
What are the three fundamental processes in any business? Describe each component carefully and indicate how they are all related to each other.


What are the three fundamental processes in any business? Describe each component carefully and indicate how they are all related to each other.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of standardization in product design. Conclude by identifying and discussing three current trends in design.


Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of standardization in product design. Conclude by identifying and discussing three current trends in design.

DISCUSS If you could have seen the landscape that existed in this part of Pennsylvania about 200 million years ago, what else would you have seen on the landscape besides valleys, streams, lakes, and fields?

Lab 5 Ingneous Rocks and Processes

Learning GOAL You will examine a geologic map showing just 3 rock units of different ages and types, and make a reasonable geologic interpretation of the area based on an idealized example of a similar geological setting. Review Fig. 5.25. Then study the portion of a geologic map of Pennsylvania in Fig. A5.9.1. The green-colored areas are exposures of 200-220 million-year-old Mesozoic sand and mud that were deposited in lakes, streams, and fields of a long, narrow valley, The red-colored areas are bodies of basalt about 190 million years old. Paleozoic and Precambrian rocks are more than 252 million years old and colored pale brown.

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Paleozoic rocks

• Reading

Mesozoic Rocks

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Mesozoic sedimentary rocks
Figure A5.9.1 •
Paleozoic rocks

A Based on their geometries (as viewed from above in map view), what kind of igneous bodies on the map are labeled A?

B Based on their geometries (as viewed from above in map view), what kind of igneous bodies on the map are labeled B (more than one answer is possible)?
C REFLECT & DISCUSS If you could have seen the landscape that existed in this part of Pennsylvania about 200 million years ago (when the bodies of igneous rock were lava), what else would you have seen on the landscape besides valleys, streams, lakes, and fields? Explain your reasoning.

Explain and critique Marquis’s argument in defense of the claim that abortion is seriously immoral. Explain and critique Thomson’s argument in defense of the claim that abortion is morally permissible.

Third Party Coercion

paper topics: Any paper you write for this course will have two primary goals: to explain and critique a particular argument for a particular conclusion. So any paper topic you choose for this course should have the following form:
“Explain and critique [name of philosopher]’s argument in defense of [the philosopher’s substantive conclusion]”
For example:
“Explain and critique Marquis’s argument in defense of the claim that abortion is seriously immoral”
“Explain and critique Thomson’s argument in defense of the claim that abortion is morally permissible”

Identify and analyze the remedies available to buyers under the UCC. Distinguish between application of UCC, the Convention of Contracts for International Sales of Goods (CISG) and common law to contract formation and enforcement.

Journal 4

Subtopics to discuss or highlight in the journals…
A. Apply UCC performance and remedy rules to sales problems

B. Distinguish between application of UCC, the Convention of Contracts for International Sales of Goods
(CISG) and common law to contract formation and enforcement.

C. Identify the performance obligations of sellers and buyers under the UCC.

D. Identify and analyze the remedies available to buyers under the UCC.

E. Apply UCC performance and remedy rules to sales problems

F. Distinguish between application of UCC, the Convention of Contracts for International Sales of Goods
(CISG) and common law to contract formation and enforcement.

G. Apply UCC performance and remedy rules to sales problems

H. Distinguish between application of UCC, the Convention of Contracts for International Sales of Goods
(CISG) and common law to contract formation and enforcement.

I. Define at will employment and the exceptions to this doctrine.

J. Identify various statutory obligations of employers to employees, including wages, health & safety,
retirement, and benefits.

K. Analyze various principles of employment discrimination under Title VII, ADEA & ADA, including
distinguishing between intentional and unintentional discrimination.

L. Apply various defenses to claims of employment discrimination available to employers under Title VII.

What are the most challenging concepts for you to understand? Have you found any supplemental resources or websites that have helped you to better comprehend the material?

DQ 3-4

Select a publicly-traded company and access its most recent financial statements from its annual report. Include the name of the company in your subject line, and do not choose a company about which one of your classmates has already posted. Examine the income statement for that company and identify the items that deviate from the typical formats of the multi-step income statement that we have examined in class. Find justification in the FASB Codification that supports or contradicts the financial statement presentation and cite the Codification section so that your classmates can find this information. If there are any items that you see on the financial statements that you do not understand, identify those for your classmates and instructor to provide guidance on. Participate in follow-up discussion by asking questions about the financial statements that your classmates posted on or responding to questions that they pose.

Explore the textbook chapters and related resources for this topic. What are the most challenging concepts for you to understand? Have you found any supplemental resources or websites that have helped you to better comprehend the material? Participate in follow-up discussion by explaining concepts to your classmates, or by commenting on additional resources that were shared.

Consider a scenario in which you could personally use present or future value calculations to come to a conclusion. Explain the scenario and provide calculations that show how you applied the time value of money concepts. Participate in follow-up discussions by asking questions, commenting on your classmates’ posts, or recomputing classmates’ calculations to apply to your own assumptions.

Explore the textbook chapter and related resources for this topic. What are the most challenging concepts for you to understand? Have you found any supplemental resources or websites that have helped you to better comprehend the material? Participate in follow-up discussion by explaining concepts to your classmates, or by commenting on additional resources that were shared.


How can a collision between galaxies produce a starburst galaxy? Discuss two observations that seem to indicate that clusters of galaxies are embedded in huge halos of dark matter.

Chapter 17 and 18

Assignment 9: Chapters 17 and 18 // Due 11/12 [1] (10 points) Short answer questions: (a) Name a galaxy besides our own that can be seen with the naked eye?
(b) What do astronomers attribute the ring of the cartwheel galaxy to?
(c) About how many times more luminous are powerful quasars compared to the Sun?
(d) About how many times more luminous are powerful quasars compared to a galaxy like the MW? (Hint: The Milky Way (MW) shines with about 20 billion solar luminosities) (e) Why were astronomers originally led to believe that the energy producing region of a quasar must be small? (f) About how many solar masses is the Supermassive black hole in the giant elliptical galaxy M87 in the center of the Virgo Cluster of galaxies? (g) Where are giant elliptical galaxies found.
(h) How did giant elliptical galaxies get so massive?
(i) Name two very reliable standard candles for determining distances to galaxies.
[2] (10 points) How can a collision between galaxies produce a starburst galaxy? (Explain thoroughly)
[3] (10 points) Discuss two observations that seem to indicate that clusters of galaxies are embedded in huge halos of dark matter. (be specific give details)
[4] (10 points) Explain how supernovae type la are utilized to measure Hubble’s constant? Why are measurements of the redshifts of the galaxies that host the Supernovae type la just as important? Think Hubble’s law. (Explain thoroughly)
[5] (10 points) Distant galaxies have a dominant recessional velocity dictated by the expansion of the universe. If Hubble’s constant is 71 (km/sec)/Mpc, how far away is a galaxy receding at 8.88 x 103 km/sec? Hint: See Astronomer’s Toolbox 17-1 page 573.
Extra Points (8 points) Centaurus A lies at a distance of 4 Mpc from Earth. This galaxy has radio jets that span across the sky –from the end of one lobe to the end of the other lobe — with an angular diameter equivalent of 28.5 full moon widths. If the jets are equal in length how long is one of them in parsecs? Hint: one full moon is .5 degrees in angular diameter. Once you get the angular length of the jets in degrees convert to radians and use the arclength formula s = r 19„d to find the length ‘s’ of both jets in Mpc. Then convert to find the length of one jet in parsecs. (Show all work)

The price of an item is reduced by 20% in a sale. Two weeks later the price is increased to 20% more than the sale price. Do you think that the item has been restored to its original price? If not, do you think its price is now higher or lower than the original price? Explain your thinking.

Math writing assignment : Unit 2

1. A student wanted to estimate 21.5 × 0.0079 by first rounding each number. He solved the problem as follows:
21.5 × 0.0079 is approximately equal to 20 × 0.008, which is equal to 0.016. So he estimated the answer as 0.016.
Do you agree with the answer? If not, explain where the student went wrong and give the correct answer.

2. In triangle A, the longest side is twice as long as the shortest side. In triangle B, the longest side is also twice as long as the shortest side. If this is the only information you have about the two triangles, can you conclude that they must be similar? Explain your answer.

3. The price of an item is reduced by 20% in a sale. Two weeks later the price is increased to 20% more than the sale price. Do you think that the item has been restored to its original price? If not, do you think its price is now higher or lower than the original price? Explain your thinking.

If you increase production to an infinitely large level, the average variable cost and the average total cost will merge. Why?

Discussion Forum

If you increase production to an infinitely large level, the average variable cost and the average total cost will merge. Why?

How should the government of British Columbia address the homelessness crisis in your chosen vulnerable group?

Homelessness crisis

How should the government of British Columbia address the homelessness crisis in your chosen vulnerable group?