
Discuss Utilitarian, Deontology, and Peace Making models and your perspective of them.

Will consist of a current and/or controversial topic relevant to your opinion/stance on ethics in Justice, including sound arguments and reasoning for why you believe what you do. You need to discuss Utilitarian, Deontology, and Peace Making models and your perspective of them. The paper must be a minimum of 6 pages but no more than 10 double-spaced pages in length(may include header) and cite and incorporate the material from at least 4 peer reviewed sources using APA writing style, size 12, double spaced, Times New Roman font, and 1” margins.
The Header must clearly have a Title (Research Paper), Your Name, JUST F300X, and Due Date at the top of the first page.
The References Page is not included in the 6 minimum pages per paper.

Explain the history and impact of health insurance on health care reimbursement process and recognize various types of health insurance coverage. Identify the key elements of a managed care contract and identify the role HIPAA plays in the health care industry.


Part 1: For this writing assignment, please explain why the following course objectives are important for medical billers and coder to understand:

Recognize different types of facilities that would employ allied health personnel and discuss options available for certification.
Explain the history and impact of health insurance on health care reimbursement process and recognize various types of health insurance coverage.
Identify the key elements of a managed care contract and identify the role HIPAA plays in the health care industry.

Part 2: Choose either the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) or the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) and describe the certification process for at least two certifications within the organization that you choose. Provide information on the following.

Do Women’s Mate Preferences Change Across the Ovulatory Cycle?

Research Question

Do Women’s Mate Preferences Change Across the Ovulatory Cycle?

How does the use of the materials requisition help control the issuance of materials from the storeroom?

BAM 110 Unit 3

How does the use of the materials requisition help control the issuance of materials from the storeroom?

Based on these estimates, what can you conclude about the effect of the pressure gradient on the stability of a laminar boundary layer?

Instability and transition estimates of laminar boundary layers

A rough estimate of the location of the point of instability (critical point) or transition can be obtained from semiempirical correlations, such as e.g.:

for the point of instability:
,Re exp(26.3 8 )crit H (after Wieghardt)
for the point of transition:
0.4, , Re 2.9(Re )trans x trans (after Michel)

a. Apply these correlations to determine the point of instability and the point of transition for the following selfsimilar boundary layer flows.

Give in both cases the values for Rex as well as Reθ.

i flat plate flow:
1/ 22.591 0.664 RexH x
ii stagnation point flow:
1/ 22.216 0.292 RexH x

b. Based on these estimates, what can you conclude about the effect of the pressure gradient on the stability of a laminar boundary layer?

c. The velocity profile of the asymptotic suction boundary layer is given by the exponential function:
1 with: w
yvu eu

where wv is the normal velocity at the wall (for suction wv is negative).

Determine with the given correlation for the instability point, how large the suction velocity
w must be chosen, in order to keep the boundary layer on the margin of stability.

How are manufacturing inventories different from those of a retailer?

BAM 110 Unit 2

How are manufacturing inventories different from those of a retailer?

Describe how one area of Business Law has developed over time and how it is relevant to accountants today. Your description should be supported by relevant cases and statutes.

Business law for accountants

Specific, individual feedback will be sent by e mail with the marked work and generic feedback will be posted on Blackboard within 21 days of the submission date.

In not more than 1500 words (excluding references) answer the task below:


Describe how one area of Business Law has developed over time and how it is relevant to accountants today. Your description should be supported by relevant cases and statutes.
Possible areas include (there are others):
Consumer rights

Duty of Care

Impact of business ethics

What were the differences in food and cooking that have been discussed? What new skills have been acquired during the upper paleolithic era and how did this impact their society and bodies.

Biology week #3

The transformative change that was discussed in this chapter was culture.  Choose 1 of the following questions to answer related to some of the major changes that were seen in the upper paleolithic era compared to the lower. Include 2 sources for areas where you found supporting information, the book can not be considered a source.  Regardless of what question you answer, also include what you learned in this chapter that was most interesting to you!
What were the differences in food and cooking that have been discussed? What new skills have been acquired during the upper paleolithic era and how did this impact their society and bodies.
Art was one of the new ideas brought up in this chapter, What did we see as differences between the neanderthals and the homo sapiens in reference to culture and art?
Communication and differences in how different people (neanderthals vs. homo sapiens) communicated during this time were discussed in detail.  Explain these changes and what we sacrificed for our communication skills.  How do you think modern communications such as social media have shaped our communication now?
Brain sizes were compared in this chapter between different populations and apes/chimps.  Explain what changes were seen and why it is difficult for us to study these brains now.

Calculate from this the expression for the Reynolds analogy factor s, if given that the wall shear stress according to the Blasius solution is: 0.332w. Compare this result to the approximation obtained in part.

Heat transfer from an isothermal flat plate

Consider the development of the thermal boundary layer due to the heat transfer from a heated wall (compressibility and viscous dissipation are neglected). For a flatplate flow (i.e. constant velocity U in the external flow) over an isothermal surface (i.e. constant wall temperature Tw) a selfsimilar thermal boundary layer results, where the shape of the temperature profile still depends on the value of the Prandtl number Pr.

The integral temperature equation, which reads as follows for the problem under consideration:
( ) Pr
p w
qd T u T T dydx c y

can be used for an approximate estimation of the thermal boundary layer development, when assumed shapes of the velocity and temperature profiles are prescribed. Let now both profiles be approximated by a linear relation, i.e.:

(0 )u y yU
1 ( )u yU  1 (0 )T
w T
T T y yT T

0 ( )T
T T yT T

For the case that δT δ it has been shown during the lectures that:
1/ 3 2 / 3/ ( ) 1Pr Pr/ Pr
w p wT
q c T Ts U

where s is the Reynoldsanalogy factor. The first expression directly reveals that this situation corresponds to the case that Pr  1.

a. Derive the corresponding expressions for ζ and s for the case that δT  δ. Show that this corresponds to Pr  1.

Hints: split the integral in two parts for 0  y  δ and for δ  y  δT. Eliminate δT by introducing ζ (= constant!); δ follows from the integral momentum equation.

b. Investigate the behaviour of both expressions for the limit when Pr goes to zero.
N.B.: by “behaviour” it is meant not just the limiting values, but in particular the way in which ζ and s are related to Pr.

c. Give the results of the complete approximation, i.e. for Pr  1 and Pr  1 together, in the form of a graph where 1/ζ and 1/s have been plotted against Pr, on the interval 0 Pr  5. Show that for the limit of Pr going to 1 the results of both approximations match smoothly (continuous in both value and first derivative).
N.B.: for this it is sufficient to prove that for ζ and dζ/dPr both limits (i.e. for Pr coming from either side of 1) are equal.

d. For Pr << 1 the exact solution for the temperature profile can be obtained analytically. As in this case δ << δT, it can be assumed in approximation that the development of the thermal boundary layer takes place completely in the inviscid outer flow. This allows the temperature equation to be simplified to: 2
T T U x y

Derive, by means of a similarity transformation, that the above equation can be written as follows:
2 0

with Θ the transformed temperature profile and η the transformed ycoordinate. Give the expression for η and determine the boundary conditions which θ has to satisfy.
N.B.: this ηscaling is not the usual Blasius scaling, which applies to the velocity profile!

Show that the solution of this equation can be written in terms of the Gaussian errorfunction (see remark below), and derive from this the heat transfer at the wall, expressed by the local Nusselt number:
Nu ( )
q x
k T T

as function of Rex and Pr.

Calculate from this the expression for the Reynolds analogy factor s, if given that the wall shear stress according to the Blasius solution is:
UU x

Compare this result to the approximation obtained in part (b).

Remark: the error function is:
2( )
x terf x e dt
, with ( ) 1erf  .

What were the achievements of the Federalist Era? What were its failings?

The Federalist Era

The Federalist Era is the period of time between the ratification of the Constitution and Jefferson’s inauguration as president. During this time, the new nation struggled to find firm footing. What were the achievements of the Federalist Era? What were its failings?