
Discuss the processes you will use for gathering feedback from relevant stakeholders—including nurses, patients, and their families—on what is and is not working in order to support continuous improvement.

Evaluation Plan for the Change Proposal

A. Propose steps for evaluating your suggested changes based on your change theory and evidence on existing best practices. Include the indicators

that you will use to measure success, both in implementing the change itself and in ensuring quality outcomes for diverse patients.

B. Identify appropriate benchmarks from which to measure the effectiveness of the change.

C. Discuss the processes you will use for gathering feedback from relevant stakeholders—including nurses, patients, and their families—on what is and is not working in order to support continuous improvement.


Is there a robust literature, or a piecemeal one? What are the gaps in the literature that you can tell from your search? What are the strengths and weaknesses of this body of literature? How has this topic been researched (research methods)? What do we know and what do we not know?

International Crime and Justice


Draft: Introduction and Literature Review At this point your search for relevant literature should be nearly finished and you should be ready to start drafting the initial part of your capstone project: the introduction and literature review. 10 total points.

1. Be sure to include not only scholarly books, book chapters and articles, but also reports from think tanks and reputable NGOs. You may also search authoritative news media for recent feature articles.

2. There is no need to conduct interviews in the field for this research, but you are encouraged to listen to police reform interviews at the Princeton’s Innovations for Successful Societies program at https://successfulsocieties.princeton.eduitaxonomy/tenn/13039/allinterviews

3. You should use any and all foreign languages you read to conduct this research, and you may use the college e-library as well as the internet and any other libraries you can access. Your literature review should be should go back at least ten years in the databases, or more if you are accessing an event that is fixed in time or a topic which require more historical review.

4. Once you have collected this research, you should write a short methods section for your paper telling the reader how you accessed your sources and evaluated your findings. Then present and analyze your literature by theme.

5. At the end of your review, evaluate the state of knowledge.

a. Is there a robust literature, or a piecemeal one?

b. What are the gaps in the literature that you can tell from your search?

c. What are the strengths and weaknesses of this body of literature?

d. How has this topic been researched (research methods)?

e. What do we know and what do we not know?

f. Are there any apparent biases?

g. What kinds of explanations are given for the current state of affairs?

h. What sorts of solutions have been offered?

6. You will receive feedback on this draft, and you will have the opportunity to revise it for your final assignment in Module 8.

What happened? What are the underlying causes of the event(s)? What is the likely impact of the event(s) on Chipotle? What positive actions were taken by Chipotle? What were the problems with Chipotle’s initial response to the crisis?

Risk Management – Chipotle

Read article and timeline of events.
1. What happened? What are the underlying causes of the event(s)?

2. What is the likely impact of the event(s) on Chipotle?

3. What positive actions were taken by Chipotle?

4. What were the problems with Chipotle’s initial response to the crisis?

5. What other actions would you take?

Watch the Six Sigma at Caterpillar video below and write your learning and key takeaways captured.

Six Sigma at Caterpillar

Watch the Six Sigma at Caterpillar video below and write your learning and key takeaways captured in not less than 150 words.

Why was the artwork made? What purpose did the artwork serve? Dig deeper than the obvious levels of decoration or storytelling, and look at how the artwork reinforced the social structure of this culture.

Function analysis

Write a three page function analysis of Bourges Cathedral in France.

In this assignment you will write about the social utility of the artwork. Why was the artwork made? What purpose did the artwork serve? Dig deeper than the obvious levels of decoration or storytelling, and look at how the artwork reinforced the social structure of this culture. Examine the work from the perspective of the political or power structure of the period. Explore the ways that the work might be related to the monetary hierarchy of the times. What function does the artwork serve here and now? Why was this location chosen? What is the past history of this area of the world? What was going on in history at the time the object was created?

How do patients’ racial, ethnic, gender, LGBTQ+ status, religious, and socioeconomic status impact access to healthcare, and treatment within the healthcare system?

The Story Behind the Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

Henrietta Lacks: science must right a historical wrong (from the scientific journal Nature)

Race and Socioeconomic Status Independently Affect Risk of Major Amputation in Peripheral Artery Disease (peer-reviewed research in the scientific journal, Journal of the American Heart Association)

We know from decades of peer-reviewed, evidence-based research, that disparities exist in healthcare that are not accounted for by socioeconomic status alone. [A recent example comes from the COVID-19 pandemic, where evidence shows that racial and ethnic minorities are disproportionately represented among numbers of COVID-19 exposures, severe illness, hospitalization, and deaths -see the CDC, December 2020 (Links to an external site.)] It’s important to remember that these disparities are well-documented (especially among racial and ethnic minorities) – they are not opinions or anecdotes.


1. How do patients’ racial, ethnic, gender, LGBTQ+ status, religious, and socioeconomic status impact access to healthcare, and treatment within the healthcare system?
2. Henrietta Lacks died in 1951, but her cancer cells are still alive (and being profited from) today. What changes have occurred that regulate human medical research studies?

How does equity, diversity, and social justice shape an issue in school psychology that is of interest to you?

Equity, Diversity, and Social justice

“How does equity, diversity, and social justice shape an issue in school psychology that is of interest to you?” and include the following:
• Any concerns and opportunities for equity, diversity, and social justice within your issue of interest
• Any personal, academic, and/or professional experiences that have shaped your understanding and commitment to equity, diversity, and social justice in school psychology.

What is the feasibility of using hydrogen energy instead of fossil fuel to meet the rising global demands? What is the potential of biohydrogen as a source of energy? What is the near future perspective of hydrogen energy?


What is the feasibility of using hydrogen energy instead of fossil fuel to meet the rising global demands?
• What is the potential of biohydrogen as a source of energy?
• What is the near future perspective of hydrogen energy?
• Is hydrogen fuel cell technology viable economically?

Discuss the pros and cons of the American Criminal Justice System, from the perspective of discretion, adversarial approach and overlapping jurisdictions.

Comparative Criminal Justice Systems

Discuss the pros and cons of the American Criminal Justice System, from the perspective of discretion, adversarial approach and overlapping jurisdictions. In your opinion, is this system more victim or perpetrator friendly? Provide some examples from the recent high profile trials.

What mineral defines the foliation in this rock? Notice that the rock consists mostly of fine-grained muscovite but also contains scattered garnet crystals. What is the name for this kind of texture?

Lab 7 Metamorphic Rocks, Processes, and Resources

CDC Analyze the foliated metamorphic rock sample in Fig. A7.3.3.

Figure A7.3.3
Eflel Analyze the metamorphic rock sample in Fig. A7.3.4.

Figure A7.3.4
1. What mineral defines the foliation in this rock?
2. Notice that the rock consists mostly of fine-grained muscovite but also contains scattered garnet crystals. What is the name for this kind of texture?
3. What is the name of this metamorphic rock?

4. What type(s) of rock might have been the protolith for this rock?
1. Is this rock foliated or nonfoliated (g,ranofelsic)? What features in the photograph did you use to make your interpretation?
2. What is the name of this metamorphic rock?
3. What type(s) of rock might have been the protolith for this rock?
re REFLECT & DISCUSS Which one of the rocks in this activity do you think has the highest metamorphic grade? Explain your answer.