
Explain whether you think one can speak of information in this manner. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this approach to studying information, when it is useful, when it is not useful, when it is productive and what are the limits of its productivity.

Critical debates

Scientists and engineers in the 1940s and 1950s worked to develop a general concept of “information” applicable across media and historical contexts. Explain whether you think one can speak of information in this manner. If you like, you may discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this approach to studying information, when it is useful, when it is not useful, when it is productive and what are the limits of its productivity.

Select five random companies, and issue the tracert or traceroute commands for each one. Prepare a report describing the results. Include screenshots to back up the reported findings.

Tracert or Traceroute commands

Select five random companies, and issue the tracert or traceroute commands for each one. Prepare a report describing the results. Include screenshots to back up the reported findings.

What are the differences and commonalities in the themes and arguments across the literature? How well does the evidence support the argument? How do the themes and arguments of the literature fit in with other course readings?

Final Essay Humanities

Write a 5-7 page paper analyzing one or more of the readings/topics/units from this semester. Use at least five sources. In addition to examining the authors’ arguments (there might be many, so PICK ONE and stick with it), students may structure their essay in the following ways (choose two): What are the differences and commonalities in the themes and arguments across the literature (what do other scholars say about the theme or issue)? How well does the evidence support the argument? How do the themes and arguments of the literature fit in with other course readings? What are other approaches or questions that arise from the literature?

Why did Alexander Kerensky and the leaders of the March Revolution decide to continue Russia’s involvement in Word War I? How did this effect the future of their government?

Involvement in Word War I

Answer these questions in as much detail as possible.

1. Why did Alexander Kerensky and the leaders of the March Revolution decide to continue Russia’s involvement in Word War I? How did this effect the future of their government?

2. Identify and explain three advantages enjoyed by the Bolsheviks which allowed them to defeat White forces in the civil war.

3. Identify and explain three factors which were common to the leaders of colonial nationalist movements following World War I.

4. Explain the concept of satyagraha as used by Mohandas Gandhi against British rule in India. Provide at least one example of this technique and its effectiveness.

5. Identify and explain three reforms established by Mustafa Kemal in Turkey

In order to understand perceptual development, it is first important to define related concepts. Define and explain: Perception, Sensory Integration, and Tactile Perception.

Ch 6 & 7 activity

Ch. 6
Focus on one aspect of perceptual development one of the senses. Create a toy to foster this area of growth. What do you need to consider?

after reading this chapter, imagine that you are planning a parent meeting for your infant toddler program. The topic is perceptual development. What key points about each sense would you want to share?

Ch 7
Review table 7.21 page 137. Suppose the mother of a child in your care found this information in a popular magazine. She wants to discuss its meaning with you. Consider the following and what you would say:
Her child is healthy and motor growth seems very normal. What would you say?
You have some concerns about some lags and motor development and have been waiting for such an opportunity. What would you say?

Pretend that you are going to conduct a parent meeting. Outline the details of a discussion regarding how to set up an environment to promote gross motor development. Consider the following:
Promoting safety
Fostering development, not pushing it
Teaching parents about developmentally appropriate environments


The activity for Ch. 6 and 7 this week requires you to pretend you are conducting a parent meeting, in which you will present the topic of perceptual development and how to set up an environment to support gross motor development. Keep this in mind as you complete this discussion.

1. In order to understand perceptual development, it is first important to define related concepts. Define and explain: Perception, Sensory Integration, and Tactile Perception.

2. List each of the 5 senses and explain what caregivers need to know about each. How can you support “multi-sensory” experiences outdoors?

Explain the differences and similarities between a peer-to peer network and a client server network.

 A peer-to peer network and a client server network.

Explain the differences and similarities between a peer-to peer network and a client server network.

How should an organization balance access to the documentation against protecting the network from intentional hacking, compromise or damage?

Protecting network

Documenting a network is essential in troubleshooting and support. Explain the security implications in keeping such documentation. How should an organization balance access to the documentation against protecting the network from intentional hacking, compromise or damage?

Will the Federal vaccine mandate result in a major inside security threat after December 8 th deadline?

Federal vaccine mandate

Will the Federal vaccine mandate result in a major inside security threat after December 8 th deadline?

Describe the approach suggested by the author. Does the author cite any research to inform or support the suggestions? Does the author mention the work of any other writers in the article? Would you be comfortable using this approach? Why or why not?

Social Work with People of Diversity

Social work practice involves working with people of diversity. Diversity is not limited to race and ethnicity, but also involves age, special abilities and other aspects of diversity.

Requirements: For this assignment, locate one professional journal article, book, or professional paper which describes some aspect of social work practice with people of diversity in this country. Read the article and identify one technique or
strategy which the author(s) suggest will be helpful in working with this population. Answer the following questions in essay:
▪ Describe the approach suggested by the author.
▪ Does the author cite any research to inform or support the suggestions?
▪ Does the author mention the work of any other writers in the article?
▪ Would you be comfortable using this approach? Why or why not?

Considering the specific undergraduate school you have selected, how will you explore your academic and intellectual interests at the University of Pennsylvania?

Admission essay

Explain your reasons for transferring from your current institution and what you hope to gain by transferring into another institution.
Considering the specific undergraduate school you have selected, how will you explore your academic and intellectual interests at the University of Pennsylvania? For students applying to the coordinated dual-degree and specialized programs, please answer these questions in regard to your single-degree school choice; your interest in the coordinated dual-degree or specialized program may be addressed through the program-specific essay.

*At Penn, learning and growth happen outside of the classrooms, too. How will you explore the community at Penn? Consider how this community will help shape your perspective and identity, and how your identity and perspective will help shape this community.*