
Determine for each of these flow fields how a square fluid element is transported and deformed by the flow over a small time interval Δt. Make a clear sketch for each case.

Deformation and vorticity

Each of the expressions given below represents a twodimensional incompressible flow field, with velocity components u and v in resp. the x and ydirection of a Cartesian coordinate frame:

(1) u = Ax v = Ay

(2) u = Ay v = Ax

Here A is a constant, with dimension of [velocity/length]. Assume that A has a positive value.

a. Show that both velocity fields are irrotational and satisfy the (incompressible) continuity equation. Determine for each flow field the shape of the streamlines en sketch the flow pattern (indicate the flow direction).

b. Determine for each of these flow fields how a square fluid element is transported and deformed by the flow over a small time interval Δt. Make a clear sketch for each case.
Determine also for each case which (viscous) normal and tangential stresses work on the sides of the fluid element. Indicate these stresses in the sketch, noting the proper direction of the stresses and their relative magnitude.

c. Show that the flow field of (2) is identical to that of (1) and can be obtained by a rotation of the coordinate frame over an angle of 45o.
Compare the stress situations that have been derived for each case above, and use this to determine the consequence which the orientation of the fluid element with respect to the flow field has on the stress situation.

d. As the velocity field is irrotational (potential flow), it satisfies the flow equations for both inviscid and viscous flow, and the pressure can be obtained from Bernoulli’s relation (see White, section 210).

Compute the pressure field p(x,y) and determine the shape of the isobars in the flow.

Compute explicitly the components of the gradient of the viscous stress tensor
ij j / x ; use this result to explain how the “inviscid potential flow” can also satisfy the viscous flow equations, even though the viscous stresses are not

Assess the level of intercultural competency of staff and volunteers, and design tools to increase and develop the competency. Evaluate our diversity/inclusion initiative activities.

Public Administration

The main project for this course includes the application of fundamentals learned in the course regarding diversity and inclusion. Your task is to develop the mission, vision, and values for the Diversity plan of the public organization.  In addition, you are responsible for developing measurable metrics to evaluate whether the plan met its goals.
NOTE:  Most municipalities at this time should have created a diversity plan for their individual organizations.  You may use the diversity plan created by your local municipality as a guide to complete this assignment.  If your municipality does not have a diversity plan, search through local municipalities for a diversity plan that you can model for completion of your work.

XYZ Municipality’s Diversity/Inclusion Plan
In order to develop XYZ Municipality’s Mission and Vision, senior executive staff are committed to actively fostering diversity, inclusion and cultural competency throughout our programmatic, research, development, and operational efforts of the municipality.
Mission: XYZ   Municipality-
Vision: XYZ     Municipality
Values: XYZ    Municipality

Goal 1:   Build XYZ organization’s capability to execute the long-range inclusion plan
Create a Diversity/Inclusion BOD Standing Committee
Metric 1
Metric 2
Create and lead diversity cross-divisional implementation team
Metric 1
Metric 2
Metric 3
Increase diversity of staff and volunteer population
Metric 1
Metric 2
Metric 3
Assess the level of intercultural competency of staff and volunteers, and design tools to increase and develop the competency
Metric 1
Metric 2
Evaluate our diversity/inclusion initiative activities
Metric 1
Metric 2

Goal 2:  Increase the number of taxpayers people from diverse and underserved populations using our supportive services and
Develop appropriate current and proposed tools to provide information
Metric 1
Metric 2

Develop education and program initiatives regarding diversity and inclusion for Taxpayers
Metric 1
Metric 2

Goal 3:   Design a research agenda focused on diverse population groups to advance our enhance our ability to assist diverse populations
Create the divisional infrastructure to provide oversight and direction to research agenda
Metric 1
Metric 2
Form a Cultural Diversity Research Work Group to develop a set of research questions
Metric 1
Metric 2
Create a request for application process to attract research proposals
Metric 1
Metric 2
Create and implement a plan to translate and disseminate research information

Goal 4:     Support increasing revenues for ethnic and minority businesses, organizations, foundations and individuals with diverse backgrounds, perspectives and experiences.
Design and implement methods to help small businesses receive seed capital.
Metric 1
Metric 2
Goal 5:   Increase awareness; build mutually rewarding relationships and foster collaboration with a broad range of business, community, and foundation leaders and other individuals from diverse backgrounds, perspectives and experiences.
Metric 1
Metric 2
Goal 6:     Promote the increase of diversity/inclusion in other municipalities across Florida
Collaborate with and support other public sector organizations that are addressing diversity and related workforce
Metric 1
Metric 2
 Goal 7:                                                          
Develop and implement education and program initiatives for professionals
Metric 1
Metric 2

How will you utilize your opportunities and deal with threats to succeed in your professional growth. Where you now and what opportunities or threats will aid or impede your progress towards your goals?

Transition to Professional Nursing Practice.

Part 1 – Goals for Transition to Professional Nursing Practice.

In this section, you will write a 2-3 page paper in which you will identify your professional strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. You will also develop professional goals. Developing a plan for your future career goals will layout the clinical and educational resources you need to be prepared for opportunities when they arise. In order to focus your goals, you will be utilizing two of the eight areas of Miller’s Wheel of Professionalism.

Write an outline of your goals, they can be clinical, educational, or both. What are your strengths, weaknesses, and current assets? Where you now and what opportunities or threats will aid or impede your progress towards your goals? How will you utilize your opportunities and deal with threats to succeed in your professional growth. Where you now and what opportunities or threats will aid or impede your progress towards your goals? How will you utilize your opportunities and deal with threats to succeed in your professional growth. What skills or educational requirements are needed to get you where you want to go?

State how you will accomplish these goals. What resources do you need to attain each step and how will those resources be attained. Resources may be funding sources, time resources, and/or commitments from your employer or family and friends.

Develop a time frame. How will you accomplish your goals in 3 or 5 years? How will you stay on track? You may decide you want deadlines for the completion of a phase of your professional development plan, or deadlines for the beginning of each step. However you set up the timeline, it is one of the most critical parts for keeping on track.

Select ONE strength from your wingfinder data and do research on ways to enhance/expand that strength. Identify THREE specific actions you can take to enhance, expand, and refine that strength.

Leadership: Theory and Practice

Research on EI Development Actions (List the SPECIFIC EI behavior you are focused on)

Select ONE strength from your wingfinder data and do research on ways to enhance/expand that strength. Then, identify THREE specific actions you can take to enhance, expand, and refine that strength.


Write one paragraph from your own perspective, explaining/justifying the choices you made in the evaluation section above.

Grant proposal

Read the grant proposal titled “Village Community CPR Training: Let’s Save Lives!” and notice that the evaluation section–a crucial part of any project proposal–is missing. Then, complete the following steps:

Writing from the perspective of the original creators of the grant proposal, craft a 1-2 paragraph evaluation section, in which you detail precisely how you plan to measure and illustrate the success of this project.

Write one paragraph from your own perspective, explaining/justifying the choices you made in the evaluation section above.

How would you describe the speakers’ use of structure and transitional elements to help you follow his speech and argumentation? Did his problems, causes, and solutions link to each other and make sense?

What sort of proposition does the speaker make for their speech? (Is this centered around a proposition of fact, value, or policy, and why?)

What was your knowledge of this issue before hearing about this speech and what was your stance (opposed, no opinion, or in favor)? Did the speakers’ message target you (why or why not)?

How effective were the speakers use of sources and examples in attempting to persuade (and why do you think they were effective or ineffective)? Were there any examples in particular that stuck out to you?

Based on your baseline understanding of logos (logic), ethos (credibility, competence, and character), and pathos (appeal to emotion), how would you rate the speaker’s use of each of these persuasive appeals and why?

How would you describe the speakers’ use of structure and transitional elements to help you follow his speech and argumentation? Did his problems, causes, and solutions link to each other and make sense? (Why were they effective or ineffective?)

Why are you interested in going to a catholic high school? Why should the commitee select you to receive a scholarship? If you receive a scholarship, how do you think it will help you to achieve your future goals?


Essay should be 250 words, double spaced, 12pt Times New Roman

Receiving a scholarship to a Catholic high school is an investment in you! Why are you interested in going to a catholic high school? Why should the commitee select you to receive a scholarship (this is your chance to brag a little bit)? If you receive a scholarship, how do you think it will help you to achieve your future goals?


How does the length of the fatty acid chain and the degree of saturation affect the texture of the fat at room temperature? What is the role of lipids in our body? What do lipids do for us that doesn’t happen in plants?

Chapter 5

1. Describe the importance of fat in the absorption of fat soluble vitamins and phytonutrients like lycopene?

2. How does the length of the fatty acid chain and the degree of saturation affect the texture of the fat at room temperature? Give examples.

3. What is the role of lipids in our body? What do lipids do for us that doesn’t happen in plants?

4. Define the term: Essential fatty acids?

5. Sections 5.2 and 5.3 talk about emulsifiers. What do these do? Why are these important to our digestion and absorption?

6. List and describe the functions of fat in the body?

7. Section 5.2 gives suggestions for removing trans fat from your diet and improving the amount of omega 3. Summarize these dietary suggestions.

8. What is the recommended fat intake as a percentage of total calories?

9. Chapter 5.1 and 5.5 both address the sources of Omega 6 and Omega-3 fatty acids in the diet. Why does the ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 matter? How can you improve the ratio for health benefits?

10. What does hydrogenation mean and why are trans-fats so dangerous?

What common themes did you identify across all treatment examples? What questions do you have in order to clarify your understanding of one or more examples?

Disorder-Specific Systemic Model Applications and Interventions: Part 2

The authors of our readings this week are presenting applications of systemic models to specific problems. What common themes did you identify across all treatment examples? What questions do you have in order to clarify your understanding of one or more examples?

What have you learned about nursing leadership and advocacy during Units III and IV? In what ways have the activities of public health program planning, social marketing, and health policy analysis and creation deepened your understanding of the scope of nursing practice?

Individual Reflections on Unit Learning

Reflecting on Unit III and Unit IV

What have you learned about nursing leadership and advocacy during Units III and IV? In what ways have the activities of public health program planning, social marketing, and health policy analysis and creation deepened your understanding of the scope of nursing practice? How might you apply what you have learned to your Population Health Internship (if you are enrolled in the PHI series) for the remainder of the academic year?