
Define the Brand, its offer, and The reason behind the demand. Analyze the stages of the purchasing behavior. Analyze trends that influence this market

Lush marketing analysis

Lush fresh handmade cosmetics analysis
Part 1: define the Brand, its offer, and The reason behind the demand
Part 2: the consumer
– analyze the stages of the purchasing behavior
Part 3 : competition
– analyze 2 competitors
Part4 : analyze the Inter-type competition

Part 5
Analyze trends that influence this market

What might the symbolic significance of these works suggest about the social/cultural beliefs and religious values of these people?

Compare and Contrast with decription

Compare and Contrast with decription the following pieces Masaccio’s, Trinity with the Virgin, Saint John the Evangelist and Donors, Santa Maria Novella, Florence ca. 1425; Michangelo’s, Pieta, 1497-1500, Saint Peter’s, Vatican, Rome; and Matthias Grunewald, Isenheim Altarpiece, closed (showing the crucifixion of Christ), 1510-15.
Discuss important stylistic characteristics when relevant; like size, type of material used. Types of perspectives used. Discuss what the work seems to indicate or express about specific cultural concerns & about the values of the time? What might the symbolic significance of these works suggest about the social/cultural beliefs and religious values of these people? Give an overall description of each piece, . Using standard 12″ font size with 1. 5 spacing

Joker (2019)

Watch and listen to Joker (2019), with the goal of discussing how the music enhances the drama.

Choose from two to four specific scenes (which could include the beginning or ending of the film). Discuss specifically the MUSIC over the action. Description of the scene is perfectly fine, but try to keep that to its essentials, and realize that this paper about music, and describing music as best you can. Try to go deeper than just saying, “The character is sad because of the music” or something equally uninformative!! Try to focus on the film “score” (the music that the characters do NOT hear). This is also called “non-diagetic” music.

What is the fox? When does he appear, and why? What is the significance of the placement of the fox’s scenes?

The Ambiguity of Fox: This Is How We Got Here by Keith Barker

The characters in This Is How We Got Here have varied understandings of the fox. What is the fox? When does he appear, and why? What is the significance of the placement of the fox’s scenes?

Write a critical essay in response. Cite the text as needed for your analysis; include the counter time for film.

When the cells in Melanie’s surface layer should have become specialized, what went wrong? Father’s genes are programmed for growth and determine how big and strong we become. Why do mother’s genes restrict growth?

Learning Questions: Lesson 2

1. As you watch this documentary, create a running bulleted list of things you are learning, things you want to remember, and questions that arise as you view this documentary.
2. The chances of having identical quadruplets: ­­­­__million to one.
3. How does the season a baby in Gambia is born affect its life expectancy?
4. When the cells in Melanie’s surface layer should have become specialized, what went wrong?
5. Father’s genes are programmed for growth and determine how big and strong we become. Why do mother’s genes restrict growth?
6. Why was Nell born larger than a typical baby? What are the health risks of her condition?
7. What is special about Randy Foye? What caused this to occur?
8. What is different about the DeSilva family?

9. Explain your understanding of genetic testing from reading in Chapter 2 of your textbook, then go on to explain why you would or would not want to undergo genetic testing to find out what abnormalities you might develop at a later age, i.e. Huntington’s disease, multiple sclerosis?
10. Explain your understanding of prenatal testing from reading in Chapter 2 of your textbook, then go on to explain why you would or would not want to undergo extensive prenatal testing to find out about the health of your unborn baby?

What factor (or factors) allowed the Allies to achieve victory over Japan in WWII?


What factor (or factors) allowed the Allies to achieve victory over Japan in WWII?

What global or local technologies are emerging that could be used to solve the problem? What are the costs associated with implementing the technology solution?

Impact of Emerging Technology on the Economy of the Country

Write a paper (1,000-1,250 words) that discusses the following questions through your research and analysis on the effect of emerging technology on the economy of the selected country. Note that this assignment will be used as the basis for your Benchmark – Executive Summary assignment in Topic 8.

Define a current problem in the selected country (China). Who is affected? Where are the individuals located? What are the resulting socioeconomic costs of the problem to the affected individuals?
What global or local technologies are emerging that could be used to solve the problem? What are the costs associated with implementing the technology solution?
Apply the Hype Cycle and the 6 Ds of disruption model (also known as 6 Ds of exponential change) to the emerging technology.
To what extent will this emerging technology foster sustainability practices on the economy in the selected country?
Explanation of how an existing MNC in the selected country could solve the problem by implementation of the emerging technology while supporting sustainability practices.
You are required to include a minimum of three sources with in-text citations and references.

Identify the social problem. Discuss why you think the issue would make a good Problem/Solution essay.

Key facts about the abortion debate in America

Visit Pew Research Center’s Social Trends

Identify the social problem.
Discuss why you think the issue would make a good Problem/Solution essay.

Distinguish between managing capacity with demand management and managing capacity with resource management.


Distinguish between managing capacity with demand management and managing capacity with resource management.

Discuss the three distinct elements in supply chain design: supply network, assembly, and distribution.


Discuss the three distinct elements in supply chain design: supply network, assembly, and distribution.