
What is the impact of peer mentoring, with the use of coaching techniques on students’ academic performances and positive wellbeing?

Impact of peer mentoring

What is the impact of peer mentoring, with the use of coaching techniques on students’ academic performances and positive well being?

The following needs to be included:

Introduction – Context and background to planned study area and a critical review. Why relevant and how it will contribute to current research. Potential strengths and weaknesses

Aims – Main aim, what to find out, justify by linking to current gaps in the research area

Research questions – Two or three research questions and underpin the working title

Research position / Paradigm –

Research approach & method – Explain approach, literature to support, justify, why is it appropriate. What other approaches could be considered and why not use them

Data collection analysis – How to show analysis of findings, set out intentions, what data is intended to be collected and what to do with it

Ethical consideration – Ethical approach, any issues

Limitations and research role – Critically reflect on proposal and the role as a researcher. Strengths and weaknesses identified, would it be replicated elsewhere, is it unique, time constraints, is it realistic

Conclusion – How to bring the piece together



Can, and how does, the entrant succeed? Is the incumbent ever in control of this game?

Theory and Strategy

We consider a sequential-move game in which an entrant is considering entering an industry in competition with an incumbent firm (see Figure 15-1). There are several possibilities of how this sequential game will be played. We want to use the Froeb rule of “look ahead and reason back.”

Use Figure 15-1 from the textbook as your starting point to address the following:
Can, and how does, the entrant succeed? Is the incumbent ever in control of this game?

You may wish to review the old game known as Duopoly, as well as Antoine-Augustin Cournot, to help inform your post.
Note: Do not rely on Wikipedia, Investopedia, or any similar website as a reference or supporting source.

Discuss in your essay the personal story that most impacted you and why. If you’re not impacted by any of the stories feel free to write about that and also explain why.

Personal Stories

Part six of the text Discusses the personal stories of a number of individuals. Discuss in your essay the personal story that most impacted you and why. If you’re not impacted by any of the stories feel free to write about that and also explain why. Discuss how your own story of privilege or oppression or both have impacted your life. Introduce your essay with a clear and concise introductory paragraph and conclude your essay with a paragraph to wrap up your ideas. Fill in the body with the three other paragraphs. Submit your work in APA seventh edition format.


To many of us, it is important that we are able to identify the sex of another individual. When there is ambiguity, we often have a sense of frustration. Why is this so (according to KB)? If we were to have a greater tolerance for such ambiguity, what consequences can you think of in everyday life?

Writer’s Choice

Answer the following questions. Each Question has its specific reading that will be below the questions. Answer the questions briefly, just get straight to the point. No more than 4 sentences per question. This is not an essay; so please do not put it in essay format. NO OUTSIDE SOURCES.

Judith Lorber
1.How is gender constructed (according to JL)?
2.Why does society maintain the construction of gender differences (according to JL)?

Kate Bornstein
3.To many of us, it is important that we are able to identify the sex of another individual. When there is ambiguity, we often have a sense of frustration. Why is this so (according to KB)? If we were to have a greater tolerance for such ambiguity, what consequences can you think of in everyday life?

Jenny Stuber
4.How do essentialists and social constructionists see things differently according to Stuber? What is their evidence?

Describes the participants (or studies if a meta-analysis, or documents if a content analysis) you plan to use and the sampling plan for obtaining these participants/studies/documents (omit this section if your study does not have these items).

Gender roles in sports

Part A

You should have completed your proposal draft to include the proposition, literature review, and synthesis. Now you must add the research design and research methods sections. Create a section called Method. In that section you will develop sub-sections that (a) provides an overview of your research approach; (b) describes the participants (or studies if a meta-analysis, or documents if a content analysis) you plan to use and the sampling plan for obtaining these participants/studies/documents (omit this section if your study does not have these items); (c), define the measurement instruments you will employ, if any; and (d) detail the procedures you will follow. See the Sample Proposals in Student Resources (there are three proposals: one for an experiment with a survey, one for a qualitative study, and one for a meta-analysis) for guidance on APA format and how these sub-sections should be organized). Make the corrections from your Week 1 and Week 2 proposal and add this new Method section to it. Submit the whole proposal you have to date, not just the Method portion.

Part B

You should have completed your proposal draft to include the proposition, literature review, and Method section. Now you must complete the following to do the results section.

Create a section labeled Results. This section describes your data recording and analysis process. Most studies will have five sub-sections (Data Recording; Reliability, Validity, and Bias Checks; Descriptive Statistics; Test of Hypotheses/Questions; Exploratory Analyses). This part of your study should be consistent with the earlier sections (i.e., it should fit the research approach and method you selected). See the Sample Proposals in Student Resources for guidance (there are three proposals: one for an experiment with a survey, one for a qualitative study, and one for a meta-analysis).

Be sure to describe the relevant data that will be collected to support your hypotheses and answer your research questions. Show what results must occur from the data analysis to support each of your hypotheses or answer your questions.

If you are doing a quantitative study, the data analysis should follow the steps outlined on pp. 156-158 in your textbook (also refer to the sample proposals in Student Resources for guidance). Also, use Table 8.3 on p. 159 of your textbook and the information in the PowerPoint slides on quantitative analysis to determine the statistical test(s) you will use.

If you are doing a qualitative study, follow the guidelines on pp. 190-198 in your textbook. If you are doing a mix-method study, combine the analysis process for the quantitative portion (pp. 156-158) with the analysis process for the qualitative portion (pp. 190-198).

Assess how sustainable is the industry in which your company operates: its impacts, challenges, trends, and perspectives. Identify top sustainability performers in your industry, country, globally.

Project 2 – Sustainable Business Management Strategy Development

Prepare a report writing about the company Nestle for 6 pages, APA format including a comprehensive analysis, plan, and recommendations for the development of a sustainable business management framework. The resulting report should cover all issues and problems that management needs to address for the successful completion of a company’s establishment or transition to a sustainable business management model. Thus, in your report you should:

 assess how sustainable is the industry in which your company operates: its impacts, challenges, trends, and perspectives;

 identify top sustainability performers in your industry, country, globally;

 assess your company’s sustainability position in the industry, country;

No needs to write for the company review, the introduction or conclusition. This is a group project so please just focus on the 3 bullets as I mentioned above. Link for Nestle’s issue summary is below, please do research for 4 more cites for the paper. Let me know if you have any questions and thank you!

Evaluate how you think your group functioned in carrying out the above tasks.

Self-reflective report

For part of your personal development, you are expected to produce a self-reflective report of around 300 words.
Evaluate how you think your group functioned in carrying out the above tasks. Assess the contribution made by yourself and the other members of your group. This is a self-reflective evaluation.

Discuss the values guiding political advocacy by nurses to mitigate the environmental health vulnerability of the affected population. Give an example.

Within the context of social determinants of population health, discuss the values guiding political advocacy by nurses to mitigate the environmental health vulnerability of the affected population. Give an example.

use the list of assigned readings listed below and the attached book (Policy and politics in nursing and health care) as references

Do members of the organization have the resources and authority to do a good job? Do employees have fun? Are they encouraged to be creative? Is there a spirit of cooperation or competition among team members? What criteria are used to evaluate employee performance?

Organizations Are Cultures

Organizations have cultures that can be just as
distinctive as those of larger societies. Organizational culture reflects a relatively stable, shared set of values and behavioral rules within a company (Alvesson, 2011). In everyday language, culture is the insiders’ view of “the way things are around here.” Not all the rules and values of an organization
are written down. And some that are written down
aren’t actually followed. Perhaps the workday officially ends at 5 p.m., but you quickly notice that most people stay until at least 6:30. That says something about the culture. Because you’re likely to spend as much time at work as you do in personal relationships, selecting the right organization is as important as choosing a best friend. Research shows that we are likely to enjoy our jobs and do them well if we believe that the organization’s values reflect our own and are consistently and fairly applied (Hartnell et al., 2011).
For example, some companies reward team mem
bers for offering great customer service without exception. On the other hand, a boss who talks about customer service but violates those principles may cultivate a culture of cynicism and dissatisfaction.Ask yourself these questions when considering whether a specific organization’s culture is a good fit for you. (Notice the importance of communication in each case.)
How does the organization present itself
Do members of the organization have the
resources and authority to do a good job?
Do employees have fun? Are they encouraged
to be creative?
Is there a spirit of cooperation or competition
among team members?
What criteria are used to evaluate employee
What happens during meetings? Is communication
open or highly scripted?
How often do people leave their jobs to work
somewhere else?
Do leaders make a point of listening, respect
ing, and collaborating with employees?
Do people use their time productively, or are
they bogged down with inefficient procedures or office politics?

Research suggests that communication—even seemingly unimportant small talk (Mak & Chui, 2013)—is the vehicle through which we both create and embody culture. At a personal and organizational level, effective, consistent, value-based communication is essential to success

What are your thoughts regarding this technology? Do you think this technology will continue to grow? Why or why not?

Emerging Technologies

Highlight an emerging technology that relates to renewable energy.

What are your thoughts regarding this technology?

Do you think this technology will continue to grow? Why or why not?

Post additional photos or web links or current event article and summarize what the photo or video or article means to you.

In at least 250 word minimum