
Pick one evidence-based source (within 5 years) and explain why you think this resource is relevant and beneficial to you and your nursing practice.

Nursing practice.

Pick one evidence-based source (within 5 years) and why you think this resource is relevant and beneficial to you and your nursing practice.

The resource must address ONE of these four categories: (Identify which category you are addressing in your posts.)

1. Gathering Evidence
2. Analyzing the Literature
3. Implementing the Evidence into Practice
4. The BSN’s Role in EBP

Explain what tort would be involved if the injured party filed suit. Provide an analysis of applying the elements of the tort to the facts of the case, including providing your opinion on the most-likely result if a lawsuit were brought over each instance.

Torts, Part 1

For this report, you are to create your own “Top 10 Sports Torts List.” Start by finding 10 of the most bizarre, craziest, dumbest, most violent, wildest, or simply most interesting instances of one person doing something to another person involving sports – it can be player-on-player, player-on-fan, fan-on-fan, or even anything involving referees or other event personnel.

Then, for each instance:

(1) Explain what happened.

(2) Explain what tort would be involved if the injured party filed suit.

(3) Provide an analysis of applying the elements of the tort to the facts of the case, including providing your opinion on the most-likely result if a lawsuit were brought over each instance.

Estimate the effect of receiving a cistern on private requests exploiting the random assignment to the treatment group as an instrumental variable for cistern ownership, including municipality fixed effects Interpret the results.

ECO372-Assignment 3

(a) Estimate the OLS relationship between cistern ownership and clientelist private goods requests of citizens to politicians, with and without the inclusion of municipality fixed effects (ImunID2ImunID40). Interpret the results. [1 pt].
[Hint: use regress command; cluster standard errors at the neighborhood cluster level using cluster(clusters) option]

(b) Estimate the effect of random assignment to the treatment group on (a) the probability of receiving a cistern (firststage) , as well as on (b) the probability of making private requests to political representatives during the electoral period (reduced form), including municipality fixed effects (ImunID2ImunID40) Interpret the results. [2 pts]
[Hint: use regress command; cluster standard errors at the neighborhood cluster level using cluster(clusters) option]

(c) Estimate the effect of receiving a cistern on private requests exploiting the random assignment to the treatment group as an instrumental variable for cistern ownership, , including municipality fixed effects (ImunID2ImunID40) Interpret the results. How does this IV estimate relate to the estimates from question b above? [4 pts]
[Hint: use ivregress command; cluster standard errors at the neighborhood cluster level using vce(cluster clusters) option]

Using the larger dataset made available for the assignment, generate estimates of the discontinuity in employment rates of Black individuals using linear, quadratic, and cubic polynomial models on the running variable, including state and year fixed effects.

ECO372-Assignment 3

(a) Present the summary statistics (mean, standard deviation) for all of the variables in states and time periods in which a Democrat won the gubernatorial election relative to those in which the Republican gubernatorial candidate won the
election, for black and white individuals separately. Briefly characterize this population and interpret the results [2 pt].

[Hint: use regress command using these predetermined and outcome characteristics as dependent variables, using option if black2==1; cluster standard errors at the state level using cluster(state2) option]

(b) Generate a set of Regression Discontinuity plots for Black and White individuals separately to show (a) the mean employment rate by win margin cell
(using the margin of victory grouping cells (marginggg) as the running variable,
as well as (b) the fit of the relationship between groupspecific employment rates and the running variable and potential discontinuity in states and time periods in which a Democract gubernatorial candidate won the election, using polynomial models. Interpret the results. [3 pts]
[Hints: use collapse command, with option by(marginggg black2) cw. After running regressions on collapsed data and using the predict command to generate fits of the regression models, use the following graph command to generate each figure: twoway (scatter y x if z==1, xline(c_o)) (line y_hat x if z==1)]

(c) Using the larger dataset made available for the assignment, generate estimates of the discontinuity in employment rates of Black individuals using linear, quadratic, and cubic polynomial models on the running variable (margin of victory, or marginvvv), including state and year fixed effects. Assess the robustness of the estimates with and without predetermined individual controls (e.g., gender, age, education, marital status). Replicate the empirical exercise for White individuals. Interpret the results. [5 pts]
[Hint: Estimate OLS regression models with i.state2 and i.year2 fixed effects, cluster standard errors at the state2 level]

(d) Generate analogous RD estimates using the local polynomial RD estimation using the Calonico, Cattaneo and Titiunik (2016) optimal bandwidth and robust (biascorrected) confidence intervals procedure, for Black and White individuals separately. Interpret the results. [2 pts]
[Hint: use rdrobust command using vce(cluster state2) option]

(e) Estimate the balance of predetermined covariates around the discontinuity as tests of the RDD continuity assumption using the available data, for Black and White individuals separately. For simplicity, you can use the Calonico, Cattaneo, and Titiunik (2016) rdrobust procedure. Interpret the results. What other tests could be conducted if you had access to the raw individuallevel data? [3 pts]

(f) Bonus question: using the regression models in part (1c), test whether the election outcome at the discontinuity has statistically significantly different effects for Black and White individuals in these states. [No hints] [Bonus: 3 pts]

How is Arabic lettering used creatively in contemporary graphic design?

Arabic lettering

How is Arabic lettering used creatively in contemporary graphic design?

How has Pepe’s Pizzeria helped its loyal customers retain their sense of belonging with the brand, even after diversifying to different locations?

Marketing concepts

Using information from the case and the video, answer the following questions:

1. What are the disadvantages local establishments like Pepe’s Pizzeria face when expanding into different areas?

2. How has Pepe’s Pizzeria helped its loyal customers retain their sense of belonging with the brand, even after diversifying to different locations?

3. Briefly explain the public relations, advertising, and marketing techniques used by Pepe’s Pizzeria while expanding to new locations.

4. Briefly describe consumer market segmentation (demographic, geographic, psychographic, and behavioral). How is the consumer market different than business markets?

Should covid 19 vaccine be a choice or mandatory?

Covid 19 vaccine

Should covid 19 vaccine be a choice or mandatory? with at least six scholarly sources (absolutely no popular sources, Internet sources, encyclopedia entries, or article abstracts). You will need at least ten parenthetical citations from those sources. If possible, narrow your subject to a particular topic on which you can write knowledgeably. Your sources must include at least one book, at least one scholarly journal article, and at least one newspaper/news magazine article.

Write a statement of purpose for the university admission in Masters in Engineering Management (MEM) at San Jose State University.

Statement of purpose

Write a statement of purpose for the university admission in Masters in Engineering Management (MEM) at San Jose State University.

Explain the advantages and limitations of consuming legumes as protein sources. Identify the vitamins and minerals found in legumes but not in meat. What other characteristics do legumes have that meats do not?

M2 protein intake

Answer the following questions.  Remember to show all your calculations and indicate units after every number.

Based on your three-day average, how many grams of protein do you consume daily?
How many calories does this represent?
What percent of your average calorie intake was contributed by proteins?
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends between 10 to 15 percent of our total calories be supplied by protein. How does your protein intake compare with this recommendation?   Explain, using examples, how you currently meet this recommendation or how you could alter your diet to meet this recommendation. What specific foods could you reduce (or increase), and what foods would you use to replace those foods, to bring your total protein intake within the recommended range?
How does your average protein intake compare with the RDA for your age and gender? (The RDA for protein can be found on page A at the end of the text, following the index.)   Discuss the risks associated with over consumption and under consumption of protein.
Explain the advantages and limitations of consuming legumes as protein sources. Identify the vitamins and minerals found in legumes but not in meat. What other characteristics do legumes have that meats do not?  Are the major sources of protein in your diet plant based or animal based?  Would plant based proteins have less environmental impact?  Why or why not?
Are high protein/low carbohydrate diets safe?  Why or why not?  What did you decide?  Support your claims/position with scientifically supported research using proper citations.
Considering what you have learned about protein, what is your opinion of protein supplements?  Defend your answer.
As your text points out, there are health benefits to vegetarian diets. However, certain types of vegetarian diets can pose health risks. What are those risks, and how can they be avoided?
What are complementary proteins? Give three examples of how several foods can be combined to yield complementary proteins.

Show for each of these properties how the corresponding “function of y+” is related to the gradient of the velocity profile of the mean flow, that is given by: ‘( ) df duf y dy dy

Turbulence scaling in the wall region + damping functions

The wall region of a (2D, incompressible) turbulent boundary layer displays a universal structure, which is known as the law of the wall. According to this concept, the properties of the flow can be expressed uniquely in terms of the socalled wall scaling (also referred to as the use of ‘wall units’).
In addition, it is commonly assumed that across the wall region the total shear stress is approximately constant: constantvisc turb w

One element of this law of the wall is that the velocity profile of the mean flow satisfies an expression
of the following type:

( ) u f y; where: *; with: * /* w
u yvu y vv

a. Derive from this wall scaling, by means of an elementary dimensional analysis, the scaling of
the following (kinematic) properties of the turbulence:

1. the (specific) turbulent shear stress:
/ turb u v
2. the eddy viscosity:
3. the mixinglength:
In the scaling scale only the kinematic properties that are relevant for the wall region (
*v and ) are used; in other words: determine for each of the above variables how they are to be nondimensionalised, such that: dimensionless property = function of y+.

b. Show for each of these properties how the corresponding “function of y+” is related to the gradient of the velocity profile of the mean flow, that is given by:
‘( ) df duf y dy dy

c. Consider the behaviour of the expressions found in (b), for the limit y+>>1, which constitutes the overlap region, in which the logarithmic velocity profile holds.
Use the results to show that in this overlap region the original (i.e. nonscaled) kinematic turbulence properties mentioned in (a), are independent of viscosity.

The effect of the viscosity on the turbulence in the wall region is often described by using socalled ‘damping functions’, which are defined as: ‘effective value’ = damping function * ‘fully turbulent value’ where the ‘fully turbulent value’ corresponds to the behaviour of a variable in the overlap region, where the effect of the viscosity can be neglected.
In correspondence to what has been derived in (b), the damping functions for the eddyviscosity and for the mixinglength can be derived from the shape of the velocity profile.

d. An accurate description of the velocity profile in the entire wall layer, including the viscous region, is given by Spalding’s implicit expression, which reads:
2 3 ( ) ( )1 2 6 B u u u y u e e u

Show that this expression satisfies the two familiar limits of the law of the wall:

u y (viscous sublayer)
1 ln( )u y B
(overlap region)

e. Derive the expressions for both damping functions (i.e., for the eddy viscosity and for the mixing length), as they follow from Spalding’s law of the wall.

Investigate the behaviour of both damping functions for small values of y+ (i.e. determine the first term of the series expansion for small y+).

Plot both damping functions for the interval 0  y+  100. In the calculations use for the constants in the law of the wall the standard values κ = 0.41 and B = 5.0.

Hint: maintain in the derivations u+ as the independent variable, and make use of the relation that:
1/ /du dy dy du