
Compare and contrast contractual procedures and clauses of various standard forms of contracts in terms of time, cost and quality parameters

Contracts Management and Practice Module Assignment

Upon successful completion of the assessment, you will be able to:Knowledge and Understanding
Critically evaluate differences in contractual provisions of standard forms of contracts such as JCT, FIDIC, ECC/NEC, GC Works
Compare and contrast contractual procedures and clauses of various standard forms of contracts in terms of time, cost and quality parameters.
Critically evaluate various dispute resolution and avoidance mechanisms such as adjudication and arbitration, and their procedures

Practical, Professional or Subject Specific Skills
Advise client on the selection of the appropriate standard form of contract and warranties for the chosen procurement route
Advise relevant parties on the administrative procedures necessary for the smooth running of a construction contract

Transferable Skills and other attributes (maximum of 5)
A high standard of appreciation and understanding of theoretical, philosophical and methodological concepts of contract management
A high level of problem solving and analytical skills
A high level of competence in providing advice and developing strategies for contracts in practice

What are the causes of domestic violence on women? What are the effects of domestic violence on women? What are the intervention programs used to combat domestic violence?

Outline of Literature Review and Feedback from Professor

Research Questions
What are the causes of domestic violence on women?
What are the effects of domestic violence on women?
What are the intervention programs used to combat domestic violence?

What are the results? Are the results valid? How are these results applicable to patient care?

Summarize an article applying the three steps in reviewing literature:

1. What are the results?

2. Are the results valid?

3. How are these results applicable to patient care?

A two-page paper is required, not including cover and reference pages. APA format is required. Includes a minimum of one reference from an English titled, peer-reviewed nursing journal (less than 5 years old)

What are your views about this more recent way of criminal sanctioning? What overall advice would you give to assure that this new system of sentencing is used appropriately?


Today we have transitioned from an either/ or choice between the use of incarceration, or the use of probation, to the use of graduated sanctions, affording us a wide array of possible sentencing options, as referred to in the text. What are your views about this more recent way of criminal sanctioning? What overall advice would you give to assure that this new system of sentencing is used appropriately?

How does this person define/perceive health and illness and how is this affected by his or her culture? Describe the person’s health maintenance, protection, and restoration traditions and how these have been influenced by culture.

Cultural Humility and Competence

In this writing assignment, you will conduct an interview of a person from a culture different than your own, giving careful consideration to the concept of cultural humility.

Step 1 Choose a person to interview from a culture different than your own.

Step 2 Use your book or additional resources to research the cultural group’s health practices. Think of questions you want to ask. Select a model of culturally-competent nursing care to guide the development of your questions.

Step 3 Conduct the interview (approximately 15-20 minutes). Be sure to gather information to address the areas in step 4.

Step 4 In a two-three page paper, addressed the following:

Describe how you used the chosen model of culturally competent nursing care to develop interview questions.
Summarize the interview questions used and the answers received, and address the following:
With what culture does the person identify?
How does this person define/perceive health and illness and how is this affected by his or her culture?
Describe the person’s health maintenance, protection, and restoration traditions and how these have been influenced by culture.
How has language and/or culture impacted:
Access to health care
Communication with health care professionals.
Analyze the concept of cultural humility, based on the information that you gathered in the Interview.

What, according to Twenge, are the defining characteristics of iGen, her term for the generation born between 1995 and 2012? Why, in her view, is this generation so unhappy?

Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation

In a five-paragraph (minimum) essay, answer the question below. A successful essay will have a clear thesis supported by specific examples, as well as a minimum of three relevant quotes and correct MLA citations from the article.

Article: “Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?” by Jean M. Twenge (page 343 of the e-reader).


What, according to Twenge, are the defining characteristics of iGen, her term for the generation born between 1995 and 2012? Why, in her view, is this generation so unhappy?

Compare and contrast cognitivism and behaviourism, making reference to 1 or 2 areas of research where these two schools differ with respect to the methods as well as theories.

Cognitivism and Behaviourism

Compare and contrast cognitivism and behaviourism, making reference to 1 or 2 areas of research where these two schools differ with respect to the methods as well as theories.

Is she a tough, resourceful person who has not only survived but also built a good life for herself with independence and even a certain amount of power despite difficult odds?

Love and Empowerment in Memoirs of a Geisha

In Memoirs of a Geisha, is Sayuri the victim of a cruel and repressive system that is dis empowering where a woman can only survive by submitting to men, Or is she a tough, resourceful person who has not only survived but also built a good life for herself with independence and even a certain amount of power despite difficult odds?

Describe at least one type of illness identity illustrated in the documentary. Include the name of the interviewee, if available, when you provide your example.

Marfan Syndrome Documentary

Watch this documentary:In My Hands: A Story of Marfan Syndrome"


Describe at least one type of illness identity illustrated in the documentary. Include the name of the interviewee, if available, when you provide your example. Make sure to use the types of illness identities in the CH 7 PowerPoint as a reference.
You may include your general reaction to the documentary.

Describe the nurse’s role in assisting older adults in managing chronic conditions. From your readings and knowledge which opportunities do you think can be change in the health care system to improve care for older adults with chronic illness and disability.

Chronic illness and its relationship to rehabilitation.

Develop a realistic case and Identify a chronic illness and its relationship to rehabilitation. Could be from a previous experience on your career.

Identify chronic illness and its relationship to rehabilitation.
Choose from one:
COPD, CHF, Stroke, Hip fracture
Create interventions that support an older adult’s adaptation to the chronic illness or disability.
Describe the nurse’s role in assisting older adults in managing chronic conditions.
From your readings and knowledge which opportunities do you think can be change in the health care system to improve care for older adults with chronic illness and disability.