
Identify complex problems, creatively promoting awareness. Select use adapt current approaches to support children. Critically self-reflect and evaluate factors which have an impact on achievement.

Promotional campaign mental health and well-being promotional campaign – screen castify

Design a promotion campaign for raising awareness of mental health and well being through the design of suitable artifacts.

Learning Outcomes
Identify complex problems, creatively promoting awareness.
Select use adapt current approaches to support children.
Engage with academic and professional audiences using desired communication methods.
Critically self-reflect and evaluate factors which have an impact on achievement.

Supporting the mental health and well being of children young people with send should be high on the agenda.
Raising awareness understanding and providing practical tools can be effectşive way support mental health well being
Creating campaign enables students to be creative, innovative and think outside the box.


Identify the key Project and Event management principles employed in managing this Event. Critically analyze the core fundamental operational activities used in running this national Event.

Event management

Employed as an Event analyst, explore, address, and answer the elements below in relation to
your chosen festival. Specifically, your report should cover the following:

Identify the key Project and Event management principles employed in managing this Event.

Critically analyze the core fundamental operational activities used in running this national Event.

Analyze and evaluate the main sustainability issues of this Event in terms of design inputs and outcomes.

Appraise the concept of corporate social responsibility and its issues in undertaking this Event.

Examine and consider the improvement of stakeholders’ well-being in running this festival

What is a Key Performance Indicator (KPI)? Explain the importance of developing metrics and KPIs in logistics and supply chain operations.

Supply Chain Unit 3 – Discussion Board

What is a Key Performance Indicator (KPI)?
Explain the importance of developing metrics and KPIs in logistics and supply chain operations.
Explain what metrics indicate and how they can benefit an organization.

Which of the choices above is the most important to you? Why? Think of an example of an environmentally friendly meal you could make at home. In what way(s) is this meal environmentally friendly?

Environmental Science Unit 3 – Discussion Board

Eating food grown using sustainable methods, such as natural pesticides and crop rotation, is better for the environment than eating food grown using conventional methods, such as synthetic pesticides.
Eating plant-based food is better for the environment than eating meat-based food. Plants require less land, water, and resources than livestock.
Eating imperfect food reduces food waste. A great deal of fruits and vegetables are thrown away because of their appearance.
Eating locally grown food reduces CO2 emissions from transportation.

Watch this video to learn more about how your food choices impact the environment.

Link to the video:

Imagine that you want to use your food choices at home to practice environmental sustainability. Thinking about the choices above, answer the following questions:

Which of the choices above is the most important to you? Why?
Think of an example of an environmentally friendly meal you could make at home. In what way(s) is this meal environmentally friendly?


Describe ways that you may have addressed or recognized a power imbalance, and whether or not that imbalance had an institutional component. What did you learn? How does the Christian world view contribute to providing cross cultural care?

Cultural Humility

Cultural humility is not only a concept apropos to overseas missions. It happens increasingly as our communities grow more diverse over time. A good way to think about cultural humility is in the context of your day to day. Do you think about how you encounter different cultures in your everyday life? Perhaps you have patients who are immigrants or who adhere to a different way of life than you. Or perhaps your co-workers have a different demographic background than you. It is important to consider how we practice cultural humility on a consistent basis.
Reflect upon this week’s lesson and on your experiences as a healthcare worker day to day. In particular, think about some of the times in which you encountered people from cultures other than the one you are most familiar and comfortable with.

In your initial post, take some time to consider your experiences providing cross cultural care.
Have there been times that you have found this challenging? Consider and share a specific scenario that challenged you.
Describe ways that you may have addressed or recognized a power imbalance, and whether or not that imbalance had an institutional component. What did you learn?
How might you approach that differently today or how would you advise a nursing or medical student to approach a cultural challenging scenario?
How does the Christian world view contribute to providing cross cultural care?

Demonstrate systematic understanding of the theories and principles which inform syllabus design. Relate the principles of syllabus design to the evaluation and critical analysis of current and recent methods.

Syllabus design.

1 Demonstrate systematic understanding of the theories and principles which inform syllabus design.

2 Relate the principles of syllabus design to the evaluation and critical analysis of current and recent methods.

Why was this approach effective or ineffective? How might another approach have positively or negatively impacted the outcome? Your example may be personal, that of a friend or family member, from fiction, or from media.

My HR Experience

Discuss an example where a manager succeeded or failed in supporting an employee. Identify:
What is/was the issue?
How it was addressed?
Which theory from (Classical Theory of Motivation, Herzberg’s TwoFactor Theory, McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y, or Equity Theory) would best describe the approach in this situation and why?
Why was this approach effective or ineffective?
How might another approach have positively or negatively impacted the outcome? Your example may be personal, that of a friend or family member, from fiction, or from media. If the example isn’t personal , provide the source or some context for the source, as applicable.

Aim to integrated sources throughout and have your sources ‘interact’ with one another; for example, how might they support each other or challenge each other?


• Paper should be analytical and not descriptive.

• Create an effective thesis statement that makes an argument/claim about a

particular area/component/aspect of a classic or contemporary discourse in WGST.

• Use academic research to support claim/argument and demonstrate a logical, thoughtful argument throughout that demonstrates effective and accurate use of 5 scholarly sources.

• Paper must attend to intersectionality.

• Use first person only; “I argue…” “From hooks (2000), I understand that…”

• Avoid phrases such as “society” “economy”, etc., as these say too much and not enough; be specific—patriarchal capitalism, for example, is more specific.

• Avoid generalizations and sweeping claims. Attend to nuisances.

• A maximum of two short (less than 40 words) quotes or one (longer than 40 words) quotes can be used (see OWL Purdue for how to do block quotes for longer quotes).

• Direct all APA, citing, formatting questions to the OWL Purdue Writing Lab or the various resources listed on SAKAI.

• Use author’s last name, not book/chapter/article titles in essay. Example, “hooks (1989) argues…” as opposed to “In From Margin to Centre (1989), hooks argues…”

• NOTE: 5.5 pages is not considered 6. While you can go over slightly, try to adhere to 6 pages (7 pages would be acceptable).

Required sources:

• Minimum of 5 scholarly sources must be used effectively. Sources should be academic books, journal articles from peer reviewed sources. If using more than 5 sources, ensure each is used effectively.

• Aim to integrated sources throughout and have your sources ‘interact’ with one another; for example, how might they support each other or challenge each other?

• Additional sources include that can be included in addition to the 5 scholarly sources: lecture content may be used in limited amounts (i.e., information from one or two lectures, maximum); videos/documentaries can be used but only in addition to the 4 academic sources.

• Start with course sources! If having trouble, please contact WGST Librarian, Jennifer Thiessen, for more help on relevant academic sources.

Non-exhaustive suggested essay topics:

1. Feminist discourses around the concept of equality; select a particular time frame or area of focus and address how the concept of equality has been understood.

2. Problems and limitations with the notion of a universal concept of womanhood and/or shared oppression. Focus on a specific area or way that this universalizing has been evident and critiqued.

3. How has Crenshaw’s concept of intersectional thinking forced new discourses in WGST? Be specific in focus.

4. Anti-colonial discourse in WGST and the importance of this discourse for the discipline.

5. Challenges to the representation of women as victims within certain feminist theoretical frameworks.

6. Feminist discourses in WGST focusing on activism around ending sexual violence against women.

7. Feminist discourses around the intersections of racialized and gendered violence.

8. Feminist discourses and challenges to the law; focus on a particular topic and how feminists have discussed the topic and the significance of their work to the discipline.

9. Feminist discourses and discussions around the ‘waves’ metaphor.

10.Contemporary third wave feminist discourses around social construction of gender.

11.Discourses in WGST around sex work; focus on a particular aspect of sex work or a particular discourse in WGST around sex work.

12.Contemporary third wave feminist discourses around sex work as work.

13.Discourses around the linguistic shift toward the term ‘sex work’.

Choose some aspects of global policy/legislation and produce a debate about the impact these have on children and young people with SEND.

Essay critical debate global perspectives of disability

Assignment 1 brief:Task 1 Essay Choose some aspects of global policy/legislation and produce a debate about the impact these have on children and young people with SEND. Within the debate you must include critical analysis of how perceptions of SEND are affected by international and local laws, policy and practice. task 1: Essay- Critical debate an essay enables students to develop skills in written communication. It enables the student to demonstrate the ability to construct fluent, logical arguments and bring together different strands of thinking and learning.


Explain the implications of security breaches on technology adoption. Are people hesitant to use the Internet or wireless technology for purchases due to security concerns?

Implications of security breaches on technology adoption.

Explain the implications of security breaches on technology adoption. Are people hesitant to use the Internet or wireless technology for purchases due to security concerns? Are people hesitant to use technology because of privacy concerns? Are these concerns warranted and are they influenced by age, race, or gender? Explain.