my head hurts the MD will, based on their expertise in the field, state that the overreaching problem is the flu (and not that your nose is runny which is only a symptom of the problem). Similarly here, once you identify all the issues/symptoms based on the expertise you have from this class identity the overreaching problem.

o State the problem (Support your statement with class material why is this a problem? Emotional control/maturity, culture, leadership, organizational change, bureaucracy, perceptions, power dynamics/powerlessness etc.)

o How does the problem manifest in this situation (Facts from the case) what are the events/facts in the case (i.e. runny nose) that stem from the problem. In other words: what are the symptoms of the problem?

o What are the consequences (i.e. How may this problem influence others, the organization, teams etc.). (Conclusions based on identified facts)

How does DesJardins see the interaction between ethics and culture? Do you agree with his characterization?

Interaction between ethics and culture

From Chapter 4, How does DesJardins see the interaction between ethics and culture? Do you agree with his characterization?
Give philosophically adequate arguments. Give an accurate analysis of the arguments presented and to give well-constructed arguments. Lastly, give an accurate account of the theories and terms presented in the reading

Identify the specific sampling approach that you would use. Briefly summarize the approach and explain why it is appropriate for the scenario.


Decide which sampling approach would be most appropriate for each of the scenarios described below. You should carefully review the “Considerations” section below before deciding which approach you believe is most appropriate.
For each scenario, please:
State which general approach, probability or non-probability, would be more appropriate. Explain why.
Identify the specific sampling approach that you would use. Briefly summarize the approach and explain why it is appropriate for the scenario.
Briefly explain how you would actually recruit participants. In other words, explain how you would actually apply the sampling approach and find/choose people to participate.

What is “private” about this space? What is “public” about this space? Is the setting meant to foster community engagement in the public sphere or is it designed o foster private reflection…or both?

Sociology of Culture

Essay Assignment #3 . Discussions may go beyond this date and will be posted in the discussion board.

Material culture embodies the non-material, and a deeper understanding of cultural content, images, ideas, and representations from the various interpretive readings in your text, MEDIA AND CULTURAL STUDIES, as well as the additional readings on the “Evolving Monument” and the social construct of the “Statue of Liberty”, building, placement, and generational viewing are preparations for doing an observational analysis of culture, materially and non-materially.

The cultural production process and culture consumption processes are open to interpretations through the encoding/decoding process. Sociologically, we can use significant categories like age, gender, class, race/ethnicity, nationality, religion/sprituality to establish dominating patterns of representation. The Essay requires observations, documentation, and analysis of cultural embodiment in this project on monuments.


Identify and select a monument in your community (your LI town, city borough, what you consider to be your physical community. You will make at least 2 on-site visits to the monument, photodocumenting the monument, any textual signage, the setting of the monument, any observations of other people (socially distancing) who visit to the monument to see the monument or to use the space for other purposes. What is “private” about this space? What is “public” about this space? Is the setting meant to foster community engagement in the public sphere or is it designed o foster private reflection…or both?

You will photodocument and you will need to write notes of your observations to use in your essay.


5 typed pages in the following order: (plus attachments)

Page 1: Name (the official name and location) of your monument. Include 2 of your photoimages.

Page 2, 3, 4: In sentences & paragraphs, describe the material aspects of the monument and describe the non-material (symbolic) representations and meaning of the monument. Start with what is “officially” designated. You can add interpretations of multiple meanings based on age, race/ethnicity, gender,,, class, and other sociological categories that imply differential perspectives.

Use your photos as a springboard, and write your descriptions of the monument, the setting, and the “interaction” of others in the space of the monument. What is said? Did you engage anyone in a conversation about the monument.

Does your monument have any history or current responses (like the wave of anti-confederate protests and alterations of confederate statues)? If so, what? If not, do you think there should be some type of “alteration” removing, defacing, relocating….”?

Page 5: Discuss your views on these representations. Are there images that you identify with? Are the images/representations those that you believe should be changed? If so, in what form?

Attachments: Attach more of your photos; you can use thumbnails for multiple images, limit yourself to 4 pages.