
For each of those presidents—John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe—discuss one key foreign policy event. Describe the event itself and its significance to the nation.

Foreign policy decisions

The four presidents who followed George Washington faced critical foreign policy decisions. For each of those presidents—John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe—discuss one key foreign policy event. Describe the event itself and its significance to the nation.

Determine from the exact solution data given above the values of S for the Blasius solution and for the suction profile. Integrate the momentum integral equation (numerically) over the domain0 5  , for each of these values of S.

Flat plate boundary layer with uniform suction integral method

The boundary layer on a flat plate with uniform suction (ue(x) = U = constant; vw = constant <0) displays a nonsimilar development. (see the figure below and section 45.2 in White).

Near the leading edge the boundary layer behaves like the Blasius solution, while it develops towards the uniform suction solution for large distance downstream. Properties of these two solutions according to the exact theory are:

1) Blasius solution:
2 0.66411w
x U U x

2) Suction profile:
1u( ) = e U
where: wyv  

Here we apply an integral analysis to compute the (approximate) development of the boundary layer, in particular of the momentum thickness. Under the considered conditions the integral momentum equation is given by:

w w w v vU d + S + dx U
where: =
wS U
and with: ( 0) 0x
The shearparameter S is only a function of the shape of the velocity profile and not of its thickness.

a. The effect of the (constant) parameters U, vw and ν can be conveniently incorporated in a coordinate scaling:

wv= x U
and * wv= (remember that 0wv!)
Verify that with these definitions the integral momentum equation can be written as:

2* 2 * d = Sd
 with: *( 0) 0
Determine from the exact solutions for the Blasius and suction boundary layer (given above) what the solution for
* should be for small and large values of , respectively, and check if these two (asymptotic) results are in agreement with the character of the differential equation given here.

b. The solution of the momentum integral equation requires the value of S, which is not a constant for the entire boundary layer, because the shape of the velocity profile develops with
. We may attempt to simplify the problem by using a constant value of S. Determine from the exact solution data given above the values of S for the Blasius solution
and for the suction profile. Integrate the momentum integral equation (numerically) over the domain
0 5  , for each of these values of S. Plot the results graphically as 2* . vs and compare it to the accurate results of a finitedifference solution of the problem, given in the table below. Also indicate in the graph the asymptotes of the exact solution as determined in part (a). Comment on the accuracy of the followed approach and the impact of the value of S?

c. As the shape variation has an impact on the computation of the boundary layer, it seems a logical step to try to improve the method by introducing a shape parameter λ, similar as in the method of Thwaites, such that:
( ) S . Thwaites’method cannot be applied directly, however, as it does not take the effect of suction (both on the shape and in the momentum equation) into account.
The original definition of the shape factor involves the curvature of the velocity profile near the wall:

2 2
2e w
u y

Evaluate the (differential) xmomentum equation at the wall to show how λ for the general case is related to the pressure gradient and the wall suction velocity. Verify that it reduces to the familiar expression of Thwaites when vw = 0. Derive that for the present problem (where ue(x) = U = constant) it can be directly related to S and
*. Determine the values of λ for the Blasius and the suction profiles. Assume that there is approximately a linear relation between S and λ: S A B , and determine the constants such that the Blasius and suctionprofile values are reproduced. Show that for the current problem the result can be written as: *( ) S S . Repeat the numerical integration, now with this modified (adaptive) relation for S. Compare the outcome with the previous results and comment if it matches your expectations.

Write a roughly 2 page essay on what you learned from the video watched in class about Salvador Dali. Discuss the definition of surrealism, and how Dali affected art and culture.

Art Appreciation

The assignment is to write a roughly 2 page essay on what you learned from the video watched in class about Salvador Dali.
Make sure you discuss the definition of surrealism, and how Dali affected art and culture.
Pay attention to the following topics, and try to touch upon them in your essay:
-Where the ideas of surrealism came from
-Where Dali drew inspiration from
-The effect Dali had on art and popular culture
-Some of the common themes that chnw lin in Dali’q art Submit Assignment

Suppose you had lived during the time period of the 1828 election. Would you have voted for Andrew Jackson? Write a well-constructed essay supporting either Andrew Jackson or the re-election of John Quincy Adams

The campaign of 1828

The campaign of 1828 was unlike any other that had come before it. For the first time electors in most states were chosen by popular vote. The electorate had been expanded so that there was universal suffrage among white males.

Suppose you had lived during the time period of the 1828 election. Would you have voted for Andrew Jackson?
Write a well-constructed essay supporting either Andrew Jackson or the re-election of John Quincy Adams.
Keep the following points in mind as you write your essay:
• Determine your position and plan your essay by listing the reasons for it.
• Be sure you back up your position with clearly stated reasons. Use at least one primary source.
• Include at least 2 citations in MLA format

What events led up to the holocaust? Why did the Germans and jews do what they did? Did anyone resist if so why?

Germans and jews holocaust

What events led up to the holocaust?
Why did the Germans and jews do what they did?
Did anyone resist if so why?

Write a well-organized essay comparing the North and the South and predicting what you think will happen in the West.

The North and The South

Write a well-organized essay comparing the North and the South and predicting what you think will happen in the West. Time period early 1800’s to mid 1800’s
Include the following in your essay:
• Write an essay of least four paragraphs
• Detail two similarities between the two regions.
• Detail two difference between the two regions.
• Discussion the economy, social structure, daily life, and social attitudes of both regions.
• Predict how society and attitudes will develop in the West.
• Include at least 2 citations in MLA or APA format.

Why wouldn’t you want to let a juvenile court judge make the call whether a juvenile should be tried in adult court? Why not enact common sense modifications instead of an all-or-nothing rule?

Juvenile Justice Final Write 

Marsh, now 21, was in court on Monday for a hearing to determine if he should be re-tried in juvenile court. Why? In 2016, California voters passed Proposition 57 which, among other things, changed how juveniles are prosecuted as adults. After Prop 57, DA’s could not send juveniles cases directly to an adult court. They had to go before a juvenile judge at a “transfer hearing” where they had to make a case for transferring a youth to adult court. Lindsey’s transfer hearing is supposed to conclude Friday. Marsh started his on Monday. But here is the question: Will Brown’s signing of SB 1391 hold up in court?California voters approved Prop 57. In California, changes to ballot measures require a public vote. Clearly, Brown weighed this possibility when signing SB 1391. But just as clearly, his signature is going to be legally challenged. If that happens, it will place Attorney General Xavier Becerra squarely in the middle of a battle between DAs and liberal criminal justice reformers in the state legislature.It is true, that too often young kids of color are prosecuted as adults. “Unfortunately, I have seen too many cases over the last 20 years of young immature kids who were followers and ended up in prison for much too long,” said Kevin Adamson, the lawyer representing Lindsey.“The vast majority of those kids were black or Latino, from poverty stricken homes,” he said. “We need to start educating and rehabilitating these kids, not throw them in prisons for massive amounts of time.”There is no question that Adamson is right. But there are exceptions. Marsh is white and does not come from abject poverty. And though Lindsey is African American, so was the victim of his alleged act.Clavo’s family, led by his mother Nicole, is African American. Nicole Clavo is an advocate for young black men. But what happened to her son happened. He really was killed in broad daylight. He really was in a car full of young African American men who also might have been killed.Brown argued that state law allows for extended detention in juvenile facilities in cases of juveniles who still pose a threat when their incarcerations are nearing an end. The state Director of Juvenile Justice can request that the prosecuting attorney petition for more jail time. Theoretically, that petition could result in another trial of the defendant. It sounds good, except neither Schubert nor Reisig can recall this ever happening in their jurisdictions before.Besides, a strong case can be made that Prop 57 is working. In fiscal year 2017-18, the Sacramento County DA filed 1,035 juvenile delinquent cases. But since October of last year, Schubert’s office has only petitioned for five transfer hearings to adult courts. These are rare cases when teens under 16 are prosecuted as adults. “This is not just about public safety, this is about the crimes themselves,” Schubert said. Said Reisig:”Why wouldn’t you want to let a juvenile court judge make the call whether a juvenile should be tried in adult court? Why not enact common sense modifications instead of an all-or-nothing rule?”The DAs need to challenge Brown. Signing SB 1391 was a mistake. One that has deeply affected those victimized by young people like Marsh, who challenge the notion that all youthful defendants are alike.“My thoughts have been completely on the victims’ family,” Reisig said. “I can’t imagine what they are going through. The pendulum is swinging toward criminal defendants and away from victims.”

Is the synthesized contingency analysis more effective in determining function of problem behavior than a standard FA?

Synthesized contingency analysis

Is the synthesized contingency analysis more effective in determining function of problem behavior than a standard FA?

What values and ideas did the writers of the Revolutionary period have in common with their Puritan forebears? What values and ideas did they leave behind?

Revolutionary period

What values and ideas did the writers of the Revolutionary period have in common with their Puritan forebears? What values and ideas did they leave behind?

Describe the role and function of the health information organization (HIO) in the HIE efforts. Explain the concept of interoperability and its importance in healthcare. Explain the requirements of Meaningful Use and its role in the Merit-based Incentive Payment System.

Health Information Exchange (HIE)

Illustrate why the health information exchange (HIE) is a positive step for healthcare
Describe the role and function of the health information organization (HIO) in the HIE efforts.
Explain the concept of interoperability and its importance in healthcare.
Compare and contrast the benefits and barriers of HIE.
Compare and contrast the models and methods of HIE.
Explain the requirements of Meaningful Use and its role in the Meritbased Incentive Payment System.