
State the main points of the article. Discuss how they are related to the local Saudi virtual management styles and procedures.

Article summary ecom201

In this assignment you need to do the following: (Due by Week 3)

  1. Read the article and understand the key points
  1. Write a summary of the article (250-300 words)
    1. Use your own words. Do not copy and paste from the article.
    2. Your summary must be a stand-alone piece of work
    3. Be clear and up to the point.
    4. State the main points of the article.
    5. Discuss how they are related to the local Saudi virtual management styles and procedures.

Does the use of language games in vocabulary acquisition have positive impacts on teaching English as a foreign language?

Using Games to Develop English Vocabulary: A Case Study of the Intermediate School Students in Najran

Over the past centuries, there have been criticisms on the use of games to teach, and this was greatly based on the proposition that the nature of learning was very consequential. However, the importance of adopting the use of games in teaching was recognized in the seventeenth century. Agreeably, as an appropriate tool in the teaching and learning process, the use of games in learning languages has aroused interest among learners. Adopting the rhythm and sounds of foreign languages requires teachers to deploy effective use of games as they teach,
specifically to beginners.
This quantitative study examines the differences between using games and traditional activities in English language vocabulary acquisition in the third grade of intermediate school students.

Literature Review
Various scholars have defined the word “game” in different ways depending on the context of the discussion. According to Ibrahim (2017), a game refers to any competitive activity played with the objective of winning by observing the principles that govern it. From this definition, competition and rules are some of the main factors that form the composition of language games. Notably, for the rules to be appropriate with regard to learners’ backgrounds, they must be precise, well defined, and modeled in a manner that will motivate the learners to achieve positive results. It is important to note that the confidence of learning any foreign language is more developed when games are adopted to teach and learn the language. Moreover, in the process of learning a foreign language, the learners always embrace the spirit of completion as a key element of a game.

The learning environment, language classroom, and related contexts beyond provide a range of incentives for effective knowledge acquisition to occur. Games and traditional teaching activities are the two major approaches to teaching a second language to learners (Eskildsen and Theodórsdóttir,(2017)). Games are interactive activities, based on social learning theories to improve the quality of learning and teaching outcomes. Through games, learners engage in activities that allow them to use the second language practically. Conversely, traditional teaching activities are passive and involve the novel setting of the classroom with teachers as the source of information and learners as the receipts (Eskildsen and Theodórsdóttir,(2017)).

The main purpose of competition among the learners is to make the learning process more interesting and entertaining. Arguably, keeping learners’ attention to be active for a longer time when learning a foreign language has always been a challenge (Hashemi(2021)). This is because they need to recall the new expressions and words they are interacting with
for the first time. Furthermore, to create a better relationship with the foreign language to be learned, the teacher needs to incorporate the language game in the teaching process. This will enable the learners to repeatedly practice the part of the game desirable for them, thus, reinforcing the new vocabularies that are already learned. Similarly, teachers normally use games to teach a new language for various reasons.
According to Yaccob, Nur and Melor (2019), teachers incorporate the use of games in teaching other languages for two main reasons: the creation of a supportive learning environment and interaction among the learners. Also, the use of games in learning languages has helped develop linguistic and communication skills and improve learning motivation as learning anxiety decreases (Shukurova (2021)). However, little research is available to verify the effectiveness of the two methods of activities in vocabulary skills.
The current study will help English language teachers to find out a better method in teaching English vocabulary and seeks to bridge the knowledge gap by examining and comparing the outcome of the two approaches on learners.

Research Questions
1. Does the use of language games in vocabulary acquisition have positive impacts on teaching English as a foreign language?

2. Do L2 learners show more interest in the use of games as learning activities than traditional activities?

Choose a topic that will allow you to expand your cultural competency. Research this topic and compile a 1-2 page paper reflecting the information found below.

Cultural Competency Reflection Paper

Assignment 4 is an individual assignment. 

Choose a topic that will allow you to expand your cultural competency.  Note, the current definition of cultural competency is: the ability to understand, appreciate and interact with people from cultures or belief systems different from one’s own.

This topic can include, but is not limited to race, ethnicity, religion, LGBTQ2+, and neurodiversity.

You will then research this topic and compile a 1-2 page paper reflecting the information found below. Your paper should be written in 12 point, Times New Roman font, and single spaced

  • Skill is developed (given 26-30 points)
  • Skill is present (given 21-25 points)
  • Skill is emerging (given 16-20 points)
  • Skill is inadequate (given 15 or less points)

What are the construction workers’ perceptions on I/VR training effectiveness for the transfer of knowledge to enhance job performance?

Chapter 3: Research Method

  • What are the construction workers’ perceptions on I/VR training effectiveness for the transfer of knowledge to enhance job performance?
  • Research tradition: quantitative, case study, phenomenology
  • Chosen tradition.

Note: This section should be between one and three pages in length.]

  • [Define and explain your role: observer,
  • Any personal and professional relationships you, as the researcher, may have with participants, with emphasis on supervisory or instructor relationships involving positions of power with the participants: None

Note: This section should one or two pages in length.]

Immediately after you make your initial purchases, rates fall to 8%. If you do not rebalance your portfolio, what is your realized yield after three years? What is the duration of the portfolio after the drop in interest rates without rebalancing?

Week 7 Bond Portfolios

Round your answers to two decimal points, and dont round intermediate calculations.

Problem 1.
Suppose that you have decided to fund a threeyear liability with a portfolio consisting of positions in a two interest rate level is 10%.

  • a) Compute the price of both bonds.
  • b) Since our liability is a threeyear liability, we want to immunize our portfolio by duration matching. Set up the portfolio, describing how many dollars you have to invest into each bond.
  • c) Immediately after you make your initial purchases, rates fall to 8%. If you do not rebalance your portfolio, what is your realized yield after three years?
  • d) What is the duration of the portfolio after the drop in interest rates without rebalancing?
  • e) How would you have to rebalance your portfolio?

Problem 2.
A 30year maturity bond has an 8.5% coupon rate, paid annually. It sells today for $871.17. A 20year maturity bond has an 8.0% coupon rate, also paid annually. It sells today for $894.50. A bond market analyst forecasts that in five years, 25year maturity bonds will sell at yields to maturity of 9.5% and 15year maturity bonds will sell at yields of 9.0%. Because the yield curve is upward sloping, the analyst believes that coupons will be invested in shortterm securities at a rate of 7%.

  • a) Calculate the annualized expected rate of return of the 30year bond over the 5year period.
  • b) Calculate the annualized expected rate of return of the 20year bond over the 5year period.

Problem 3.
Consider a 7.4% coupon bond with face value of $1,000, making annual coupon payments, that has three years until maturity.

  • a) Find the duration of the bond if the yield to maturity is 7.4%.
  • b) Repeat your calculation, but instead consider a bond paying semiannually instead of annually.

Problem 4.
A fiveyear bond with a yield of 11% pays an 8% coupon at the end of each year.

  • a) What is the bond’s price?
  • b) What is the bond’s duration?
  • c) Use the duration to calculate the effect on the bond’s price of a 0.2% decrease in its yield.
  • d) Recalculate the bond’s price on the basis of a 10.8% per annum yield, and compare.

Using the negative message strategy, write a donation request refusal letter that maintains good relations with your client. First, create a complete business letterhead using the details above for Mark Mendelson Financial Services.

Writing Assignment 2

(From Chapter 7 “Negative Messages”)

 Case Study 7.4

Request Refusal: Advocating for Abused Children [Objs. 1 4]

As vice president of Mark Mendelson Financial Services, Inc. (address: 4000 Bradley Street, 3rd floor, Austin, TX 78701; phone: 512-217-6991; fax 512-217-7542; website:, you (You are vice president, not Mark Mendelson himself.) serve many clients, and they sometimes ask your company to contribute to their favorite charities. You recently received a letter from Paulina Ramirez (President, Board of Directors, National Court Appointed Special Advocates, 4382 Congress Avenue, Austin, TX 78701) and one of Mark Mendelson Financial Services (MMFS) clients requesting that MMFS contribute a larger amount to the National Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) Association than it has in the past.

On visits to your office, she has told you about its programs to recruit, train, and support volunteers in their work with abused children. As the president of the board of directors, she plays an active role helping neglected children find safe, permanent homes. She told you that children with National Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) volunteers are more likely to be adopted and are less likely to reenter the child welfare system. You have a soft spot in your heart for children and especially for those who are mistreated. You sincerely want to continue supporting CASA and its good work; however, times are tough, and you cannot be as generous as you have been in the past. Ms. Ramirez wrote you a special letter requesting MMFS become a Key Contributor, with a pledge of $1,000.


Your Task

Using the negative message strategy, write a donation request refusal letter that maintains good relations with your client. First, create a complete business letterhead using the details above for Mark Mendelson Financial Services. (Do NOT include your name in the letterhead; Mark Mendelson Financial Services is the company name.) Address it to Ms. Paulina Ramirez, using her title and contact details above.

Provide details necessary to complete the message. Remember complimentary details for the buffer. In the first body paragraph, explain the reasons for your refusal; then only imply your refusal. In the next body paragraph include an alternative solution. For example, perhaps MMFS had already included CASA as part of its charitable donations budget, so you may consider as part of your alternative solution your original smaller donation. Perhaps you received Ms. Ramirez’s request after the fiscal year started (usually July 1), so you are unable to meet her request this year.

In the conclusion, include any necessary dates and your – not the company’s –  contact details: your work email and office extension. Sign the letter with your name and your title, Vice President.

If you want to “pretend” that your secretary typed your letter, double space below your title following your typed name and write your secretary’s initials in lower case. If you mention an enclosure or enclosures in your letter, double space below your secretary’s initials and typed the word ‘Enclosure.’ Do not put single quotation marks around it, and to do type what you have enclosed beside the word. You have already mentioned the enclosure(s) within your letter.

Write a summary of how you have been able to apply it. Take a picture of how you have applied it.


For this task, watch the workshop and apply it to your life.

1. Write a summary of how you have been able to apply it.

2. Take a picture of how you have applied it.

Create a PowerPoint slide presentation that others could review to understand the key concepts of your topic. Provide in-depth commentary in the notes section of each PowerPoint slide that elaborates on the key concepts on the slide.

 The Persuasion Tool Kit Assignment

This assignment requires you to prepare a resource that others could use to learn more about one strategy of persuasion that we have discussed in this class.

PowerPoint and Commentary

Create a PowerPoint slide presentation that others could review to understand the key concepts of your topic. Provide in-depth commentary in the notes section of each PowerPoint slide that elaborates on the key concepts on the slide. The research should expand beyond the material that has been reviewed in class and should be referenced.



1. Cover slide: Topic and Name
2. Define the concept / Persuasive Strategy goal
3. Explain and Discuss relevant points the concept
4. Demonstrate how you have used the concept
5. Demonstrate situations where entrepreneurs could use this concept
6. Conclusion

The notes page on power point should elaborate on the slide content. See examples in the folder on how to reference your work.


How can you implement relationship marketing for your campaign? Could you create a virtual community? And how does it help the relationship marketing. Could you use digital media to support customers’ advocacy? And how?


Shgardi Company a local company

.  (Refer to the Textbook Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5,&6 and apply the following in the context of your company)


  1. Investigate the micro-environment as part of the situation analysis for your company.
  2. Competitors analysis
  3. Suppliers and/or Digital Marketing intermediaries.
  4. Customers’ persona.
  5. Summaries the macro-environment variable your company needs to monitor when operating the digital marketing campaign. (two or three variables for each force are sufficient)
    1. Technological forces.
    2. Legal forces.
    3. Economic forces.
    4. Political forces.
    5. Social forces.
  6. Devise a digital marketing strategy for your campaign. (refer to figure 4.5, page 147 or ch4, slide 9)
    1. Where are you now? (situation analysis)
    2. Where do you want to be? (business objectives)
    3. How are you going to get there? (strategy)
    4. How exactly do you get there? (tactics)
    5. Who does what and when? (actions)
    6. How do you monitor performance? (control)
  7. Summaries the marketing mix best suitable for your campaign. (refer to ch5)
    1. Product variables
    2. Price variables
    3. Place variables
    4. Promotion variables
    5. Process variables
  8. How can you implement relationship marketing for your campaign? (refer to ch6)
    1. Could you create a virtual community? And how does it help the relationship marketing.
    2. Could you use digital media to support customers’ advocacy? And how?

Explain the bigger reason why the reader should care.What do you want the reader to do as a result of reading your paper?

Unit 2 survival performance task

ANSWER SO WHAT? (1-2 sentences)

● Explain the bigger reason why the reader should care.


● Add a meaningful thought that leaves the reader glad to have read your essay

● What do you want the reader to do as a result of reading your paper?