
How clear is the message? Are the image(s) and language used, spacing of graphics, placement of object used appropriate? Why or why not? What assumption, specifically related to the assigned model, is the message making, and how plausible?

Public service announcement critique

The undesirable health condition that the message wishes to improve or the desirable health condition that the message wishes to maintain The assumed context (target audiences, where, when, historical circumstances, etc.) The behaviour change that is promoted.

A critique of the message and the model: (40%)
How clear is the message?
Are the image(s) and language used, spacing of graphics, placement of object used appropriate? Why or why not? What assumption, specifically related to the assigned model, is the message making, and how plausible?
How can knowledge of the assigned model be used to improve on the message?
What other behaviour change assumptions (unrelated to the assigned model) is the message making?
Is there anything about the health condition/situation that the model does not adequately address?

Will investing in carbon capture usage and storage, will help to achieve UK green industrial Revolution aim?

Carbon capture usage and storage

Will investing in carbon capture usage and storage, will help to achieve UK green industrial Revolution aim?

explain the difference between federal and unitary states with reference to the UK constitution. Analyze the development of the law governing devolution to some of the UK nations.

In light of the way devolution to the UK nations has developed since 1998, the UK can no longer sustain being a unitary state and should become a federal state.

Critically evaluate this statement in light of the legal development of national devolution within the UK.
The essay requires you to:
Concisely explain the difference between federal and unitary states with reference to the UK constitution.
Analyze the development of the law governing devolution to some of the UK nations (discussing at least two of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland)
Evaluate whether the UK would be able to be more effectively governed as a federal state, in light of your analysis
throughout the entire essay, develop a balanced argument that will either agree or disagree with the statement, addressing relevant counter-arguments.

Based on the video and what you have learnt thus far, create a reflective summary on childhood obesity, its statistics worldwide and in Australia, and some of the underlying causes.

Lifespan Nutrition

Activity 1: Childhood obesity (approx. 300 words)

Watch the following video by Margaret Chan, director-general of WHO on childhood obesity.
Chan, M. (2014). WHO on child obesity and nutrition. Retrieved from

Based on the video and what you have learnt thus far, create a reflective summary on childhood obesity, its statistics worldwide and in Australia, and some of the underlying causes. Refer to current research and government statistics in your summary.


Interpret and follow an extended set of lab protocols over 4 days, preparing and organising a set of practical activities, requiring time management and personal planning and to design and complete further experiments, as required, depending on the experimental results obtained.

AKR1C3 lab report

Purify an over-expressed recombinant protein (AKR1C3) from bacteria, determine its purity, complete initial, then more detailed kinetic characterisation of the protein purified.

Explore the kinetic properties of an unknown ligand against the purified protein.

Interpret and follow an extended set of lab protocols over 4 days, preparing and organising a set of practical activities, requiring time management and personal planning and to design and complete further experiments, as required, depending on the experimental results obtained.

Record experimental lab data in a lab book in an organised and self-explanatory style with sufficient detail, so that another biochemist could understand the experiments done, the data collected, the analysis used, and repeat the experiments getting the same or similar results. Some useful tips and guidance is available in this article:

Write a short scientific paper (“the AKR Report”) to analyse and interpret the experimental data collected, list the aims of the experiments, introduce the background information, summarise the methodology, report the experimental results and the quality of the data by the appropriate statistical methods, and discuss the experimental outcomes within the context of the wider literature.

How is public administration different from private management? What are the implications of these differences for the public administrator in the areas.

Public Administration

You will be asked to respond to a broad-based question about public administration. You will be asked to demonstrate critical thinking about a controversial issue in public administration and take a position on which course of action would be the best approach for public administrators.

Final Essay Question: How is public administration different from private management? What are the implications of these differences for the public administrator in the areas of a) decision making; b) human resource management; and (c) Classical Organizational Theory

Items to include are outlined as follows:

• An abstract, introduction, background on the issue, detailed presentation of the importance of the issue, discussion of possible solutions, and a recommendation for the solution.

• Two tables and/or figures to help convey key points.

• Length of assignment: 2-3 pages, excluding tables, figures, title page and reference page.

• Format of assignment: APA

• Number of citations: 5

• Acceptable sources include scholarly articles published within the last five years.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Clearly defined business research problem. Identify a dataset sourced from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) website that will enable you to address your chosen business research problem.

Research Methods in Business Practice

1. Clearly defined business research problem.
2. Brief Literature Review covering relevant concepts, models and/or theories.

3. Identification of a dataset sourced from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) website that will enable
you to address your chosen business research problem.

4. Quantitative analysis of the dataset using tools and techniques from the unit with the submission of the spreadsheet along with your individual written Report.

5. Visualisations of data drawn from your quantitative analysis (e.g. tables, charts, graphs).

6. Findings and conclusions drawn from the quantitative analysis of the dataset that addresses the business research problem.

Explain the sources of conflict in Elaine’s interaction with customer service and David. Explain the ways you would assess Elaine’s approach to managing the conflict. Identify advice that you would give, as a leader, to Elaine to improve her interactions and conflict management.

Organizational Theory and Behavior Unit VI Case Study

Review the case study “Elaine’s Challenging Experience” on pages 328–329 in the course textbook. Then, write a two-page paper that addresses the criteria below.

Explain the sources of conflict in Elaine’s interaction with customer service and David.

Explain the ways you would assess Elaine’s approach to managing the conflict.

Identify advice that you would give, as a leader, to Elaine to improve her interactions and conflict management.

When you picture a scientist, what does that person look like? When you were a child, how did you picture scientists? What role does gender stereotyping play in the tendency for girls to grow up to be scientists? How does this vary around the world?

What We Learn From 50 Years of Kids Drawing Scientists and Understanding Why Girls Underperform at Science

When you picture a scientist, what does that person look like?
When you were a child, how did you picture scientists?
What role does gender stereotyping play in the tendency for girls to grow up to be scientists?
How does this vary around the world?
What kind of cultural messages do we send to children by the way different professions are portrayed in the media, books, movies, and television?
How can we help all children overcome stereotypes that may influence their educational performance?

Analyze the impact of sociocultural, economic, and environmental influences on health care policies to understand consumer challenges related to equity, access, affordability, and social justice in health care.

Nurse Safe Staffing- Literature Review

Assignment Information
In the first part of this project, you identified a consumer challenge related to equity, access, affordability, and/or social justice in health care and analyzed the impact of legislation on the problem. Now, you will be searching the literature to identify potential solutions and ways of recommending them.
Searching for evidence is a critical step in evidence-based practice. You must perform this step to be prepared to offer evidence-based solutions. In this assignment, you will conduct a literature review to find evidence-based approaches to address your identified issue.
Completion of this assignment will demonstrate your achievement of the following course outcomes:
• 4. Analyze the impact of sociocultural, economic, and environmental influences on health care policies to understand consumer challenges related to equity, access, affordability, and social justice in health care.
• 5. Evaluate the political advocacy process to identify opportunities for nursing professional involvement
Assignment Guidelines
1. Identify at least five sources pertinent to the consumer challenge you identified in the first part of this project. At least three of the sources must be articles from professional peer-reviewed publications.
2. In a 4–6-page paper, complete the following:
a. Synthesize your findings from the literature.
b. Based on your findings, identify evidence-based solutions to the problem.
c. Describe methods of advocacy that you could use to present your recommendations.
d. Use APA style for your citations and references.