
Is there anything that surprised you about the profession? Reflect on the information provided in the exercise and how it might impact how you think about your career.


1) After reading Fentz and Trillingsgaard (2016), Checking Up on Couples: A Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Assessment and Feedback on Martial Functioning and individual Mental Health in Couples from this unit&amps studies, describe the effects of assessment and feedback on relationship functioning and individual partner health in couples.

What role does assessment play in treatment outcomes at the individual and dyadic levels?


2) After completing the Marriage and Family Therapy Professional Identity – Matching Exercise [DOCX], compare your knowledge with the MFT Professional Identity Matching Exercise Answer Key [DOCX].

In this discussion, answer the following:

Is there anything that surprised you about the profession?
Reflect on the information provided in the exercise and how it might impact how you think about your career.

What are some ideas from the listserve thread that you can incorporate into your response?  What are some ideas from the Pace et. al. article that you can reference in your response? 

Week 4 Yellowdig Discussion

For this week’s discussion, you will address the following topic in multiple Yellowdig posts.  Be sure to address each question. Remember to cite appropriately.

Writing Prompt
Based on the listserv conversation, explain your thoughts on the topic as if you were joining the listserv conversation.
What are some ideas from the listserve thread that you can incorporate into your response?
What are some ideas from the Pace et. al. article that you can reference in your response?
What are some ideas from readings in the course that you can reference in your response?


Which renewable energy source would be more economically and environmentally efficient: solar or wind?

Renewable energy source

Which renewable energy source would be more economically and environmentally efficient: solar or wind?

Compare/contrast Piaget and Erikson. How do these relate to DAP and the whole child approaches?

ECE-301 Module 10

1. Watch the videos below.
2. Answer the following questions  in the discussion forum by clicking on the icon below.
2.1 Compare/contrast Piaget and Erikson.
2.2 How do these relate to DAP and the whole child approaches?


What role does assessment play in treatment outcomes at the individual and dyadic levels? Is there anything that surprised you about the profession?


1) After reading Fentz and Trillingsgaard (2016), Checking Up on Couples: A Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Assessment and Feedback on Martial Functioning and individual Mental Health in Couples from this unit studies, describe the effects of assessment and feedback on relationship functioning and individual partner health in couples.

What role does assessment play in treatment outcomes at the individual and dyadic levels?


2) After completing the Marriage and Family Therapy Professional Identity – Matching Exercise [DOCX], compare your knowledge with the MFT Professional Identity Matching Exercise Answer Key [DOCX].

In this discussion, answer the following:

Is there anything that surprised you about the profession?
Reflect on the information provided in the exercise and how it might impact how you think about your career.

Analytics tools fall into 3 categories: descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive. What are the main differences among these categories?

Discussion Topic

This week’s required readings explain the role that analytics plays in the modern business environment. Consider the following questions and respond in a ***( minimum of 175 words use one Resource):

1. How is data analytics different from statistics?

2. Analytics tools fall into 3 categories: descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive. What are the main differences among these categories?

3. Explain how businesses use analytics to convert raw operational data into actionable information. Provide at least 1 example.

4. Consider the organization you work for (or another organization you’re familiar with). Does this organization use data analytics? If so, how is it used? If not, how could the organization use data analytics to improve its performance?

*Explain Predictive ***(use 50 words No resource use your own words)

*Explain prescriptive ***(use 50 words No resource use your own words)

Examine the process output by calculating the control limits and developing X-bar and R control charts using the data given. Does the process look to be in statistical control?

7.2 Problem Set 5

Wells Fargo wants to investigate its loan application processing time. Table below shows the samples that have been taken from 4 branches for 25 random days. Examine the process output by calculating the control limits and developing X-bar and R control charts using the data given. Does the process look to be in statistical control?

Day Branch 1 Branch 2 Branch 3 Branch 4
1 8 12 37 6
2 20 23 33 20
3 24 19 21 10
4 21 16 29 8
5 12 16 24 14
6 25 12 27 11
7 14 21 23 10
8 10 27 39 23
9 23 15 31 20
10 23 8 23 8
11 17 10 26 21
12 24 24 26 24
13 13 14 19 19
14 9 21 24 13
15 12 9 28 22
16 26 11 14 24
17 20 13 18 23
18 5 20 30 7
19 8 13 22 7
20 28 23 35 12
21 25 14 14 20
22 12 11 31 17
23 21 13 17 23
24 14 15 21 16
25 16 13 24 21

Hinge Manufacturing Company employs a Kanban system for a component part. The daily demand is 1000 hinges. Each container has a wait time of 0.08/day, and a processing time of 0.32 days. The Container size is 60 hinges and the safety factor (α) is 12%. (Note that lead-time is the summation of waiting time and processing time.)
Calculate the number of containers.
What is the maximum inventory of this hinge in the system?



GEICO has inspected one hundred insurance claim forms daily for 25 working days. The number of forms with errors are shown in the following Table. Find , σP, and 3-sigma UCL and LCL. Does the process appear to be in statistical control?

Day Number Nonconforming Day Number Nonconforming
1 2 14 2
2 1 15 1
3 0 16 4
4 3 17 0
5 0 18 3
6 1 19 8
7 0 20 1
8 2 21 0
9 0 22 2
10 1 23 0
11 3 24 2
12 0 25 2
13 10


Using the data below, find the EOQ, the total annual cost associated with the economic order quantity, the reorder point, number of orders per year and the time between orders.

6.3 Inventory Management

Principles of Supply Chain Management LGMT 444
Problem Set 4
Apply ABC analysis for the following items:

Item Number Item Cost
($) Annual Usage
A111 4.0 2,500
B111 1.5 7,500
C111 0.25 4,000
D111 2.0 1,300
E111 55 850
F111 5.5 2,000
G111 0.75 800
H111 1.7 6,000
I111 24 1,100
J111 4 3,500
K111 3.7 1,900
L111 16 1,200

Weekly demand for a product is 250 units with a standard deviation of 60 units (assume 52 weeks per year). Lead-time is 3 weeks. Calculate the safety stock and the reorder point for 98 percent service level.

Using the data below, find the EOQ, the total annual cost associated with the economic order quantity, the reorder point, number of orders per year and the time between orders.

Annual Demand 15,600 units
Weeks Operating 52 weeks/year
Set up Cost $60/order
Holding rate 20%
Unit cost $80 /unit
Lead-Time 5 weeks


What cultural barriers in communication to critical thinkers face? What are several effective communication skills that critical thinkers can practice? What is an issue, problem, or decision that you will apply critical thinking to in your future?

Critical Thinking Symposium

WIT 4: Your WIT for Lesson Four is to write a 2-3 page speech. Imagine that you will be speaking to college students at a Critical Thinking Symposium (in a fun city of your choice). You have been asked to speak to the college students on the challenges and pitfalls of good, clear, critical thinking. Part of your speech will contain a story about the value of good critical thinking in your life.

You may consider the following elements for an effective speech:

1. definition-what is critical thinking?

2. why is critical thinking important (to self, society)?

3. what cultural barriers in communication to critical thinkers face?

4. what are several effective communication skills that critical thinkers can practice?

5. an example of critical thinking lacking in your own life?

6. an example of critical thinking being a positive moment in your own life?

7. what is an issue, problem, or decision that you will apply critical thinking to in your future?

8. closure-what is the most important thing that you want to say about critical thinking?

Be sure to cite the text as you draw upon it to inform your work.

Estimate the average rate at which Neenach and Pinnacles have moved apart since 19 Myr. Estimated average rate of displacement since 19 Myr: km/Myr

Lab 2 Tectonic Plates

Learning GOAL You will examine two points that were originally in the same place along the San Andreas Fault and measure how far they have moved apart. Using GPS velocity data, you will estimate how long it might have taken for this displacement to occur.
Displacement Along the San Andreas. The San Andreas Fault in California is an important part of the boundary between the Pacific Plate to the west and the North American Plate to the east. Between about 19.0 and 24.1 million years ago, a volcano erupted near the western margin of the North American Plate, and later that same volcano was split by a fault in the San Andreas Fault system. The displaced halves of that volcano now form the Pinnacles and Neenach Volcanics (Fig. A2.2.1). Pinnacles now moves with the Pacific Plate and Neenach remains on the deforming edge of the North American Plate,

1. Measure the distance between Neenach and Pinnacles along the San Andreas Fault. Because the fault is not a straight Line on the map, you might want to use a string in the measuring process. Carefully position the string along the curved trace of the fault. Mark the average positions of Neenach and Pinnacles on the string. Straighten the string along a ruler and measure the distance between the two points on the string in millimeters. Each millimeter on the map represents 4 Ion on Earth’s surface. Approximate distance from Neenach to Pinnacles: km

2. The age of the Neenach—Pinnacles Volcanics is between about 19.0 and 24.1 Myr. Based on your answer to the previous question and making the first-order assumption that faulting began soon after volcanism ceased (around 19.0 Myr), estimate the average rate at which Neenach and Pinnacles have moved apart since 19 Myr. Estimated average rate of displacement since 19 Myr: km/Myr